Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1677 Nine Divine Roots

Pengfei and Zhutou Emperor were hanging down on the nine heavens. Seeing that Pengfei was a little frightened, Xuanyuan quickly restrained his expression, folded his arms around his chest, and immediately showed a harmless smile, saying: "What's the matter, This time, where did you two go to cheat food and drink again? We have emptied the 'Wanbao Palace' among the gods, and now there are so many old god emperors sitting in it, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to get it, You mustn't be overthinking it."

The pig-headed emperor was beaming with joy, not to mention how mean-spirited his expression was, it seemed that both of them had indeed gained a lot this time.

Seeing the two people laughing meanly, Xuanyuan became even more curious, and immediately said: "I said, what kind of bad things did the two of you do, and you really did it."

"Since you have asked sincerely, I will tell you mercifully that we have dug up almost all the tombs in the 'Nanyan Xianzhou'." The pig-headed emperor grinned.

Immediately Xuanyuan's face changed, he was frightened and angry, lowered his voice, and said: "What, look at what you have done, can you two have some brains? Although the gods occupy this land now, sooner or later we will regain the lost land , that is someone's ancestral tomb, that is his big tomb, if you do this, how can I embarrass you then? When the time comes, what face will the 'Qinglong Holy Land' have?"

"Look, look, pig-headed emperor, I have already said that, if you say that this kid will definitely get angry, you just don't believe it, you just want to say it, but fortunately, I have already prepared it." Peng Fei swaggered to the place. In front of Xuanyuan, he looked indifferent, and said: "Boy, do you think this Daoist is such a person who can't tell the difference? Let me tell you the truth, as long as the ancestral tombs of the major forces in my 'Qinglong Holy Land' If one doesn’t move, the others will die if they die, we don’t want it for nothing, understand?”

Xuanyuan nodded, as if none of the things he was angry with had happened, and with a harmless smile on his face, he stretched out his hand and said, "Well, this is not bad, it makes sense, then do you want to contribute what you get? Come out?"

"Damn it, you kid really stretches out your clothes and opens your mouth when you eat. How could such a good thing happen? If it weren't for the sincere cooperation of the two of us, how could we have gotten so many treasures? Go away, don't think about getting something for nothing. "The pig-headed emperor cursed and said unhappily.

"That's right, you don't want to get anything this time, we paid for it with our lives." Peng Fei who was at the side chimed in.

"Oh? Is that so? Don't regret it, Peng Fei. People have to pay for their words and deeds." Xuanyuan's eyes were shining coldly, and he smiled sinisterly.

Peng Fei looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water. He held his head high, sneered with contempt on his face, and said, "How, how, you dare to threaten me? Are you kidding me, did I get scared too much?" ?”

"That's right, Xuanyuan, you brat, you can't find it when it's critical, and you are more active than anyone else when it comes to dividing up treasures. Hurry up and die and cool off." Now Peng Fei and the pig-headed emperor are working hand in hand, Naturally, he also wants to help Pengfei speak. It is true that working with Pengfei has many benefits and treasures. How can the pig-headed emperor have trouble with the treasure.

"That's okay, hey, it's just a pity..." Xuanyuan directly triggered the "Holy Emperor Fighting Hongmeng", and immediately there were ninety-nine ancestral dragon veins, with supreme Fengshui patterns on them, the supreme strange situation, and the dragon singing nine days.

Seeing this scene, Peng Fei's eyeballs almost fell out immediately, his body couldn't help shaking, he screamed: "Supreme strange situation, how is it possible, this is the legendary Fengshui general situation, Jiujiu Supreme, Jiujiu The nineteen ancestral dragon veins have all been conceived to the peak state, how did you get it, kid."

Peng Fei's body is full of fat dangling, screams can be heard far and wide, ninety-nine ancestral dragon veins, deriving a supreme wonder, mysterious and mysterious, the power contained in it is all-encompassing, has thousands of ways, and has infinite magical uses.

"Oh, originally, I wanted to give it to you, but I didn't expect that you are so ruthless to me, so forget it, you are even reluctant to give me a little treasure, so I won't be affectionate ..." Xuanyuan shook his head, and was about to turn around and leave. The power of the ninety-nine ancestral dragon veins was astonishingly terrifying, causing countless strong men to look up and see that they all consciously followed Xuanyuan away.

"The ancestral dragon veins, there are ninety-nine ancestral dragon veins, and the supreme Fengshui Dao is depicted on them." Immediately, even the existence of the three thousand great Confucianists could not calm down.

"I didn't expect that in my 'Blue Dragon Holy Land', there would be so many ancestor dragon veins. It's simply too unbelievable."

"The 'Qinglong Holy Land' is bound to prosper. These ancestral dragon veins have great spiritual wisdom. Together, they can nourish the world."

