Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1832 Stasis for half a year

"Son, it's not good, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' took advantage of this to absorb all the remnants of many foreign clans into it, could it be that the 'Qinglong Holy Land' did it, and it was their luck attack? "The first great sage monitors the world and has used some means to know all the dynamics of the outside world. The behavior of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' made him extremely angry.

"It's possible, but it's still uncertain. In the 'Central World', you must recognize how many enemies you have. As for the remnants and defeated generals, let them go. It's not worth mentioning. What we have is the core. They are all existences in the realm of Heavenly Emperors and Great Sages, and now we have to find a way to make these Heavenly Emperors and Great Sages swear to die for me, "Yuhua Shenchao", do both soft and hard, and help both kindness and power, understand?" "Yuhua Tianzi" looks down on these existences, because In "Origin of Hongmeng", he has seen too many strong people, which is very common. Many people with strength like Can Feixue's main body have to give him three points because of his identity,' Feathering the Son of Heaven'.

So these things, he can only leave it to the First Heavenly Emperor, the First Great Sage.

It's as if the prime minister and general have to give three points to a person. When that person comes to a county, it is very rare for him to be polite to a county magistrate. If he couldn't do it, in his eyes, these people were humble and humble, not worthy of his words.

"Understood." The First Great Sage and the First Heavenly Emperor responded in unison

The Qi Luck attack lasted for half a month. During this period, the 'Yuhua Shenchao' suffered heavy losses, and the 'Yuhua Tianzi''s face was so dark that it was almost dripping ink. The attack of luck was even more terrifying than he had imagined. The superposition of two attacks of luck made it even more powerful.

In fifteen days, more than 300,000 people in the ancient sage realm and ancient emperor realm, because of the failure of crossing the tribulation, were hit by bad luck, failed to cross the tribulation, and died unexpectedly.

More than 200,000 ancient sages and ancient emperors fell into obsession and died. All of this happened without warning, and people were caught off guard. Many people practiced and fell silent in it without knowing it. In my own small world, it may happen in a month, or even a year, ten years, or a hundred years, and it is difficult to avoid.

In addition, there are millions of people who are crippled, whose strength is greatly reduced, or become crippled due to insanity.

The rest of the ancient sages, great emperors, and sages in the realm of the sages all died and suffered heavy losses of hundreds of millions of people, and the losses were huge. From this, it can be seen that in general, if the family of the "Yuhua Shenchao" had a great career and enough people descended, it would be enough. I'm afraid it will all fall apart.

There will be hidden dangers in cultivation, and as long as you are lucky, you can't hide these hidden dangers. When you reach a certain strength, you can eliminate the hidden dangers, and you will have no worries. The existence of the realm like the Emperor of Heaven will not be affected too much. If you are unlucky, all of them will appear in an instant. Because of the bad luck, the number of people who have been hurt by the huge "Yuhua Shenchao" is close to one billion.

Luck is an invisible attack, but it can cause substantial damage early. It is very terrifying. Countless people are frightened. It seems that disasters will come to them at any time. Many people feel that they are very unlucky. , Retrograde fighting spirit, tearing the body, or losing control of the avenue mastered, hurting others and themselves abound.

In addition, luck cannot be completely eliminated. It can only be said that the existence of those heavenly emperors and ancient emperors and ancient saints in the fifth heaven realm can work together without being greatly affected. In the next six months, other people will at least suffer from bad luck one after another, unable to practice, unable to survive the catastrophe, otherwise, there will be continuous deaths and injuries.

In this case, not being able to practice or pass the catastrophe is equivalent to stagnating the entire "Yuhua Shenchao". Half a year is enough for other big forces to grow to a higher level. At this time , every major force is racing against time to improve their own abilities, so that they can compete for the Ascension Portal and control the situation in the future.

You must know that with the completeness of the "Central World", the Dao laws of this piece of heaven and earth are becoming more and more complete and more diverse, and the aura of the world is getting stronger and stronger, and cultivation is naturally becoming easier and easier. It is not just the "Central Shenzhou" 'At that time, the aura was thin and the cultivation was extremely slow.

In other words, in a short period of time, it will be difficult for the 'Yuhua Shenchao' to make any major moves. For them, the loss is too great. If it loses, it is very likely that it will not be able to suppress those extraterritorial races, so it can only choose conservative actions.

