Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1696 Qing Emperor Lectures

"Change, I must change with him. It is not only good for him, but also good for me. However, if he wants to change, he has to pay a price. How can it be done without some blood? People always have to pay a little for their behavior and language. The price, as far as 'Undead Daomu' is concerned, there is only one day when you convince him, I believe I will have that day." Xuanyuan directly abandoned the humble opinion of the greedy old man, if he can't even bear this breath, he will What can be achieved in the future? It's either an enemy or a friend. Even if there is a disagreement, from the perspective of interests, we must do things that can cooperate and win-win.

As far as the 'Undead Daomu' is concerned, he was indeed surprised by what Xuanyuan possessed. It is indeed not something that ordinary people can have. It is indeed extraordinary for Xuanyuan to have such cultivation and attainment at such a young age. It is possible, and the future is boundless, but since ancient times, there are not a few people who are amazingly talented. For the sake of their own future, 'Immortal Daomu' decided not to follow Xuanyuan for the time being, unless he reached the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor and was able to suppress him. Watching him, this is the most basic, not everyone can be like Zhang Tianling, the minister is strong but the king is weak, and he will sincerely help and look forward to the growth of the king.

"Hehe, that's what you said. I'll take you in when I reach the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor. Now if you want to exchange "Immortal Defying Heaven Art" with me, it's fine, but you have to draw your own natal power , exchange it with me, otherwise, don’t talk about it!” Xuanyuan’s purpose is very simple, which is to strengthen the ancient Buddha Zen wood and the ancient dragon subduing wood in his body. 'Undead Daomu' has always been in the realm of the ancient sage fifth heaven, presumably because of the incompleteness of "Immortal Defying Heaven Art", Xuanyuan is determined, if 'Immortal Daomu' wants to make a breakthrough, Be sure to change it with yourself!

'Undead Daomu' thought for a moment, although the price was a bit high, he still nodded and said: "Okay, I promise you."

Since Xuanyuan chose to reject the 'Undead Dao Wood' instead of exchanging it for cultivating supernatural powers, then Qingdi has nothing to say, he can only draw out some of Jianmu's natal power and integrate it into Xuanyuan's liver, which can be regarded as a 'Shenmu clan' As for Xuanyuan's repayment, Qingdi is a man with clear grievances and grievances, and he has the right way to reward and punish.

Xuanyuan sat cross-legged, the Qing Emperor and the 'Immortal Dao Wood' shot at the same time, the natal power of the first fighting wood and the second fighting wood almost merged into Xuanyuan's liver at the same time, and Xuanyuan felt himself An unprecedented vitality erupted from his body, which was extremely strong. At this moment, Xuanyuan had the illusion that he was almost immortal.

The ancient Buddha Zen wood and the Jianglong ancient wood carnival are more exciting than Xuanyuan. This is the best opportunity for transformation. They frantically absorb the power of Jianmu and the 'undead wood', and use their own secret techniques to improve themselves the power of.

These natal powers are integrated into themselves, allowing them to have the power of building wood and 'undead wood'. Although they are not as powerful as they themselves, they can master one or two. For the ancient Buddha Zen wood and the ancient dragon descending wood , is extremely precious.

Xuanyuan felt that the strength of his whole body was improving, the strength of this Jianmu and the 'Undead Daomu' was really terrifying.

Xuanyuan's absorption of the power of Jian Mu and the 'Undead Dao Wood' lasted for seven days and nights before it stopped.

His body is like a black hole that can't be filled, and it's just a liver. This makes Qingdi and 'Undead Daomu' deeply feel how powerful Xuanyuan will be in the future, and his physical potential is too great Of course, they were afraid that Xuanyuan's body would not be able to bear it, so they did not introduce a large amount of the natal power of Jianmu and "Undead Daomu". They were all like gurgling water, allowing Xuanyuan to absorb and refine them perfectly.

While Xuanyuan's liver grows stronger, the heart nourishes the spleen, the spleen nourishes the lungs, the lungs nourish the kidneys, and the kidneys nourish the liver, forming a five-element cycle.

Xuanyuan used Jianmu's natal power and the natal power of the 'Immortal Dao Wood' to give the five elements in his body an unprecedented upgrade.

When he opened his eyes again, his combat power was much stronger than it was seven days ago. Xuanyuan even felt that he should be able to try to see if he could break through the realm of the second heaven of the ancient emperor.

"Thank you." Xuanyuan passed the other half of "Immortal Against the Sky" to "Undead Daomu", and it also passed the other half of the chapters to Xuanyuan, a fair trade.

Xuanyuan closed his eyes, carefully comprehending the mystery of the half of "Immortal Against the Sky", Qingdi didn't say much, left this piece of world, and landed in the fairy mountain occupied by Xuanyuan and others.

He looked at the crowd and said with a smile: "This time, little friend Xuanyuan resolved a big crisis for my 'Shenmu World', and he rejected the 'Immortal Sacred Tree' that I wanted to give him. I am ashamed, and I have nothing to repay, so I will explain to you the supernatural powers of my 'Shenmu Clan'."

