Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1811 Strong shot

Xuanyuan's expression was ugly. All the major forces in the entire 'Qinglong Holy Land' could hear them clearly.

After all, they are also human races. Saying such words will hurt the hearts of the people of all races, and will create a gap between the relationships that have been established with great difficulty in the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. Therefore, at this time, he must stand clearly. Take a stand and make a statement to let everyone know that the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' created by Xuanyuan will definitely not discriminate against foreigners.

He would not do anything to be sorry for them, his expression was furious.

The Heavenly Emperor at the head was a little surprised. He never expected that Xuanyuan would dare to speak to them like this. You must know that it was the first time anyone dared to speak like this since they were crushed all the way here.

Could it be that they have doubts about the power of the 'Yuhua Shenchao'? Then it is necessary to show the 'Qinglong Holy Land' the power of the 'Yuhua Shenchao'.

"Bold, you dare to disrespect the envoys of the 'Yuhua Shenchao', court death, and anger my 'Yuhua Shenchao', everyone will die in your 'Qinglong Holy Land', all the human races in the 'Qinglong Holy Land' , listen, why do you die? Because of your lord, Xuanyuan made a foolish decision, which led to your inevitable death!" One of the heavenly emperors was furious, holding a sword in his hand, and he wanted to attack, but But he found that countless terrifying power techniques, feng shui, prohibition techniques, mechanism techniques, and talisman techniques were intertwined.

"If you have the ability, don't be a turtle. What's the point of hiding in it? Get out and die, Xuanyuan, it's still too late for you to repent, kneel in front of the decree, kowtow and admit your mistake, we will make your death look better, and Spare the lives of the common people in the 'Qinglong Holy Land'."

"It's a joke, you really treat yourself like an onion. If you don't leave, I will make none of you leave here today, and die to me." 'Lord of Order' is on the 'Origin of Primordial Origin', although it is not as good as A big man like the Holy Emperor, but at least he is at the level of Can Feixue himself, or even higher, how can he allow these trash in front of him to be so arrogant in front of him.

In his eyes, these Nine Heavenly Emperors are inferior to scum, and they dare to pretend to be powerful and bully others.

Seeing a flash of his figure, even Xuanyuan didn't have time to stop it, holding the "Chaos Green Lotus" in the hand of the "Lord of Order", and slammed down on the head of the sword Emperor.

"Eternal chaos, a green lotus, shattered the nine heavens of the avenue."

In the 'chaos green lotus', all kinds of avenues are shaking, and the sky is full of chaos. Its power is so terrifying that it makes people's hearts tremble.

This is the magic weapon refined by the "Chaos Sacred Emperor" with his own body in the previous life, exhausting all his efforts, and it is extremely terrifying.

The Heavenly Emperor Hengdao holding the sword in his hand resisted in front of him, feeling the two forces of order and chaos intertwined, his heart was horrified, and he waved the sword in his hand again and again: "Fathering a thousand swords, breaking the way of heaven."

I saw feather-like blades fluttering one after another, and the power contained in each one can cut the existence of the ordinary ancient emperor's fifth heaven into pieces. The supreme Taoism created by a plane is even more powerful.

Feathering a thousand knives is to use one's own supreme killing intent, battle knives, and fighting spirit to condense into pieces of feather-like blades to attack the enemy. The feather is the lightest, but it is also the fastest. It will float along the airflow and avoid The enemy's attack, thus obliterating the enemy at that moment, is light and dexterous.

This is the profound meaning of feathering a thousand knives. I can see the blades fluttering like feathers all over the sky, stirring with the wind regularly, cutting everything. This kind of attacking method can cause huge damage even to the realm of the Heavenly Emperor and Great Sage .

Xuanyuan peeped with the eyes of the sky, and in each of these blades, there is a kind of power of transformation. Once the enemy is severely injured, the power of transformation will invade the enemy's body, making it like a person who has become a flying fairy. Turned into light, bit by bit, gradually turned into nothingness, and died unexpectedly.

However, all of this has long been seen through by the 'Lord of Order'. From his body, the aura of chaos is rolling. He combines the chaos and order, and the two avenues complement each other. With the power of supreme destruction, accompanied by the swing of the 'Lord of Order', he smashed suddenly.

The whole sky seemed to have collapsed a lot, the roar of the avenue was deafening, and the nine heavens seemed to be shaking and would be broken at any moment.

Facing the overwhelming attack, everything is unavoidable. The Sword Emperor did not expect the opponent to be so terrifying. He roared loudly and urged the swords in his hands with all his strength to evolve into hundreds of thousands of sword formations, resisting again and again, The sound of clanging was endless, but where the 'chaos green lotus' passed, the knife array collapsed and shattered suddenly.