"Within half a year, don't act rashly. Many people's luck is extremely unlucky. Going out will not help us at all. Pay attention to these extraterritorial races that have just been suppressed and subdued, prevent them from rioting, and target all the prohibition methods against them , if there is any reckless move, shoot and kill, and must kill the rebels as soon as possible, remember to use the most ruthless means." 'Yuhua Tianzi' is very sensitive, this is the fate of the entire 'Yuhua Shenchao' in a straight line Declining, once a dynasty goes downhill and its luck declines, rebellions are prone to occur. Since ancient times, they can be found everywhere. They are all caused by the people's livelihood, corruption of officials, collusion with the enemy and treason. lift.

"Yes!" The First Great Sage and the First Heavenly Emperor ordered that all the elites of the 'Yuhua Shenchao' be stationed in the area of ​​the ten thousand races outside the territory to prevent them from rioting at any time. Don't worry, because the 'Yuhua Shenchao' can give them what they want, and they will pay special attention to those who are subdued by force, after all, this is conquered by force.

On the other side, the 'Emperor Hongmeng' led tens of thousands of elites from the 'Tianji' to land in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', the 'Tianji City'.

"I didn't expect that the 'Tianji' in the 'Qinglong Holy Land' would become so powerful, but it's no wonder that there is a chaotic immortal energy in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', it's too powerful, the common people are so powerful, eating All of them are immortal rice, and even the planting of virtuous rice, emperor rice, and great sage rice. There are so many miraculous things that are intertwined and so miraculous. When I saw it, it was finally an eye-opener, even if it was the ancient and prosperous age, it would be nothing more than that..." A "Tianji" Supreme Elder sighed with emotion, especially when he saw Xuanjizi and Amaterasu, he was no stranger, and he felt More or less with a little helplessness, this is a talent that 'Tianji' used to value.

Amaterasu was originally the leader of the younger generation in "Tianji", but later he fell into the "Six Paths of Reincarnation" with unknown motives, and many older generations of "Tianji" regretted it.

As for Xuanjizi, he is also a leader among the "Tianji", in the "Zhongzhou Dynasty" and "Qinglong Holy Land", he came here for Xia Ziyu, but he had a great chance.

Now the two masters have joined forces and advanced side by side, and they have both become leaders in the "Tianji", and they have a deeper understanding and experience of "Tianji Ancient Art".

"The purpose of bringing you here this time is to integrate the strengths of 'Tianji' and have a good exchange, regardless of each other. Now, 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' and 'Qinglong Holy Land' are closely related and closely related. Do you all understand? We are an alliance of life and death, we must not hide anything!" the 'Emperor Hongmeng' said solemnly.

"Yes!" This batch of elites of the 'Tianji' belonged to the lineage that had received the grace of the 'Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor', so they were loyal to the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty'. The pawns buried by the Dynasty are the reason why half of the people invested in the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' that day. They are the direct subordinates of the 'Emperor Hongmeng', and they are the core of controlling the changes in the luck of the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty'!

They have the most complete authentic version of "Tianji Ancient Art" in their hands, and what Amaterasu and Xuanjizi practiced are all incomplete. What they practiced later is all calculated by themselves, which is not accurate , or there is no real mystery, the behavior of the "Emperor Hongmeng" this time is because he really wants to make the "Qinglong Holy Land" stronger.

For this matter, Xuanyuan is naturally happy to see the results, and let the members of "Tianji" discuss with each other. Anyway, there will be nothing to do in the short term. It is also very good to improve yourself, and you can have better results in the future. play.

"'Emperor Hongmeng', thanks to your help, otherwise, I am afraid that 'Xiji Xianzhou' will be able to recover in three months. Relatively speaking, there will be more variables in half a year. Now, as long as there are other Lingzhous joining, it may change the future situation." Xuanyuan and the 'Emperor Hongmeng' came outside the 'Blue Dragon Hall'.

The 'Emperor Hongmeng' stood here, looking at the weather of the entire 'Qinglong Holy Land' from a distance, and said with emotion: "Now the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is soaring ninety thousand miles a day, the common people, the elite strength of the major forces are improving rapidly, With the addition of Chaos Immortal Qi, to be honest, it has surpassed the prosperity of the human race in the ancient times, and in time, it will definitely become the leader of the human race, I am not as good as you."

"The 'Qinglong Holy Land' is just a gathering place for people's hearts. No one is inferior to the other. We are in common, and the stronger our strength, the heavier the responsibility. The current situation is a heavy burden for the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. Having said that, no Do you know where are the two sons of the 'Northern State Dynasty' and 'Nanzhou Dynasty'?" Xuanyuan sighed, and if the power of the human race can be gathered together, it will become stronger and stronger, making other great clans uneasy. Dare to act rashly.

Xuanyuan looked at the 'Emperor Hongmeng'. People of the same era should be able to understand each other more clearly.

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