Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1694 Remnant Cloud Dance

Everyone is waiting for Xuanyuan's answer.

"We also want to cooperate with the Shenhuo Clan. You and I will work together. This Zhanxie Clan is nothing to us. We can destroy it if we want. Wood makes fire. Fire is invincible. It is not afraid of water. By absorbing wood to reduce the water potential, and by fire attacking, the Shenshui tribe is not an opponent, but we also have our own difficulties." Xuanyuan lamented, looking very helpless.

Qingdi frowned when he heard Xuanyuan's words, and muttered: "What the hell is this kid playing?"

"If you have any difficulties, just speak out, and we will help you solve them, but the condition is that your Shenmu clan will belong to us from now on." The Heavenly Emperor of the Shenhuo clan said heavily.

"It's natural to belong to the Shenhuo Clan." When Xuanyuan said this, Emperor Qing frowned, but he still held his breath.

"It's just a problem that even my Qing Emperor in charge of Jianmu can't solve. How sure do you think you are?" Xuanyuan looked coldly at the Heavenly Emperor that he couldn't see in the Shenhuo Clan.

"Don't forget, I am in charge of the number one fire in the world, the 'Origin Dao Fire'." The Heavenly Emperor of the Shenhuo Clan was obviously not convinced. If the Qing Emperor could not solve the problem, his Red Emperor might not be able to solve it.

"In this case, then I will make a condition. If you can kill our powerful enemy, then we can cooperate. My Shenmu clan is willing to advance and retreat with the Shenhuo clan." Xuanyuan looked at the Shenhuo clan and Zhanxie clan.

"Haha, okay, as long as you say it, there is no problem that we can't solve." Chidi of the Shenhuo Clan was very confident.

From Xuanyuan's eyes, he seemed to see hope, and said excitedly: "In the ancient times, there was a terrifying existence in the Protoss, called Remnant Cloud Dance, maybe you don't know her reputation, but now she casts a projection, the strength reaches The acme of the Heavenly Emperor Realm, there are five Heavenly Emperors under his seat, who are known as the Five Decays of Heaven and Man, killing with one finger, the oil is exhausted, the lamp is dry, and the lifespan is exhausted. To be honest, I, the Qing Emperor of the Shenmu Clan, cannot resist, and can only submit. The Five Declines of the Heavens and the Five Heavens ordered us to cooperate with them here. When preparing to attack the "Central China", I don't want to mention this matter, but since there is the "Origin Daohuo" and the Zhanxie Clan With such a vast army, I think we should be able to wipe them out here. Why don't we set up a large formation here, crush the talismans, trick them into saving them, and then kill Can Yunwu and the Five Decaying Emperors of Heaven and Man How about it?"

Even the Emperor Shenhuo who is in charge of the "Daohuo of Origin" couldn't help but twitch his eyelids and was shocked in his heart. He didn't know about this, but "Daohuo of Origin" existed in ancient times, so he naturally knew: Yun Wu, I know that there is such a person, with the most humble physique of the gods, who stepped into the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor at the age of 800, and without relying on anyone, he defeated the invincible physique of all races with his bare hands when he was in the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor. Even the heavenly supreme Dao weapon is hard to beat its fierce power, and she even refined the 'Crimping Heaven Divine Sword', which can cut through all the avenues of the world, including me."

The Red Emperor couldn't calm down when he heard that, he didn't expect that such characters would appear in the "Origin of Hongmeng", and it turned out that the competition for the "Sect of Longevity" was a game played by those big bosses in "Origin of Hongmeng".

"Five declines of heaven and man, this is an extremely terrifying method among the gods. Five people join forces and can kill everything. If they are shot by their five declines, they will run out of oil and die, and their lives will wither..." Among the Zhanxie clan The Emperor of Heaven also made a sound, but he didn't know how powerful Can Yunwu was.

"That's right, if it wasn't for You Jianmu, the Qing Emperor would have fallen long ago. A few days ago, he felt ashamed to mention this matter, so he rejected you all. Today, he also sent me to speak about this matter alone. He didn't want the Shenmu people to know about it. It would be great if you could join forces with our Shenmu clan. Let us all swear the blood oath of the Dao of Heaven, advance and retreat together, and fight against Can Yunwu and the Five Fading Heavenly Emperors. If you are not willing, then we can only obey the orders of the Shenmu clan. Order." Xuanyuan was very helpless, and there was a deep humiliation in his eyes, such things as pulling a tiger's skin as a banner are still very useful occasionally.

Emperor Qing had a very strange expression when he heard the words, Can Yunwu, he had never heard of it at all, and only after asking Jianmu did he know about this terrifying figure, how did Xuanyuan know about it?

"Okay, I would like to see how powerful the Five Decaying Heavenly Emperors of the Protoss Race are." The Heavenly Emperor of the Zhanxie Clan agreed without hesitation, and Xuanyuan's heart tightened. Is this Zhanxie Clan really so powerful?

However, the Heavenly Emperor of the Zhanxie Clan didn't know how powerful Can Yunwu was, and the Scarlet Emperor didn't want to offend people like Canyunwu and the Five Decaying Heavenly Emperors. The Heavenly Emperor of the Shenhuo Clan pondered for a moment and said, "Since you have joined the God Clan, then we I won’t force it, I just hope that when the time comes to fight, if there is a chance, we can have the opportunity to work together.”

"Chidi, why are you doing this? Are you afraid?" said the Heavenly Emperor of the Zhanxie Clan.

