Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1672 Return of the Forbidden Army

"I will not let you down. One day, I will take the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' and return to that piece of our homeland, so that the people under my command will no longer be displaced, wandering outside, and have no fixed place to live." Xuanyuan held Shihou's hand and said sonorously, he deeply understands that the people who need the "Qinglong Holy Land" still hope to return to their original homeland, where they grew up.

At the same time, Xuanyuan also knew that Shihou was no exception, and was very homesick.

Shihou looked at Xuanyuan, her eyes suddenly turned red, and tears fell quietly: "I really want to go back to the 'Central China', thinking of the land I lived in since I was a child, thinking of the city I built in that world. Chi, think of my projection, the cave where I met you for the first time, the small island where you bullied me for the first time..."

"Don't worry, even if it's not for all races in the world, for you, I will take back the 'Central China', drive out all the cruel alien races, and stick to our homeland from now on, so that the people under our jurisdiction can be safe and happy. Seeing that Master was sad, Xuanyuan couldn't bear it, women are always at their weakest when they can touch a man's heart.

"Xuanyuan, thank you, you have always done so much for me, but there is so little I can do for you." Shihou stared at Xuanyuan with pear blossoms and rain.

"You have done too much for me, I can't remember it all my life, and you are me, as long as you can be happy, I am satisfied, you know?" Xuanyuan put his arms around Shihou's waist, gently Kissed her forehead lightly.

Shihou closed her eyes, feeling the peace of mind at this moment. Xuanyuan was fighting outside all this time, and she was worried in her heart, and she had to look calm and calm on the surface. For her, it was too much torture.

Although she has enough confidence in Xuanyuan, when Xuanyuan and the "Lord of Order" went to fight in the starry sky, her heart felt like a rootless duckweed. She hated herself for not being able to be like Yuechan, Secretly following Xuanyuan to fight side by side, when she was uneasy, she could only find Yuan'er to know if Xuanyuan was safe now.

But Yuan'er told her that she had completely lost the inner connection with Xuanyuan. I was ecstatic, and my heart was extremely excited.

When a woman is worried about a man behind her back, and she is ecstatic, she is unknown to others.

"Xuanyuan, let me give birth to a child for you, okay?" Shihou was so moved that she couldn't express it in words, and she suddenly said such a sentence, she wanted to become Xuanyuan's woman completely.

"...Here, Pingsheng is still young, I think we should wait until Pingsheng is older? At least let Pingsheng set a good example for his younger brother." Xuanyuan felt that the incident happened suddenly, and Xuanyuan Pingsheng called him his father. , but it was not his own, but was conceived with his blood, which is completely different from two people having children.

"Well, this kid Pingsheng is quite proud. These days, under the teaching of senior Kong Ming, some edges and corners have been worn away. He has a bit of your demeanor, and he is also liked by girls." When talking about Xuanyuan Ping Sheng, there was a trace of tenderness on Shihou's face. Although Xuanyuan was not born, he still inherited everything about Xuanyuan.

"Haha, speaking of me as a father, I'm too irresponsible. I've never visited him." Xuanyuan smiled awkwardly, but those who have no blood relationship with the child, Shihou, cared more than he did. , Aiwujiwu.

"You are for the family, the country, and the world. You have set a good example for your children. This is the best responsibility. Boys are able to live strong and independent lives instead of growing up under the care and protection of their parents. , I only have time to see him, because Zixi is cold-tempered and strict with him, sometimes, I go to talk to him." Shihou looked like a loving mother now, with a bright smile.

"Oh, what a loving mother, what a loser." Xuanyuan teased Shihou.

"Go..." Shihou smiled and patted Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan took Shihou with him and looked at the scenery of the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. The two of them rubbed each other's ears, looking at the picturesque scenery of the mountains and rivers.

What Xuanyuan once promised to Shihou has finally been fulfilled, and a large area of ​​the "Qinglong Holy Land" was created by himself.

He felt that everything he did seemed to be for this moment, and Shihou was already satisfied. To be able to achieve this step, since ancient times, there is no second person, stronger than the "Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor", who can only force the ancient royal family to draw land with the human race. Whereas, it is even more impossible for the demons and monsters to live in peace with them.

Xuanyuan not only did it, but also condensed the Dao thoughts of the various schools of thought and the major foreign races together, allowing them to collide and spark, let them contend in this small prosperous world in the "Swallowing Immortal Mansion", and let them invade the outside world At that time, a hundred schools of thought joined forces to fight against the enemy.

Half a day later, Xuanyuan went to see Ba ​​Ji again, she is also his wife, and for such a big matter as double cultivation with Huang Yuechan, he should tell Ba Ji out of reason.

