Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1698 Chu

The 'Ancient Dragon Ship' is suspended outside the 'Shenmu World'. It seems that due to the improvement of Mo Ming, the 'Ancient Dragon Ship' has also changed. There is a mysterious vitality flowing from the hull, and everyone can see it. Appeared, the self-repair ability of the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship' became more powerful.

Qingdi took Mu Ying, Mu Zong, Mu Xiao, 'Undead Tao Mu' and other terrifying existences to see Xuanyuan and his party off.

Farewell to Yiyi, Bian Que is most reluctant to part with Emperor Qing, Bian's family is lonely, his father died of illness since childhood, Bian Que can't heal, this is a great irony for Bian's family who was born in a medical school, since then he has been lonely Although he is of the blood of the Bian family, he has been bullied many times. Although he has amazing attainments in medical skills, there are still some fragments left, which heal people and live by practicing medicine.

In the end, his identity was discovered and he was taken as a hostage. Xuanyuan gave him a new life and obtained the belongings of the holy ancestor. Now he meets Emperor Qing, which not only completes the orthodoxy of the Bian family, but also receives the inheritance of Emperor Qing for life. I am grateful, but I have the important task of restoring the human race, so he must leave.

"Farewell, Senior Qingdi, we will meet later." Xuanyuan cupped his hands.

"There will be a period later, all of you." Emperor Qing laughed and waved his hands very freely.

I saw the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship' tremble, and flew into the distance through the air, disappearing from their sight.

Watching Xuanyuan and his party leave, Mu Ying who was standing beside him said slowly: "Actually, I think what little friend Xuanyuan said is not unreasonable, but today the world is in turmoil and all peoples are in danger, so we must be fully prepared and be prepared for danger in times of peace .”

"Indeed, today there will be the 'Shenhuo Clan' and 'Zhanxie Clan', and tomorrow there may be the 'Shenjin Clan' and the Shen Clan. Confucianism says it well, take precautions before they happen, don't have the heart to harm others, and guard against others It is necessary, a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall." Mu Zong was very solemn, the woman sang and the husband followed, and the two were in harmony.

"Muying Muzong, I see that you and your wife have communicated with Xuanyuan and were influenced by him." The 'Undead Daomu' at the side gave him a blank look.

"This is not the influence of little friend Xuanyuan, but the fact that there is such a hidden danger. We look at this matter from a very objective perspective." Mu Zong retorted.

"Stop arguing, my 'Shenmu Clan' still needs to make preparations in advance. All kinds of guardian formations and restrictions will be laid down, ready to activate at any time, so that the clansmen will keep their precious items safe. From today, from top to bottom, all It is necessary to carry out drills, to act in a big battle, to sharpen, and to enter the state of preparation." Qingdi gave an order, although he does not know when the danger will come, but these must be prepared in advance.

Mu Xiao and others took orders one after another and retreated.

"'Immortal Daomu', what do you think of Xuanyuan? In fact, I don't think my vision is wrong." Suddenly, Emperor Qing asked him.

"This son is excellent in all aspects. The more excellent he is, the more he has to go through wind and rain, so that he can have more room for growth. I don't agree with him, because I don't want his future path to be shackles. , once a person has absolute support, after relying on it, there will be very little tempering of it." 'Immortal Daomu' said in harmony.

"You can also follow him, as long as you don't make a move." Qingdi said again.

"Haha, don't you miss you? If I leave, what will you do? If there is a day to see you again, if Xuanyuan can convince me at that time, needless to say, I will integrate into his liver. Improve his strength and become a part of his body." 'Undead Daomu' smiled.

"This child has a limitless future, you have vision." Qing Emperor disappeared into the world as soon as he finished speaking.

The 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship' continued to float in the boundless cosmic void, advancing slowly like a flat boat in the sea.

"Everyone has gained a lot this time, let's settle down and don't rush to the next destination." Xuanyuan said.

"Yes." Everyone present closed their eyes and crossed their knees, sorting out everything they had gained during these days.

Xuanyuan was sitting alone on the dragon head of the ship's prow, looking at the desolate and boundless universe starry sky alone, at this moment, Mo Ming came to his side.

"Brother Mo Ming." Xuanyuan smiled.

"I always feel that you seem to have something on your mind." Mo Ming rarely smiled.

"It's not a big concern, but I'm a little envious of the 'Shenmu World'. Their people can live and work in peace and contentment. Why do our people have to be displaced and their families destroyed? In fact, I can understand why the high-level officials of the 'Shenmu World' would reject it. It's not them. They are not afraid, but because they want the people under their control to live better." Xuanyuan sighed lightly.

"Everyone has their own destiny. Now that we have met each other, we can only struggle in this maelstrom and carve out a world of our own. The 'Shenmu World' has a stable life for them. Indeed, we should not disturb them." Mo Ming's eyes Very determined, he looked into the distance and clenched his fists.