"What, 'Immortal Tree'." Peng Fei's eyes turned green on the spot, and he screamed, "This is the second-ranked fighting wood in the legend. That kid has no reason to refuse. I know him best. It's impossible for him to refuse, that kid has a darker heart than anyone else."

"Damn it, what the hell is this kid doing? It's fine if you don't give it to me yourself, why refuse it." The pig-headed emperor bared his teeth.

"That's right, give me a piece of wood, I'm thankful, it's really unreasonable to reject the second-ranked 'Undead Dao Wood' on the Doumu list." Zui Guchen's eyes were red.

"Evil, evil, Brother Xuanyuan is really confused this time, you are so angry, little monk." Tian Youqing couldn't sit still anymore.

"Little husband must have a reason for doing this. Don't talk about these things. Emperor Qing wants to explain the way of the 'Shenmu World' for us. You should listen carefully. We are here to travel around the starry sky to learn. Don't forget what your purpose is." Huang Yuechan said angrily.

Everyone shut up resentfully, Emperor Qing chuckled, and didn't say much, he combined his thoughts of the Hundred Saints and the "Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor" with his own Dao of the Shenmu Clan over the years, and said expressed his own opinion.

"The origin of heaven and earth, the combination of yin and yang, and the mutual generation of the five elements..." He began to explain that every syllable of a word contains a huge power, which makes people sound easy to understand and feel like they are on the scene. It is a hundred days without interruption.

But everyone calmed down and merged into the sound of Dao.

During this period, even the Taotie with the lowest spiritual intelligence gave people a majestic vitality, a kind of life extinction and regeneration, obviously it also experienced some of the power of the Dao explained by Emperor Qing.

Naturally, there is no need to talk about other people. Shihou has a deeper heart than the one of refining medicine, and he ponders it alone.

Huang Yuechan has greatly improved her way of Nirvana, "Immortal Defying the Heaven Art", and found herself stronger.

Mo Ming is the spark of wisdom in his eyes. He understands better how to use the mechanism of puppets so that they can recover faster and become a real undead army...

Yuan'er, Zhang Tianling, Huangtian, Zuiguchen, Tianyouqing, Pengfei, Zhutou Dadi, including the Nine-Tailed Fox Fairy all benefited a lot.

Xiao Naihe, including the 'Chaos Clock of Immortal Life' itself, uses the 'Nightmare Ghost Immortal' as a tool, even he has benefited infinitely, and has further consolidated the power of the 'Chaos Clock of Immortal Life' as a heaven-level supreme tool, and has improved, Mo Sorrow, Xuanjizi, Amaterasu, etc. Needless to say.

It is extremely rare for a person in the realm of the Emperor of Heaven to concentrate on preaching the scriptures and dao to them, expressing his own understanding.

Few people are like this, can preach with heart.

"Thank you, Emperor Qing." After a hundred days, everyone bowed their hands in unison, expressing gratitude and respect from the bottom of their hearts.

At this moment, Xuanyuan descended from the sky. After a hundred days, when he was practicing "Immortal Against the Sky", the sound of the Qing Emperor's preaching was also transmitted in the palace, allowing Xuanyuan to feel the Qing Emperor's spirit while practicing. Lifelong experience has made her attainments in "Immortal Defying the Sky" advance by leaps and bounds.

At this time, Xuanyuan gave people a completely different aura, a completely back to nature, extremely simple, all auras were all introverted, condensed in the body, not extroverted, and looked more like an ordinary person.

"Haha, hold your breath inside, that's right, it seems that you have already realized most of the essence of the 'Shenmu Clan', very good." Emperor Qing laughed, and in just a few months, he saw Xuanyuan made an unprecedented leap.

Xuanyuan laughed, and said: "It's all thanks to Emperor Qing's careful guidance that we can make this improvement. Xuanyuan is grateful."

"Tit for tat, I, the 'Shenmu Clan', were able to escape from danger because of you, a great master." The Qing Emperor waved his hand, not daring to take credit for it.

"Senior Qingdi, I have something to say, so I will speak up." Xuanyuan said.

"What's the matter, please tell me." Qingdi said calmly.

"With today's turmoil, doesn't the 'Shenmu World' have any plans? It is obviously impossible to escape. Today there are 'Shenhuo Clan' and 'Zhanxie Clan'. They are not equal. Tomorrow, the 'Shenmu Clan' will be more threatening to the 'Shenmu Clan'." Jin Clan' and God Clan, how will the 'Shenmu Clan' deal with themselves? Emperor Qing, have you thought about it?" Xuanyuan was very serious, thinking about the future of the 'Shenmu World'.

"Little friend Xuanyuan, what you said makes sense. Please allow me to think about this matter. I also understand what you mean. You stay here for a few days, and I will give you an answer when the time comes." Emperor Qing He did not directly reject Xuanyuan, whether it was public or private, whether it was emotional or reasonable, he really needed to carefully consider it and discuss it with many high-level officials of the Shenmu clan.

Although he is the Heavenly Emperor of the entire Shenmu Clan, he also needs to respect the opinions of many high-level members of the Shenmu Clan, just like he respects the 'Immortal Dao Wood'. Good words, benefit all beings!

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