Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1809 Empress Empress

Xuanyuan sat cross-legged, harmonizing his breath.

I just feel like the ground under my feet.

Houtu's supreme will has been integrated into his own body, which fits perfectly.

Even Xuanyuan felt at this moment that he had become closer to the 'Origin of Primordial Mengmeng', and seemed to be able to mobilize the power in it and use it for himself.

Originally, it was because of the combination of the "Lord of Order" and the "Original Origin of Hongmeng" to teach Xuanyuan how to get close to the "Original Origin of Hongmeng".

Now that the idea of ​​Houtu has been integrated, Xuanyuan feels that he seems to be more intimate with the 'Central World' at this moment.

That's right, the 'Origin of the Grandmist' was originally a part extracted from the 'Origin of the Grandmist'.

Among them, the Houtu will, if compared with the human body and soul, the "Central World" is equivalent to the human body, and the Houtu will is equivalent to a part of the human soul. Although it is not complete, it is also extremely remarkable.

With the integration of Houtu's will, Xuanyuan can naturally control part of the power of the "Central World", and the power he can control is more than that of the "Lord of Order".

With the passage of time day by day, Xuanyuan realized a lot from Houtu's will, and he knew that this was something he would have to bear in the future.

The earth, which feeds all things in the world, bears all suffering, pain, and obscurity, giving them a foothold.

Of course, the earth will also be angry. If everything is immoral, destroys the land, only cares about its own interests, exploits recklessly, and ignores the environment of all living beings, it will make the earth angry and cause various natural disasters, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and geomagnetic aurora. Humans should be in awe of heaven and earth.

Xuanyuan opened his eyes, and between breaths, he seemed to feel that his "Central World" was synchronized.

Peng Fei discovered that Xuanyuan and the "Central World" have a kind of compatibility, regardless of each other, which made him feel infinitely moved.

"'Swallowing the Great' is really well-intentioned. The treasures left behind are all rare, and they all have great meanings. Heaven has sent a great mission to everyone. It seems that he really wants to Find a successor of your own, Xuanyuan is a good material, but you have to get more, and you have to bear more, his fate, life and death are not up to you."

Xuanyuan didn't know what was going on in Peng Fei's mind.

After calming down his heart, he was not in a hurry to open the twentieth heaven. In Houtu's will, he had a lot of insights. It took a full year to fully realize Houtu's will. assimilate into.

Right now, he wants to get out of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' and feel the power of the 'Central World', but there is one more important thing, which is to draw out the holy figure of Hoututian who sits in charge.

"Come out." With a thought of Xuanyuan, a statue of a woman appeared.

"This is, a statue of a god." Xuanyuan frowned, staring at the extremely sacred Dharma figure in front of her, with kind brows and kind eyes, a smile on her face, and a peaceful breath, making people feel like a mother, very comfortable.

"This is the god of the society, the mother of the earth, the empress of the earth." Peng Fei said solemnly.

"I feel that this statue has extremely powerful power. What's the use?" Xuanyuan knew that Peng Fei was better at these things, and his own knowledge was very shallow compared to Peng Fei.

"This is for the world to worship. This is the only one. The 'Qinglong Holy Land' is really lucky to be able to get such a holy figure." Peng Fei was very emotional.

"Oh? How do you say that?" Xuanyuan's eyes lit up.

"This is a social god recognized by the 'Origin of Hongmeng'. The holy figure of Empress Houtu should not have appeared in this piece of heaven and earth. Later, a part of 'Origin of Hongmeng' was separated from the 'Origin of Hongmeng', so it is necessary to A statue, let the world worship and make the "Central World" more stable, that's why it appeared. As long as the world worships it, the "Origin of Hongmeng" will also protect those people who worship themselves, and increase the distance between them and the "Central World". The maintenance between people." Peng Fei said every word very clearly.

"So that's the case, then I know what to do. Now that the 'Swallowing Immortal Mansion' and the 'Central World' are closely connected, the holy figure of Empress Houtu appeared at the right time." Xuanyuan nodded and put away the holy figure. On the other hand, he and Peng Fei walked out of the 'swallowing treasure house'.

Immediately, Xuanyuan summoned Mo Ming to build a holy temple covering an area of ​​1,296 miles by attracting the elite craftsmen of the Mo family.

It is Houtu Temple.

At the first time, it attracted the attention of many powerful beings. Mo Ming arranged in full swing. Everyone who builds Houtu Temple needs to be carefully selected. Not only must the construction skills be the highest, but even the requirements for morality Too.

"Houtu, Holy Master Xuanyuan, if you want to build this temple, you must have the holy figure of Empress Houtu, but this only exists in legends, and it is meaningless to build this temple."

In the 'Qinglong Holy Land', everyone is free to express their opinions. Although it is only a holy temple of 1,296 miles, if it is built in vain, it will be a waste of money. Everyone has the right to criticize Xuanyuan. Obviously, this one The strong want to persuade Xuanyuan, just like courtiers advise the king.

"I've already got the holy face, so as long as the temple is built, I will invite the holy face out, so don't worry." Xuanyuan responded.

