Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1810 Emergence Tenshi

Countless powerhouses were shocked, and each of them deeply felt the growth of the power of the "Origin of Primordial Origin", and it has continued without signs of stopping, which is very surprising.

"What's going on, the entire 'Central World' has become stronger, could it be that other Lingzhous have come to connect? But why can't I feel it?"

"No, it was the 'Hongmeng Origin' that grew by itself, and it seemed to erupt from the direction of the 'Nanyan Xianzhou'. Something big should have happened."

"Could it be that the 'Qinglong Holy Land' has used some means to make the 'Origin of Primordial Mist' grow stronger. Now that the 'Central World' has become more consolidated, this will be of great benefit to the 'Qinglong Holy Land' itself."

"Yes, I also feel it. It seems that in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', there is a huge sacrificial power, which is integrated into the 'Hongmeng Origin' to strengthen its power. It is very likely that the 'Central World' will surpass the ancient times. As long as Wait until the four spirit states combine!"

"Look, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' seems to be in the dark, and it has also been blessed by the 'Original Origin'. It seems that it has become a part of the 'Central World' of the 'Origin of the Grand Mist'. There is a majestic idea that surrounds Looking at every inch of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', what method did Xuanyuan use to make the 'Qinglong Holy Land' and the 'Central World' so perfectly integrated."

"In this case, if you attack the 'Qinglong Holy Land' in the future, you must be extremely careful. There is a possibility of entertaining the attack of the 'Original Origin' at any time."

In the darkness, the 'Chaos Saint Emperor' saw this scene, and sneered: "Interesting, interesting, in this case, it should be that he has obtained the holy face of Houtu, and let his countless people worship him, so as to make the 'Hongmeng The recognition of the original source has blessed the common people under its jurisdiction, and at the same time it can strengthen the power of the "Hongmeng original source", which is really a good means, and it should be left behind by the "Sage Emperor of Wanhua".

At this moment, beside the 'Chaos Saint Emperor', there is a chaotic divine stone shaking, swallowing up the vast chaotic brilliance. He is watering it with his own blood and incorporating his lifelong supernatural powers to nourish it. As long as he puts this When a Chaos God Stone is conceived, an extremely terrifying existence will be born, maybe not as good as him, but absolutely terrifying.

This is the inheritance he conceived to deal with Xuanyuan. Ever since he was forced to step into the realm of Heavenly Emperor by the "Sage Emperor of Wanhua" that day, many memories have been awakened. Although he has no face to attack Xuanyuan, the "Sage Emperor of Chaos 'There are thousands of means, so naturally you are not afraid.

"It seems that the alliance with the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is indeed right. My father has always told me that I must find the god of the society, so that thousands of people of the human race can worship, worship, and protect the land under their feet. It's just that in the ancient times As for the lost things, the will can't be found, and I didn't expect to get them for the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. Very good, if I can get Jishen, Sheji Sheji, if I can get the holy appearance of these two great gods, then I can really get Sheji. "'Emperor Hongmeng' is in the 'Beiyue Xianzhou', looking at the 'Nanyan Xianzhou' in the distance, his blood is surging.

"The 'Qinglong Holy Land' is getting stronger and stronger. It is really difficult for ordinary big forces to compete, but now it has been recognized by the 'Central World'. This kind of power is perfectly integrated, and the 'Qinglong Holy Land' has started again. It has become the number one force in the entire 'Central World'." In the 'Liuhe Holy Land', those big clans outside the region felt in their hearts that being next to the 'Qinglong Holy Land', the pressure was too great, and fortunately they had met Xuanyuan himself, Not that kind of violent person, otherwise, the 'Liuhe Holy Land' may be on the verge of extinction at any time.

It can be said that apart from some small forces such as the 'Dragon Snake Holy Land', the 'Liuhe Holy Land' is the weakest among the major lands occupying Xianzhou, and it may be crushed at the flick of a finger. The forces are all standing still, and it will be hard to say when the "Central World" is complete.

In Xizhou, Di Shitian, the emperor of the underworld, was full of smiles: "It's really not easy. The 'Qinglong Holy Land' has been able to make Chaos suffer so many times. With such abilities, I really look forward to this future battle more and more."

In the direction of the 'Xiji Xianzhou', a voice came out: "I never thought that our human race could have such power, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' and the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' must be recruited as soon as possible. If they continue to grow stronger, I'm afraid they won't be able to control them, so now, let them join me in the 'Yinhua Dynasty', if there is any resistance, I can show them some color and beat them until they obey."

"The Nine Great Heavenly Emperors, pass on my decree, ordering the 'Qinglong Holy Land' and the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' to belong to my 'Yuhua Shenchao', there must be no mistake." One order.

As soon as the words fell, I saw nine divine lights flying towards the 'Qinglong Holy Land' and 'Xiji Immortal State' through the air, and finally made a move.

Countless people focused their eyes on the Nine Heavenly Emperors. These are all the existences of "Origin of Primordial Origin". They may not be comparable to people like Can Feixue, but they are definitely not in the "Central World". The plane is comparable to that of ordinary Heavenly Emperor Realm characters.

"The existence of the Nine Great Heavenly Emperors, although each one is not as good as Can Feixue, but combined, it is absolutely terrifying."

"I didn't expect that this 'Xiji Immortal State' would be the existence of the Nine Great Heavenly Emperor Realm, and there would be such a strong force behind it."

