Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1692 Blue Emperor

"Hehe, what little friend Xuanyuan said made me a little ashamed, but my enemies in the Shenmu world are too powerful, and I don't want to drag you down." Mu Xiao looked a little helpless, and said: "This one It's not like you guys can turn the tide."

"That's not necessarily the case, senior Mu Xiao, are you underestimating the background of my family?" Xuanyuan laughed.

"Don't dare, the human race is unpredictable. I have already understood it in the beginning of the ancient times, and I have a deep understanding. How dare I underestimate it?" Mu Xiao laughed.

"Let's just say that since we are friends, we are naturally willing to share the burden together. The 'Hongmeng Tiandi' and all the sages inherit the Dao of the human race. They hope that our human race and all races will live in harmony and help each other. Only in this way can we go on the road smoothly. Longer, farther." Xuanyuan asked sincerely.

"Forget it, let the old man say it, so that you don't have to be the unrighteous people." Mu Xiao joked, and said with a wry smile: "It's a member of the Shenhuo clan, they have always wanted my Shenmu clan to unite with them , because wood can make fire, if we help them, they will be like ducks in water and add fuel to the fire. In fact, the people of the Shenhuo clan have joined forces with the Zhanxie clan to conspire with the world. I, the Shenmu clan, do not want to have too many If there is a dispute, they will push each other hard."

"Shenhuo Clan?" Xuanyuan frowned, and at this moment, Zhang Tianling said slowly: "According to the records of the secret history, the 'Shenhuo Clan' can cultivate by relying on the sun, with violent attack methods, violent nature, cruel methods, and invisible fire , the sword is hard to hurt, only the way can destroy the way."

"Where's the Zhanxie Clan?" Xuanyuan asked again.

"The Zhanxie clan has never heard of it." Both Zhang Tianling and Huang Tian shook their heads.

"If there is only the Shenhuo Clan, then we have our own way to deal with it, but the Zhanxie Clan is too terrifying, and it is difficult for us to deal with them together." Mu Xiao sighed: "The Zhanxie Clan was in the ancient times, when the evil spirits from outside the territory The rebellion of the Xingtian clan and the Xingtian clan of the witch clan is a big clan united, although their clan is not big, but each of them has amazing combat power."

"So it turns out that I, the Xing Tian Clan, are rebellious?" Xuanyuan frowned.

"Are you a member of the Wu clan?" Mu Xiao looked at Xuanyuan with a surprised expression.

"Although I am not a member of the Wu Clan, I have obtained the inheritance of the Wu Clan and the will of the Xing Tian Clan. It seems that I have to take care of this matter." Xuanyuan frowned, thinking in his heart , how to deal with it.

"I didn't expect there to be such a relationship." Mu Xiao sighed.

"Now it seems that the Shenhuo Clan and Zhanxie Clan should give the Shenmu Clan some time to think about it?" Xuanyuan asked.

"That's right. After three days, they will come again. If the Shenmu clan still doesn't agree, they will attack on a large scale." Mu Xiao pointed in all directions, and said: "Originally, among the Shenmu clan, there was peace. It is the place where my Shenmu people gather, but now it is empty, and every one of them is on guard, ready to resist their attack at any time."

"It's okay, after three days, I will talk to them, and I will represent the Shenmu clan." Xuanyuan said heavily.

"No, no one will believe your words. You are of human blood, and you can tell at a glance." Mu Xiao shook his head.

Xuanyuan laughed and transformed, and the aura emanating from top to bottom was no different from that of the Shenmu clan, and it was difficult to distinguish: "If you can give me a drop of blood essence and let me refine it, my disguise will be even more flawless. "

"This, what are you?" Mu Xiao suddenly remembered something, he quickly drew out a drop of blood essence, eliminated the power contained in it, and injected it into Xuanyuan's body.

Xuanyuan's body is like a black hole, swallowing and refining this stream of blood essence, and merging it into his limbs and bones. At this moment, the power released from Xuanyuan's body is exactly the same as that of the Shenmu clan. I can't tell if this is my own clan.

"Haha, senior Mu Xiao, senior Mu Zong, what do you think?" Xuanyuan laughed.

"Could it be that little friend Xuanyuan, you are the legendary 'body of all transformations'?" Mu Zong was a little excited.

"That's right, so you can rest assured, leave the matter to me when the time comes, and I will ensure that the 'Shenmu World' is safe and sound." Xuanyuan promised.

"It's a big matter. It's useless for me and Mu Zong to promise you. You have to ask Emperor Qing for instructions." Mu Xiao said solemnly.

"Emperor Qing?" Xuanyuan was puzzled.

"Qingdi is the supreme emperor of my 'Shenmu World', in charge of the first tree, Jianmu." When Mu Xiao talked about Qingdi, he had a kind of pride belonging to the Shenmu clan, which shows how powerful this Qingdi is.

"Forget it, let's wait for the news here." Xuanyuan smiled and sat down.

At this moment, a voice came out, and a young man came to Xuanyuan. He chuckled and said, "How can we keep the guests from far away waiting for a long time? Sit down!"

"I have seen Emperor Qing!" Mu Zong and Mu Xiao bowed and saluted.