In the end, the moment the 'Chaos Green Lotus' collided with the saber in his hand, the saber shattered, and his whole body was shattered by the force of the Dao, and he flew out, like a kite with a broken string, covered in blood It splashed out, extremely miserable, and the terrifying chaotic air invaded his body, destroying everything, causing him to howl again and again, and a kind of fear arose in his heart.

They were airborne from the "Origin of Hongmeng", and felt that this plane was rubbish, and no one could be their opponent. This sense of superiority came from them, accompanied by sweeping all the way, which made their sense of superiority even stronger Intense, so that when they fight, they are completely defeated.

The 'Lord of Order' was originally a terrifying existence in the 'Origin of the Hongmeng', and he was very close to the 'Origin of the Hongmeng', so he could control part of the power. The closer you get, the stronger the power you control, and the "chaos blue lotus" in your hand is something that ordinary people can resist.

"Chaos Qinglian, why is it in your hands, you are the 'Chaos Saint Emperor'? How is it possible, the avenue you cast is not the avenue of chaos at all, but the order of heaven and earth, the 'Order Dragon', there is absolutely no mistake. "The face of the leader of the Heavenly Emperor was pale. Could it be that this person in front of him is the reincarnated inheritance of the 'Chaos Saint Emperor'.

"You don't have to worry about this, because you are human races. I will give you another chance and get out of my sight. Otherwise, you will all die." The eyes of the 'Lord of Order' swept towards the dying statue. The Heavenly Emperor, if he had made the ultimate move from the beginning, it would not have been so miserable.

"Bold, you dare to be so disrespectful to the 'Yuhua Shenzhao', you are all impatient." Now the existence of these Heavenly Emperors is hard to get off, it's not going to go, it's not going to go, you must know the 'Yuhua Tianzi' They are still watching them from behind. If they escape, they will be severely punished if they go back and lose the face of 'Yuhua Shenchao'.

At this moment, a thought was passed into his mind, it was the voice of 'Yuhua Tianzi': "Come back, you are not his opponent, there is no point in staying there, it seems that I still underestimated the 'Qinglong Holy Land' "Strength, is this really just a holy land that has been created for decades? It has such a strong foundation! It seems that we have to think about it in the long run."

Immediately, the existence of the nine heavenly emperors turned around and fled without any resistance, because the moment they saw the 'Chaos Qinglian', their hearts were already trembling. Among them, it is very scary, even the "Yuhua Shenchao" has to give it three points, so they have no idea when they see the "Chaos Qinglian", even if it is not the "Chaos Saint" who can master this treasure, The emperor's reincarnation also proves that there must be an existence like the "Chaos Saint Emperor" behind it, and it is impossible to fight against it.

Moreover, in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', it occupies the right time, place and people. Even if the nine heavenly emperors unite, they will not be able to fight no matter how they fight. This is beyond doubt. Many techniques, feng shui, and many means of restraint have not yet been used. Woolen cloth.

"Wouldn't this be too good?" Seeing them leaving in despair, Zhang Tianling frowned with hatred in his heart. He was originally a relatively conservative person. "After all, they are all human races. They are used to being superior, and we will pass it if we bear it. Now, if we do something, it will cause disharmony among the human races and separate each other, which is detrimental to our dignity."

"It's okay, they have already disregarded our decency, why should we take them into consideration, hit them again, even if they run fast, if they dare to come again, I will kill them all." The 'Lord of Order' didn't care at all, as expected With the 'Chaos Green Lotus', its combat power has doubled, and it is difficult for ordinary people to compete with it.

Many strong men saw the Nine Heavenly Emperors aggressively coming to read the decree, but they did not expect that they would be beaten and fled by the "Lord of Order" at once. They knew that it was not because the Nine Heavenly Emperors were weak, or even that they united It is possible to destroy a 'Liuhe Holy Land' because the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' is too powerful, and the shock of the 'Chaos Green Lotus' in the hands of the 'Lord of Order' is indescribable.

"The 'Qinglong Holy Land' is too powerful. The nine heavenly emperors, the 'Yuhua Shenchao', this is the giant existence of the 'Origin of Hongmeng'. The plane is smashed to pieces."

"The 'Qinglong Holy Land' is too powerful, if you do this today, you will definitely bring endless consequences to yourself in the future."

"Yeah, after getting angry for a while, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' will definitely be miserable in the future, especially when the four major Lingzhous are connected..."

Inside the 'Qinglong Holy Land', all races cheered. They all saw the scene in front of them. Not only were there no barriers between them, but they were more integrated together.

Everyone knew that Xuanyuan had offended the extremely powerful upper-plane human race for their sake, and because of this, they were more certain of Xuanyuan's determination, and they were willing to be with Xuanyuan.

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