Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1816 Statement

The elite combat power of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' suddenly made all major forces restless. If they said there was no sense of crisis, it would be a lie. Such terrifying combat power is something they cannot possess at the moment.

The 'Fathering Heavenly Soldiers' are mighty, and the eighteen heavenly emperors, with an invincible posture, want to launch an attack, and countless powerful forces are paying attention.

And the 'Qinglong Holy Land', the speed of soldiers, the violent storm, and the devastating blows directly shocked everyone. This almost overturned their understanding of the combat power of soldiers and horses on this plane, and completely overturned their previous ideas. .

Such a combat power is like a sharp knife, which can completely cut a large force in half, not to mention the combat power of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', there are also soldiers and horses of other ten thousand races, all of them are not vegetarians .

The secret discussion this time was held among the evil race.

Among the evil clan, a young emperor, Tian Xiezi, presides over it. This is an existence that is about to step into the realm of a heavenly emperor. His methods are notoriously cruel. Proficient, has been keeping a low profile, not in this world.

At the invitation of the Xie Clan, the Shen Clan sent out the "God Son of Dragon Candle". This is the most prestigious person among the Protoss apart from Can Feixue, who has the qualifications to be the representative of the Protoss.

In the heavenly court, there appeared a young emperor named Yang An, dressed in a platinum battle armor, holding a supreme battle gun, with a fierce fighting spirit, it was amazing, the huge heavenly court was haunted by ghosts, and that person couldn't figure it out.

In the underworld, the emperor of the underworld, that is, Di Shitian, did not go out, but asked the emperor of Huangquan to participate in this invitation on behalf of the underworld.

The "Yuhua Shenchao" was headed by the first great sage under the "Yuhua Tianzi", who was his right-hand man.

They all arrived at the first time, because the result of this discussion may directly change the pattern of the 'Central World'.

These people gathered at the location of the original Fudi City of the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty', which is now Tianxie City.

In a palace, delicious food and wine, served by women from the evil clan, all kinds of wonderful methods and mysterious techniques embellish this space beautifully, as if you are in a dream.

"It is a great honor for all of you to come here. I think everyone knows the purpose, so let's get straight to the point. The elite of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' are too powerful, and they must not be allowed to develop like this, otherwise , when the 'Central World' is complete, I'm afraid there will be no place for us to stand on." Tian Xiezi witnessed that scene with his own eyes that day, and these soldiers and horses were so powerful that they couldn't be more powerful.

"Hehe, I think Tian Xiezi is a little timid. The mere 'Qinglong Holy Land' is nothing to worry about. When the 'Central World' is complete, more powerful characters from our Protoss will come one after another, and then the 'Qinglong Holy Land' will be destroyed." "Just at the flick of a finger, the most important thing for our Protoss is to recuperate. Before the war, the strength was seriously depleted. I don't want to go into the muddy water this time. I came here this time because of the "Holy Land that Shrouds the Sky" Respect." 'Son of Dragon Candle' is the incarnation of Xuanyuan, he still knows how much the 'Qinglong Holy Land' weighs, and now what the 'Qinglong Holy Land' needs is to recuperate in preparation for future wars, and it is resolute not to let this Several major forces united to attack the 'Qinglong Holy Land', otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"I actually think that the 'Qinglong Holy Land' should be strangled in the cradle first. If the connection between the four spirit states is completed, the power of the 'Hongmeng Origin' will become even stronger, and the overall strength of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' will also be improved. It will be even more difficult to deal with them when the time comes, and you have to take a long-term view, otherwise, you will only harm others and yourself." The first great sage sent by the "Emperor" said between words, With a kind of domineering, the implication is that "Son of Dragon Candle" has no vision, and such remarks will harm everyone.

"Hehe, your 'Yuhua Shenchao' family has a great career. How can my protoss be compared with you? How about this? Let you, 'Yuehua Shenchao' and the evil clan join forces to attack the 'Qinglong Holy Land', and our other three major forces will see it." It depends on the effect, if there is a show, then we will add fire, if there is no show... Hehe, let's forget it, everyone knows the strength of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', if you don't tell lies in front of real people, who will open it The situation is very important, anyway, I don't want to let the soldiers of my protoss sacrifice." Xuanyuan was very calm and straightforward.

"Haha, the 'Dragon Candle God's calculation' is really good. In fact, I also thought so in my heart. The 'Qinglong Holy Land' is not so easy to mess with. Since the Xiezu and the 'Yuhua Shenchao' both want to set it aside." As for death, then I, 'Heavenly Court', would naturally be willing to watch from the sidelines, and if I gain the upper hand, I will destroy the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' with lightning speed." Yang An, the Emperor of Heavenly Court, laughed, watching with deep meaning Gave a look at the 'God of Dragon Candle'.