"That's all there is to it." Xuanyuan feels his current power, which is getting stronger and stronger. When the time comes to return to the 'Central China', he must beat all the races. When the 'Qinglong Holy Land' reappears in the 'Central China', it will inevitably Have a place.

At this moment, Mo Ming frowned, looked in front of him, and saw countless rays of light converging into a maelstrom, swallowing up terrifying power, covering the whole world, very violent.

Between Xuanyuan's brows, the 'Eye of Reality' opened, and after a careful inspection, it was not artificially caused. He said in a heavy voice, "What's going on?"

"This is a natural disaster in the universe, Xingsand Storm, should we detour or go through it?" Xingsand Storm Mo Ming has not encountered it before, but now he has stepped into the realm of the ancient sage fifth heaven , with an extraordinary mind, I always feel that the star sand storm in front of me is a little strange.

Xuanyuan looked at Yuan'er and said, "Can you sense any serious danger?"

"No, it shouldn't be surprising." Yuan'er said slowly.

At this moment, Amaterasu and Xuanjizi, who had been locating their positions all the time, said at the same time: "Go straight in the direction ahead and don't stop. From this direction, you can also have great opportunities."

The way of calculation is to seek good luck and avoid bad luck.

Xuanyuan didn't say much, nodded and said, "Rush over."

The whole body of the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship' was shining brightly, and a basalt guarding the sky was propped up, and it directly crashed into the star sand storm, tearing a hole in the huge storm vortex.

The dao power contained in each star sand is enough to tear apart the existence of the ancient sages and emperors in the first layer of heaven, which is extremely terrifying.

If you travel in the starry sky, if you don't have such a sharp weapon as the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship', you will be unable to move an inch, unless you step into the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor, or even the realm of the great sage of the emperor.

In the center of the Xingsha storm, the power is even more terrifying, beating the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship', roaring, and fortunately, the Xuanwu Shoutian Great Restriction supported by now, with the improvement of the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship', and Becoming more powerful, brilliant and shining, always strong.

Several hours later, he finally rushed through the Xingsha storm without any danger.

The 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship' was very stable, and none of the people on it even noticed the Star Sand Storm. Everyone was immersed in sorting out their thoughts at this stage.

However, just after Xuanyuan and his party passed through the star sand storm, they saw a larger ancient ship floating in the starry sky.

At the bow of that ancient ship, stood a man. His hair was as red as blood, his body was tall, as strong as a tiger and bear, his breasts were exposed, his muscles were knotted, and his eyes were extremely sharp. The sharp light surrounded his body with a strong murderous aura, and it is unknown how many people lost their lives.

Beside her, there is an incomparably enchanting woman with her long hair coiled up and a phoenix hairpin on her head. She is dressed in a red palace dress with an ancient charm, as if it were clothes from a very long time ago. Her breasts are tall, her slender and snowy legs are straight and slender, her eyes are alluring, and her waist is swinging, which is very attractive.

On the other side is a man with a stern look. His appearance is no less than that of Zui Guchen. The sky is affectionate and beautiful, but his temperament is extremely cold and murderous, making it difficult for people to approach.

There is a big flag on the opponent's ancient ship, with a large character written on it, Chu.

The leading man faced Xuanyuan with four eyes. Neither of them feared the other. On his face, there were nine brand marks, and the characters of each brand were different. Because Xuanyuan knew a little about the culture of the Wanzu, He can recognize several of them, and there are many indelible Tao wounds on his body. Obviously, this man has experienced countless.

"Release the restriction, and offer all your valuable things with both hands. If you join us, you will not die, and you will share the glory in the future." The man with fiery red hair and nine brand marks on his face said heavily. The peak realm of the fourth heaven is only one step away from stepping into the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor.

Peng Fei opened his eyes, smiled, and said: "It seems that there are robbers not only in the 'Central China', but I didn't expect that there will be robbers in this starry sky universe. I really don't know how to live or die. I am going to destroy them .”

Xuanyuan waved his hand and said: "Be safe and don't be impatient, the opponent is not as simple as you think, their ancient ship is also a heaven-level supreme Taoist weapon, there must be someone behind them, everyone's breath is restrained, hiding their strength, I'll go Find out the truth."

As soon as the words fell, Xuanyuan stepped out of the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship' one step at a time. He didn't seem to worry about his own danger at all. He looked at the red-haired man and laughed loudly: "If you are willing to hand over everything, I will not only Let you have inexhaustible glory and wealth, and let you live forever."

"It seems that we have met colleagues this time, but among the nine thieves in the starry sky, I have never heard of such a person as them, who can have a heaven-level supreme Dao weapon, they must be extraordinary thieves, It turns out that it doesn't show the mountains and doesn't show the water?" The red lips of the woman beside her were slightly parted, and she smiled charmingly.

"Kill." The man on the other side uttered a word coldly, his expression was no less than that of the red-haired man.

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