Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1819 Launch

Looking at the scene in front of him, the power of the 'Breaking Forbidden Heavenly Evil Formation' is increasing day by day.

Xuanyuan frowned, and another seven days had passed. He saw a blood-colored killing light emanating from the entire 'Breaking Forbidden Heavenly Evil Formation'. Just seeing it through the screen made people feel chills , and this kind of killing is gradually strengthening with the passage of time.

During these seven days, the Tianxie tribe lost the existence of a hundred thousand ancient sages, and the integration of countless heavenly materials and earthly treasures cost a lot of money.

There are also hundreds of thousands of heavenly evil tribes dancing an evil dance, and the evil voices chanted in their mouths are swaying, and each syllable contains terrifying power, which is integrated into the "Breaking Forbidden Heavenly Evil Formation", making it become more perfect.

"The greater the power of this evil formation, the more lives and souls it needs. What will they do next? They won't sacrifice their own people?" Xuanjizi frowned. Wrinkled, well aware of how great the threat this formation is to the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'.

"How are Dixuan and Tianxing's preparations going?" Xuanyuan said quietly.

"They are drawing Xiangke's witch formation. It is not finished yet, but it is almost there." Amaterasu waved his hand and outlined a water mirror outside the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'.

There are a total of one million members of the Tianxing clan and the Dixuan clan, almost all the elite of the clan, because after the battle of the ancient times, the Wu clan was almost extinct, and there are very few of these big clans left, and they can have a million People, after a long period of reproduction, have this million elites whose strength is all above the ancient sages.

Xuanyuan saw that some of them were drawing the shaman formation, refining fine gold, fairy silver, Luo copper, etc. into water, blending in their own fighting spirit, avenues, and then using their own ideas to carve the land under their feet. The grass roots began to weave into individual dogs, burning wood for incense, chanting mysterious witch spells, obscure and difficult to understand, and since their thoughts began to integrate into the witch formations they set up.

In addition, there is also the power of the "Origin of Primordial Origin", which echoes them, making the great formation they deploy even more powerful.

Speaking of it, there is a closer relationship with the Wu Clan in the ancient times, and the empress of the land, because the Wu Clan respects the heaven and the earth, protects the creatures of the heaven and the earth, and undertakes this righteousness. Therefore, why the Wu Clan rose in the ancient times is largely due to them There is a great relationship between ancestors accumulating virtue and descendants receiving blessings from later soil.

"En." Xuanyuan nodded, no matter what, at this moment, we can only believe that Dixuan and Tianxing have a way to withstand the attack of each other.

Time passed bit by bit, and it was another seven days. Xuanyuan saw that another 100,000 Tianxie tribes had died in the 'Breaking Ban Tianxie Formation'.

These are all the elites of the ancient sages, and their lives can be wiped out just by setting up the formation. Once the formation is completed, how terrible it will be.

On this 'Forbidden Heaven Evil Formation', there are 100,000 small altars, and on the altars, there are hundreds of blood grooves, looking in all directions, along the blood grooves, and finally leading to the deep The bottomless central abyss.

Suddenly, at this moment, on top of the 100,000 altars, there were one after another dark green will-o'-the-wisps that began to blaze.

Tian Xiezi was in the center of the formation and shouted loudly: "The sacrifice begins."

The existence of the first great sage, as well as the five heavenly emperors under him, opened the door of the six realms.

The captives from various ethnic groups were thrown out one by one, and fell on one hundred thousand small altars.

I saw the Tianxie tribe on the altar, holding strange bone knives, beheading the heads of the captives.

The human head rolled into the abyss along the blood groove, while the body melted into blood, flowing along the blood groove to all directions.

Hundreds of thousands of altars, every time they are swung down, hundreds of thousands of lives will die.

The supernatural powers of these people were all shackled, and those who were sacrificed even had the existence of ancient sages and ancient emperors. They knew that they were about to be sacrificed.

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die."

"Ahh... I have finally cultivated to the point where I am today, and I am willing to serve the 'Yuhua Shenchao'..."

It's a pity that these executioners continued to confide in them as if they didn't hear their voices, which made their negative feelings explode even more.

"I will never let you go, I will curse you..."

Xuanyuan saw that the empty blood tank was beginning to be filled with blood, and the sound of blood flowing rang around everyone's ears.

It's terrible, this kind of picture, the non-stop killing, at the end of a day, at least tens of billions of people will be obliterated.

These people are at least the existence of the realm of the earth fairy, the more Xuanyuan looked at it, the more restless he became. If this formation is activated, what terrible results will there be?

He didn't dare to imagine that the method of "shrouding the sky and holy land" was terrible. He knew it, but he didn't expect it to be so harmful.

They regard life as worthless, and there is no trace of intolerance in their eyes.

"For them, even they can sacrifice themselves, let alone others?" Xuanjizi said to the point.

"It seems that they are going to kill a lot of people, and these lives are provided by the 'Yuhua Shenchao'."

Xuanyuan didn't say much, but just watched solemnly, with big heads rolling, his eyes full of despair and fear, as well as anger and unwillingness, the outburst of all kinds of negative emotions, were all overwhelmed by the hundreds of thousands of altars. On the ground, an inexplicable force pulled.