Countless strong people talked about it.

In the 'Qinglong Holy Land', when everyone was worshiping the 'Houtu Empress', the voices of the Nine Heavenly Emperors directly penetrated into the 'Qinglong Holy Land' and resounded throughout the world.

"Emperor Yuhua has an order, and Xuanyuan, the holy lord of the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land', comes out quickly to accept the edict."

"Come out quickly."

"Come out quickly..."

"There must be no mistake..."

The sound waves were like waves, rolling like tides, Xuanyuan stood up, frowned, wondering in his heart, who is this 'emperor'?

On the side, the 'Lord of Order' solemnly said: "The 'Emperor of Yuhua' should be the supreme son of the 'Origin of Hongmeng' and 'Yuehua Shenchao'. This is the divine dynasty of the human race, and it is extremely powerful. 'Arrival, now I want to recruit the great forces of the human race, integrate them into their 'Yuhua Dynasty', and win the 'Shenmen of Longevity'."

Xuanyuan understood, Pengfei smiled and said nothing, the pig-headed emperor said coldly: "Damn it, kill them."

"Go out and take a look." Xuanyuan is very calm, now he is closely connected with the 'Central World' and complements the 'Origin of Hongmeng', in this world, he is not afraid of anything, let alone the 'Central State Dynasty' In the alliance, the 'Emperor of Hongmeng' is definitely not a vegetarian. It seems that he has known for a long time that there will be today, so the alliance with the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is also to fight against this 'Emperor God Dynasty'.

Great Sage Xiangliu, Great Sage Xingtian, Yin Feng, Bawu, Qingdi, Heidi, Lord of Order, Old God Emperor Tianlong, Kong Yuan, Zhang Tianling, Huangtian, Pig Head Emperor, Peng Fei, and Xuanyuan, come to the "Swallowing Immortal Mansion" 'Beyond.

They are all figures in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', and Xuanyuan knew that if they confronted the Nine Heavenly Emperors of the 'Yuhua Shenchao', other people would only increase the casualties.

Seeing Xuanyuan and his party walking out of the 'Swallowing Immortal Mansion', the head of the Nine Great Heavenly Emperors was holding a yellow brocade with a feathered nine-clawed holy dragon embroidered on it. The shape of a living creature can shock the souls of others. The head of the Nine Heavenly Emperors looked at Xuanyuan and asked, "Are you the master of the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land', Xuanyuan?"

"Exactly." Xuanyuan was neither humble nor overbearing.

"Kneel down to accept the order." The head of the Heavenly Emperor said in a heavy voice.

"Kneeling to the emperor, kneeling to the earth, kneeling to parents and teachers, it's natural and righteous, but it's impossible for me to kneel to a decree, not to mention who you are, I don't know each other, why come to my 'Qinglong Holy Land'?" Xuanyuan said coldly.

"We are the nine heavenly emperors of the 'Yuhua Shenchao', ordered by the 'Yuhua Emperor', to recruit the 'Qinglong Holy Land', to condense the power of our human race, to wipe out all foreign races, and quickly kneel down and obey the order, don't I made a mistake." The Heavenly Emperor holding the decree in his hand did not get angry, he explained the purpose of coming, and in his eyes, he looked down on all living beings.

"What is the 'Yuhua Shenchao'? I am the inheritor of the 'Wanhua Shengdi', you dare to make me kneel? Are you afraid that the 'Yuhua Shenchao' will collapse in an instant?" Xuanyuan couldn't understand the other party's face , said coldly.

"Do you dare to be disrespectful to the decree of the law?" Immediately, the head of the heavenly emperor showed murderous aura, but in the depths of his eyes, he was very jealous. The successor of the 'Sage Emperor of Wanhua', the 'Body of Wanhua' is indeed very difficult to provoke .

Suddenly he received a thought, his expression changed, as if nothing happened just now, he immediately unfolded the decree, and said in a heavy voice: "Emperor Yuhua thinks you are young and ignorant, and doesn't care about you. You are allowed to stand and listen to the decree."

"Hongmeng is in charge, Yuhua said, heard that the 'Qinglong Holy Land' has protected hundreds of millions of living beings in times of crisis, saved the common people, made great achievements, and the 'Yuhua Shenchao' appreciates it in every possible way, and hereby issued a decree to recruit security, seal Xuanyuan as the Qinglong Emperor, and take charge of it." The members of the Azure Dragon Tribe are used by me in the 'Yuhua Shenchao', and there are thousands of races in the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land', not my race, their hearts must be different, and they will all be killed today to show their sincerity." Every word and sentence is full of High above the ground, domineering, extremely domineering, this is the first time Xuanyuan saw such a person, he didn't put the 'Qinglong Holy Land' in his eyes at all, he talked to himself, and didn't even ask what the 'Qinglong Holy Land''s opinion was, Xuanyuan was extremely disgusted.

From him, the 'Wanhua Sacred Fire' was burning, Xuanyuan said coldly: "Human race, all races, all living beings are equal, I've made a great wish in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', I hope that all races in the world can live in peace, this is my 'Qinglong Holy Land' "The foundation of all ages, you 'Yuhua Shenchao' are trying to break the foundation of my 'Qinglong Holy Land'? Give you a few moments to get out of my 'Nanyan Xianzhou', otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

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