Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1817 The Curse of Breaking the Restriction

The disciples of the 'Liuhe Holy Land' came to the 'Qinglong Holy Land', just like countrymen who entered the city, their eyes almost dropped to the ground.

If they had known that there was Chaos Immortal Qi in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', they would have created some 'Liuhe Holy Land' by themselves.

Thinking about it now is like a joke. Before thinking about how to compete with the 'Qinglong Holy Land', it was simply whimsical. As long as there is this 'Chaos Immortal Qi', the gap between the two will only grow farther and farther.

"It seems that Luoshan's vision is still very good. It has created a new life for our Luohu clan. Otherwise, our Luohu clan has been controlled by others at this moment, and it will be difficult to have a bright future in the future." The Great Sage sighed.

"That's right, if you invest in the 'Yuhua Shenchao', I'm afraid you'll lose the Chaos Immortal Qi, and you won't be able to lift your head up for the rest of your life. You must be ruled by them and treated as a different kind." Another Heavenly Emperor sighed in his heart However, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' actually possesses the immortal energy of chaos, and it is not known to the outside world. As long as we strictly guard against it, one day, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' will definitely be the strongest force in the 'Central World'.

"You see, in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', all races live in harmony and complement each other, and they are one. There is no distinction between high and low status because of their strength." It's hard to understand, for them, strength is the most important thing.

"That mortal is a Confucian. He concentrates on making a fuss, doesn't practice, and cultivates a righteous spirit. His strength can only be considered average. However, there is an ancient sword royal family strongman from the ancient emperor Wuzhongtian who humbly asks him for advice and calls him a teacher. ?” The other Heavenly Emperor was also very surprised, this is something that could only happen in the ancient times, and now it has appeared in front of his eyes.

Xuanyuan smiled and said nothing.

"Holy Master Xuanyuan, don't worry, our six major clans will never do anything wrong. It's just for the sake of this cultivation environment." Luo Shan looked at Xuanyuan and said with a smile.

"Hehe, I naturally believe that the six races can restrain their own people, but this time I, the 'Qinglong Holy Land', completely offended the 'Yuhua Shenchao', and exposed the strength of the army of the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. They are all starting to fidget, as I expected, they should be thinking about how to jointly attack the 'Qinglong Holy Land', and I am going to prepare for this." Xuanyuan's deity, at the first moment, sensed what his incarnation was doing. The information obtained, even if it is the union of the "Yuhua Shenchao" and the "Holy Land of Shrouding Heaven", cannot be underestimated.

"Sima Yi, Wu Luo, Zhuge Tianxing, Ya, obey orders."

"Yes." The four emperors responded in unison.

"You lead the army of your own family, stick to the center of Sancai Xiongguan, and be ready to respond at any time." Xuanyuan said solemnly.

"Yes." Immediately, the four sons of the four emperors went to their respective places, mobilized five million troops each, and left the 'Qinglong Holy Land'.

The ones they selected are all the elite among the elite. These people are still in the process of being sharpened, but they have cooperated very well with each other. It is not far from the day of the ancient emperor and the ancient sage, and it is expected to make a breakthrough in this battle.

At the same time, they also have the killing method engraved on the Talisman Tower, which doubles their attacking power, even the ancient emperor and the ancient sage can shoot and kill.

"Holy Master Xuanyuan, why don't I take an elite team to ambush, and kill them all by surprise." Wang Nidao took the initiative to take the order.

"No, 'Yuhua Shenchao' and 'Zhoutian Holy Land' are not to be underestimated. We have the advantage of geographical advantage, and now we have the blessing of 'Hongmeng Origin'. We only need to fight offensive and defensive battles. Once they break through the line of defense, we can still fight back." We need you to resist. On the battlefield, everything is changing rapidly. It is beyond our control. It is not a bad thing to be cautious. I know that the fighting power of the champion guard is even more terrifying. Because of this, we must preserve the champion guard. Strength." Xuanyuan waved his hand, he knew that Wang Nidao was extremely brave, and that his assassination skills were unmatched by anyone in the world, but the 'Yuhua Shenchao' and 'Zhoutian Holy Land' are not vegetarians, so if there is any accident,' Champion Wei's loss is a heavy price to the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'.

"Yes." Wang Nidao didn't say much, and immediately led his own elite to mobilize troops. He also needed to let those elites of the ancient sage realm join the battle. Only in the killing of war can the greatest breakthrough be obtained.

Xuanyuan looked at the 'Six Paths of Samsara' and murmured: "It's time for the 'Six Paths of Samsara' to take action."

"Tell me, general, that the 'Six Paths of Reincarnation' will be dispatched to dispatch three million elites to lurk in the Sancai Pass. Once the enemy breaks through, the assassination will be carried out as soon as possible." Xuanyuan gave an order, and the voice was mighty, transmitted to the ' Six paths of reincarnation city', and to Tsing Yi's ears.

Immediately, Tsing Yi led the killing machines of that day, all dispatched, raising troops for thousands of days, and using them for a while, these killers who had been trained to be cold and ruthless since childhood set off immediately.

