Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1833 Ten Thousand Soldiers and Heavenly Gold

Xuanyuan and the 'Emperor Hongmeng' hovered over the sky above the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'.

Watching the surge of fortune in this piece of heaven and earth, people's hearts are thriving, all living beings help each other, become one, and gradually grow stronger, a thriving scene, all feel relieved.

"The two emperors in the north and the south, I have met them a few times. They are both dragons among men. Naturally, there is no need to worry about their safety. They can break out of their own world in the starry sky outside the territory. Back then Both the 'Southern Desolation Heavenly Emperor' and the 'Northern Saint Heavenly Emperor' are existences that can stand shoulder to shoulder with their father, so where will the sons born to them be?" "Emperor Hongmeng's son" said seriously.

"Yeah, now I just hope that all the emperors will come down strong and come back in triumph. It is best to work together to defend against foreign enemies and create a paradise without war for all races, soaring peacefully." Xuanyuan knew that this was just him. It's just wishful thinking. It's normal for people to have different aspirations and have different ideas. He has long been mentally prepared.

"Holy Master Xuanyuan's heart is kind, and he cares about the lives of the people in the world. I admire it very much. I am more willing to work together with you to create together, but people have different opinions. If you think this way, others may not be the same. Let everything take its course. If you can work together, it is the best, but if you can't, you can't force it." The 'Emperor Hongmeng' sighed faintly. After the changes of the end of the Dharma era, people's hearts have changed many times, and he can't be sure what the two emperors in the north and south are thinking. idea.

"The emperor's words are reasonable." Xuanyuan shook his head and smiled wryly, knowing it in his heart.

"What are your plans next?" The 'Emperor Hongmeng' knows that the 'Yuhua Shenchao' is temporarily unable to do anything, but this does not mean that the 'Qinglong Holy Land' will also be silent, especially at this time, 'Qinglong Holy Land' must seize the time to improve itself.

"I'm planning to practice hard and see if I can break through the realm of the ancient emperor's fifth heaven. There are so many strong people in the emperor's great holy realm today. It's still a little bit reluctant for me to contend with the ancient emperor's fourth heaven. If I meet the 'chaos saint emperor' His reincarnation is still not an opponent, but it will be different if he steps into the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor, and he can barely have the power to fight at that time, so he won't be so passive." Xuanyuan knows that his own strength can be used on the battlefield. , It is a great encouragement to the soldiers of the entire 'Qinglong Holy Land'. My performance that day has proved everything, so I must improve my strength as soon as possible.

"Forget it, then I will take a walk on my own and learn in the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. Qingdi, Heidi, Nie Laosha, the 'Lord of Order', and the great sages among the witch clan can all It has inspired me a lot, and if I have something to do, I will leave on my own." 'Emperor Hongmeng' said with a smile.

"Okay, please take care of yourself." As soon as the words fell, Xuanyuan came to the "Swallowing Treasure House". Who knew that Peng Fei was already in the twenty-third heaven, and it seemed that Xuanyuan would come here.

"You really linger." Xuanyuan rolled his eyes, despising Pengfei.

"Hey, you still owe me a lot of money, kid, don't try to play tricks." Now Peng Fei's bad luck has been partially eliminated, and he is relaxed. Many Heavenly Emperors and Great Saints have stayed behind, and the curse in the dark , Those ominous forces that would make the robbery and punishment even more terrifying were all transferred to the elites of the 'Yuhua Shenchao'.

"... Well, I won't play tricks, and I don't know what will be in the twenty-third heaven." Xuanyuan looked in front of him, and the treasure left by the "Emperor Devourer" was too rich .

"Hurry up, open it, and you'll know it when you look at it." Peng Fei rubbed his hands, very excited, his eyes were glowing green, and he had great expectations for the treasure left by the "Emperor Devourer".

Immediately Xuanyuan's mind moved and saw the door of the treasure house of the twenty-third heaven opened, and the light was many meters.

God Jintian.

Xuanyuan and Pengfei covered their eyes and walked into this portal. A strong and sharp aura of golden swords rushed towards their faces, making people feel like they were about to be torn apart.

In this piece of heaven and earth, there is a strong aura of gold. The land under your feet, the vegetation in front of you, including the mountains, all contain a kind of metal power, which is extremely sharp. It is bred by the power of fighting gold all year round. result.

Ordinary people can't enter this world at all, because the physical body can hardly bear the breath of this world, if the "Ancient Sword Royal Family" can live in this world, with their ancient sword bodies, they can absorb the gold of this world Qi can make their combat power skyrocket.

For outsiders, this side of the world is a deadly killing ground.

For Xuanyuan, it is naturally a blessed place, the rich golden aura melts into Xuanyuan's lungs, washing everything.

In this piece of heaven and earth, there are countless metallic treasures of heaven, material and earth. The land, mountains, and branches here can all be refined into magic treasures.