"We need to have a long-term discussion on this matter, and I will tell you the seriousness of this matter later." Chi Di said via voice transmission.

Chidi weighed it over and over in his heart, even if there were Heavenly Emperors of the Zhanxie Clan, plus Qingdi, there would only be three Heavenly Emperors, and the other party's Remnant Cloud Dance would be enough for the three of them to drink a pot, let alone the Five Decaying Heavenly Emperors. Swear, once you say it, you can't change it. Who is willing to make such a big sacrifice?

"That's right. We don't force the Shenmu clan to join us. We hope that we will have the opportunity to work together in the future." After leaving a word, the Shenhuo clan and the Zhanxie clan want to evacuate. Everyone can see that, It was because the Red Emperor said something to the Heavenly Emperor of the Zhanxie Clan that he changed his tune.

"Chidi, we belong to the same race. You can't just leave us alone like this. Emperor Qing is willing to offer Jianmu with both hands. As long as he can kill Can Yunwu, the Five Decaying Heavenly Emperor will never break his promise. You know his temperament." If it wasn't for the lives of hundreds of millions of Shenmu people, he would have died with Can Yunwu long ago. Originally, he didn't want to talk about it because he was afraid that no one would help him. With the power of a battle, Jianmu was restrained by the "Cantian Divine Sword", but your "Origin Daohuo" can kill the "Cantian Divine Sword", we can definitely fight it once! It's not that there is no chance." Xuanyuan's voice Almost begging, his expression changed from hope to despair, he chased after him, as if he didn't want to let the other party go.

"Hey, Qingdi, I have known him for many years, and I would rather give up than surrender. This time, I have worked hard for him. Tell him that Can Yunwu is hard to fight, let him bear it. Although my Shenhuo Clan can fight Can Yun Wu resisted, but today's turmoil, this is a troubled time, I also have to think about it for my son of the Shenhuo clan..." Shenhuo Tiandi left a word and left with the army, and the Zhanxie clan also followed the God of Plague Avoidance Same, left, not wanting to be chased by Xuanyuan.

Qingdi looked at all this, the corners of his mouth twitched, and the corners of his eyes twitched wildly. Only Xuanyuan could think of such a method. He laughed a few times: "But this method is indeed very useful. It seems that I want He fulfilled his promise."

This is such an embarrassing thing, but the character Xuanyuan moved out this time is indeed difficult even for him. It's safe now.

I saw Xuanyuan screaming up to the sky, his voice was extremely sad and angry, he roared: "Could it be that this is the Shenmu clan that is going to kill me? If I knew it earlier, I should have let the Shenhuo clan and Zhanxie clan attack, and then let them fight."

The Red Emperor and the Heavenly Emperor of the Zhanxie Clan heard it, and if the Shenmu Clan really did this, they would be in trouble.

"Qingdi has suffered a lot this time. He is usually so proud that he is the only one in the sky and on earth. This time, it is enough for him to meet Can Yunwu. It is no wonder that he did not promise us before. Such a shameful thing, he I'm ashamed to say it myself, let the emperors of the Shenmu clan say that this remnant cloud dance is even more powerful than the five degenerate emperors..." In Chidi's words, there was a bit of schadenfreude, and he described the situation of remnant cloud dance Tell the Heavenly Emperor of the Zhanxie Clan.

"He is willing to swear the blood oath of heaven and dao, and give Jianmu to you. As long as he can kill Can Yunwu, let's fight. It's not like there's no chance. Your 'Origin Dao Fire' just restrains Can Yunwu's 'Can Yunwu'. Heavenly Sword'." The Heavenly Emperor of the Zhanxie Clan was extremely warlike in his bones, and he actually wanted to try it.

"If you think this way, you are too naive. The word Cantian means that even the sky can be crippled. It is to slay the heavens and the earth, and the fire is naturally included in it. It cannot be killed by anything. Think about it, the breakthrough of the gods is extremely powerful. Slowly, with the most humble physique of the gods, she stepped into the realm of the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor by herself for 800 years, and now such a long time has passed, and the next projection comes from the "Origin of Hongmeng", even if it is a projection. Extremely strong, you are right, there is indeed a chance, but you can't ignore the Five Decaying Heavenly Emperors, once the Five Decaying Heavenly Emperors appear, we will all be in danger of falling, are you willing?" Although the Red Emperor has a brutal and bloodthirsty personality, but Still know what to do, what to do and what not to do.

"...Forget it, the Shenmu clan is not worth the risk we take for him. Can Yunwu really has sharp eyes, knowing that as long as he surrenders the Shenmu clan, he can multiply the combat power of his own army of the Shenmu clan. The healing methods of the Shenmu clan It's too tempting, but today's turmoil, I didn't expect characters like Can Yunwu to come, and I don't know if there will be more terrifying characters." They all know that there are a large number of terrifying beings coming from this world. The "Origin of Hongmeng" came, so Xuanyuan told such a big lie, with reasons and evidence, coupled with the powerful acting skills, they all believed it.

"That kid actually caught up. He is really a plague god. What should we do? It seems that he is treating us as lifelines." The Heavenly Emperor of the Zhanxie Clan looked at Xuanyuan who was desperately chasing him, and asked.

"Hey, let them enjoy the oppression of the Protoss. I will send him back with my own hands, but don't let him catch up and crush the talisman. We won't be able to run away by then." Chidi directly used his means to send Xuanyuan's incarnation directly. Return to the Shenmu world.

This matter is over.

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