Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1699 The Mother of the Moon

Murderous intent filled the surroundings, and the stern man looked like a strong man who had come out of countless lives and deaths, and he didn't know how many people's blood was stained on his hands.

"Wait a minute, it's interesting. This person is very courageous, but he is also a character. If he can be recruited, it will definitely increase the strength of our Chu family." The red-haired man stepped out of the ancient ship, looked at Xuanyuan, Opening his mouth, his voice boomed like thunder: "Do you have any method to make us live forever? We would like to hear the details."

"Take you to the 'Central World', where the 'Gate of Longevity' can ascend to the 'Origin of the Primordial Mist'. By that time, we and other human races will be able to break the 30,000-year shackles and live forever." Xuanyuan laughed.

The red-haired man's eyes revealed a glint of coldness. He did not expect that Xuanyuan knew about this incident. Obviously, the background is not small, and it is impossible for ordinary people to know. Entering the "Central World", preparing for entering the "Origin of Hongmeng"...

"So, that's quite a coincidence. We are also going in the direction of the 'Central World'. I see that you are few in number. Why don't you join us and work together?" The red-haired man raised his mouth with a hint of a smile.

"When we work together, someone must be the boss. I am used to being the boss. If you are willing to be my younger brother, I will be happy." Xuanyuan laughed.

Suddenly, a strong murderous aura filled the starry sky...

"This kid is only in the first layer of the ancient emperor's realm. He dared to speak like this. It seems that he is impatient." The charming woman sneered.

"It seems that I don't need to do it..." The stern man smiled.

The red-haired man's eyes turned cold, and he said, "Do you know who I am?"

"I don't know..." Xuanyuan's answer made him choke in his throat.

"It's okay, I'll let you know, people always have to pay for their words and deeds." The rhythm of the breath on the red-haired man rose.

I saw his body turned into a blast of light, killing Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan raised his eyebrows, strolled leisurely in the courtyard, with his toes flying a little bit in the air, and suddenly disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"So fast!" The charming woman looked shocked.

"Be careful." The stern man shouted.

"Cangsheng Sheji Fist." Xuanyuan's body suddenly manifested, and he punched the red-haired man on the back of the head like lightning.

His reaction was also extremely fast, he turned around and punched Xuanyuan head-on.

An ancient emperor with the first heaven, and an ancient emperor with the fourth heaven, with this punch he was confident in smashing Xuanyuan into pieces.

However, in the next moment, everyone was shocked.

At the center of the collision of the fists of the two people, a terrifying fighting spirit permeated all directions, and Xuanyuan was forced to retreat a few steps.

"This person's supernatural powers are extremely terrifying, he is extremely domineering, and his killing power is astonishing. It is no worse than the supreme Taoism of the blood-tyrannical royal family, and his will is extremely firm. He must have suffered a lot of inhuman torture."

The red-haired man was even more shocked. He felt his own soul swaying. The opponent's punch contained a method of attacking the soul, and he could feel the huge power in the opponent's soul.

As for the power of his punch, he couldn't be more clear, but the moment he bumped his fist with the opponent, he felt that his power seemed to have been exhausted in the black hole vortex, and a large part of his power was removed, and the real attack was on Xuanyuan. The strength on the body is not much.

What shocked him even more was that Xuanyuan's punch contained the meaning of Dao, which seemed to have all the people in the world in his heart. That kind of atmosphere was beyond the reach of ordinary people, which made him feel like a face-to-face feeling for the monarch.

"I advise you to surrender obediently. Although I am in the realm of the first heaven of the ancient emperor, I am invincible under the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor." Xuanyuan stood in the void, with a look of disdain for the world, Like a king descending from the nine heavens, he is extremely domineering.

"The ancient emperor is invincible under the five heavens, such a crazy sentence, eat me with one move, and force through the galaxy." The red-haired man punched out, and in the cosmic starry sky, a galaxy hangs upside down, extremely domineering.

"It's just a fool who punched you!" Xuanyuan disappeared into the starry sky in an instant.

The terrifying Milky Way poured down and emptied out, which made the red-haired man suddenly deflated, holding a breath in his heart and having nowhere to vent it.

At this moment, Xuanyuan appeared next to him again, unleashing the Cangsheng Sheji Fist, directly attacking his face.

He had been prepared for another hard bang with Xuanyuan.

"Be careful..." The stern man shouted sharply, but it was too late.

Another Xuanyuan statue manifested, erupting the Cangsheng Sheji Fist to the extreme in an instant, the 'Cangsheng Sheji Fist' overwhelming, making the red-haired man's heart shudder.

Xuanyuan punched the red-haired man on the back, and the punch penetrated from his back to his chest.

Xuanyuan pulled away in an instant, retreated to the distance, and said: "If that punch hit you in the back of the head just now, you will not be able to survive now, and the same sentence, if you can obediently surrender, this is the best thing. .”