All of a sudden, the hearts of countless powerhouses were filled with enthusiasm. Not to mention ninety-nine ancestral dragon veins, even a large dragon vein is extremely rare. That day, Peng Fei was going to pry other people's ancestral dragon veins, so that even if the entire royal family desperately It is also necessary to keep the ancestral dragon veins. It is conceivable how precious this ancestral dragon veins are. It takes countless years to conceive. The time it takes to form each ancestral dragon vein is not at all compared to the supreme magic medicine. Less, let alone ninety-nine articles.

"Hahaha, big brother Xuanyuan, you know my little brother, I just like to play such a little joke with you, this big brother wants a baby, it's okay, who dare not give it? Who am I going to turn against!" Peng Fei As if taking it for granted, he immediately poured out a basket of treasures, including natural materials and earthly treasures, and forced them to Xuanyuan, winking and saying: "My good brother, don't be polite to me, just take it, it's just It’s just a little brother’s thought.”

"Are you showing filial piety to me?" Xuanyuan asked with a smile.

"Of course, it's a matter of course that my younger brother gave my elder brother something. Please accept it. If my elder brother doesn't accept it, I won't give my younger brother face." Peng Fei patted his chest with a crackling sound.

"Okay, then I'll give you some face." Xuanyuan directly collected those treasures one by one, then turned around and left.

Peng Fei became impatient on the spot, and hurriedly said: "Brother, you go slowly first, this little brother, I want to borrow the treasure of big brother, to observe and observe."

"Observe and emulate? It's okay, but you have to think about it, don't you?" Xuanyuan grinned, which is called brilliant.

"Ah, hahaha, come, come, brother, look, these are twenty-four 'sea pearls' condensed in the body of sea clam spirits whose strength is in the third heaven realm of the ancient sages, and it can be regarded as a set close to the human level. The existence of the Dao Artifact, please accept it, otherwise I will feel uneasy." With a flattering smile on Peng Fei's face, he almost knelt down and begged Xuanyuan to accept it.

Xuanyuan nodded and said: "Forget it, since you asked me to accept it, then I will accept it."

Immediately he waved his hand, turned around and left again after closing it, Peng Fei's face turned green for a moment, and said: "Brother, brother, go slowly."

"What's the matter?" Xuanyuan looked impatient.

"Lend me to take a look, this supreme wonder, my little brother wants to study it, study it." Peng Fei smiled shyly.

"Get lost..." Xuanyuan said concisely.

"Hey, big brother, you can use my little brother to do some research, and I'll get out of here immediately, definitely." Peng Fei was very thick-skinned, and smiled.

"Pengfei, let me tell you straight, this ancestral dragon vein can not only be lent to you, but also given to you. I will give you forty-nine ancestral dragon veins, but you have to take all the natural materials and earthly treasures on your body. Hand it over and confiscate it." Xuanyuan didn't intend to be so ruthless at first, who told this fat man to be so cheap just now, it's really unreasonable not to come back.

"This..." Peng Fei hesitated.

"Don't forget it." Xuanyuan was very straightforward, turned around and was about to leave.

"Don't, don't, I'll change it with you." Immediately, Pengfei took out all the treasures on his body, and Xuanyuan took them all according to the order, not letting any one go, and finally took all of Pengfei's treasure bags. It was taken away, but Xuanyuan couldn't see a trace of pity on his face, more of a secret joy, because these ancestral dragon veins are too precious.

Because most of the treasures of heaven and earth on him are valuable things, and these ancestral dragon veins can be said to be priceless. As long as these forty-nine ancestral dragon veins are exchanged, why not worry about not being able to enter the tomb? Go, there is no problem for me to use the feng shui that directly controls one side of the world, Peng Fei thought in his heart, and more importantly, there are extremely terrifying characters on it, depicting the feng shui lines, it is difficult for ordinary people to understand.

It's just that it would be even better if he could get another fifty ancestral dragon veins. Xuanyuan didn't talk nonsense, and immediately handed over all forty-nine ancestral dragon veins to Peng Fei.

Peng Fei's saliva splashed all over the floor, and suddenly Xuanyuan said again: "Give me the Nine Dao Divine Roots."

"What, you kid actually want my elixir of immortality, this is a complete elixir of immortality, don't even think about it." Peng Fei screamed, it was his heart.

"Then do you still want the other fifty ancestral dragon veins? You have to think about it carefully. The time it takes to form each ancestral dragon vein is no worse than the supreme magic medicine. You just need to use these ninety-nine I have thoroughly understood the feng shui strange situation of the supreme, with him protecting the body, who is your opponent in the world, with your treasure hunting ability, even if you encounter the magic medicine of immortality, you will not be able to escape from your clutches." , earnestly teach.

"Okay, that's it..." After Xuanyuan's persuasion, Peng Fei was finally persuaded, but it was true. The 'Pharmaceutical of Immortality' could only save his life. Immediately agreed to the benefits that the strange situation could bring to him.

"Haha, then give it to me." Xuanyuan laughed.

From between Peng Fei's eyebrows, a villain walked out, with mysterious myriad ways flowing on him, and a majestic life force flowing through him.

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