Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1669 The Protoss Distress

The death of thousands of forbidden soldiers made Xuanyuan feel extremely heartbroken. You must know that these people were all selected from the "Qinglong Holy Land".

And during this period of time, they were born and died, and everyone had feelings. Xuanyuan was able to call each of them by name, but he felt really uncomfortable to die like this.

Every soldier in the Xuanwu Army and the Zhanhuang Army fell into deep self-blame, because they didn't pay attention and fell into the opponent's holy corpse formation.

They thought that these holy corpses had no wisdom, just like those Asura war demons, they finally reaped the bitter fruit and fell into a bitter battle.

After escaping from the pursuit of the corpse chasers, the 'Lord of Order' was furious, and after they returned to the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship', he threw them into the space of the 'Fire of Order'.

The intensity of the 'Fire of Order' this time caused them to suffer ten times stronger than before.

Even so, they still had no complaints, because they were careless and careless, which led to the death of their comrades in arms.

The death of comrades-in-arms is not because they are too weak, but because they are incompetent.

This sentence has been echoing in their minds. This time, they will have to suffer for more than three years.

Even Xuanyuan couldn't bear it, and said: "Will this be too cruel?"

They could all hear Xuanyuan pleading for mercy.

The "Lord of Order" said coldly: "It's a joke, do you think that after the completion of the 'Central World', from the many terrifying existences in the foreign starry sky, they will be very kind?"

"But on the battlefield, things are always changing, so we can't blame them all." Xuanyuan said again.

"Holy Master Xuanyuan, please don't say too much, I will bear it willingly." More than 99,000 soldiers of the Imperial Army shouted in unison, deafeningly deafening.

Xuanyuan was speechless, the speed of time flowed, one hundred days inside, one day outside, ten days passed.

When they reappeared, everyone was reborn, and they all stepped into the realm of the ancient saints and emperors.

Xuanyuan's heart was shocked, if it was just a leap above the realm, it would be fine, what's more important is the change of their whole aura.

Everyone can feel their unmoved, firm will to endure all suffering and torture.

"If you want to become a truly invincible warrior, inner strength is the most important thing, because they have to endure too many things, defending their home and country, and sometimes being misunderstood by the people they protect, but These are what a warrior should take on." The 'Lord of Order' looked at the 99,000 imperial guards, and said slowly: "You are barely qualified."

The two imperial guards were very excited. Among them, there were even more outstanding people who had stepped into the second heaven of the ancient emperor and the ancient sage. What the "Lord of Order" gave them was too much, and they were deeply moved. grateful.

"Thank you, Commander." All the soldiers of the Forbidden Army knelt down in unison, expressing their gratitude beyond words.

The "Lord of Order" waved his hand, without saying much, and pointed the way ahead. The "Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship" kept crossing the void all the way, chasing it continuously for seven days and nights, and finally entered the "Nanyan Xianzhou".

The greedy old man frowned, and said: "Asura Zhandi once entered the 'Nanyan Immortal State' and fought a great battle. There is his remnant breath in this world, and he should have just left not long ago."

Xuanyuan looked at the place where the God Clan's war fortress was located with the "eye of truth", and sure enough, there were destructive Shura battle paths in the terrifying pits thousands of miles deep.

The avenue order of that piece of heaven and earth has been beaten to pieces, leaving only a gray patch, which is being repaired by itself.

The huge war fortress stood there, and it was only broken from the middle before, but now it has been broken into four sections.

Obviously, this time the Asura War Emperor's attack caused the Protoss to suffer a lot of damage.

"Haha, what a joy, the protoss really deserve it." The pig-headed emperor beside him laughed, extremely proud.

"Now that the 'Nanyan Xianzhou' is still moving forward, it means that there is nothing wrong with the super-inherited figures of the Protoss. I didn't expect that there would be nothing to be done to the Protoss with the means of Asura Zhandi." Xuanyuan sighed.

"He has nothing to do with us, let alone the more powerful Protoss? That is the stronghold of the Protoss. For the specific situation, let's go back and ask Wu Luo." The 'Lord of Order' raised his brows. He felt that this was not true. It's strange, no matter how strong Asura Zhandi is, he is always just a person, how can he be compared with the behemoth of the Protoss.

Xuanyuan nodded, and the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship' crossed the void, and was directly sealed by the 'Swallowing Immortal Mansion'.

The huge 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship' appeared in the sky of 'Xuanyuan City'.

When they set off, the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship' was brand new. I didn't expect that after more than a month, shocking cracks appeared on it, which made many experts in the 'Qinglong Holy Land' pale.

"'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship', the existence of an earth-level supreme Taoist weapon, go out and marvel at how damaged it is?"

"That's right, this 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship' used to be a heaven-level supreme Taoist weapon, but it just fell down, but not long ago, it was integrated with many treasures of the 'Lord of Order', making it extremely strong , what happened?"

"It seems that this time there should be heavy casualties..."

"Look, they're coming out."

Xuanyuan and Huangyuechan, Taotie stepped out first, they landed before the 'Blue Dragon Palace', after this time of tempering, Huang Yuechan stepped into the peak realm of the ancient emperor's third heaven, and was as stable as Mount Tai, while Taotie swallowed Countless, the strength has also skyrocketed, stepped into the realm of the third heaven of the ancient sages, and the combat power has been comparable to the existence of some ancient emperors and the fourth heavens of the ancient emperors, and the power contained in it is too much.

