Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1660 Destroying the Evil God's Nest

In front of the 'Blue Dragon Hall', a domain gate opened.

The 'Swallowing Immortal Mansion' is under the control of the Zhutou Great Emperor, he can open the domain door at any time, as long as it is within the Immortal Mansion, no matter where it is.

The 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship' broke through the air and disappeared before everyone's eyes.

The hearts of countless strong men were full of enthusiasm, and they also wanted to join this trial of the forbidden army, but they were not qualified.

"In the extraterrestrial starry sky, many powerful races are hidden, specially intercepting and killing monks who travel in the starry sky."

"I have a brother who traveled to the starry sky and never came back. One day, his jade slip of life was shattered."

"No matter what, we must bring those murderous demons who make a living by plundering to justice, and seek justice for our monks of all races."

"These killers are just too lawless."

"I think the 'Lord of Order' wants to train soldiers this time. These imperial guards must be baptized before they can become real imperial guards."

"I'd better hurry up and practice. After next month, I must join the Forbidden Army. That set of peerless Taoist artifacts is too powerful..."

For a while, the Forbidden Army became the yearning of countless people. There is no doubt that the "Lord of Order" is an existence that everyone wants to get close to.

Because in their eyes, the "Lord of Order" is almost a god-like existence, well versed in the world, with unparalleled wisdom, basically there is nothing he doesn't know.

This will be so, in fact, it has a lot to do with the suppression of the "Lord of Order". His strength and his physical body have all been suppressed, but his spiritual consciousness has inadvertently merged with the "Origin of Primordial Origin". Everything that happened could be perceived by him. For countless years, he could only absorb information from the outside world in order to find a way to break the seal.

So being suppressed for such a long time has both disadvantages and advantages for him.

The 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship' flew through the air.

Xuanyuan stood on the dragon ship, looked at the 'Lord of Order' and said, before leaving, should we destroy a large remaining army of the Protoss first?

"Yes." The Lord of Order nodded and said.

"Go." Xuanyuan pointed out the direction himself

What he was referring to was, of course, the 'Evil God's Nest'.

This is a huge monster, and there are bound to be many unfathomable existences inside it, and there are many strong ones.

With the "Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship", it is not difficult to cross the space fault, the sun, the moon and the tide.

Not long after, Xuanyuan and his party saw the huge 'Fierce God's Nest'.

Baisheng Hongguang's method trapped them again. The last time Qinglong tricked them into taking a lot of treasures, causing a lot of turmoil in the entire "Fierce God's Nest", and finally suppressed it with the birth of a character This civil turmoil,.

Now the major forces in the 'Fierce God's Nest' have begun to restrain themselves, and they feel that Baisheng Hongguang's power is weakening.

As long as the protoss army from the outside world occupies the 'Nanyan Xianzhou' and breaks the ten thousand races, they will naturally be able to break out.

"Hehe, we meet again in the 'Fierce God's Nest'." Xuanyuan glanced at Mo Ming, and signaled to blast him to death with the 'Nine Palace Dragon God Cannon'.

"Wait a minute, let's start training here." The 'Lord of Order' waved his hand, pointing at the 'Evil God's Nest'.

"Xuanwu Army, Zhanhuang Army, attack." Now the 'Lord of Order' is the commander of the Forbidden Army, and has absolute qualifications to order them.

Xuanyuan also agreed, and immediately took Zhutou Dadi and Peng Fei to fight.

The pig-headed emperor laughed strangely: "It seems that there are many more treasures."

"This time, we're going to loot the 'Fierce God's Nest'." Peng Fei trembled all over his body.

The black battle armor on Xuanyuan's body, and the 'Swallowing Demon Sword' in his hand has a white light flowing, which is very permeating: "Mo Ming, if there is any accident while you are manipulating the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship', please rush to help immediately, listen' Lord of Order' Command."

The two imperial guards attacked.

The 'War Phoenix Army' turned into streams of fiery light, and gathered in the nine heavens to form a huge figure of the Zhan Phoenix.

The huge battle formation was in motion, led by Asuda, they all pulled the 'Zhanhuang Dao Bow' in their hands, and shouted loudly: "Kill."

In an instant, 50,000 fiery arrows of the war phoenix shot out, and the phoenix screamed for nine days, directly attacking and killing the 'fierce god's nest'.

I saw that many restrictions were broken in an instant, and countless warriors of the protoss howled miserably. The fire of the fairy phoenix spread on the "fierce god's nest", and everything it passed was turned into ashes. This time, the volley covered a radius of 50,000 Here, the lethality is huge.

"Enemy attack..."

Almost immediately, countless God Race warriors rushed out of the entire 'Fierce God's Nest'.

I saw a god warrior from the fourth heaven of the ancient emperor, leading his own soldiers and horses, looking at the 50,000 approaching Phoenix Warriors, he said with a sneer: "Only these people dare to attack my fierce god's nest, follow me Kill them."

Immediately, millions of divine warriors descended from the sky, and Asuda ordered without delay: "'Zhanhuang Nine Heavens Formation'——Zhanhuang destroys the world."

The 50,000 Zhanhuang soldiers shouted in unison, arousing their fighting spirit, urging the 'Zhanhuang Dao Bow', shouting in unison: "Destroy."

