Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1659 Fu Xi

"I see, 'Lord of Order', these four words are well-deserved." The spirit of the 'Mystery Box' communicated with the 'Lord of Order' in mechanism skills, and obviously benefited a lot. For its future path, There is no small improvement, and the impact artifact is expected.

"Hehe, I also learned a lot from you. You still have some skills in refining your great sage of the Mohist school." The 'Lord of Order' laughed. To receive a compliment like 'Lord of Order' is a bit of a skill, which is already quite a high standard of appreciation.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

The "Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship" has a completely new look, including its core formation diagram which has also been modified by the "Mystery Box", and has integrated countless natural materials and earth treasures as a whole, which has strengthened its protective ability and many formations.

It was originally the existence of a heaven-level supreme Taoist weapon, combined with a warship of 100,000 peerless Taoist weapons from the Protoss, the power is amazing.

However, due to the damage caused by the war, the realm has fallen, and the spirit itself is still very powerful. With the integration of heaven, material and earth treasures, it has been repaired with the supreme means of the 'mystery box', and now it has been restored to the earth-level supreme Taoist weapon. It's the pinnacle, and there's only one opportunity left before it can re-enter the realm of the heavenly supreme Taoist weapon, and the idea of ​​the weapon spirit has also been reborn and baptized.

After the transformation of the "Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship", it feels like a living dragon, with the color of silver flowing all over its body. It is extremely huge, with a length of 360,000 miles and a width of 100,000 miles. , can accommodate tens of millions of soldiers, this time only bring 100,000 forbidden troops, it is not a problem at all.

"It's really amazing." Xuanyuan couldn't help but exclaimed.

"It's so cool, the day when my Dao master dominates the starry sky is coming." Peng Fei was full of ambition and high-spirited.

"Start." With a thought, Mo Ming manipulated the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship', only to hear a crackling sound.

From the body of the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship', the 'Jiugong Longshen Cannon' extends, and the nine dragon head muzzles are closely connected, aiming in one direction, and the 'One Yuan World Extinguishing Cannon' is even placed at the head of the ship.

Let me ask, who can withstand this round of salvo, even if it is the 'Lord of Order', without the protection of the supreme Taoist weapon, who dare not dodge or dodge this 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship'? Round salvo.

After integrating 9,000 'Nine Palace Dragon God Cannons' into the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship', with the help of the blessings of many prohibition circles on the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship' itself, it is also very powerful for the attacking power of the 'Nine Palace Dragon God Cannons'. Not a small improvement, not the same.

"Okay, the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship' has been completed, Holy Master Xuanyuan, I hope you can come back triumphantly this time." Mo Ma laughed loudly.

At the side, Mo Ming suddenly said: "Actually, I also want to be together. I know a lot about the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship', why don't you let me control the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship'?"

"Brother Mo Ming, don't you need to stay and carry out the construction of 'Nanyan City'?" Xuanyuan asked with a smile.

"It was originally wanted, but now Holy Master Xuanyuan sent these 100,000 'four-phase puppets'. They are extremely intelligent and proficient in construction techniques. With them, the 'Nan Yan City' will be completed, just around the corner. What's the matter with me, I just need to leave the 'Mystery Box'." It was rare for Mo Ming to say so many words at once, and he no longer cherished words like gold, even the Mo family members rarely saw them.

"Let's get on the dragon ship." Xuanyuan laughed.

Qian Duoduo puffed his cheeks, looked at Xuanyuan, and said, "Smelly Xuanxuan, you play with this piece of wood, not me."

"Ha, Duoduo, aren't you busy with business? Those who are able should work harder!" Xuanyuan quickly comforted, Qian Duoduo is the chief financial officer of the entire "Qinglong Holy Land", he dare not offend.

"I don't care, I want to go with you too. I've been in the 'Qinglong Holy Land' all day, and I'm so bored to death." Qian Duoduo's self-willed energy came up, which made people feel very headache.

Xuanyuan coughed a few times, and suddenly said: "Duoduo, this time we conquer the outer starry sky, we will definitely get a lot of treasures, I promise, when I come back, I will give you all the spoils we got, how about it? "

Qian Duoduo, a little money fan, suddenly brightened his eyes, and said, "Well, it's possible, but it happens every time, and I want to play with Xuanxuan too."

"Don't worry, there will be more time in the future, but your sister Ziyun has just entered the 'Qinglong Holy Land', and she is lonely by herself. You can go to see her with me. When I am not around, you can spend more time with her and take her with you. Let her get in touch with Shiwan, Zixi, Ziyu, Shiwan, Liyue, Baji and the others." Xuanyuan has nothing to worry about when he is about to embark on the battlefield of the starry sky, but Yan Ziyun makes him a little worried.

I've been busy these days, and I basically don't have time to talk to her. Now that I have a little free time, I have to hurry up.

Xuanyuan looked at Mo Ming, the 'Lord of Order', Zhu Tou Dadi, Peng Fei and others, and said, "Go to the 'Blue Dragon Palace' first and let them get ready, and I'll be there soon."

As soon as the words fell, Xuanyuan took Qian Duoduo and left the space of the Mohist family. Sensing Yan Ziyun's position, he immediately used the Emperor's Forbidden Jade Platform to cross the void and land directly on the 'Forbidden Road Square'.

Xuanyuan saw that Yan Ziyun and her master were right in front of the goddess statue.

"Zi Yun." Xuanyuan walked up to Yan Ziyun with Qian Duoduo.

"Xuanyuan." Yan Ziyun knew what happened these days, she didn't blame Xuanyuan for not coming to her.