"Holy Lord Xuanyuan, you created the 'Qinglong Holy Land', but why do you want your disciples to worship Empress Empress Dowager in the Nine-Nine Supreme Land? I'm afraid this is not appropriate. We have never received her favor, but instead I think it is more appropriate to build Xuanyuan Temple here." There was a young rookie who respected Xuanyuan very much, after all Xuanyuan created the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' and saved countless creatures of all races.

"Don't speak in vain, Empress Houtu is the god of the 'Central World'. She has nurtured hundreds of millions of creatures, suffered trauma, was beaten to pieces by all races, and separated in all directions. She carries everything, but has no complaints. Now we It is only natural to pay homage to Empress Empress Dowager, if there is no her, how could we have the foundation of our existence?" Xuanyuan said seriously with a serious expression.

"I see, I was wrong." The young man was in awe. Not everyone knew the legend about Houtu.

"Great, this is a great event, a great event. For generations of Confucianists, I have wanted to find the real body and holy image of Empress Houtu. The sacrifice is Empress Earth, but I have never been able to find it. I never thought that it would be found by Xuanyuan. It’s great that the Holy Master has been obtained.” One of the three thousand great scholars, Kong Jing was extremely excited, he had stepped into the peak of the ancient sage fifth heaven, and he was only one step away from stepping into the realm of the great sage.

These older generations are quite clear about Empress Houtu, and they are full of reverence in their hearts.

Immediately, this news spread throughout the entire 'Qinglong Holy Land', causing a huge commotion. Almost every core figure in the big clan knew about the Empress Houtu. Now that Xuanyuan wanted to build the Houtu Temple, how could Not causing a stir?

The 'Lord of Order' and a group of heavenly emperors and great sages were alarmed, and they all came to the place where the 'Houtu Temple' was established.

"Boy, did you really get it?" The 'Lord of Order' looked excited and looked at Xuanyuan.

"That's right, it's in the 'Swallowing Treasure House', the 'Swallowing Emperor' is too powerful." Xuanyuan clenched his fists tightly, feeling excited.

"Very well, after the establishment of the Earth Temple, 'Central World' will fully recognize us. We are to protect her orthodoxy, and she will do her best to maintain us. We must also fight to the death to protect the land under our feet. It is justified."'Order The Lord's eyes shone with light.

"Hahaha, not bad, that's right." Hei Di and Qing Di were also very clear about the affairs of Houtu, and they felt very honored to be able to see them.

"It seems that the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is really a place favored by great luck." Ba Wu sighed.

The Mohist invited out the 'Mystery Box' and the 'Moyin Treasure Box', and many Mohist elites built the Houtu Temple together, and all kinds of precious natural materials and earthly treasures were integrated into it.

Soon, under the eyes of everyone, an altar covering an area of ​​1,296 miles was built layer by layer from low to high, and each stone step was closely connected with the ground below, with great communication.

Finally, on the top of the altar, a holy temple was built, covering an area of ​​1,296 feet, which corresponds to the number of one yuan.

This post-earth temple cannot be said to be resplendent, but it gives people an indescribable majesty and majesty.

To build with a heart of virtue, every builder must have a heart of great virtue, so even the people who build the Houtu Temple have been carefully selected.

Everyone has virtues, but there are small virtues and great virtues.

Condensing the hearts of all great virtuous craftsmen, the Houtu Temple built has a sense of virtue and carrying things when people look at it. It goes straight to the heart and makes people admire.

The Houtu Temple was completed within three days.

Everyone withdrew from the altar, only Xuanyuan was holding an ordinary person-sized statue of the Empress of Houtu in both hands, and invited her into the 'Houtu Temple'.

He bit his own fingertips, drew his own essence and blood, and dripped on the altar where the holy figure was placed.

All of a sudden, the entire altar emitted infinite light of the earth, and everyone immediately felt that the maintenance of the 'Central World' and the 'Swallowing Immortal Mansion' became a flesh and blood connection, inseparable, as if they had become one .

Afterwards, Xuanyuan placed the holy face of Empress Houtu on the altar, and exited the Houtu Temple.

Xuanyuan knelt down and said in a loud voice: "Houtu Empress, please bless my 'Qinglong Holy Land' for generations to come and prosper, the weather is good, the government is virtuous and the people are harmonious, and I am safe and happy."

I saw the holy image of Empress Houtu flowing with layers of lustrous brilliance, which made people admire from the bottom of their hearts.

This kind of feeling makes the emperor of heaven and the great sage also only respectful.

Everyone landed on the altar one after another, facing the direction of the Houtu Temple, and worshiped. The Houtu Empress was recognized by everyone, including the various clans. Feeling the power of all beings, the Houtu Empress also gave great support. Feedback, all of a sudden, the land of the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' became thicker and stronger.

The entire 'Nanyan Xianzhou', where the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is located, has caused great commotion. This is a kind of fluctuation of the 'Hongmeng Origin' of the 'Central World', many Heavenly Emperors, and some mysterious and unknown Existence, were alarmed.

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