Over the years, they have been cultivating in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', and they have been infected. They have gradually realized the way of killing, and there are many means of killing supernatural powers in the 'Six Paths of Reincarnation', so that their cultivation has skyrocketed. Tens of thousands of people, the ways of killing they cultivated are all methods that can kill people by leaps and bounds, which is extraordinary.

In addition, there are twenty-four solar terms, twenty-eight constellations, thirty-six celestial gangs, sixty-four hexagrams, seventy-two earth evil spirits, and one yuan to nine palace killing formations, all gathered in the first time, and the background is full. out.

Countless people saw the black shadows all over the sky, they looked like ghosts and ghosts, this is one of the trump cards of the 'Qinglong Holy Land'.

In the "Six Paths of Reincarnation", there are not many people, but every killer is definitely the best of the best. Their physique and thinking are born to be assassins, hiding in the dark and obliterating the opponent. Evacuated for a while.

Xuanyuan issued an order, and a moment later, Old Killer Nie appeared in front of Xuanyuan, and said leisurely, "Finally let them take action."

"That's right, without going through iron and blood tempering, they can't really grow up." Xuanyuan knew that no matter what, these children had to experience it for themselves.

"Of course I know that. I thought you would be reluctant to let them take action and wanted to protect them." Old Killer Nie chuckled.

"How could it be? Eagles need to soar in the sky. Only heroes can emerge in troubled times, but Lao Nie is still here to overwhelm the formation." Xuanyuan knew that there was absolutely no problem with the existence of this terrifying great sage. , for a long time, no one in the 'Qinglong Holy Land' knew that he was a great saint-level existence, because he was too low-key, almost never born, Xuanyuan didn't say anything, he was almost a hidden figure, no one could see his depth.

All he knew was that his former disciples, the champion Hou Wang Niyi and the world's most talented woman Xie Daoyun, were both outstanding young people in the ancient times. It is conceivable how strong the master who can teach these two apprentices is.

It's a pity that his life is about to come to an end, and if he doesn't ascend to the 'Origin of the Primordial Mist' in time, he will probably perish.

Fortunately, after he integrated into the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land', he benefited a lot. He integrated into the way of longevity, and his vitality and blood were always in the peak state, allowing him to display his combat power to the fullest.

"Ba Wu, lead the son of the blood-tyrannical royal family, stationed in the middle, ready to stand by." Xuanyuan knew that this was destined to be a bloody battle.

"The rest of the elite holy guards, follow me." Xuanyuan turned around, and saw the mighty army of elite holy guards following closely behind.

Outside the 'Swallowing Immortal Mansion', Peng Fei watched the army mobilize, grinning and said: "Boy, what are you doing so nervous, with my Daoist here, don't let any of them try to come in."

"That's right, do you really think that the restrictions, surprises, general trends, tricks, and talisman arrays we have laid down are all vegetarian?" The pig-headed emperor gave Xuanyuan a white look.

"Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case, how is the recovery of the 'Wan Hua Shen Cannon'?" Xuanyuan asked.

"A lot of natural materials and treasures have been consumed, and the three main cannons have been completely repaired. After being integrated into the 'Hongmeng Origin', the power of the three main cannons has become stronger, and after being activated, they can be restored in a short time. "There was excitement in the eyes of the pig-headed emperor.

"Very good." Xuanyuan nodded, no matter what, he must hold on.

In the "Yuhua Shenchao", everything that happened to the first great sage general, the "Yuhua Emperor" immediately asked: "Should we join forces with the "Holy Land of Shrouding Heaven" and attack the "Holy Land of Qinglong"?"

"Naturally, the method used by the 'Holy Land of Shrouded Heaven' is also terrifying. I know that they have a method that is specially used to destroy the curse formation that prohibits the law. The restrictions imposed in the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' are not simple. , are closely intertwined, no matter what, we must first break one link before we talk about it." The 'Yuhua Tianzi' had already seen everything clearly, and he said in a deep voice: "Give me an order to dispatch the five armies of dragons, tigers, elephants, lions and leopards, and you are the commander of the three armies." , must take down the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' for me, at all costs."

"What about the First Heavenly Emperor?" the First Great Sage asked.

"Hehe, he led another group of elites to subdue those big clans outside the territory. In any case, recruiting is still necessary. 'Qinglong Holy Land', you just have to play with them. Remember to take all the creatures we have captured along the way, Give it to the 'Holy Land', they know what to do." 'Emperor Yuhua' is very calm, no one knows what he is thinking in his heart, and he has a well-thought-out plan.

"Yes." The First Great Sage took the order and left.

A big battle is about to start, Xuanyuan knows that if it can be stopped, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' will have no worries in the future, if it can't be stopped, it will be in danger.

Headed by the 'Lord of Order', the existence of the nine heavenly emperors and great sages began to jointly build. The north-south passage, guided by the 'Hongmeng Origin', is progressing extremely smoothly. As long as this passage is completed before the opponent attacks, there will be no nothing to be afraid of.

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