"Why is this, Taoist Master Suffering?" Xuanyuan asked just now. Ever since he entered the 'Qinglong Holy Land' that day, Taoist Master Suffering has been standing in front of the goddess statue, motionless.

"I don't know either. Master hasn't said a word to me since that day." Yan Ziyun was also very worried about her master. No matter how much she spoke to the Painful Daoist, she never responded.

The bitter Taoist, with a stooped figure, was covered by a cloak and her thin body could not be seen clearly. Her withered hands were holding a dragon headed cane, and she remained motionless.

Xuanyuan was able to feel the deep sadness from the Daoist of Suffering. Suddenly, his heart was shocked, and he said quickly: "Could it be that, Daoist of Suffering, you are the most beloved woman of the 'Swallowing Emperor'? The person on the statue of the goddess, Is that you?"

Hearing Xuanyuan's words, the Taoist master of suffering had a slight reaction. She smashed the dragon head crutch in her hand, and said hoarsely: "If I have that blessing, I will be fine. I am not her. I would rather die than let me die." The one I love so much, risked my life for me."

Xuanyuan's heart trembled, and he said, "Could it be that you had a relationship with the 'Emperor Devourer'?"

"If I can get a trace of relationship, I will die without regret. He rescued me at the beginning, leaving only a shadow of my back, which made me pursue it all my life. I followed in his footsteps, but I always pursued it. Not keeping up with his steps, I finally entered the "Road of Misery". Soon after, the story of him and her spread all over the world. Thousands of years later, the "Emperor Devourer" fell. From the beginning to the end, he didn't even know who I was. I know." The distressed Taoist voice mourned, and she could see that the carvings on the statue of the Goddess were carved with knives and axes, and every trace was left by the "Emperor Devourer". , the Bracelet of Devouring, the Chain of Devouring, the Celestial Seal of Devouring, etc., are all made by the "Emperor Devouring" himself. The Taoist master of bitterness has been in love all his life, so it is natural to see the lingering affection entangled in these things...

These days, she has mixed feelings in her heart, quietly contemplating.

Xuanyuan was silent, paused, and said: "Can you tell me who she is? Neither the greedy old man nor the pig-headed emperor are willing to tell me."

"She, the peerless goddess of the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' in the ancient times, Fu Xi."

"The number one goddess of the present age is unmatched by anyone. She is famous for her beauty, talent, and war. She is the most famous in Central China. When Fu Xi comes out, the sun and the moon will fade away."

"The Innate Dao Saint Physique, a tyrannical physique, is able to control the way of battle comparable to the "Order God" from birth, overwhelming the generation of young emperors and emperors. No one is afraid, only the "Swallowing the Great" can do it Instead of competing, if these two people are combined, it will be like the good story between Qinglong and Xianhuang, no one can match."

Xuanyuan's mind was shocked, he never thought that the love of the 'Emperor Devourer' would be born in the 'Central Province Dynasty'.

No wonder the pig-headed emperor wanted Fu Jingxuan to be the lord of the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' so much before, and he didn't want to mention that woman's identity, because he didn't want to put too much pressure on Xuanyuan and regarded the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' as his enemy. Know how rich the background of the "Zhongzhou Dynasty" is.

"Zi Yun, let your master be quiet for a while, you don't have to worry, as long as she can pass this level and step into the realm of the ancient sage fifth heaven, she will not be far away, you interfere with her From her point of view, there is no harm but no benefit." Xuanyuan didn't say any more, and looked at Yan Ziyun, she could only be anxious here.

"Xuanyuan is right, Zi Yun, please let me be quiet for a while, it's really a sin, I have two generations of descendants of the Dao of Suffering, and they all fell in love with the 'Body of Ten Thousand Transformations', Zi Yun, that's why I stopped you before The reason is that I don’t want you to be like a teacher, looking at his back all your life, searching for it hard, and it’s hard to touch, but your luck is much better than being a teacher, and he still has you in his heart.” The Taoist master of misery also spoke.

With mixed feelings in Yan Ziyun's heart, she nodded and said, "Yes, Master."

Xuanyuan took Qian Duoduo and Yan Ziyun out of the 'Forbidden Road Square', Qian Duoduo sighed, "Sister Ziyun, with me here, Xuanxuan will not bully you."

"Ha, then you will take good care of your elder sister Ziyun for me." Xuanyuan patted Qian Duoduo on the shoulder.

"Hmph, don't worry, you playboy." Qian Duoduo snorted, but didn't take offense much.

Yan Ziyun looked at Xuanyuan and said, "Are you leaving?"

"Well, the 'Lord of Order' is going to take us to conquer the alien race hidden in the starry sky and hone my forbidden army. I will also go there together. Before I leave, let me tell you that I will accompany you more in the future. "Xuanyuan said in a harmonious voice.

"Then you must come back." Yan Ziyun worried.

"Yes." As soon as Xuanyuan's words fell, he urged the emperor to teleport the jade platform, cross the void, and reach the martial arts field under the 'Qinglong Mountain'. On the nine heavens, the huge "Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship" was suspended in the nine heavens among.

On the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship', 50,000 'Xuanwu Army' and 50,000 'Warrior Phoenix Army' were lined up very neatly. During the past three days, they practiced the combined attack formation, which was extremely powerful, and had a huge impact on them personally. small boost.

"I'll just wait for you." The 'Lord of Order' looked at Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan landed on the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship', seeing the condensed 100,000 forbidden soldiers, his heart was full of blood, he shouted loudly: "Let's go!"

The sound resounded throughout the nine heavens and ten earths!

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