Immediately, Xuanyuan notified Qian Duoduo to mine here, and a large number of "Taibai Chamber of Commerce" powerhouses came. In addition, Lu Ya and a group of elites from the "Ancient Sword Royal Family" were all present.

Everyone was stunned, many weak people pushed out, leaving only a part of the elite here for limited collection, and other "Ancient Sword Royal Family" people, as if they had found their own "Cave Heaven and Paradise", did not want to leave up.

Qian Duoduo looked at the treasures in this world, drooling on the corner of his mouth: "If some of the treasures in this world are mined, the combat power of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' can definitely reach its peak again. A lot of fighting gold is hidden in this piece of heaven and earth, the power of Zhuge family's crossbows and arrows, Dayi's bows, and Zhanhuang Sacred Guard's phoenix arrows will skyrocket."

Xuanyuan nodded, that's true, the power of fighting gold in this piece of heaven and earth is extremely strong, and its killing power is astonishing.

Lu Ya looked at Xuanyuan, very grateful, and said, "Holy Master Xuanyuan, thank you for valuing my 'Ancient Sword Royal Family' so much."

"What's the point? Since they are all in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', they are a family. Since they can benefit the promotion of the 'Ancient Sword Royal Family', I will naturally not be stingy. Brother Lu Ya, you can gather the clansmen, and you can goblins here. I believe that in a short period of time, the practice of retreat will make a huge breakthrough for the 'Royal Sword Family'." Xuanyuan patted Lu Ya on the shoulder with a bright smile.

"Yes." Lu Ya turned and left, summoning his clansmen. This opportunity is really rare. For the "Ancient Sword Royal Family", this is simply a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that must not be missed.

At this moment, in the sky, all kinds of weapons such as swords, guns, swords, halberds, daggers, heavy hammers, and maces descended. Thousands of them were so densely packed that they were almost innumerable.

Every weapon is extremely sharp and full of killing power. The existence of making these weapons is definitely a master of forging, and the forging skills can be called supernatural workmanship.

Because Xuanyuan sensed it, the power of every weapon can be compared to the human-level supreme Taoist weapon.

Purely in terms of killing power, not in terms of spirituality, it is even worse than that. However, such a huge attribute looks like it was made by one person. It is obviously impossible for these weapons to have much spiritual intelligence. It is too reluctant. up.

There were countless weapons all over the sky, the golden light was shining, very dazzling, and under Xuanyuan's thought, they flew towards Qian Duoduo one after another.

She immediately used the space method to absorb countless weapons into it. Qian Duoduo was very happy: "When I collect these weapons, and then hand them over to the Mohists for processing and refining them, these weapons will definitely be able to make them more powerful." Doubling, when the time comes, I will be able to make my 'Qinglong Holy Land' combat power leap."

"Hmph, is there anyone who is more skilled in making weapons than me?" Suddenly an old man came out, with a world-wide sharpness on his body, as if all metallic existences in the world were close to him.

"Doujinbang, ranked third, Wanbingtianjin, it has generated its own intelligence in the early days, and absorbs various metal properties in the world to create various magical weapons. It was famous in ancient times, but then disappeared inexplicably. Between the heavens and the earth, I don’t know what happened. Even so, Wan Bing Tian Jin left behind the magic weapon he built and passed it down to the world. In the ancient times, there was also a Chixin Emperor Sword, which proved the traces of its existence, so I was ranked third." Peng Fei who was at the side said solemnly.

"Hehe, yes, I didn't expect that after so many years, there are still people who know my name. It's really not easy. I thought the world would have forgotten me." Wan Bingtian Jin came to Xuanyuan, bowed and saluted: "Meet the master."

"You don't need to be too polite. Although Wan Bing Tian Jin is extremely powerful, it is not invincible. A combination of strong and strong is the best choice. You can go to the Mo family as you like and see if there is anything they can learn from their skills. It would be good without you to give them more guidance." Xuanyuan knew that it would not be very useful for him to integrate Wan Bingtian into his lungs, if he was allowed to integrate into the Mohist family and forge various magic weapons and weapons, it would make "Qinglong The overall combat power of the Holy Land has been improved unprecedentedly, and the "Emperor Devourer" has considered it too thoroughly.

Wan Bing Tianjin showed great respect for Xuanyuan, immediately nodded and stepped back: "Yes, master!"

Qian Duoduo immediately walked out of the 'Swallowing Treasure House' with Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Gold Chaos, leaving behind a group of people to mine weapons and Tao treasures in this world.

"Pengfei, look, if there is anything you need in this world, just find something you need and take it, I will never stop you." Xuanyuan grinned very generously.

"Hey, are you really stupid to think of me as a Daoist? The higher you go to the high-level treasure house, the more precious things are. I don't like things in this sky." The corner of Xuanyuan's mouth twitched.

Xuanyuan had no choice but to know that this dead fat man was very shrewd, so he didn't bother to waste his words immediately. He was very much looking forward to what would be suppressed in the treasure house of the twenty-third heaven!

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