"Okay." Emperor Qing was very happy. This is also an opportunity to help the descendants of the deceased without causing regrets in his heart. It can also be regarded as an explanation for the only confidant in life.

He looked at Xuanyuan and the others, paused, and said, "Little friend Xuanyuan, what's your opinion, how do you want to deal with the Shenhuo clan and Zhanxie clan?"

The corner of Xuanyuan's mouth raised, and he said: "If Emperor Qing can trust me, let me talk to them as the son of the 'Shenmu World'. Of course, I’m not sure, but I still have to be on guard.”

"Forget it, anyway, I'm swearing to die. Based on this premise, you can do whatever you want." Qingdi said his bottom line. He lives at ease all his life and doesn't like to be involved too much.

"Naturally." Xuanyuan also agreed.

"Okay, Mu Zong, Mu Xiao, treat our friends well. I'll take my leave first, little friend Xuanyuan. If you can help us tide over this difficulty, I will definitely give you a big surprise." Emperor Qing stayed behind In a word, a promise was made, and Xuanyuan's heart moved, he would naturally try his best.

The pig-headed emperor was about to drool, and a pair of eyeballs glowed with green light: "Big surprise, what a person like Emperor Qing gives to you must be extremely precious, something you can meet but not ask for, you must grasp it!" Hold on."

"Yeah, open your eyes to the brothers when the time comes, it would be even better if we can share the glory with you." Peng Fei who was beside him was also trembling with excitement, Xuanyuan rolled his eyes, these two are worthless Yes, I'm not afraid of embarrassing myself.

"Since Emperor Qing has agreed to little friend Xuanyuan, then everything will be handled by little friend Xuanyuan, please come with me." Mu Xiao laughed.

"No problem." Xuanyuan looked at Guan Zizai and Bian Que, and said, "You two, newlywed Yaner, have to take part in it. It is the right way to practice double cultivation. If Miss Zizai can step into the Fifth Heaven of the Ancient Emperor, Then we have another guarantee.”

"...Holy Lord Xuanyuan." Bian Que blushed and was very shy. In fact, his liking for Guan Zizai had always been hidden in his heart, and he dared not say it. However, Zui Guchen's cultivation is What? Taishang’s method of forgetting love is extremely sensitive to the entanglement of love between men and women, so he punctured this layer of window paper without thinking, and now Xuanyuan directly talks about double cultivation, Bian Que is very innocent, so naturally he will be shy .

But Guan Zizai is much more calm than Bianque: "I will seize the opportunity, Bianque is a good Taoist companion."

Mu Zong understood and said with a smile: "Emperor, Empress, come with us."

Bian Que was accepted by the Qing Emperor as his apprentice, the only successor of the Qing Emperor, so he was naturally called the son of the emperor, while Guan Zizai was called the empress of the emperor.

With a sad face, Peng Fei said: "I said that all of you, basically, can embrace the beauties, and the only thing missing is the Daoist."

"It can't be helped, you've grown bad..." Xuanyuan mocked.

"Damn it, Xuanyuan, can you listen to what you say?" Peng Fei rolled his eyes and flew into a rage.

"Okay, that's long-term disability." Xuanyuan intensified.

Peng Fei was weak, and Mo Ming looked at him in pity, and said: "Isn't there still me to accompany you?"

Peng Fei rolled his eyes and said: "You are wood, can I compare with you?"

Mo Ming was speechless for a while, hating himself for going to comfort Peng Fei.

Mu Xiao took Xuanyuan and his party out of this world, found a fairy mountain, and accommodated them first.

Xuanyuan transformed into an avatar, and said to Mu Xiao: "On that day, there is no need for a single soldier, just let me talk to them."

Mu Xiao was taken aback, and said, "You really want to use an avatar to negotiate with them?"

"That's right, it's not good if there are too many people. You can just stand behind the formation. There is fighting fire in my body, so I can't show up. Otherwise, I will be sensed by the fire gods, so I can only show up as an avatar, the same." Xuanyuan explained.

"That's right, little friend Xuanyuan thought it through, so you guys should take a break, and I'll let you know when they arrive." As soon as Mu Xiao finished speaking, he left first.

Shihou looked at Xuanyuan and said, "Husband, what's your idea?"

"Haha, it's nothing more than four or two jins, borrowing strength to fight, what else can I think?" Xuanyuan laughed.

"Four taels of a thousand catties?" Even Zhang Tianling couldn't help being puzzled.

"I don't know what kind of medicine is sold in this kid's gourd?" The pig-headed emperor's eyes were sneaking.

"However, Mo Ming, you have to be prepared. I'm not completely sure. If a big war breaks out at that time, you must help the Aoki clan with all your strength. You must use the momentum of thunder to kill the enemy. At all costs, it will cause unprecedented damage to the enemy. pressure." Xuanyuan looked at Mo Ming, and made a special statement.

"It's been a long time since my 'Zhan Qing Hui Sword' has drunk blood, and it seems that I'm about to kill the world again." Zui Guchen looked sad, and he didn't deserve to be beaten.

"Goodness, goodness, I don't kill, I can only save the souls of the dead." Tian Youqing, who was on the side, had a benevolent look, and he didn't know what kind of means he would have at that time.

