Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1668 The corpse chaser

Swallowing the Dao of Wanhua, Emperor Asura can still know.

This kind of supreme avenue that devours and refines his life essence can only be condensed by the "body of myriad transformations" in the legend. At this moment, it is raging madly in his body, and he is in doubt.

'Swallowing the Dao of Myriad Transformations' can smelt the heavens and myriad ways and take them as my own, and condense all myriad ways into one. The power of attack is invincible.

Inside, there is the Great Dao of Devouring Wanhua, whose strength is uncertain, and there is a fierce attack by the "One Yuan World Extermination Cannon" outside. Emperor Asura suffered great damage, blood gushed out, scales and armor shattered, battle bones broke, and the Dao raged .

Asura War Emperor made a decisive decision. Every drop of blood on his body was burning. He turned his head and opened the way with the 'Sura Tomahawk', tearing everything apart, and broke into the world of Asura.

This time the greedy old man was very cautious, he didn't dare to have the slightest carelessness, and he would break out of his body at the moment of his thought, otherwise, if he was refined by him, the gain would not be worth the loss. There are tens of thousands of people in the existence of a heavenly emperor To kill himself by means, especially in that piece of Shura world, he is simply an invincible existence.

The 'Lord of Order' knew that if he continued to hunt him down, even though Asura would suffer great trauma, he would definitely not feel better, so he immediately gave an order: "Go back to the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship' and leave quickly."

A moment later, the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship' had disappeared into the starry sky. In the starry sky of the Asura World, the Asura War Emperor uttered an extremely terrifying roar, which shattered many Asura War Demons. Many war demons trembled and did not dare to say more.

Asura Zhandi didn't expect that he would end up in such a state that he was a majestic existence of the Emperor of Heaven. The opponent was obviously much weaker than him, but he could fight him without losing the wind.

The Shura battle path on his body was rolling, quickly repairing the raging avenues in his body, the gurgling demonic blood stopped gushing out, the cracked scales were repairing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the killing intent was fierce. This is a Heavenly Emperor invincible existence.

Xuanyuan and his party paid a huge price, and they could only cause him such negligible damage. By the time he broke out of the world of Shura, Xuanyuan and his party would have disappeared without a trace.

His eyes were cold, and he didn't want to let Xuanyuan go. He chased Xuanyuan in one direction. As long as he could find it, he believed that this time he would definitely smash them into pieces in this world. He was too careless before.

"If I find it, I will smash all of you into pieces." Asura Zhandi roared in his heart. For him, this was an absolute shame and humiliation. He walked in the direction of "Central China". In order to chase Xuanyuan and the others, on the other hand, he wanted to see the changes in the "Central China". The induction in the dark is very precise.

The 'Ancient Dragon Ship' crossed towards the direction of 'Central Shenzhou', Mo Ming breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the damaged 'One Yuan World Extermination Cannon', he was very distressed, this 'One Yuan World Extermination Cannon' It takes at least a hundred years of self-repair before it can strike again. This is the strongest attack method of the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship'.

"Finally, we have escaped a catastrophe. If there is a 'Mystery Box', it will be able to repair the 'One Yuan World Extermination Cannon' quickly. Even if the Asura War Emperor attacks again, there are means to resist it." Mo Ming He sighed helplessly, and now he still has lingering fears when he thinks about it. When he confronted Emperor Asura just now, he thought of thousands of ways in his mind, how to kill him, and finally came to the conclusion that there is no solution. In the face of absolute power, all schemes seem ridiculous.

The greedy old man manifested, and now he is an existence in the realm of the earth-level supreme Taoist weapon, and he can be transformed into a weapon: "Everyone, go to the west to hide."

"What's wrong?" The 'Lord of Order' frowned.

"War Emperor Ashura came after him. I quietly planted the Devouring Dao Seed in his body. I could sense his whereabouts, but he hasn't noticed yet." The greedy old man said heavily.

Mo Ming immediately turned around and crossed the void. Today's 'One Yuan Exterminating World Cannon' has been abolished, and the 'Xian Lingyuan Mountain' on Xuanyuan's body has also been used up. I'm afraid that if we meet again, let alone the chances of winning, it's all about whether we can escape is one thing.

When Peng Fei was urging the "Yin-Yang Mirror" in Xuanyuan, he dripped his own blood, and was recognized by the "Yin-Yang Mirror". It talks about the supreme yin and yang avenue, and he can't hear the sound of the outside world at all. Xuanyuan believes that in the near future, Peng Fei will undergo a reborn transformation.

And the one hundred thousand forbidden army fell into an unprecedented silence, and many people got promoted in this confrontation with the existence of the Heavenly Emperor Mirror.

There is a confrontation with the Heavenly Emperor Realm, which is something they dare not even think about. The pressure from the ancient emperor's fifth heaven to the Heavenly Emperor Realm, not only did not cause a shadow in their hearts, but turned into a great motivation.

