Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1818 Breaking the Heavenly Evil Formation

'The Feathering God Dynasty'.

Dragons, tigers, lions and leopards, under the leadership of the first great sage, the five armies soon gathered in Zhongzhou, mighty and mighty.

Because of the special geographical location, as long as the army goes south, they can quickly reach the 'Nanyan Xianzhou', so they gathered here, and the attack on the 'Qinglong Holy Land' was initiated by the 'Zhoutian Holy Land'.

Looking at the 50 million elites in the sky, there are a full 500,000 ancient emperors and ancient saints, Tian Xiezi nodded and said in his heart: "'Yuhua Shenchao' finally showed a little sincerity, but……"

But everyone knows that this is definitely not the most elite army of the 'Yuhua Shenchao', and it is very likely that it is just an appetizer.

The first great sage is the commander-in-chief of the five armies, and beside him, there are five great sages of heavenly emperors, and the remaining 20 great sages of heavenly emperors sit among fifty million elites. There are more than 20 Heavenly Emperors in the Great Sacred Realm.

Although these five armies are not the strongest army of the 'Yuhua Shenchao', they are still an extremely terrifying force for the 'Holy Land of Shrouding Heaven'.

Once an attack is launched against them, although there will not be a catastrophe, it will definitely be uncomfortable.

"How are the preparations for the 'Holy Land Shrouding the Sky'?" the number one saint asked with a smile.

"Of course I'm ready." I saw the holy corpses all over the sky, densely packed, probably hundreds of millions. The lowest level of these corpses are all holy corpses in the realm of the ancient sages and ancient emperors, at least There are three hundred thousand statues.

There are seven corpse exorcists, driven by the existence of the Heavenly Emperor Great Sage Realm, in addition, there are also elite soldiers of the Zhanxie clan, the Heavenly Emperor Great Sage sits in command.

"Okay, the 'Holy Land of Shrouding Heaven' is indeed determined, but before that, the 'Son of Heaven' has a request for the 'Sacred Land of Shrouding Heaven'." The first great sage said solemnly.

"Oh? Please tell me." Tian Xiezi frowned and said.

"I heard that there is a curse formation in the 'Zhoutian Holy Land' that breaks the restriction. The 'Qinglong Holy Land', the general trend, the restriction, the feng shui strange situation, the mechanism technique, and the talisman are intertwined, and the 'Emperor of Heaven' wants to break it. One ring, you need this curse formation." The first great sage said seriously.

"Breaking the forbidden Tianxie Formation." Tianxiezi frowned. This was exactly the method of his Tianxie Department. He did not expect that the "Yuhua Emperor" would know it. It seems that the "Yuhua Shenchao" had prepared in advance. The means of the big forces to understand.

"That's right, only by breaking the restriction of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' first can we have a chance to break through the line of defense and enter the 'Qinglong Holy Land'." The first great sage said with a smile.

"It's not impossible for us to set up this array, but the power of this array is determined by the strength of the sacrificed creatures. Now in my 'Holy Land of Shrouding Heaven', there are not many people who can sacrifice Yes, this is a big problem, all of a sudden, where are we going to find so many sacrifices?" Naturally, Tian Xiezi is not stupid, no matter what, he can't use those sacrifices raised by those "Holy Lands" It is the last hole card of the 'Shading the Holy Land'.

"On this point, you don't have to worry too much about the 'Holy Land of Shrouding the Sky'. Wherever I've passed by, all races have surrendered, and I've come all the way from the extraterrestrial starry sky to kill all the worlds. There are quite a few sacrifices. You go ahead. Set up the formation, if you need a sacrifice, just let me know, and I will naturally not disappoint you." The first great sage smiled calmly.

"In this case, let's set up the formation." Tian Xiezi's eyes lit up, and it seemed that the "Yuhua Shenchao" had already prepared, and the power of the "Breaking the Forbidden Heavenly Evil Formation" would definitely be able to be maximized.

The most frightening thing about the 'Holy Land of Shrouding Heaven' is the curse formation formed by the combination of the evil race and the witch race. It is extremely terrifying. Once they are fully prepared, there will be unimaginable consequences, it is simply the end of the world.

In the core area of ​​Zhongzhou, it is a place with the most deadly and murderous aura. The many curse formations laid down here have doubled their power. That's why the "Zhongzhou Dynasty" stands here, suppressing with great luck, strong The yang qi in the center is divided into yin and yang, and checks and balances each other, so that the "Central China" can be long-term stable.

However, now that the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' is gone, only the 'Sacred Land Shrouding the Sky' is left, making this place even more terrifying and overwhelming, making this piece of heaven and earth overwhelmed by the evil spirit.

With a radius of ten thousand miles, I saw one hundred thousand members of the Heavenly Evil Tribe, biting off their fingertips, holding a human head and skeleton in their hands, with green will-o'-the-wisps glowing from the eyes. Frightened, even the first great sage couldn't help frowning.

These days, the Xie Tribe began to use their own life essence and blood to carve all kinds of extremely distant and vicissitudes of lines and distorted fonts under their feet. It is the fusion of the Xie Clan and the Witch Clan to form a special kind of writing.

