"Boy, do you think it is very possible for the 'Shenmu World' to join forces with us?" After Emperor Qing left, Zhutou Dadi said, he deeply understands that if the 'Shenmu World' can join the 'Qinglong Holy Land' , then the entire 'Qinglong Holy Land' will undergo an unprecedented transformation, and the role of the 'Xuanhu Royal Family' alone in the battle is limited.

However, if the 'Shenmu World' joins in, it is completely possible to set up a large formation of vitality, and each warrior will have a person who will bless and protect the way of medicine to follow, and the meaning will be completely different. Keep in the best condition, the most vigorous combat power.

Xuanyuan took a deep breath and said: "I don't know, you can also see that the 'Shenmu World' has lived and worked in peace and contentment here for generations, but the people of Li who have lived in a peaceful and prosperous age for a long time do not want to go through war unless they have to. , everyone likes to live in peace, 'Shenmu World' and other major forces have never invaded each other, they are not like our mountains and rivers are broken, their homes are taken away, the people of the Li people, their families are destroyed, they are displaced, and they have national hatred and family feud."

"Xuanyuan is right, but be prepared for danger in times of peace. I think Emperor Qing also understands this truth. The 'Shenhuo Clan' and 'Zhanxie Clan' are the best warnings. This time is good luck. If there is another time, I'm afraid it's inevitable." Ao Fan said slowly.

"The means of the 'Shenmu World' are too powerful, and the role they can play in a war is fatal to all major forces, so the chances of them being found are very high, and today's turmoil, everyone The big forces all want to open up a brand new "central world", so they will try their best to win over all idle forces. Once they cannot become their allies, they are enemies. They will use all means to plunder and slaughter. "Huang Tian has a deep understanding of this point. He was still young and experienced a period of extremely dark years.

"Wait, no matter whether the 'Shenmu World' joins or not, it can only depend on God's will. Anyway, the purpose of our trip has been achieved, everyone has improved, and we can pass on the Tao of the 'Shenmu World' when we go back. Give it to more people, don't forget, there is Guan Zizai, Bian Que and the others, they will definitely carry it forward." Huang Yuechan laughed.

"Hehe, that's true. In the past few days, let's take a good walk in this 'Shenmu World'. The meaning of the Dao hidden in this world is far-reaching, and it is worth us to experience it carefully." Xuanyuan's voice fell , the whole person disappeared in front of everyone's eyes, and the others nodded and disappeared, merging into this 'Shenmu World'.

A group of people stayed in the "Shenmu World" for three days.

They traveled around the mountains and rivers, and for a while, they forgot the sense of urgency brought about by the turbulence of the world, and their minds relaxed like never before, and they also gained a lot of benefits.

On the fourth day, the Qing Emperor descended from the sky. Apparently, the results of the discussions in the entire "Shenmu World" had come out, and everyone was looking forward to Qing Emperor's answer.

Seeing Qingdi's slightly silent expression, Xuanyuan nodded and said: "Needless to say, I already know the result, thank you Senior Qingdi."

"Hehe, they have lived and worked here in peace and contentment for generations. No one is willing to get involved in war unless it is a last resort, especially in this kind of turmoil. Once involved in it, it will be a major event to destroy the family. However, they said that once the war is unavoidable, they will Standing on the same front with you, there is no doubt about it." Qingdi smiled lightly.

"Well, the pig-headed emperor, Ao Fan, you two jointly set up a large five-element teleportation altar, leading to the place where my 'Swallowing Immortal Mansion' is located, just in case." He would naturally have to respond to the retreat left by the world, whether it could be used in the future or not, it would be a sign of friendship between the "Shenmu World" and the "Qinglong Holy Land".

Over the years, the people of the "Shenmu World" have lived a comfortable life, and they have not yet encountered the baptism of war.

Many Supreme Elders think that as long as they don't make enemies with others, and the common people live and work in peace and contentment, it is enough for them to protect it together. This is the original intention and wish of each of them.

Although the consequences of Xuanyuan's envisioned joint attack by the "Shenjin Clan" and the Protoss Clan are indeed very dire, the possibility of this is almost zero, and the idea is just an idea after all. The 'Shenmu Clan' has inhabited this place for countless years. The attack by the 'Shenhuo Clan' and the 'Zhanxie Clan' was just an accident. This was also the only major threat. In the past, it was an innocuous small invasion. There is no threat to the 'Shenmu family' at all.

With Xuanyuan's order, the Zhutou Emperor and Ao Fan found an excellent place to arrange the Five Elements Teleportation Altar.

Now the two people's attainments in "Shen Forbidden Ancient Art" have already reached the realm of great success. Although it is a bit difficult for them to jointly arrange such a prohibition across the starry sky, it is not impossible, but it will take more time. a little longer.