The two Xuanyuan statues stood together, their strengths were equal, the red-haired man was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and there was a big hole in his chest, no matter how hard he tried to recover, his flesh and blood would hardly grow, which shows how terrible the destructive power of Xuanyuan's attack is.

"You are really strong." The red-haired man retreated to his ancient ship, feeling unwilling. The stern man next to him wanted to fight, but he was stopped by him immediately. Many methods have not been used, and it is easy for him to kill me."

"Then you don't have to surrender quickly, I will treat you well." Xuanyuan's words are very peaceful, and the power in each syllable has a strong persuasive force, making people believe that as long as they surrender, they will be treated kindly .

"Can you see these marks on my face?" the red-haired man said suddenly.

"These are ancient characters of different races. Every word is filled with a strong sense of death. You will be stabbed in the face and you will never be able to get rid of it. It should be that you committed a heinous crime and were captured by others. Death row." Xuanyuan said slowly.

"Haha, that's right. Every time I was captured by people from the big worlds, our young master of the Chu family entered into the big worlds with the strength of one person, rescued me, and branded it on my face. The above, the nine brand marks, are also the supreme achievements of my young master of the Chu family, it is nothing if you beat me, but if you can defeat my young master of the Chu family, then you will be considered powerful." The red-haired man said heavily.

"Oh? With one person's strength, he entered the world and rescued you from the death row?" Xuanyuan raised his brows. This is indeed quite capable.

"It's natural. You can guess the strength of our young master of the Chu family." The charming woman's voice was soft, with a kind of temptation, and wanted to make Xuanyuan lose his mind, but Xuanyuan was determined. Impressed.

"Oh, you little vixen, you still want to seduce our family's Holy Master Xuanyuan." Nine-tailed fox fairy came out from the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship', with round buttocks, slender waist swinging, and towering arms. Her chest trembles and trembles, her body is flawless, her eyes and her actions are all fatally seductive, what's even more frightening is that the 'Taiyin Bell' on her body makes a jingle sound, matching her natural charm Get up, even more powerful.

The red-haired man and the stern man had already cultivated to the point of being extremely determined, but when they saw the Nine-Tailed Fox Immortal, they reacted, their lower bodies became a big tent, and their expressions froze.

"Broken." At this moment, a loud sound resounded, and the three of them woke up immediately. The man in red, the stern man, and the charming woman looked extremely embarrassed, feeling ashamed of their young master.

The Nine-Tailed Fox Immortal was a little surprised, and said: "It's a little bit capable, but it's not as powerful as my Holy Master Xuanyuan."

She came to Xuanyuan's side and leaned softly on Xuanyuan's body, looking like a nympho.

"'Taiyin Ling', who are you guys? Why are you holding such a strange thing?" A voice came out.

"I said that I am the inheritor of the 'Sacred Mother of Taiyin', do you believe me?" Nine-tailed Fox Fairy smiled charmingly.

"'The Holy Mother of the Moon'..." A deep voice came out.

Xuanyuan stood in the starry sky, and said slowly: "Either get out of the way, or fight, and today the whole family is in danger, the Chu family, if I remember correctly, also belongs to the human family military family, you don't want to take back your home, but plunder your family here , it’s really chilling.”

"Hmph, what qualifications do you have to criticize us?" The red-haired man yelled, "But today's turmoil, all the heroes are rising together, if you don't have a certain strength, going to the 'Central China' is just to die, what's the use of being brave!"

"This is my qualification." With a thought in Xuanyuan, an extremely majestic man suddenly appeared behind him. He was as tall as a mountain, and his aura was as deep as an abyss. When he raised his hands and feet, the sun, moon and stars were trembling. A truly upright man.

"What!" Xuanyuan derived the ancestor of the Chu family with the glory of a hundred saints. At this moment, even the young master of the Chu family was not calm.

"This is my great sage of the Chu family."

I saw a man suddenly appearing in front of Xuanyuan. His figure was eight points similar to that of the great sage of the Chu family. He was tall, wearing a set of dark gold battle armor, a scarlet cloak fluttering, and holding a sword in his hand. The big gun was extremely terrifying, as if it could smash a star into pieces with just a random draw.

"That's right. When I was in the 'Nanyan Xianzhou', I was recognized by Baisheng. As one of the hundred families of the human race, you should be able to recognize this Baisheng Hongguang?" On Xuanyuan, the power of Baisheng Hongguang roll.

"It is indeed..." The young master of the Chu family looked at Xuanyuan, and said, "Then dare to ask Holy Master Xuanyuan, what is the best way to deal with the turmoil in this world?"

"Do you know the plan of the gods?" Xuanyuan asked.

"I don't know, we have been drifting in the starry sky and the universe, strengthening our own strength, and trying to fight our way out in the future." The young master of the Chu family's tone became more relaxed, and those who could be recognized by the great sage of the Chu family, he also Three points of comity must be given, otherwise it would be disrespectful to the ancestors.

"Will Holy Master Xuanyuan express it?"

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