Fifty thousand 'Zhanhuang Dao Bow' let out a long cry, 'Zhan Huang Dao Wings' unfolded, countless patterns were closely intertwined, and the huge true shadow of Zhan Huang manifested, its wings were like knives, flying out, The speed was too fast for people to dodge, and the god general of the ancient emperor's fourth heaven, who was headed by him, looked ashen, and he couldn't escape if he wanted to escape, and he was wiped out in an instant.

Behind him, hundreds of thousands of god warriors were blasted to pieces by the true shadow of the human war phoenix.

However, at this moment, a terrifying wave rolled out of the 'Fierce God's Nest', A Suda was keenly observant, and sternly shouted: "Back."

The 50,000 Zhanhuang army condensed into one body and turned into an incomparably huge Zhanhuang army. It flew back all the way, only to see a ray of divine light burst out and pass by the 50,000 Zhanhuang army. There will be quite a few casualties.

"What kind of speed is this? The march is actually so coordinated!" In the 'Fierce God's Nest', a divine master uttered an incredible roar.

"Kill." At the same time that the Zhanhuang army flew back, they combined with another blow, Zhanhuang destroyed the world, and a real shadow directly hit the place that the divine light attacked.

I saw a cannon mouth of a great way, which was directly blasted to pieces, countless restrictions collapsed, and the manipulative divine master was also severely injured, vomiting blood again and again.

On the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship', watching Asoda's performance, the 'Lord of Order' nodded and said: "This Asoda is also proficient in the method of marching and forming a formation. Much worse."

Similarly, from the fierce god's nest, this supreme Taoist weapon shot out a divine light, and he directly activated the 'Xuanwu Bagua Formation', only to see a huge innate gossip diagram appear, forcibly resisting the attack of that divine light live.

"The Zhanhuang Army is attacking from a distance, and the Xuanwu Army is attacking in close combat. There is still a difference between the two." Mo Ming complained for Zhan Huang.

"Hehe, that's true, but Asuda is better. The Emperor of War, after all, is also the existence of the fifth heaven with the ancient emperor. It's okay to fight steadily, not to seek merit, but to seek to have no faults." 'Lord of Order ' Hehe smiled.

At this moment, Xuanyuan, the Zhutou Emperor, and Peng Fei joined forces and directly entered the enemy's interior.

Xuanyuan casts one qi into three cleanses, holds three Dao bodies, Renhuang pen, Karma Wisdom Sword, and Yuan Slaughter Sword. The deity holds the "Swallowing Demon Sword" and performs Dao hidden techniques with gods. After the death of the gods, their life essence will be swallowed by Xuanyuan, which can support Xuanyuan's endless slaughter, and his power will never be exhausted.

The Zhutou Emperor set up all kinds of terrifying restrictions without anyone noticing, and killed more than a dozen ancient saints and ancient emperors.

And Peng Fei is even more against the sky, detonating all the dragon veins hidden in the fierce god's nest, using the "yin and yang magic mirror" to reverse the overall situation of many geomantic omens, and attacking the gods themselves. The originally extremely powerful fierce god's nest is about to collapse a feeling of.

Ninety-nine black holes appeared behind Xuanyuan's deity, devouring everything around him. The combat power erupted by an ancient sage who was in the fourth heaven realm was so strong that it was incomprehensible, sometimes thirteen times the combat power The explosion caused many ancient emperors and ancient saints' protoss powerhouses to drink their hatred.

The fierce god's nest was surrounded by blood, and launched a strong counterattack.

Their ace army appeared, each of them was at the peak of the ancient sages, and every hundred was led by a god general of the ancient sages and ancient emperors, a total of 200,000.

But in the face of the sudden attack, they were caught off guard, so Xuanyuan used the "Great Trend Ancient Art" to form an army.

One hundred thousand warriors possessing supreme celestial beings wreaked havoc in the 'Fierce God's Nest'.

The battle lasted for seven days and seven nights. In the end, all the twelve god masters were beheaded, and all the 'fierce gods' nests' were also bloodbathed.

The Zhanhuang army was sent to kill the grass and roots, and wipe out all the remnants of the protoss, and Xuanyuan, the pig-headed emperor, and Peng Fei all had a lot of gains.

In this battle, the Zhanhuang Army suffered over a hundred casualties, and the Xuanwu Army was known for its defensive power, so there were also losses of hundreds of elite soldiers.

However, in this battle, more than two hundred people broke through to the realm of the ancient emperor and the ancient sage.

The life-and-death battle is the best way to stimulate people's potential. Fortunately, there are no ancient emperors, ancient saints, and fifth heavens in the 'Fiendish Nest'. Otherwise, the casualties will be even greater, and they must have died on that day. Extinct, and trapped in this world, many of their key resources are difficult to break through.

Three days later, the Zhanhuang Army returned after cleaning up the remaining evils, and the Xuanwu Army had already been on standby on the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship'.

They were reprimanded by the 'Lord of Order': "It's just a bunch of trash. Facing the remnants of the Protoss, you can lose so much. You must know that you are the elite among the elite. You must know that this is a battlefield. Know that your lives are bound together."

"Yes!" The Xuanwu Army and the Zhanhuang Army didn't dare to say anything more. The "Lord of Order" was too strict with them. For them, such a result of the battle was already brilliant enough.

"You all have to accept the punishment and pay the price for your own waste. Remember, the death of a comrade-in-arms is not because his comrade-in-arms is too weak, but because you are incompetent!" The 'Lord of Order' shouted loudly, making the hundred thousand forbidden soldiers shudder, They don't know what kind of punishment they are about to face.

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