"Xuanyuan, you don't have to pay too much attention to the pursuit of the 'Chaos Saint Emperor'. After this battle, I'm afraid he won't bother you from now on, unless you step into the realm of the Emperor of Heaven, and to the end, no one will ever trouble you." You can't fight, so you want to go out and sharpen yourself, just sharpen yourself, don't stay in the 'swallowing treasure house' for too long, it is not conducive to your growth."

Just after the 'Emperor Hongmeng' left, Fu Xi looked at Xuanyuan with a soft voice, like a mother looking at her own child. 'Emperor Devourer' left forever and got a new life, Xuanyuan got 'Emperor Devourer' 'All inheritance, she naturally treats it as her own child.

"Oh? What do you mean by that? I took his 'Chaos Green Lotus'. Before that, he refused to let me go again and again. As soon as I leave the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land', he will basically appear. Even if the 'Emperor Devourer' made a move, but now he has been reborn for a new life, and no one can protect me anymore, if I go out, as long as I am caught by him, it will be very difficult to escape, there are many dangers." It was a last resort for Xuanyuan to hide in the 'Swallowing Treasure House' for intensive cultivation. He was forced to do nothing by the 'Chaos Saint Emperor', especially the battle just now, which made Xuanyuan realize how far he was from the 'Chaos Saint Emperor' up.

"Back then, the 'Emperor Devourer' knew he couldn't kill the 'Sage Emperor of Chaos', so he forced him to break through to the realm of the Heavenly Emperor, which unsealed some of his memories. Before that, he only recovered some memories of his cultivation, so he would naturally argue with you endlessly. Aggressive, unrelenting, now that part of his memory has recovered, he already has some demeanor of a "chaos emperor", so naturally he won't argue with you anymore, but I'm afraid he will cultivate a powerful disciple to kill you. It is possible, and this proves the strength of his inheritance with the 'Wanhua Sage Emperor'." Fu Xi's judgment based on some information left by the 'Emperor Devourer' will not be wrong .

"So that's the case, then I understand. Anyway, I have gained a lot from seeing you fight this trip. I will first go to the 'Swallowing Treasure House' to practice for some time, and then go out to sharpen myself. The 'Chaos Saint Emperor' needs to cultivate Apprentice, I'm afraid it will take some time, so I will give him some time, and then I will completely defeat his apprentice, convince him, and have nothing to say." Xuanyuan suddenly understood from Fu Xi's words. , I already had a bottom line in my heart, and the lingering pursuit of the "Chaos Saint Emperor" almost made Xuanyuan a frightened bird.

"That's right, this is the best way. He lost part of his memory before, so he didn't think it was wrong to do that kind of behavior. But once his memory is restored, since he is the supreme existence of the 'Origin of the Primordial Origin', he won't do anything that is sorry for his identity. It's something about it." Fu Xi nodded, "Emperor Devourer" left her a lot of treasures, and she also needs to digest them one by one, she looked at Emperor Zhutou, "Lord of Order" and others, said: "Go on In the coming days, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' will depend on you to preside over it, and I will also go to intensive training for a period of time to enhance my own strength."

"Don't worry, it won't be a big deal." The "Lord of Order" waved his hand. He believed that Fu Xi would definitely make a higher leap, which he could feel.

Fu Xi retreated, Xuanyuan and Peng Fei also went to devour the treasure house, the nineteenth heaven.

On the way, someone came out of the gate, and there was a lot of movement, and it was the existence of a powerful ancient sage fifth heaven.

Now in the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land', people are making breakthroughs every day.

The existence of the ancient sage fifth heaven today is none other than Bai Youniang. She is driving the "Chariot of Killing God", nine supreme war horses refined from the black gold of the celestial sage, which are shaped like dragons. The scales shone, the combat power was majestic, killing all directions, the fangs and thorns on the chariot flashed a compelling cold light, and the whole temperament of Bai Youniang on the chariot also undergone an earth-shaking change.

In the past, her temperament was that of a business woman, extremely intelligent and dexterous, long-sleeved and good at dancing, and exquisite in all aspects. Now, amidst her intelligence, she has the temperament of an iron lady, with both hardness and softness, external courage and internal wisdom.

She has been rolling in the world of mortals for a long time, practiced in the world, cultivated an extremely firm heart, and then practiced in retreat and emerged from the world, refining the supreme supernatural powers left by the Bai family, the art of war, and inheriting the will of the ancestors of the Bai family, Many life experiences, perceptions, and accumulations in all aspects have made Bai Youniang sing all the way in her practice.

A few days ago, she was stuck in the fourth heaven of the ancient sages. However, in the "Qinglong Holy Land", for a period of time, there were existences in the realm of the emperor of heaven talking about the cultivation of heart virtue. As long as Bai Youniang is willing, she can listen to it at any time. , and finally, in the hearts and virtues described by many heavenly emperors and great sages, they have their own insights and break through to the realm of the ancient sages and five heavens.

"Xuanyuan, I haven't seen you for a long time. You are so powerful. I thought I could surpass you." Bai Youniang descended from the sky and immediately found Xuanyuan. With her eyes, Xuanyuan was in the fourth heaven of the ancient emperor. , can see through at a glance, but Xuanyuan who entered gave her a feeling of inscrutability.