"At that time, with the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship' as the base, the offense and defense must be properly grasped. Even the Shenmu tribe will be afraid, let alone us. We must distinguish between the primary and secondary, and we must assist their large formation to carry out the attack. "Zhang Tianling didn't want everyone to be careless.

"With Holy Master Xuanyuan here, is there anything that can't be settled?" The nine-tailed fox fairy put a high hat on Xuanyuan.

"Okay, everyone, take a rest and prepare for the big battle that may happen at any time, Peng Fei, it will be up to you then." Xuanyuan said with a smile.

Peng Fei copied Daoist's appearance of being invincible in the world, and said with a smile: "My Daoist will be famous in this battle, and the whole universe and starry sky will tremble under my Daoist's feet. Be afraid, all living beings!"

No one paid attention to Pengfei, gave him a few big eyes, and everyone sat upright and recuperated.

It's time for the third day.

Xuanyuan's incarnation was taken away by Mu Xiao, and outside the 'Shenmu World', the vast army of the Shenhuo clan and the army of the Zhanxie clan descended.

The breath is overwhelming, crushing, and extremely hot. The gathering of the Shenhuo army makes people feel like a huge sun hanging high, with violent flames, burning blazingly.

On the side, the army of the Zhanxie Clan was full of evil spirits and their killing power was overwhelming, Xuanyuan frowned. Sure enough, what they practiced was a combination of "Punishment War" and the secret arts of the Xie Clan, which was extremely strange.

Seeing Xuanyuan alone, stepping outside the 'Shenmu World', not under the protection of the big formation, Mu Ying was very worried, and said: "Little friend Xuanyuan will be okay like this?"

"Don't worry, we can only trust him now. Emperor Qing has given him full power to handle this matter. Don't worry too much." Mu Xiao focused his eyes on Xuanyuan. any idea.

Xuanyuan looked at the vast Shenhuo Clan and Zhanxie Clan, looking aggressive, and immediately sat down in mid-air, looking very lazy, and said hello: "You are finally here, have you eaten yet?"

Not only the Shenhuo Clan and the Zhanxie Clan were speechless, but even many masters of the Shenmu Clan were sweating violently. Qing Emperor looked at this scene and laughed loudly: "What kind of plan is this kid thinking?"

"The Shenmu tribe sent you such a brat to talk to us? It seems that there is no sincerity at all." The existence of an ancient emperor of the Shenhuo tribe, the fifth heaven, stepped out, and said in a cold voice, with a kind of ready to attack attitude.

"Anyway, I am also in the realm of the first heaven of the ancient emperor, and I claim to have no rivals in the same realm. I am a dignified son of the Shenmu clan, do you think I have no weight? Then let's not talk about it, let's start the war, and you will bear the consequences." Xuanyuan got up, turned around and walked away. Walk.

"Wait!" Suddenly a voice came, every syllable was filled with a kind of explosive power, this is a kind of existence of the Emperor of Heaven.

"You dare to say that you are invincible in the same realm, so I will come to learn your methods first." A strong man of the Zhanxie clan, also in the realm of the first heaven of the ancient emperor, with overwhelming killing power, he held a battle ax and slashed towards Xuanyuan. Come.

Xuanyuan didn't dodge or dodge, he raised his hand and pressed it, only to see that the battle ax on the top-grade Taoist weapon was crushed by Xuanyuan's slap, and he slapped it out again, smashing the strong man of the Zhanxie clan Like a spinning top, it spun 3,600 times on the spot.

Seeing this scene, Emperor Qing was very surprised: "This kid, it's really not easy. The ancient emperor has cultivated to such a level in the first layer of heaven. It seems that the future is boundless, and the human race has great talents again."

Immediately there was another strongman of the 'War Evil Clan' from the Ancient Emperor's First Heavenly Layer who was going to fight, and at this moment, a voice came out: "Enough, no one can compete with him until the Ancient Emperor's Fourth Heavenly Layer, unless it is To be able to have an emperor who has a fortune against the sky like him, I never thought that Emperor Qing would send you, a future emperor, to come here alone, it is indeed sincere enough."

Among the 'Zhanxie Clan', the existence of an ancient emperor of the fifth heaven obviously also saw Xuanyuan's power. He admired the strong, and was alone, facing them two heavenly emperors, he was not afraid, and his expression did not change. , This is the courage that many ancient emperors in the first layer of heaven cannot possess.

Whether it is the Shenhuo Clan, the Zhanxie Clan, or the Shenmu Clan, countless people are shocked. It is a very heaven-defying thing for someone to be able to fight the enemy in the ancient emperor's first heaven realm and across the third heaven realm.

"Emperor Shenmu, if you have anything to say, just say it." The voice of the Heavenly Emperor of the Shenhuo Clan came out again.

The negotiation between Xuanyuan and them this time is extremely important, it is related to the survival of hundreds of millions of living beings, everyone holds their breath and concentrates on looking at Xuanyuan.

On the fairy mountain, Shiwan, Huang Yuechan and the others also looked at what was happening in front of them through a Shenmu mirror.

Peng Fei speculated maliciously: "Xuanyuan, will your boy's incarnation be slapped to death?"

Xuanyuan glanced at Peng Fei and said, "If that's the case, I'll slap you to death."

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