Everything they have experienced feels like a dream, and they were able to survive the attack of that kind of character and traumatize him. Vision is a huge expansion.

At least they did not perish when they encountered the existence of the Heavenly Emperor Realm today, which was a brilliant achievement for them.

Not everyone survived a battle with a strong person in the Heavenly Emperor Realm, this is a very small number.

They also saw the extremely wonderful battle between the 'Mirror of Yin and Yang', the 'Lord of Order' and the weak against the strong, and the sublimation at the moment when the 'Lord of Order' raised his avenue to the extreme, all turned into one Emmanuel, avoiding that lore axe, that scene passed through their hearts.

In this battle, more than 10,000 people broke through the realm of the ancient emperor and the ancient sage, plus the number of people who broke through before, the total number of people who broke through is close to 20,000!

There are still 80,000 people who are already at the peak of the ancient sages. As long as they can break through, the combat power of the 100,000 forbidden troops will be unparalleled.

Today's breakthrough of more than 10,000 people can already bring about a great transformation to the Xuanwu Army and the Zhanhuang Army.

"Tsk tsk, that Asura War Emperor is really tyrannical, even if the 'Swallowing Emperor' is at its peak state, it is difficult to compete with him, I really want to fight him again, it is so happy." The pig-headed emperor also felt extremely enjoyable, grinning his teeth laughed.

Xuanyuan rolled his eyes and said, "Then you go and have fun, no one is stopping you."

The face of the pig-headed emperor turned green. You must know that he is only in the realm of the third heaven of the ancient emperor, and he is practicing "Ancient Art Forbidden by the Gods".

A quarter of an hour later, the greedy old man breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "He has arrived in front of us, it seems that he wants to see if he can catch us all the way, and his ultimate goal is to go to the 'Central Shenzhou' 'Go and have a look, this world has undergone great turmoil, whether it can ascend to 'Origin of the Primordial Mist' is the most concerned issue of many supreme beings."

Xuanyuan frowned and asked: "When the 'Central World' is all merged and become complete, will existences like Asura War Emperor go to the 'Central Shenzhou' to seek ascension?"

"It's natural. What do you think, the 'Central World' was originally extremely powerful. Most of these exotic clans were in the ancient times, and the branches of the ancient times went to the outer starry sky to develop, but at the end of the chaotic ancient times, they were beaten" The "Central World" collapsed and could not ascend, causing more powerful forces to move out of the "Central World" not to be disturbed, and now the "Central China" is about to merge again, those strong people who live in seclusion in the foreign starry sky will naturally return,' The Origin of the Primordial Mist is the place they want to reach, and this is what they are waiting for." The "Lord of Order" is well-informed, even the "Swallowing Emperor" Pig-headed Emperor is hard to come by, he knows too many things Too much.

Xuanyuan was shocked when he heard the words, and said: "Isn't it true that after the merger of the 'Central World', even my 'Qinglong Holy Land' can only be regarded as a small household compared to other major forces? "

"Did you understand? That's why I'm so strict with you, the 100,000 forbidden army. If you don't take advantage of this period of time to practice and break through, when the 'Central World' merges, what do you use to compete with others? It also requires a certain amount of strength to ascend to the 'Origin of the Primordial Mist'." The 'Lord of Order' glanced at Xuanyuan coldly.

The 100,000 imperial guards were silent, and they all understood at this moment.

Xuanyuan was silent. It seemed that he had to work harder. Stepping into the realm of the ancient emperor and the ancient sage as soon as possible is the kingly way. He stood at the bow of the ship, and in his eyes, countless stars and meteorites were reflected. Falling, all kinds of disasters in the starry sky, avenue rays, void storms, black holes and white holes, meteor fire rain, star explosions, sun and moon tides, and the trajectory of the sky, Xuanyuan has a clear understanding in his heart and remains silent.

In the vast and boundless universe, after wandering for seven days, Xuanyuan and his party entered another space node.

What I encountered this time is that in the world of holy corpses, according to what the "Lord of Order" said, in the ancient times, there was a great war, and countless strong men of ancient sages and emperors of various races perished, and their bodies were taken away. How can the body of a person with great achievements decay so easily? In addition, there are terrifying existences who refine corpses, let them swallow the sun and moonlight, and finally turn them into holy corpses, into peerless Taoist artifacts, and even It is the existence of the Supreme Dao Artifact, almost immortal.

This time the battle was extremely tragic, and at the end a corpse chaser appeared, causing hundreds of thousands of imperial troops to suffer thousands of deaths and injuries.

The 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship' was shattered and almost destroyed. Xuanyuan and his party managed to escape from the corpse chaser, and the 'Lord of Order' was seriously injured. The tempering he got was also unprecedented. If it wasn't because this corpse exorcist was not proficient in attacking, he might not be able to escape...

However, this time, in the battle of life and death, another 30,000 people broke through. You must know that for them before, they just lacked an opportunity.

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