"Although it is said that my underworld has a big enmity with the 'Qinglong Holy Land', there is no such deep enmity like the 'Zhoutian Holy Land' and the 'Yuhua Shenchao', so there is no need for us to send troops to attack at this time, I agree' According to the Son of Dragon Candle, why don't you two send troops to attack, we sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, if you can win the upper hand, we send the most elite army immediately to crush the "Qinglong Holy Land", how about it? "Emperor Huangquan talked and laughed happily.

This made Tian Xiezi and Yuhua's first great sage look very bad. It must be difficult to make these great forces work together. Everyone will have their own considerations, and this is understandable.

"Aren't you afraid that when the 'Qinglong Holy Land' grows stronger, you will be wiped out one by one?" Tian Xiezi asked.

"Xuanyuan, people don't offend me, I don't offend others, I have met him a few times, I still have some understanding, so I don't have any worries about this aspect, and now the 'Central World' is not complete, I want to eat the 'Qinglong' Holy land' is easy, if more terrifying forces come from the four major spirit states and weaken your own strength at that time, whether you can protect yourself is a problem." The "Son of Dragon Candle" started to fan the flames again, and indeed No one dares to guarantee a future that hasn't happened, not even the 'Emperor of Heaven' dare to say that he is the most powerful force in the world.

Everyone present knows that there is a supreme existence in the "Origin of the Primordial Origin" who reincarnated in this world for sharpening. The great power that such a person can create must be extraordinary. This is the most worrying thing. The place of taboo is indeed what the 'God Dragon Candle' said, it is not impossible.

"It's no wonder that the 'God Son of Dragon Candle' is not very strong but can be the most famous one among the entire Protoss, among the younger generation. With such wisdom, it's hard for the Protoss not to be strong." Yang An looked at Xuanyuan and nodded repeatedly. Said: "That's true, so if you agree with our previous ideas, we are naturally willing to cooperate with you. As for asking our soldiers to charge and use their corpses to pave a road, it cannot be done."

Yang An's tone was very decisive. On the side, Emperor Huang Quan couldn't help but nodded, and said, "I also think the same way. If you think you can cooperate, then cooperate. If not, then forget it."

Tian Xiezi knows that the emperors of these powerful forces are all monkey spirits. It is impossible to ask them to pay first. Apart from being snatched away by Xuanyuan, there is no great hatred.

Only the "Yuhua Shenchao" is called a deep hatred. At the beginning, it was refuted under the eyes of the public, and then sent 8 million troops, but it was all beheaded by the soldiers of the "Qinglong Holy Land". It is simply embarrassing It's home, so they all want to get this breath back.

"I remember that the Xie Clan combined with the Witch Clan to form a school of its own, but they have never been tolerated by the orthodox Witch Clan. Tian Xiezi wanted to take this opportunity to wipe out the 'Qinglong Holy Land' and completely wipe out the Witch Clan. Between heaven and earth, let yourself become orthodox? Otherwise, the existence of the good witch clan will always be a serious problem for you." 'Son of Dragon Candle' laughed.

"Hmph, the way of witches and evils is the most perfect combination. They claim to be orthodox witches, but in fact they are narrow-minded. They can't see us being strong." Tian Xiezi snorted coldly.

"Forget it, then I, the 'Yuhua Shenchao', will unite with the evil clan to attack the 'Qinglong Holy Land' together. Prepare your soldiers and horses. If we can gain the upper hand, you will take advantage of the victory and pursue and wipe out the 'Qinglong Holy Land'." , how?" The first great sage of the 'Yuhua Shenchao' is well aware of the cunning of these people, anyway, as long as they have the upper hand, they will make a move, that's enough, all they need is a statement that they can make a move.

"Okay, then it's decided like this." After the discussion, everyone left one after another.

In the 'Nanyan Xianzhou', only the 'Liuhe Holy Land' was directly introduced into the 'Qinglong Holy Land'.

Xuanyuan said in a heavy voice: "From now on there will be no heaven and earth holy land. In the 'Qinglong Holy Land', you are your own family. You must abide by the rules and laws in the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. Otherwise, the king will be ruthless."

"This is natural." The six heavenly emperors and great sages did not have the slightest opinion, because it was extremely rare for them to feel such a surge of chaotic immortal energy in the 'Qinglong Holy Land'.

There is a perfect explanation for why the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' is so powerful.

There is such a powerful chaotic immortal energy, how can it not be strong for people to cultivate, and in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', all resources are shared, supernatural powers are integrated, and there are countless collisions of ideas.

Just when they entered the 'Qinglong Holy Land', they also saw the Tyrannical Blood Royal Family, the Tianlong Royal Family, the War Demon Sect, the Daoist Sect, the Buddhist Sect and many other powerful people, conducting military exercises. It was dark.

It turned out that the elites of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' were all trained in this way, and now each of them wished to be in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', which was the cultivation environment they dreamed of.

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