Xuanyuan climbed to the sky in one step, and from today onwards, he has reached the same level as the 'Emperor Devourer' back then.

Only by stepping into the realm of the ancient emperor and the ancient sage can one step up to the sky.

The so-called sky means that there is a great attainment in the soul of the sky, and now the soul of Xuanyuan is extremely powerful, and the "Swallowing Dao Jue" in the body is round and strong, and the six ancient characters are shining brightly and flowing.

Three flowers gathering on the top, lead flowers, silver flowers, and golden flowers are shining, and now Xuanyuan's soul and body are extremely powerful. This is the benefit of practicing the Taoist secret technique, "Three Flowers Gathering on the Top".

However, no one knew at this moment that Xuanyuan had stepped into the realm of the first heaven of the ancient emperor.

When Xuanyuan withdrew from the small world of the thirty-sixth heaven, Huang Yuechan's aura was even more surging and unstoppable. She seemed to have the power to pick up the stars and the moon when she raised her hand. Obviously, she had stepped into the ancient emperor's fourth heaven. Entering the realm so quickly is no small matter.

"Little Husband..." Huang Yuechan leaned on Xuanyuan's body. At this moment, she was naked, with icy muscles and bones, flawless, with a lustrous luster flowing on her body surface, and a few seductive blush appeared on her face. In the eyes, there is autumn water, it seems that Xuanyuan is the only person in the whole world.

"I have also stepped into the realm of the ancient emperor, it's time to test the waters." Xuanyuan hugged Huang Yuechan in his arms, and looked at the imprints of Qinglong and Xianhuang written on the dome in the cave. During the double cultivation, the aura of the Dao merged into the dome of the cave and formed naturally, which is extremely mysterious and can be enlightened by future generations.

Now, Xuanyuan wanted to know, with his own strength, if he could have a chance of winning against the sons and goddesses of the gods who had stepped into the fourth heaven of the ancient emperors, he was eager to try.

On the same day, Mo Ming urged the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship' to return to the Mohist family. Just as the 'Nanyan City' was completed, he asked many Mohist experts to jointly activate the 'Mystery Box' to carry out an investigation on the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship'. repair.

Perhaps after the great battle, the weapon spirit of the "Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship" seized a ray of opportunity in the dark, and recovered to the realm of the sky-level supreme Taoist weapon.

It took a full month to repair, just as the 'Lord of Order' received another 100,000 new recruits from the Imperial Army.

This time, it was replaced by Dou Zhan Buddha, Guan Zizai, Wang Nidao, Sun Duanfeng, Shangguan Feiyan, Wu Mingtian, Wu Luo, Zhuge Tianxing, Sima Yi, Li Yue, and Taotie. Going out, on the one hand, they want to see the vastness of this cosmic starry sky, and on the other hand, they want to sharpen their Taoism in the endless war.

On the day they left, countless people from the 'Qinglong Holy Land' saw them off, Xuanyuan did not leave with them, but stood on the 'Qinglong Mountain' with Huang Yuechan, watching them leave.

They also need personal experience to be able to improve themselves more.

Wu Yan sat in the command camp and observed every move of the God Clan army. Even if the God Clan suffered disasters before, he deeply understood that the God Clan was far from being hurt.

"Little husband, what are your plans next?" Looking at the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship' leaving through the sky, I am afraid that this time, the 'Lord of Order' will bring back even more brilliant results.

"I want to challenge the sons and daughters of the gods, kill them one by one, and strengthen my prestige." Xuanyuan's eyes were sharp, murderous, and decisive.

"Little husband, don't worry. Among the gods, there are many old god emperors and gods. If you challenge them, they may kill you. Although you have already stepped into the realm of the first heaven of the ancient emperor, but facing the five gods The strong man in the sky, I'm afraid the chances of winning are still not great." Huang Yuechan was not very willing to let Xuanyuan take action, after all, it was too dangerous, and before the gods were not loyal, they had ambushed thousands of people, but fortunately Xuanyuan had the foresight to Dao body, incarnation to test, otherwise, I am afraid that the younger generation of all races will be wiped out.

"I have my own way, you don't have to worry about it." Xuanyuan smiled and said, "You should first consolidate your cultivation, and I'll go see Shiwei."

Huang Yuechan nodded, and floated away, like a fairy phoenix, straight to the sky, at this moment, she was even more unfathomable, Xuanyuan felt that she might not be able to defeat Huang Yuechan, after all, Huang Yuechan had absorbed Xuanyuan's life His way of fighting and comprehension are naturally difficult to deal with.

As soon as Xuanyuan's thoughts moved, he immediately appeared on the 'Qinglong Palace'. The speed was fast, silent, like a ghost, invisible and invisible. It took Xia Ziyu and Bu a long while to reflect.

Xia Ziyu looked at Xuanyuan with a look of joy: "Xuanyuan, you have finally stepped into the first layer of the ancient emperor. Congratulations, you have ascended to the sky in one step and reached the realm of the 'swallowing emperor' back then. You will soon surpass him."

"The strength of 'Swallowing Emperor' is not the realm, but the heart. At this moment, I have no way to compare with 'Swallowing Emperor'. Back then, as long as he wanted to, he could step into the third heaven of the ancient emperor at any time, but I can't "Xuanyuan shook his head, he knew very well the power of 'Swallowing the Great Emperor', the feeling that this man gave him from the back was no less than that of the Heavenly Emperor, the Great Sage.

