Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1812 Escaped Celestial Soldiers

'Emperor Hongmeng' looked at the scene in front of him, the corners of his mouth raised, everything was within his expectations, 'Qinglong Holy Land' would never succumb to the domineering behavior of 'Yuhua Shenchao', even if the opponent's strength No matter how powerful he is, Xuanyuan will fight back with all his strength, which is why he chose to form an alliance with Xuanyuan.

Beside him, stood an old man, worried: "'Yuhua Shenchao' has run into a wall at the 'Qinglong Holy Land', will I follow 'Beiyue Xianzhou'? After all, we are not like the 'Qinglong Holy Land'." sharp."

"If my 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' could have swallowed it so easily, when they met us that day, they would have done it immediately, so don't worry." The 'Hongmeng Emperor' looked very calm and calm, indeed The 'Central Province Dynasty' has many methods that it has not used.

"Although this is the case, except for the means left by the old emperor, our existing combat power in all aspects is far inferior to the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. If we want to resist the 'Yuhua Shenchao', we have to pay a certain price." The voice of the old man Hoarse, looking at his feet, countless Limin people are alive, he knows his mission and responsibility.

"It doesn't matter, we have already united with the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. As allies, we will naturally advance and retreat together, and they have already begun to build a direct passage between the 'South Yan Xianzhou' and the 'Beiyue Xianzhou'. When the time comes, we and the 'Qinglong Holy Land' will There is no gap at all, one portal can lead to the north and the south." When the 'Emperor Hongmeng' was in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', after the alliance was completed, he proposed this idea, and Xuanyuan naturally would not object, it was a disservice to both parties. All good things.

The direct passage between the 'Nanyan Xianzhou' and the 'Beiyue Xianzhou' is through a portal to directly reach the Xianzhou where the other party is located. Introducing the power of the 'Original Origin' to open up an unimpeded door.

"It's so good..." The old man was amazed. He was born at the same time as the 'Emperor Hongmeng' and was one of the right-hand men of the 'Emperor Hongmeng'. In just a few decades, the current achievements are simply unimaginable.

In the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'.

Xuanyuan looked in the direction of the 'Beiyue Xianzhou' and said with a smile: "I finally understand why the 'Emperor Hongmeng' wants to form an alliance with me in the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. It turns out that he has already met the 'Yuehua Shenchao' and wants to let us Unite and fight together. The 'Yuhua Shenchao' is domineering and has no respect at all. It is even worse than the Protoss. It is true that we cannot submit to them. Everyone speeds up the construction of the north-south passage. Now we and the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' It is the closest ally, and we must support our allies in the first place."

I still understand the reason why the lips are dead and the teeth are cold. What's more, there are still four other Lingzhous that have not yet completed the docking. The future enemies will not only be the "Yuhua Shenchao", but also other big forces, all of which may come from the "Hongmeng" Origin' came down.

This portal requires the existence of the Great Sacred Realm of the Emperor of Heaven to jointly build it, with the 'Lord of Order' as the center, mobilizing the power of the 'Great Origin' to communicate the connection between the two great immortal states in the north and south. This north-south gateway was built more firmly.

Once the "Zhongzhou Dynasty" is attacked by the enemy, the "Qinglong Holy Land" can lead the army to support it at the first time, otherwise, the "Zhongzhou Dynasty" can also arrive at the first time, which is equivalent to the enemy's attacking the "Qinglong Holy Land" With the two major forces of the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty', almost no big force can do it.

In the 'Western Immortal State'.

After the "Yuhua Shenchao" was docked that day, there was a period of silence, and the distribution of the major forces in the world was clarified. Before the "Yuhua Emperor" also knew that there were also nine heavenly emperors in the "Qinglong Holy Land", but he never imagined Not to mention, there is actually a Heavenly Emperor who is the "Dragon of Order", not to mention, holding the Supreme Treasure of Chaos in his hand, with the might of a Holy Emperor on it, and the aura of an extremely pure "Holy Emperor of Chaos". The face is simply invincible.

Could it be said that behind the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is the 'Chaos Saint Emperor' as support? Then the 'Yuhua Shenchao' really didn't want to cause this disaster, not to mention, although the 'Chaos Saint Emperor' was reincarnated in this plane, but in the 'Origin of the Primordial Mist', there are many great forces belonging to him , with one order, even if the 'Yuhua Shenchao' can resist, the loss it faces is extremely terrible.

What's more, for the 'Emperor of Feathering', coming to this plane this time is just a sharpening for him, an experience, and it's not worth fighting for it.

"Son of Heaven, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is really too bold and reckless. It doesn't take our 'Yuehua Shenchao' seriously at all. We must kill them all to make an example to the monkeys." , full of anger.