The strength of the pig-headed emperor has also skyrocketed, and Peng Fei looks even more unpredictable, with a pair of eyes, one black and one white, with white pupils in the black eyes and black pupils in the white eyes.

The 'Lord of Order' descended with 99,000 powerful forbidden soldiers, and the majestic aura of the ancient emperor and sage swept across the world.

"More than 1,200 forbidden soldiers were killed this time, and the remaining 99,000 forbidden soldiers all stepped into the realm of the ancient sages and ancient emperors." The voice of the 'Lord of Order' was not loud, but it spread far and wide. is clear.

The big man of three thousand Confucianism looked at the Forbidden Army from a distance with a shocked expression.

"In just one month, all of them stepped into the realm of the ancient sages and emperors, and made their hearts even more firm as a rock, making their minds hard to break. The 'Lord of Order' is so powerful."

"Reborn, reborn, if you don't care about knowledge, but only about combat power, I'm afraid I won't be the opponent of some of them."

"Fantastic, really powerful, and now they are already veritable 'Xuanwu Sacred Guards' and 'War Phoenix Sacred Guards'."

"It's a sign of great prosperity for my 'Qinglong Holy Land'..."

The three thousand great Confucian scholars were extremely pleasantly surprised. Their civil officials wrote pens to secure the world, and their generals rode their horses to determine the world. They were clearly aware of the inside and outside, and the strength of the imperial army, they were naturally pleasantly surprised.

In the martial arts arena, countless elites from the 'Qinglong Holy Land' have gathered at this moment. Seeing the reborn and extremely powerful imperial army, their hearts are full of enthusiasm.

The 'Lord of Order' descended from the sky, spawned ten incarnations, and continued to select people: "Forbidden Army, the most elite fighters of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', have you seen these more than 1,200 sets of peerless Taoist artifacts? Their previous masters , During this trial, you died unexpectedly, and your soul was scattered. When you decide to become the imperial army, you must have the determination to die and firm belief. They are all heroic fighters. They sacrificed for their comrades. You can ?"

"Yes!" Countless young people were full of enthusiasm, and the 99,000 soldiers of the imperial army who survived were their role models.

"Then let's begin." The Lord of Order gave an order.

Xuanyuan looked at the scene in front of him and didn't say much. If he selects the masters of the remaining 100,000 sets of peerless Taoist artifacts and conducts a trial, then his forbidden army will be completely formed.

"Leave this to the 'Lord of Order', let's go in." Xuanyuan looked at Huang Yuechan. Along the way, the two of them joined forces to attack with "Azure Dragon Taoism" and "Immortal Phoenix Taoism". Tongue-smacking, now the two of them are more in touch with each other.

Inside the 'Qinglong Palace', Wu Luo, Zhuge Tianxing, Sima Yi, Wang Nidao, Li Yue, Shangguan Feiyan, Sun Duanfeng, Dou Zhan Buddha, Guan Zizai, and Wu Mingtian gathered here.

Xia Ziyu and Bu Jingsha frowned, while Zhang Tianshi and Huangtian on both sides were very silent.

Seeing Xuanyuan's return, everyone's faces showed joy, Xia Ziyu and Bu Jingsha bowed towards Xuanyuan: "Xuanyuan, you are finally back."

"Yeah, a lot of things have happened during the period you left, and many emperors are discussing it now." Thinking about it now, Bu Jingsha still feels a little scared, he has never seen such a terrifying existence.

"I already know what it is. Is it the Asura War Emperor of Heavenly Emperor Realm?" Xuanyuan smiled and said.

"Holy Master Xuanyuan, how do you know?" Wu Luo frowned.

"The 'Lord of Order' took us to a node in the starry sky and entered the 'Sura World'. We killed all directions, and finally angered this Asura War Emperor. He was severely injured by us, and we had nothing to do with him. He escaped, he chased us all the way, he should have followed to the 'Nanyan Xianzhou'." Xuanyuan said slowly.

"What, you guys hit it hard?" Wu Luo's face showed an expression of disbelief.

"It's not considered a serious injury. We did pay a huge price to repel it." Huang Yuechan shook her head, thinking of the battle that day, she still had lingering fears, but the great world of holy corpses behind her was equally terrifying.

"That's the existence of the Heavenly Emperor Realm..." In Zhuge Tianxing's mind, everything that happened that day evolved.

"What did he do in 'Nanyan Xianzhou'?" Xuanyuan asked.

"With the power of one person, he beheaded hundreds of millions of soldiers of the God Clan, and was finally repelled by the Eleven Old God Emperors with eleven Supreme Dao Artifacts and the Supreme God Formation." Sima Yi said succinctly.

Xuanyuan nodded, and said: "It's okay, this matter has nothing to do with us, the top priority is to strengthen our own strength, and strive to carve out a world of our own in the future 'Central World'."

Xuanyuan told everyone what he met and knew along the way, and they were all shocked.

Knowing that in this endless void universe, there are still many existences in the realm of Heavenly Emperors, corpse exorcisers, who rule a world alone, and leading hundreds of millions of holy corpses is enough to sweep the 'Qinglong Holy Land'.

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