Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1678 Five Elements Lotus

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." Peng Fei's eyes turned red all of a sudden, and he looked pitiful. You must know that the Nine Dao Daoguo Shengenggen is extremely important to him. At the time of Shenzhou, he was attacked by the dragon claw finger of the "Lord of Order", that is, the "Nine Dao Divine Roots" took Peng Fei's life.

"Haha, Pengfei, just admit it." Xuanyuan looked at the mysterious power of myriad ways flowing on the roots of the nine gods, full of vitality, and more importantly, Xuanyuan felt the opening in his soul. The three flowers swayed, and there was a wonderful sound of the Great Dao, which was unprecedented. It seemed to respond to the Nine Dao Divine Roots, and my heart moved, full of surprises.

I saw that the Nine Dao Divine Roots didn't have the slightest nostalgia for Peng Fei. They flew out from between his brows and merged into Xuanyuan's three souls autonomously. Xuanyuan's current three souls evolved into lead flowers, silver flowers, Golden Flower, he readily accepted.

I saw the roots of the nine gods hanging down at the center of the three flowers, which made people feel extremely comfortable, as if they had been greatly nourished from their entire body, and Xuanyuan also felt the strength of the three souls in an instant, and his own strength was even stronger. It has grown a lot, and the two are mutually reinforcing.

Xuanyuan was overjoyed, it seemed that the nine god roots and himself had a mutual contrast, maybe practicing the "Immortal Golden Body Technique" would get twice the result with half the effort, even better than the previous expected effect.

Peng Fei looked extremely heartbroken, he yelled, his hair was disheveled, because the hairpin on his head was also a treasure, Xuanyuan didn't let it go, if it wasn't for fear of losing face, Xuanyuan wanted to give Pengfei the clothes Peel it off, because that is also a treasure.

Pengfei screamed hysterically, and those who didn't know thought he was going crazy.

Xuanyuan was in a very happy mood, and gave the fifty ancestral dragon veins to Peng Fei, saying: "Okay, you have earned this business."

Peng Fei almost stopped scolding his mother, and said: "You searched all the treasures of my Daoist, and said that my Daoist made money, so I can only say that everyone takes what they need."

"Haha, anyway, I have the supreme magic medicine, and I will get twice the result with half the effort in the next practice, so I won't accompany you." Xuanyuan was in a good mood.

"Hmph, how do you know that I have left a hand, boy, to be honest, you are still very young if you want to fight with me." Peng Fei grinned, and a lotus flower emerged from between his brows, The air of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth are in harmony with each other, and the five-color brilliance is shining brightly, illuminating the world in all directions, and the strong life energy is rolling, and it is both offensive and defensive.

In the eyes of the 'Lord of Order' on the side, there was a hint of strangeness, and he sighed: "I didn't expect it to be the 'Five Elements Daolian', and there are two immortal medicines on one person. You really have it, hide it." It's so good, I didn't even notice it, it seems that I will fall into your trap by accident."

"Hahahaha, I can't think of it. How can ordinary people understand the methods of this Taoist master? Xuanyuan boy, how about it? Are you very upset? If you knew that there was a 'Five Elements Daolian', would you just change it?" It’s a pity that I can’t do it. I’m a body of yin and yang. It’s the so-called yin and yang and five elements. I'm leaving, my Daoist is leaving too." Peng Fei was very proud, he raised his head and laughed, his whole body trembling.

"Hahahaha..." Xuanyuan also laughed out loud.

Peng Fei's laughter stopped abruptly, and he frowned and asked, "Boy, what's so funny?"

"I just wanted to laugh, what's the matter?" Xuanyuan said while drawing out "Feng Shui Ancient Magic", playing with it in his hands, the supreme Feng Shui avenue flowing.

Peng Fei's eyes turned green immediately, and he screamed: "Damn it, you kid is bullying me, why is the last part of "Feng Shui Ancient Magic" in your hands, god damn it, you Why didn't you take it out earlier."

"Hahaha, let's go, alas, I am envious in my heart, 'Five Elements Daolian'." Xuanyuan also kept a hand, knowing that the ninety-nine ancestral dragon veins are extremely valuable, and it is more than enough to exchange for one immortal medicine If Peng Fei doesn't show off to him, he wants to wait until Peng Fei has comprehended the ninety-nine ancestral dragon veins to a certain extent, and then give him "Feng Shui Ancient Magic", so that it will be more transparent. , there is still a gap.

Because at this moment, Peng Fei has limited experience with the supreme strange situation under the condition that "Feng Shui Ancient Divine Art" is not complete, but he will pay more attention to comprehend and analyze it, and then give him "Feng Shui Ancient Divine Art". "Cultivation, when the time comes, there will be two completely different views and comparisons, good or bad, and will not fall into the rules and regulations of ancient arts. However, all supernatural powers in cultivation must have rules. Without rules, there will be no rules. .

"Don't, big brother, you can't leave me alone..." Peng Fei almost burst into tears, and now he only needs the last part of "Feng Shui Ancient Magic" to be considered complete, he howled miserably.

"Oh, your methods are beyond the knowledge of ordinary people like us. I really can't bear the word "big brother..." Xuanyuan laughed.

"Brother, please forgive me for my momentary slip of the tongue, can you give me the last part of "Feng Shui Ancient Magic", this is the real copy, it is extremely precious." Peng Fei hugged Xuanyuan's thigh, shamelessly.