Seeing the resentment on Ba Ji's face, Xuanyuan didn't say a word, just picked up Ba Ji, and entered his own "Holy Emperor Fighting Hongmeng", because he was afraid that the house would collapse, and the two of them turned upside down and stepped into the ancient world. Xuanyuan of Emperor Yizhong would never be bullied by Ba Ji again. A burst of fierce attack ended with Ba Ji's blissful moan. Holding Xuanyuan, she felt unspeakable satisfaction in her heart, and the resentment in her heart disappeared inexplicably.

"Except for them, you are not allowed to provoke other women." Ba Ji gave Xuanyuan a death order. A woman like her really couldn't tolerate Xuanyuan having too many women in her heart, but she had the same mentality as Li Yue, She is a latecomer, and she has no right to ask for anything.

"Obey." Xuanyuan was serious, only then did Ba Ji completely stop complaining, and kissed Xuanyuan with a happy face.

after one night.

After Xuanyuan walked out of the 'Blood City', he began to walk to every city in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', mingling with the common people, asking them what they needed and what they were dissatisfied with.

Xuanyuan's path can be reflected from the Wuwutian, and the "Cangsheng Sheji Fist" is the greatest interpretation.

This Emperor's Fist, Xuanyuan felt very lucky to be able to create this fist himself.

In this way, Xuanyuan walked through the cities under the jurisdiction of the "Qinglong Holy Land", caring for the orphans who were displaced by the war in the "Central China", and personally taught them supernatural powers, practiced boxing with them, and Speaking of which, he was also an orphan, and he made those orphans feel the same way, and Xuanyuan learned a lot from discussing the scriptures with Nie.

In the end, enter the 'Nanyan City', because this city is my own idea, it breaks the rules, allowing the common people and the people of the major forces to have more choices, and many people in the 'Central Shenzhou' also choose Come here especially for the name, 'Nanyan City' is extremely prosperous, full of traffic, and all major forces are very prosperous.

Xuanyuan looked at the people of Limin who were working hard to cultivate, and there was a positive aura emanating from their spirits. He understood that these Limin people had come out of the shadow of their broken homes and started a new life.

From the moment they practiced supernatural powers, they already understood that they had to fight more to protect their homeland, not simply to fight for revenge. This would make them more powerful. People, the home to be guarded, the country to be guarded, the power that erupts is the most powerful.

Before the 100,000 forbidden troops returned from conquering the starry sky, among them were the children of the various forces in the 'Nanyan Xianzhou'. Originally, there were many people in the 'Nanyan Xianzhou' who were very dissatisfied with Xuanyuan, but after hearing what the forbidden army said, even if some people Still dissatisfied, but there will be no objection, because it is too rare to see a Holy Master who can achieve Xuanyuan's step.

It is precisely because of this reason that there will be a lot of strong people to join in. Many people want to see a wider world and get better tempered. The "Lord of Order" leads the team, and the opportunity rare.

One month later, the 'Lord of Order' returned as scheduled, and the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship' was completely dilapidated. Fortunately, it managed to reach the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'.

Wu Luo, Zhuge Tianxing, Sima Yi, Sun Duanfeng, Shangguan Feiyan, Dou Zhan Fozi, Wang Nidao, Ao Fan and other emperor-level figures all had earth-shaking changes in their temperament.

Compared with the previous ones, they have become more refined, and many of the previous 100,000 forbidden troops have stepped into the realm of the ancient emperor and ancient sage, and the newly recruited 100,000 forbidden troops have died. Two thousand statues, the others have at least stepped into the realm of the first heaven of the ancient sages and emperors.

The strong men who are close to 200,000 forbidden troops hang down on the nine heavens. This terrifying power can crush the opponent even if they encounter the existence of the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor. This time they obviously experienced The more terrible war brought them an unprecedented baptism.

Even Xuanyuan was shocked by this kind of transformation, because in them, not only the firm will to move forward, but also the wisdom in the use of military tactics, obviously in these days, Sun Duanfeng, Wu Luo, Shangguan Feiyan, Zhuge Tian Xing and Sima Yi, the sons of military strategists, each expressed their views and expounded the way of military strategism, which made them all get an unprecedented promotion.

"Hahaha, this is called a fight. I'm happy, I'm really happy. From now on, I want to recognize the 'Lord of Order' as the boss." Wu Mingtian stepped on a big crab and was very excited. Xuanyuan noticed that he The big crab under his feet has stepped into the realm of the fifth heaven of the ancient sage, and Wu Mingtian himself is also at the peak of the fourth heaven of the ancient emperor. It seems that he has begun to touch the barrier of the fifth heaven up.

Countless people of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' were shocked by the momentum of the 200,000 forbidden troops...

"Strengthen the people, strengthen the army, strengthen the country, and strengthen the ruler, it is a sign of great prosperity." Seeing this scene, the three thousand Confucian scholars couldn't help but all gasp in amazement.

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