Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1691 Friends Come From Afar

"Shenmu clan? Let's go and have a look." Xuanyuan's heart moved, he used the "eye of reality" to investigate, and he could feel that in this "Shenmu world", the breath was pure, and it was not like the world of holy corpses, the world of Shura, Star Iron War Dragon was so vicious, he gave an order immediately.

The huge "Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship" is advancing towards the "Shenmu World", and everyone is full of expectations. This is the first time they have entered the big world outside the domain of the human race.

Just when they were about to enter the 'Shenmu World', a beautiful figure suddenly stopped in front of the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship', and countless green vines spread out in all directions, and the mysterious power of the avenue flowed on each of the green vines. Powerful, like a big net, seems to be able to restrain the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship'.

Behind him, there is a large formation, which seems to be closely connected with the entire Shenmu world, and it is extremely terrifying. One person in a formation seems to be able to stop hundreds of millions of soldiers and horses.

"Who is coming?" That woman, wrapped in green vines, has a graceful figure, graceful and charming, extremely beautiful, but also extremely powerful, at the peak of the ancient emperor's fifth heaven.

Xuanyuan came out from the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship', bowed to the woman, and said with a smile: "We traveled around the starry sky and came here by accident. We saw the 'Shenmu Clan' with secret history records. We are here to visit. I hope Can learn a thing or two."

The woman looked at Xuanyuan, narrowed her eyes slightly, and said, "Human physique, huh? Do you have Doumu in your body? Let Doumu talk to me."

Xuanyuan nodded. It seems that the Shenmu tribe has a very keen sense of fighting wood. From the body, the 'Ancient Buddha Zen Wood' and 'Ancient Dragon Subduing Wood' came out. They were hidden in Xuanyuan's liver, and now they are extremely powerful , synchronized with Xuanyuan, both have the realm of the first heaven of the ancient emperor.

"Our master really doesn't have any malice. He just wants to come to the Shenmu clan to learn, increase his knowledge, and hope to gain experience."'Ancient Buddha Zen Wood' and'Ancient Dragon Subduing Wood' said together.

The Shenmu tribe is naturally close to Doumu, and there is indeed no problem in communication. Doumu can't deceive the Shenmu tribe, especially the existence of the ancient emperor's fifth heaven. The woman smiled slightly and said softly: " Now my Shenmu world is in troubled times, if you are willing to come, it’s fine, but if something happens and you are involved, it’s not good, I’ll explain it to you in advance, and it’s up to you to choose.”

"Hehe, since I dare to come to the world of Shenmu, I will not be afraid of troubles. If you want to go through the journey safely and without incident, it is not called grinding." own body.

"Then you all come!" The woman's eyes swept across the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship'. Indeed, there were not many people on the battleship, most of them were the younger generation, but it gave people an unfathomable feeling. Their backgrounds are unusual, they are friends rather than enemies, so it’s okay to keep them, and they are the only people who are willing to enter the Shenmu world, obviously because they have greater trust in the Shenmu tribe.

After all, for them, there are only a dozen of them, and it is obviously more dangerous to enter the world of Shenmu.

The woman's surname is Mu, and her name is Muying. She is a supreme elder in the world of Shenmu.

Xuanyuan and his party also introduced themselves and chatted happily along the way.

Only Mo Ming shrunk the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship' and turned it into a terrifying puppet, walking in the middle of a group of people, controlled by Mo Ming himself, to adapt to all changes, as the saying goes, don't have the heart to harm others, and guard against others Heart can not do without, this is still necessary.

"Are you from 'Central China'?" Muying and Xuanyuan's group chatted here, very surprised.

"That's right, but the current situation in 'Central China' is not optimistic. Apart from the Protoss, Evil Race, Underworld, and Heavenly Court, there may be more big forces from the outer starry sky intervening in it. The war is endless, and they all want to occupy a corner. , in order to ascend to the 'Origin of Hongmeng'." Xuanyuan Youyou let out a long sigh.

"What, what about the human race?" Mu Ying looked shocked, and said in disbelief: "The human race is extremely powerful. I remember that in ancient times, the 'Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor' and all the sages came to the Shenmu clan to spread the teachings of the various schools of thought. Thoughts, supernatural powers, and my Shenmu clan communicate with each other. One heavenly emperor leads hundreds of great saints, and the human race is almost invincible, and each of their great saints is extraordinary, not much different from the peak of the gods!"

At that time, Mu Ying was still young, and thought that she would have no chance to get in touch with such great figures as Zhuzi Baisheng, but she didn't expect that these great saints of the human race were very friendly, blending into the common people, explaining scriptures to them, teaching them inheritance, She was even more fortunate to have been personally taught by a great sage for three days. All the sages have a lot of credit for being able to have today's strength.

"The human race was forced to move out of the 'Central China'. I am ashamed to say that our descendants are not strong enough. We did not inherit the will of the ancestors and passed it on, so that the family will be dusted and the ancestors will be ashamed." Xuanyuan was also very helpless in his heart. , How powerful it is, even the Shenmu tribe knows it.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this for now, it's such a pleasure to have friends coming from afar, please!" Muying said this sentence, which is exactly from Confucianism.