"I'm nothing, but young lady, you have indeed become stronger. The Bai family's supernatural powers are really powerful." Xuanyuan smiled.

"Thanks to you, otherwise, I wouldn't be able to achieve today's cultivation. The 'Qinglong Holy Land' has changed a lot, so go get busy. I've been in seclusion for many years, and I still don't understand many things. Then decide what I want to do." Bai Youniang didn't bother, although she liked Xuanyuan, the two of them didn't have that kind of relationship after all, she gave up the position of property manager to Qian Duoduo, and now she doesn't want to accept it anymore. Therefore, she must make her future positioning based on the actual situation of the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'.

"Alright, you can also find Ziyu, she will tell you more comprehensively." Xuanyuan only left one sentence, and arrived at the "Swallowing Treasure House" with Pengfei.

The nineteenth heaven, Houtu Heaven.

The Emperor Heaven and the Houtu are the supreme existence of the "Origin of the Primordial Origin". This is a kind of great will. People in the world often worship, swear, and some people will say when they get married, "The Emperor Heaven and the Empress Earth are above, I..."

This is a kind of god-like existence similar to the supreme providence, it seems that all vows are witnessed, supervised and punished by it.

Xuanyuan looked at the three words Hoututian, and his heart was surging.

"There was already a god Shitian before, but now this Hoututian is not a spiritual creature of heaven and earth, right? I don't think it should be, but what could it be?" Peng Fei asked suspiciously.

"I don't know either. I'll know when I go in. No one can guess what's in the mind of the 'Swallowing the Great'." Xuanyuan directly opened the Hoututian, and the fresh air filled it.

In front of me, there is a boundless land. The moment I step into this world, I only feel that I am full of security and very at ease.

Here, Xuanyuan and Pengfei couldn't see any living beings, but they felt an extremely strange feeling in their hearts.

Xuanyuan squatted down and grabbed the soil under his feet. It was very soft and fertile, filled with majestic spiritual energy. This piece of heaven and earth is very powerful. Rao, with Xuanyuan's current state, it would be very difficult to destroy it.

"There seems to be nothing here, and I can't see what kind of treasures are hidden at all." Xuanyuan was stunned for a while. One must know that in the past, once you enter, you can see many treasures.

"I know what kind of place this is." Peng Fei who was on the side said seriously.

"Oh? Let's see."

"In this Hoututian, there is a hint of the idea of ​​the gods of the Houtu in the 'Origin of the Primordial Mist'. The purpose of 'Swallowing the Great' to leave this Hoututian is for you to feel it yourself and communicate with you." Peng said. Fei knew that what treasure he wanted this time was about to fail again, so he could only stare blankly from the sidelines.

Xuanyuan understood it all at once, and immediately quieted his heart, sat cross-legged, and used his thoughts to communicate with this piece of heaven and earth. Originally, this place was the treasure house left by the "Emperor Devourer" to his inheritors.

After Xuanyuan comprehended the mystery, he communicated with the will of 'Hoututian' with his own thoughts, and got feedback immediately.

"You have already refined the sky-replenishing thing." An old voice came slowly.

"That's right. I was lucky enough to get it by chance. I don't know what advice senior has." Xuanyuan is very humble. He knows that this will, even if it's just a strand of the idea of ​​the "Origin of the Primordial Origin", is incomparably tyrannical. , and the 'Emperor Devourer' will keep him here, there must be a profound intention.

"'The body of myriad transformations' can transform everything in the world. Since you have this kind of physique, you must be enlightened. Do you have awareness in your heart?" That old voice was still calm, but every syllable was shaking Xuanyuan's soul.

"Enlightenment?" Xuanyuan closed his eyes, carefully comprehending.

"The earth contains all things, and the sky hangs down the image. The materials are drawn from the earth, and the law is drawn from the sky. It is respecting the sky and being close to the earth, so I teach the people to repay the beauty." That voice came out again, impacting Xuanyuan's heart.

Xuanyuan felt the power of the sky-replenishing thing in his body, rolling. This kind of sky-replenishing power does not lie in the time of fighting, but for the reparation of the sky and the earth. In an instant, Xuanyuan had an epiphany in his heart, and said: "I already understand , Since I want to obtain the things that complement the heaven and the earth, I must have the determination to transform into the heaven and the earth. It is my responsibility to transform the sky to protect my people, and to transform the earth to bear the tired feet of the people so that they can continue to grow and reproduce from generation to generation. "

"Hehe, since you have this determination, you will naturally be able to get the help of the power of Houtu." As soon as the words fell, the inexplicable power merged into Xuanyuan's body. At this moment, Xuanyuan felt that he was extremely broad, as if he could turn into the earth at any time , Let your own flesh and blood be closely connected with the land under your feet.

The idea of ​​Houtu is very majestic. Although it cannot be reflected in the way of attack, it contains infinite vitality.

Peng Fei looked sad, and sighed in his heart: "Could it be that this kid's fate is such that there is no way out?"

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