The man in front of him is imposing, high-spirited, with black hair hanging down, handsome face, and he has the atmosphere to control the world with his gestures, but his breath is soft, making people feel like spring rain, full of vitality, making people feel at ease. , very longing for.

Bian Que was very excited and lost her composure: "With such a way of growing hair, all things are vital. If I can get Qing Emperor's guidance, my medical skills will definitely improve by leaps and bounds."

Emperor Qing glanced at Bian Que, and there was a ray of surprise in his eyes: "With such blood power, are you the descendant of the Bian family, a medical school of the human race?"

"That's right, does Emperor Qing know my Great Sage Bian Family?" Bian Que was very excited.

"It's not just about acquaintances, we are life-and-death friends. He inherited all the holy ways of my Bian family's medical skills, and I inherited his Shenmu family's hair growth avenue. I am the only confidant. I didn't expect that after countless years, I would still be able to meet the descendants of the Bian family. But the inheritance of the Bian family that you have cultivated in your body is lacking and not perfect, what's going on?" Emperor Qing asked suspiciously.

"The Bian family has been ruined and broken through the years. Until my generation, only I, a single seedling, is left. This is left by the holy ancestor. Please have a look at it." Bian Que said the same to Qing Emperor. Respect, because he also felt the aura of the Bian family's supernatural powers in Qingdi.

"That's right, that's it. This is Brother Bian's personal belongings. I didn't expect that after he left, he would create even greater merit. Anyway, I definitely can't see Bian's family being so lonely. The way of hair growth of the family and the perfect medical skills of the Bian family are all passed down to you, as for how much you can appreciate, it depends on your understanding." When Emperor Qing saw the son of the old man, he felt a feeling in his heart, and he and the great sage of the Bian family hit it off right away. , Two people regard each other as lifelong confidants.

I saw Emperor Qing pick up the silver needle and start to pierce Bian Que's body. Every needle pricking method contains endless mystery and the true meaning of Dao.

Bian Que's expression is calm, every time he gets a needle, his expression has a kind of comprehension, surprise, he has studied medical skills all his life, and he has been carefully instructed by the "Lord of Order" at the stage of "Lord of Order", and now he is taught by Emperor Qing personally He is even more focused on inheriting the perfect medicine of the Bian family and the hair growth method of the Shenmu clan.

After the 108 needles were pierced, Bian Que opened his eyes, his divine light radiated, and his whole body was completely transformed. The small world of thirty-six heavens above his head opened up. One day later, Bian Que stepped into the world directly. The pinnacle of the Old Sage Four Heavens.

He knelt in front of Emperor Qing, kowtowed three times and bowed nine times, saying: "Thank you Emperor Qing for inheriting my supreme way, Bian Que is very grateful."

"You're welcome. Since you are the descendant of a close friend, I definitely can't see its inheritance cut off. I hope you can pass on the supreme medical knowledge of the Bian family." Qingdi waved his hand, looked at Xuanyuan and the others, and said, "I'm sorry. , Seeing the descendants of the old man, I feel emotional in my heart, but I have left you in the cold."

"Where, brother Bianque is our friend, we are all happy for him." Guan Zizai was the first to speak.

"I'm afraid it's not as simple as being friends. With such a compassionate woman, you and Bian Que are a good match since you love her so much. How about I become a big matchmaker today and you two get married here? "Qingdi is free and easy by nature, decisive in doing things, and extremely forthright. Once these words came out, Guan Zizai had no objection, but Bian Que seemed a little embarrassed.

"Kneel down for me, Bian Que, and pay homage to my teacher." Emperor Qing obviously saw what Bian Que was thinking.

"Bian Que pays homage to Master." He dared not neglect, Qing Emperor treated him with kindness.

"Now do you think my Shenmu world is weaker than her Xuanhu royal family?" Qingdi knew that Bian Que felt that his family had declined, and he didn't want people to think that he was clinging to the "Xuanhu royal family". At least wait until the Bian family is established and the family is right, before discussing this marriage.

"No, I am willing to marry Miss Zizai." Bian Que was very excited.

"Bianque, I have a word today. You must keep in mind that as the saying goes, the right family is right, the heart is right, and the way is right. Only when the wish is the same as the road, and the heart is right, can you go further, not superficial wealth. The power is strong or weak, the rise and fall of the family should be right, if you insist on this, your future achievements will be shackles, not as good as my brother Bian, a good man starts a family first, and then establishes a career, even if he has nothing, for the woman he loves, he will naturally Work hard to create, little friend Xuanyuan, do you think I'm right?" Qingdi looked at Xuanyuan, with his shoulders and backs, without the demeanor of a heavenly emperor.

"Senior Qingdi's words won my heart deeply." Xuanyuan laughed.

"Congratulations..." Everyone was even more joyful.

"Now that we are in crisis, the marriage is simple. When my Shenmu world survives this disaster, I will definitely hold a beautiful wedding for you." Qingdi laughed.

"No need, keep everything simple, Bian Que and I are connected, we don't care about these red tapes." Guan Zizai glanced at Bian Que, with a serene smile and a beauty beyond words.

Bian Que nodded and said, "Thank you Master for being our matchmaker."

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