According to the greedy old man, many great emperors are the reincarnation of the "Swallowing Emperor", among which the Jiangnan Emperor is one of them. Many emperors who only lived for one life are very likely to be related to the "Swallowing Emperor", because in each of his lives, All of them were able to step into the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor, or even the realm of the emperor of heaven, except for the life of 'Emperor Devourer', who died young, but he was able to make people look up to him.

It is very scary to respect the existence of an emperor with one enemy and twenty or so. In ancient times, the human race was still quite prosperous. The luck of the human race will quickly wither.

Whether it is from shaking the supreme Taoist weapon with bare hands, or from devouring the luck of the human race, they all show the extraordinaryness of the "Swallowing Emperor". This is the accumulation of countless reincarnations, not the prestige of a lifetime. ' The gap between them, even if I have stepped into the realm of the ancient emperor's first layer of heaven, it is still difficult to talk about surpassing the 'swallowing emperor', even if I reach the realm of the emperor of heaven.

Xuanyuan was noncommittal to Xia Zikai's words, and Bu Jingsha was also very excited, saying: "Junior Brother Xuanyuan has already stepped into the realm of the ancient emperor's first layer, so he should be in charge himself, right?"

As far as Bu Jingsha is concerned, now that the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is becoming more and more powerful, he has a lot of pressure on his heart, and he really wants to step down as soon as possible. It would definitely be better if Xuanyuan came to take charge of it himself.

"Senior Brother Bu, why do you have such an idea? I don't want to be in power. It's better to be a shopkeeper. This 'Qinglong Holy Land' is still for you, so I won't meddle in it." As soon as the words fell, Xuanyuan fled in despair. At this moment, he performed "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu", and finally had the charm of the king of the day.

After stepping into the realm of the first heaven of the ancient emperor, the power displayed by the ancient sages is completely different.

In an instant, Xuanyuan landed in the medicine hall.

At this moment, Shihou and the Supreme Elder of the Medicine Hall were discussing the development of new medicines, Xuanyuan fell from the sky, which surprised many Supreme Elders of the Medicine Palace, and some of them hadn't reacted yet.

"Holy Master Xuanyuan, what a speed."

"Haha, it seems that brother Xuanyuan has stepped into the realm of the first heaven of the ancient emperor, what a joy to congratulate." Yaochen beside him laughed.

Xuanyuan bowed his hands and said: "Hehe, seniors, forgive me for trespassing without disturbing you."

"What does Holy Master Xuanyuan say? Shihou entered my medicine hall, and you two are husband and wife. The medicine hall is your second home. You can enter whenever you want, and walk around as you please." He stroked his beard with a long smile, looked at Shihou, and said: "Little girl, if your husband is here, you can accompany your husband, and leave the matter of new medicine to us old men."

"Yeah." Shihou smiled. She was dressed in a purple dress, her black hair was waist-length, her steps were light, agile and elegant, her pair of beautiful eyes were bright, her smile was like a flower, and her small canine teeth were sparkling, which was very cute.

Xuanyuan took Shihou's hand and walked out of the medicine hall. He performed the "Shen Xing Dao Yin Technique", leaving afterimages all over the sky.

In the medicine hall, countless people were amazed at the wonder of "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu".

"You know everything about me and Yuechan, right?" Xuanyuan took Shiwan down to the nine heavens, looking at the huge 'Qinglong Holy Land', Shiwan's existence is very important to be able to make it this far of.

"You two, there is such a big commotion, and now no one in the whole 'Qinglong Holy Land' knows about it." Shihou smiled and teased Xuanyuan.

"...I suddenly realized that I asked a very stupid question." Xuanyuan laughed at himself, and said in a harmonious voice: "Nowadays, the coexistence of thousands of races has taken shape, but the pattern of heaven and earth is not what we thought before. I learned from Yuekou."

"Well, because of this, we have to work harder to let all races hide their strengths and bide their time, accumulate a lot of money, and stay in the super heritage of the major forces. It seems that there is a trend of breakthrough, and there is only one gap." Confidence, once all races can unite as one, it will be very powerful. Now, the eighteen demon lords of hell who followed the first generation of supreme demon kings around Shiwan are all in the "Blue Dragon Holy Land". A great improvement has been made, and there are already signs of stepping into the fifth heaven of the ancient sages.

You must know that they were the youngest and most potential existences at that time, otherwise, they would not have been sealed up and left to be born in the Dharma-ending era.

The ancestor of the Confucian family had three thousand disciples back then. Confucianism is good at seeking good luck and avoiding evil. Knowing that the human race will change in the future, so he left a hand. Today's three thousand great Confucianists are among the three thousand disciples of his school. Among the disciples, those who were carefully selected for sealing.

"Well, it's a pity that Shi Da and Shi Ba didn't come to the 'Qinglong Holy Land' with you." Back then, Shi Ba took great effort to prevent himself from being with Shi Hou. I agree, but it was a half-matching attitude in the end, and now that Xuanyuan thinks about it, he feels a little nostalgic in his heart.

"Look at how discerning I am." Shihou looked at Xuanyuan, stroked his face with his hands, and smiled.

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