After seven days and seven nights of killing, a total of 70 billion people have been wiped out, and the bottomless abyss has begun to overflow. Xuanyuan saw countless blood, countless floating heads, and every blood groove has been drained. All filled with blood.

Such a huge murder caused the whole world to be covered by black clouds, thunder and lightning flashed, and it seemed that a catastrophe was about to fall.

Immediately, the executioners of the 100,000 Heavenly Evil Tribes sacrificed their bodies and souls one by one, and integrated them into the 'Breaking the Forbidden Heavenly Evil Formation', and then another 100,000 people replaced them.

The calamity and punishment brewed in the sky dissipated immediately, and there was no object of punishment.

"Those who set up this formation are infected with a huge murder, and there is no possibility of survival. When they set up the formation, they are doomed. They will pay the price of death." Tian Xiezi said leisurely.

The first great sage looked at the scene in front of him, and felt like he wanted to vomit. It's not that he didn't kill people before, but he also killed people in this way. The tumbling of negative emotions, being in this world, gives people the feeling that it is extremely uncomfortable.

"Do you still need sacrifices?" asked the first great sage.

"No need, if there are more sacrifices, unless the existence of one hundred thousand ancient sages and ancient emperors jointly presides over the formation, otherwise, it will not be able to control it." Tian Xiezi looked into the distance, beside him, There are eight heavenly emperors in the Great Sacred Realm, chanting evil mantras, and heading towards the "Qinglong Holy Land", everyone can feel that the 100,000 ancient sages on the 100,000 small altars are at the peak of the sixth heaven The existence of many people also concentrated their thoughts on the 'Qinglong Holy Land'.

"Are you going to start activating this formation?" The first great sage was very excited. In any case, as long as he could deal a fatal blow to the 'Qinglong Holy Land', he deeply felt the power of the 'Breaking Forbidden Heavenly Evil Formation'. powerful.

"Yes, order the three armies to attack immediately after the formation is launched." Tian Xiezi gave the order.

Xuanyuan frowned, saw the scene in front of him, turned and left, and Yuan'er appeared by his side in the first moment.

These days, Yuan'er has been cultivating supernatural powers, and has reached the peak of the ancient sage fifth heaven, and is only one step away from stepping into the realm of the great sage.

Xuanyuan took Yuan'er and appeared in the direction of the witch formation set up by Tianxing and Dixuan, and said in a heavy voice: "They are going to launch the evil formation, how are you preparing?"

Tian Xingchang came out from the crowd and said: "Our Tian Xing Di Xuan Formation has also been set up. As for whether we can completely resist it, we really don't have much confidence. We can only say that we will do our best. If we Sacrifice, I hope Holy Master Xuanyuan can properly train our two clans."

"Emperor, let me control the Dingtian Wheel."

"That's right. You are the younger generation and the hope of the future. Let us, the older generation, do this kind of thing." An old man of the Dixuan clan also asked a young man for the Dixuan clan. The supreme witch weapon, turn the site.

"Just because we are the younger generation, we have to take on the responsibilities of the older generation like you." Tian Xingchang said seriously.

"Forget it, we will live and die together, and I will resist together with you." Xuanyuan said heavily.

"That's right, there's still us." The existences of the 'Lord of Order' and the Heavenly Emperor Great Sacred Realm appeared one after another.

In addition, Xuanyuan also saw the "Sage of Tianyue" who had also stepped into the realm of the Great Sage, and was shocked. She did not expect her understanding to be so good.

"Okay, the three armies listen to the order, you stay in the middle to respond, and act according to circumstances." Xuanyuan gave an order.

"This is a moment that will determine the fate of our 'Qinglong Holy Land', we must resist with all our might," Xuanyuan shouted.

The sound of drinking resounded through the sky.

Xuanyuan and Yuan'er sat cross-legged in the air, in the 'Heaven and Earth Profound Formation'.

I saw two people chanting the "Sutra of Rebirth" and "Mantra of Rebirth" at the same time, and a "Son of Vajra Bodhi" floated in Xuanyuan's mind. Corresponds to this formation.

At this moment, Budai monk Chen Yongjie, fighting against the Buddha, led a group of Buddhist elites to appear.

"How can we be missing at this time?"

"That's right, when the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is in danger, we should advance and retreat together." Jiang ** led the six-tusk white elephant, and Daozi also led the elites of the "Yuhua Dao Court" and "Yu Hua Dao Sect" to appear one after another.

"Before leaving, Master, please tell us that if the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is in serious trouble, we must step forward." At this moment, another nine people came out, none other than the new "Nightmare Ghost Fairy" The nine major disciples he received were ghosts with one yuan, ghosts with two appearances, ghosts with three talents... Jiugong ghosts.

All of them have practiced the "Eternal Divine Soul Art", which is very powerful, and now everyone has stepped into the realm of the fifth heaven of the ancient sages, forming a large formation.

Xuanyuan nodded, the corners of his mouth raised, and suddenly from the direction of Zhongzhou, an extremely terrifying force erupted suddenly.

The killing power is so strong that it covers the sky and the earth. In the "Holy Land that Covers the Sky", the thoughts of the 100,000 ancient sages and the six heavenly evil tribes condensed and exploded instantly.

I saw a hundred thousand blood dragons soaring into the sky, turning into a hundred thousand rays of light, blasting towards the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'.

In the blink of an eye, the war is about to break out.

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