"I think, if you want it, you have to be sincere. I think the 'Five Elements Daolian' is good. If I want to use it for cultivation, I'm afraid it will make my physical body grow to an unprecedented level. If you really recognize me Big Brother, I have nothing to say, 'Give me the 'Five Elements Dao Lotus'." Xuanyuan also coveted the 'Five Elements Dao Lotus' very much, for him who has received the Five Elements spirits in his internal organs, this 'Five Elements Dao Lotus' 'It's simply something you can meet but not ask for.

"This is the last thing I need to save my life. Big brother, you can't treat my little brother like this. It's too cruel." Peng Fei yelled, obviously unwilling to hand over the last 'Five Elements Daolian', holding this last trace I hope, I want to beg for "Fengshui Ancient Magic" from Xuanyuan with a shy face.

"Hey, short-sightedness, if you can practice "Feng Shui Ancient Magic" to the state of Dzogchen, then the tomb of the Emperor of Heaven will not be able to stop you, and the medicine of immortality is not easy to come by. With this 99 Supreme Feng Shui strange situation, even more It’s invincible, if you don’t want to forget it, I’m leaving.” Xuanyuan shook his head, before he wanted to send Peng Fei off with "Feng Shui Ancient Magic", but it was just in order, he never thought that Peng Fei would actually I still kept a hand, and I didn't expect that the "Five Elements Daolian" would pop out. For Xuanyuan, this was a surprise.

"This fat man hides deep enough..." This is the feeling of Xuanyuan, the pig-headed emperor, and the greedy old man at the same time. Although this 'Five Elements Daolian' is the medicine of immortality, it can be attacked and recovered. It is extremely powerful. It should be a friend. One of Fei's hole cards, Xuanyuan remembered that Peng Fei also had a mysterious iron bowl, and he didn't know what kind of power it had.

His identity has always been a mystery, and people can't figure it out. Even if it is a heavenly emperor, the existence of a great sage may not be able to have a plant of immortal medicine, but he has two plants by himself, which is really puzzling. , where it was obtained is unknown.

"Ahhhhhhh..." Pengfei screamed again, and hugged Xuanyuan's thigh directly: "Brother Xuanyuan, you can just take pity on my little brother, you can't treat me like this, I'm here to stay A life-saving thing..."

"Then how about this, you draw five drops of the supreme divine liquid from the 'Five Elements Daolian', which can be considered as a life-saving thing for you, if you still don't change it like this, then there is no need to discuss it, this " "Feng Shui Ancient Divine Art" You don't want to practice Dzogchen in this lifetime." Xuanyuan grinned, saying that humans and animals are harmless.

"Wow..." Peng Fei let out a shrill scream, as if he was heart-piercing after being raped by countless people, attracting countless people's eyes.

"Should I change it or not, I will leave if I don't change it." Xuanyuan didn't have the slightest sympathy, and his voice was tinged with coldness.

"I'll change it, isn't it okay?" Peng Fei was about to cry, but there were no tears.

In the end, before Peng Fei took out the 'Five Elements Dao Lotus', from between his eyebrows, the 'Five Elements Dao Lotus' had already broken into Xuanyuan's body, hovering in the center of Xuanyuan's internal organs.

Xuanyuan's five internal organs are breathing the spirits of the five elements of heaven and earth all the time. If you can be with Xuanyuan, then it is naturally a better choice.

Seeing this scene, Peng Fei couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth and trembling all over. His two elixir of immortality were too disrespectful, at least he could show some reluctance.

Xuanyuan laughed out loud, without further ado, and directly handed over the last part of "Feng Shui Ancient Magic" to Peng Fei.

In Xuanyuan's body, the aura emanating from the 'Five Elements Dao Lotus' merged into the five internal organs, and the 'Five Elements Spirit' cheered unceasingly, apparently also greatly nourished.

Peng Fei looked at "Feng Shui Ancient Divine Art" and was overjoyed. Xuanyuan drew out five drops of the supreme liquid, handed it to him and said, "Don't say that big brother doesn't care about benevolence and righteousness, you have to be careful when you travel in the future, don't go too Go through a dangerous place, otherwise, I'm afraid these five drops of Supreme Divine Liquid won't be able to protect you."

As soon as the words fell, Xuanyuan patted his buttocks and left, but Pengfei didn't feel depressed at all. He patted his chest and bragged: "Don't worry, there is no danger for me. When the time comes, there will be no danger in the world." All the medicines of immortality belong to this Daoist."

"Hahaha, I hope so." Xuanyuan only left a sentence, but the pig-headed emperor looked at Pengfei with a pair of eyeballs, and said: "Fatty, lend me one of your ancestral dragon veins for fun." ?”

"Thinking too much, I want to practice in seclusion, so don't disturb me from now on, don't look at me like that, unless you don't want to go into the tomb of the Emperor of Heaven with me, you must know that the portal of Ascension'Hongmeng Origin' is cracked, some The Emperor of Heaven couldn't find an existence to seal himself, so he could only bury him with his own cultivation..." Peng Fei rolled his eyes, his body turned into yin and yang, and dissipated between the sky and the earth. The pig-headed emperor originally had a hideous face, but he remembered The tomb of the Emperor of Heaven, now that Peng Fei has obtained the complete "Feng Shui Ancient Divine Art" plus the ninety-nine ancestral dragon veins, he is smiling again.

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