In addition to this time, they also used fine gold, fairy silver, Luo copper, and other natural and earthly treasures to decorate and refine them into small altars one after another.

And at the center of the 'Breaking Forbidden Heaven Evil Formation' is a bottomless abyss.

It is extremely time-consuming to set up this large formation. The Tianxie tribe did not stop and describe it, almost all of them were poured with their own life essence and blood, and burned with their own origin. Integrating into the magic circle, it emits a dim red light, which is very permeating. After they died, someone replaced them immediately.

In just seven days, 100,000 Heavenly Evil Tribes died, and every one of them was at least in the realm of ancient sages.

Seeing this scene, the corners of the first great saint's eyes twitched. This is just setting up an formation. If it is time to sacrifice, how many lives will be killed?

No one knows, no wonder the power of this formation is so great, it can curse and destroy all restrictions, besides, there is definitely an unknown way to attack.

The 'Holy Land of Shrouding Heaven' is preparing for the formation in an orderly manner, and the 'Sacred Land of Azure Dragon' is also arranging all these in full swing, preparing to resist the coming powerful enemy.

Many people knew that the war was coming, and they worshiped Empress Tu Niang, hoping to be blessed.

This is a kind of respect for the heaven and the earth, and a pious spirit, which makes the power of the "Original Origin" begin to grow, and the land where the "Qinglong Holy Land" is located has also become thicker, and it seems to be protected by the gods.

Xuanyuan is currently in the 'Tianji City'.

A huge array of secret gods has been formed, with Xuanjizi and Amaterasu as the core, and countless people work together to calculate.

"Why, I always feel uneasy. There is an evil place in the 'Central China', and the 'Origin of the Primordial Mist' is also difficult to control. Now I always feel that there is a great danger about to erupt in that place." This is from Xuanyuan's premonition.

"Xian..." Xuanjizi and Tianzhao yelled in unison, and there was a scene in front of them that the "Holy Land Shrouding the Sky" was setting up an evil formation.

"How did you do it?" Xuanyuan was so experienced that he was able to spy on what they were doing openly.

"We have merged into the will of God. There is a saying that God has eyes. We merge into the sky. With the eyes of heaven, we can naturally see what they are doing. Of course, this has a lot to do with Empress Houtu Amaterasu's face turned pale, it was obvious that doing this would cost a lot to them, and this was based on the premise that they had practiced "Tianji Ancient Art".

"Don't talk about this, they seem to be setting up some terrible big formation, and they were really hit by Xuanyuan's words." Xuanjizi looked at the strange lines of the big formation, and was extremely shocked, because he just looked at this big formation. The cloth method of the array makes people feel creepy.

Xuanyuan looked at it for a long time, but he didn't see it, so he immediately gave an order: "Please come from the Xuanwu clan to find out."

He gave an order, among the witch clan, the Xuanwu lineage is proficient in the arrangement of the witch array, presumably they can see it better than themselves.

Soon, nine mysterious witches with the highest seniority and the widest knowledge came one after another, and among them were three great saints.

The witch clan hides so deeply that even Xuanyuan doesn't know about it.

They lifted their cloaks, their faces were old, but their spirits were hale and hearty. Every old man of the Xuanwu clan had an extremely solid body, and they had a sense of integration with the heaven and the earth.

Looking at the picture in front of them, everyone looked dignified.

"Do you feel that this method of characterization is very familiar?"

"Well, it seems that the heavenly witch broke the forbidden formation, but they have integrated with the methods of the evil race and made changes, which are even more powerful."

Xuanyuan was at the side, hearing it in a cloud of mist and didn't understand at all, so he immediately asked: "Senior Xuanwu, please explain clearly."

"The heavenly witch's breaking the forbidden formation is the means of our witch clan. It is almost impossible to break the forbidden arrangement with the power of heaven and earth." A mysterious witch hissed.

"Sacrifice? What is the sacrifice?" Xuanyuan frowned.

"Weaving grass to be straw dogs, burning wood for incense, respecting the heavens and respecting ancestors, offering sacrifices with one's pious thoughts, the will of a person is the strongest. If the will of the sacrifice is greater, the more people there are, the more powerful the formation will be." It will become stronger and stronger." The old mysterious witch said solemnly.

"Then why did they even sacrifice their own lives to the people who set up the formation?" Xuanyuan was very puzzled.

"The rebellion of our witch clan has merged with the methods of the evil clan. Their sacrifice method, together with the body and soul, is even more powerful. It must be guarded against, but it is against the law. Therefore, the people who arrange this large formation will not It will be very difficult to break through and cross the tribulation, because the heavens will send down terrible punishments, but if they can survive, their strength will have a huge leap." The old mysterious witch headed by him sighed long and long.

"Then is there a way to stop this method?" Xuanyuan looked at the nine mysterious witches with a dignified voice.

"Of course there is. Since the rebellion of our witch clan caused the disaster, we will naturally bear it. Everyone, let the sons of the Tianxing clan cooperate with us and set up a witch formation to prepare to resist."

Xuanyuan nodded, and ordered heavily: "Cooperate fully with Tianxing and Dixuan."

Countless people received the order at the first time, Xuanyuan did not leave with them, but stayed in the 'Tianji City' to observe all the changes.

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