"Haha, to hear this sentence from the Shenmu clan, I always feel very kind, let's go." Xuanyuan laughed heartily.

In the world of Shenmu, there is crispness everywhere, lush vegetation, colorful, exotic flowers and flowers, all over the place.

Seeing outsiders coming in, a strong man couldn't help frowning, but the people brought by Mu Ying didn't say much.

In a huge forest, each tree is one hundred thousand feet high, towering straight into the sky, with thick branches and thick leaves, a shade, and extremely rich vitality.

On every giant tree, there are avenue patterns engraved over the years, which are extremely mysterious. Along the way, Xuanyuan observed carefully with the "eye of truth", and gained something in a short time. "The understanding of "has improved a lot. The Shenmu clan is worthy of being crowned as the most powerful clan in life. It is indestructible and revived after death.

Numerous exotic flowers and plants have been born for a long time, and Mo Chou is the body of a thousand spirits, which immediately attracted the closeness of these heavenly and earth spirits, which made Muying surprised: "It turns out to be a 'body of a thousand spirits', which requires a kind heart." Only those who have no time can fully control this physique, otherwise, the aura will gradually be lost, and this physique will dissipate on its own."

Through the forest of giant trees, under the leadership of Mu Ying, step into a portal of forbidden teleportation.

In a blink of an eye, they came to a huge square, where they couldn't see the side at a glance. Obviously, this is the place where the Shenmu people gather on weekdays.

Behind the square, there is a palace built of giant trees, spreading backwards, patchwork, majestic architecture, majestic and full of vitality, which makes people admire.

Mu Yingyu flicked her fingers, and in one corner of the square, bluestone tables were placed all over the place, and countless fairy fruits and jade liquid were placed.

At this moment, a man fell from the sky, looked at Muying, and said gently: "Why are you back? Isn't it your turn to investigate the situation today?"

"Hehe, there are friends from the tribe who want to visit my Shenmu tribe. I have an avatar stationed there, and nothing will happen for a while, so I brought them in. Mu Zong, you can entertain them for me, and I will stay behind , and today's turmoil, our Shenmu tribe also needs to understand the current situation outside, they know more than us." Muying explained, then turned and left.

Mu Zong and Mu Ying looked like a Taoist couple, talented and beautiful, Mu Zong was more than two meters tall, with extraordinary martial arts, he landed on the master's seat, laughed, and said: "Mu Ying is my wife, we They are all the Supreme Elders of the Shenmu Clan, and now my Shenmu world is in troubled times, so I cannot slack off, if there is any negligence, please forgive me."

The human race is a state of etiquette. At the beginning of the ancient times, they came to the Shenmu clan to inherit and treat each other with courtesy, which also brought a certain influence to the Shenmu clan. The way of hospitality and the way of speaking are very similar to the human race.

"Where, we are the ones who bothered you, but I don't know what happened to the Shenmu tribe? Can you tell me?" Xuanyuan asked with a smile.

"That's right, if there is anything we can help with, relying on the friendship between our human race and the Shenmu clan, we will definitely do our best." Zhang Tianling bowed his hands and spoke softly.

"The human race has a very close relationship with our Shenmu tribe. The 'Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor' and all the sages inherited the human race's way, and treated the people of our Shenmu tribe selflessly, which benefited them a lot and was beneficial to our governance. If there was no 'Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor' With the words of all the sages, it may not be that our Shenmu clan can be so prosperous, let me just talk about it." Mu Zong sighed lightly.

At this moment, another old man descended from the sky, with white hair and a childlike face, full of energy and blood. The strength of this old man was even stronger than that of Mu Zong.

"Mu Zong, don't be rude. We are guests from afar. What we, the Shenmu Clan, have to do is to do our best as landlords. How can we let our guests take risks for us?" The old man yelled, and Mu Zong lowered his head and said respectfully: " Yes, brother."

The old man looked at Xuanyuan and the others, bowed his hands and saluted, and said: "I am from the Shenmu clan, and the Supreme Rewards and Punishes the elders, Mu Xiao, my younger brother does not understand etiquette, so I apologize to you all."

Mu Xiao poured himself a cup of jade liquor, and drank it all in one gulp.

A group of people in Xuanyuan waited to raise their glasses to drink together, Zhang Tianling stood up and said: "I asked Brother Mu Zong to say it, so he said it, don't blame him, I will punish myself with a glass."

Xuanyuan walked out of the Qingshi case, cupped his hands at Mu Xiao and said, "Senior Mu Xiao, please forgive me for talking too much, but today's turmoil, all races in the world, should work together to defend against foreign enemies. The Shenmu clan and our human race are better. When one party is in trouble, all sides support us. Although we are guests, we are also friends. The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water. Confucianism emphasizes benevolence, wisdom, propriety, righteousness, loyalty, filial piety, life, what I want, and righteousness, what I want. You can’t have both, if you give up your life for justice, if the Shenmu clan is in trouble today, we will turn a blind eye to it, do you still deserve to be called a gentleman? This is unrighteous.”

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