"This is not a chicken, but a dragon, the reincarnation of the 'Chaos Saint Emperor'. Although I really want to fight with him, it is definitely not now. The 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' should not be provoked for the time being. The current situation is unclear. , the four major Lingzhous have not yet been docked, and when the 'Central World' is completely consummated, then the account should be settled, and none of the damned people can escape." Very calm, gentle, and full of confidence, it seems that there is a plan in the heart, and everything is under control.

"Yes, how dare you ask the Son of Heaven, what should we do with the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty'? Shall we go to summon security?" the leader of the Emperor of Heaven asked.

"No need, the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' has many means. Although it is not as good as the 'Qinglong Holy Land', it is not far behind. Once they are attracted to resist desperately, for us, the gain is not worth the loss. And with the 'Hongmeng Emperor' I'm afraid he has already made an alliance with the 'Qinglong Holy Land'." 'Emperor Emerald' sighed.

"Then why are we just swallowing our anger like this?" A heavenly emperor said angrily, "Where I have passed by the 'Yuhua Shen Dynasty', all living beings surrender, and all races dare not to obey..."

"Forget it, the Eighteenth Heavenly Emperor obeys orders." The "Emperor of Feathering" sighed, and saw the existence of eighteen Heavenly Emperors appearing on top of a palace. They knelt down on their knees and bowed their heads to listen.

"You lead eight million feathered heavenly soldiers to attack scattered forces such as the 'Liuhe Holy Land', 'Dragon Snake Holy Land', and there are many foreign clans stationed in the starry sky. The benefit is to improve their strength, these people will be very useful as cannon fodder in the future, and by the way, give the 'Qinglong Holy Land' a blow." The 'Emperor Emperor' gave an order.

"How can you allow other people to snore and sleep on the side of the couch? If we send troops to attack, do you think the 'Qinglong Holy Land' will just ignore it?" a heavenly emperor said immediately.

"Knowing how to shoot is the best. I would also like to try, how powerful the soldiers and horses of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' are." The "Emperor of Feathering" waved his hand and said: "You go, it's just a trial now."

"Yes." The eighteen emperors took the order and left.

A moment later, from the 'Xiji Immortal State', eight million feathered heavenly soldiers soared into the sky in a mighty manner. The combat power of each feathered heavenly soldier is at least in the realm of the ancient sages and three heavens, which is unparalleled.

They condensed into a feathered battle formation, with boundless power, swept all directions, and quickly approached the 'Liuhe Holy Land'.

In the "Sacred Land of Liuhe", there are many existences in the realm of heavenly emperors, their faces are pale, and the "Yuhua Shenchao" is mighty, and the aura of the eighteen emperors shocked their hearts, which can completely crush them, although their The background is strong enough, but compared with the 'Yuhua Shenchao', it is completely worthless.

"What should we do, the 'Yuhua Shenchao' is coming to attack us." Immediately, there was a great sage with a dignified expression.

"Don't panic, they shouldn't be like this. They have hit a wall from the 'Qinglong Holy Land', and now they should be thinking about strengthening their own strength." A heavenly emperor responded calmly.

"Should we seek the protection of the 'Qinglong Holy Land'? I think the 'Yuhua Shenchao' is extremely domineering. If we join them, we will have no self-esteem at all in the future, but the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is different. He can In order to govern the people of all races, openly confronting the 'Yuhua Shenchao', the two are completely different." Xuanyuan personally visited the door that day, and they saw with their own eyes that Xuanyuan is extremely moral, and no matter what, From any aspect, it is much better to enter the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' than to enter the 'Yuhua Shenchao'.

"However, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' can barely protect itself now. Are they willing to make great sacrifices for us? This is a question." An emperor looked dignified and felt uneasy.

"I'm going to the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. I communicated well with Xuanyuan that day. I should be 50% sure." At this moment, a woman came out. It was Luo Shan, the emperor daughter of the Luohu clan. , this woman is unparalleled in beauty and wisdom.

As soon as she went out, many people of the older generation saw hope, nodded immediately and said: "Okay, you go to the 'Qinglong Holy Land' as soon as possible to ask for reinforcements, and we will stall here for time."

The 'Liuhe Holy Land' and the 'Qinglong Holy Land' are adjacent, and the distance is very close. If you send troops, you can arrive at the first time.

The six heavenly emperors and great sages teamed up to teleport Luo Shan out of the 'Nanyan Xianzhou' in the first place.

With a calm demeanor and a sweet voice, she saluted respectfully: "'Liuhe Holy Land', Luo Shan begged to see the Holy Master Xuanyuan."

The 'Lord of Order' took a look at Xuanyuan and said, "Go to the Three Treasures Palace for nothing, whether you see it or not."

"Of course we want to see her, let her come in." Xuanyuan said with a smile.

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