"Actually, I really want to see what your 'Qinglong Holy Land' looks like, but it's a pity." The Qing Emperor sighed quietly. He is in a high position, and some things can't be controlled by himself, just like Xuanyuan wants to kill now. Back to "Central China", but for the sake of the people of the entire "Qinglong Holy Land", he has to be cautious, because one of his actions can bring the people of Li people into dire straits, and no one wants to gamble unless it is a last resort, because This is related to the survival of trillions of living beings.

Therefore, Xuanyuan can empathize with Emperor Qing's mood at the moment. What kind of situation is the 'Qinglong Holy Land'? For the 'Shenmu World', no one knows. What will happen in the future will definitely be war. This is beyond doubt. of.

However, the "Shenmu World" can live and work here for tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands, or millions of years, so why bother with muddy waters?

Speaking from the heart and comparing the heart to the heart, everyone can understand the difficulties.

For Xuanyuan, it was enough to form a good relationship with the 'Shenmu World'. He didn't dare to have too much extravagance. This visit will improve the group of people by leaps and bounds.

Once the Five Elements Teleportation Altar is set up, it takes a hundred days. Zhutou Dadi and Ao Fan have not stopped. Fortunately, they are in the "Shenmu World", and they have powerful materials and a supply of fighting spirit. Otherwise, it will take a longer time Time went by like this, and the expressions of the two showed unprecedented fatigue.

These days, whether it is Emperor Qing or many masters in the "Shenmu World", they are all looking at the Five Elements Teleportation Altar jointly arranged by the Zhutou Emperor and Ao Fan.

Everyone was amazed in their hearts, the mystery of "Shen Forbidden Ancient Art", when they set up the ban, Zhutou Dadi and Ao Fan would also explain it, and from time to time, there would be masters from the "Shenmu World" expressing their thoughts. Both sides have great experience.

However, Xuanyuan and his party are practicing and comprehending in this vibrant world. From time to time, masters from the "Shenmu World" come to communicate with them. They are all different, and have brought a lot of gains to both parties.

The Five Elements Teleportation Altar has come to an end, and it is also announcing that Xuanyuan and his party are about to leave. Guan Zizai and Bian Que, two people, have practiced together for more than 200 days, ignoring world affairs, and immersing themselves in the Bian family, the Xuanhu royal family, and the "Shenmu World" In the inheritance of the three major traditions, they are integrated into each other, discarding the dross and extracting the essence, forming a perfect combination.

When the two reappeared, Guan Zizai had already stepped into the realm of the ancient emperor's fifth heaven, and Bian Que had also stepped into the realm of the ancient emperor's fourth heaven. The feeling is completely different from before, giving people a kind of confidence that no matter how serious the injury is, as long as they are there, they can recover in the first time.

"Tsk tsk, brother Bianque, I can't see that you are so capable. This pair of cultivations lasted for such a long time. I really admire my little brother. That's what a man should be like." Zui Guchen tsk tsk loudly, with a look of amazement.

"Goodness, goodness, I didn't expect Brother Bianque to be so brave and extraordinary. You and I both missed it." Tian Youqing was also shocked in his heart. After the two people practiced double cultivation, their spirits and spirits are closely connected. It feels as if it is one.

Bian Que was still very shy, speechless after being ridiculed by Zui Guchen and Tian Youqing.

"Okay, Miss Zizai has become the third son of the younger generation in my 'Qinglong Holy Land', who has stepped into the realm of the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor. It's amazing." Xuanyuan was very happy. He looked at Bian Que and said The accumulation of some years is lacking, but it is not far away.

"My disciple-in-law's comprehension is indeed extremely high." Emperor Qing nodded, also admiring Guan Zizai.

"Thank you, Master." Guan Zizai and Bian Que bowed at the same time.

"Okay, Senior Qingdi, I've been bothering you here for a long time, and we should leave." Now that Guan Zizai and Bian Que have also appeared, there is no point in staying here any longer. They want to find other worlds , and then learn from it, benefit.

"Forget it, then I won't keep you anymore, Bianque, Zizi, you both have my complete orthodox heritage of 'Shenmu World', I hope you can spread branches and leaves in the future, and hang the pot to help the world. If you have time, come back Look at me, an old man." Qingdi smiled, although he has not been in contact with Bian Que and Guan Zizai for a long time, but they are the most talented people in this way, he is naturally relieved.

"I will, Master." Bian Que respects Emperor Qing very much. Without Qing Emperor, it is still one thing whether his own inheritance of Bian Que's orthodoxy can be complete. All along, Bian Que feels ashamed of his ancestors, but fortunately The great sage of the Bian family left a good relationship to benefit future generations.

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