Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1834 The Source of Great Sages and Sages

(There was a clerical error in yesterday’s content. Thousands of Soldiers and Heavenly Gold ranked third on the Doujin list. Sorry, after today is over, there will be three changes every day. Let’s cheer up everyone.)

"Hurry up, let me see what treasures there are in this piece of sky." Peng Fei was almost drooling, urging Xuanyuan.

He moved with his mind, and in the huge divine golden sky, countless golden auras surged like mountains and seas, capable of crushing everything. Only a spirit bead was slowly rising from the ground. Ge Zhi Qi gathered towards the Lingzhu, Peng Fei glared, and said: "It's actually a golden Lingzhu..."

Xuanyuan laughed and took a deep breath. The three spirit beads in his body responded to him, and the gold spirit beads seemed to have sensed Xuanyuan as his master, actively integrating into his lungs.

Right after the Golden Lingzhu melted, the skin on Xuanyuan's body had a bronze color, and there was a faint holy light emitting from it, with a sharp edge. He sat cross-legged and began to refine the Golden Lingzhu. The sharpness is gradually restrained, and it has always been like bronze, restrained and unpretentious, not ostentatious.

"After merging into the Golden Spirit Orb, the Dou Qi and Dao Law that I have mastered have a sharp taste, and the killing power has skyrocketed. Tsk tsk, it seems that even if I meet some heavenly emperors, I can completely kill them. The power contained in the golden spirit beads is too powerful, especially when the four spirit beads are combined, the power is even greater, and once the five spirit beads are collected, it will be even more incomparable." Xuanyuan felt it, and now the water spirit beads, fire spirit beads Beads, earth spirit beads, and gold spirit beads have been collected, and only the last wood spirit beads are left. Let the five spirit beads gather together, and it should be stepping into the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor. Kill the ordinary Heavenly Emperor Great Sacred Realm.

"Quickly, go to the twenty-fourth heaven and see what treasures are there. I can't wait any longer." Peng Fei picked up Xuanyuan again and went up. The Golden Lingzhu was exactly what he expected, but it took so long to conceive. It was beyond his expectation that there was such a pure power in the years of his life.

After pondering for a moment, Xuanyuan nodded and agreed. It happened that Lu Ya took the "Gujian Royal Family" to migrate. The elite of the royal family came out one after another, and practicing in this world was like a fish in water for them.

Lu Ya took his people and bowed to Xuanyuan, admiring him in his heart.

Xuanyuan nodded, without saying much, he led Peng Fei all the way through, walked out of Shenjintian, and came to the gate of the twenty-fourth Chongtian treasure house.

A mark formed in his hand, hit the door of the treasure house, and the door opened with a bang.

Three large characters appeared.

Strange day.

Xuanyuan and Pengfei saw that in this strange sky, there are many treasures of heaven and earth flying through the air. There are various forms, such as dragons, tigers, elephants, lions, and people formed by stones, as well as flowers and plants. , Tree Spirit Mountain, Strange Saint Ginseng and Shenzhi, etc., there are all kinds of strange shapes, Xuanyuan knows that this must be a place where many strange things gather, but he didn't expect that there would be so many.

Strange day, this name is really appropriate.

"A lot of treasures, Xuanyuan, I remember that you also have some strange stones left by the Great Luo Immortal Emperor, why don't you cut them open and have a look, and when you were in Yiyuan Mountain, you also got the King of Strange Stones, and now it happens to be in this piece of heaven and earth , it will be beneficial." Peng Fei encouraged Xuanyuan, with malicious intentions.

"A long time ago, I needed to cut stones to improve my strength. Now, it doesn't mean much to me. Any strange stones are born naturally. Over time, they are bred and used for my 'Qinglong Holy Land'. It is the best, the sleight of hand is inauspicious in his later years, because he cut too many treasures beloved by heaven and earth, causing many disasters, since I have understood the barriers, how can I do such a thing?" After the words fell, Xuanyuan Put all the strange stones on his body into this strange sky, these strange stones all have their own spiritual wisdom, and leave very calmly, except for the ancient stones left by the 'Da Luo Immortal Emperor', he used the means of heaven and earth to leave. For those who seal, it is more difficult to breed wisdom in a short period of time.

"The benevolent is invincible. The Holy Emperor said that one day, a benevolent man will come here, and finally let us wait..." A young woman came out, and Xuanyuan could feel the incomparable fighting power and strength on her body. vitality.

She has a delicate face, not to mention the beauty of the city and the country, but she has a natural beauty that makes people feel very friendly and wants to get close, just like her own sister, making people unsuspecting.

In addition, one after another, powerful existences appeared one after another, and the weakest ones were all in the third heaven of the ancient emperor and ancient sage.

They are all the incarnations of heaven and earth spirits, their physical bodies are extremely strong, and they are born with the strongest nature. It is not difficult for them to leapfrog and kill the enemy. Just like Xuanyuan Pingsheng, after countless years, Xuanyuan and Watered by Luo Zixi's essence and blood, and then formed naturally after all kinds of catastrophes, it is so powerful, not to mention these unknowingly long years of existence in the world.

"Is this our master? It doesn't look that big, it's just a child, and it's only three hundred years of cultivation." Immediately there was a child, three years old, who was babbling, but had the fighting power of the ancient emperor Wuzhongtian Seeing him drooling with his thumb biting his mouth, Xuanyuan was speechless for a while.

"That's right, I've come to meet the master." The woman came not far from Xuanyuan and bowed in salute.

"I have met the master." Thousands of powerful people from Qiyitian saluted one after another, showing awe of Xuanyuan from the bottom of their hearts.

"Why do you all gather here?" Xuanyuan nodded, telling them not to be too polite, but also wanted to explain the doubts in his heart.

"Our previous master was the ancient Emperor Shengshi. He searched for us from every corner of the 'Central World', even the desolate places in the outer starry sky. , nourish us, and create a world to protect us, so that we can nurture ourselves in the long years, and also pass on our will and spirit, and hope that we can be loyal to a benevolent person, and benefit the world, I think what he said The benevolent one is you." The woman's words, like big pearls and small pearls falling on a jade plate, are crisp and melodious, like the sound of nature, making people feel like a spring breeze.

Xuanyuan sighed in his heart, this should be the first life of the "Wanhua Saint Emperor". Since he is called Wanhua, naturally everything can be transformed, but the life of "Swallowing the Great Emperor" is not as good as the power technique. That's good, after all, when he fell, he was only in the realm of the first layer of the ancient emperor. I'm afraid that many memories of his previous life have not been awakened, otherwise, absolutely no one can be his opponent.

I'm afraid that in that day's battle, there were people from the older generation who secretly fought, otherwise the "Emperor Devourer" would not have fallen, but the matter has passed, and there is no point in pursuing it any longer. All of the 'Emperor Hongmeng' were caught, and it could be regarded as avenging the 'Emperor Devourer', and Fu Xi also met him. new life.

"If this is the case, then you should continue to stay in this world. Soon, I will let a group of people enter this place to practice. I hope everyone can coexist peacefully. Now your top priority is to practice hard and strengthen your own strength. Understand? "Xuanyuan said seriously.

"Yes." Everyone responded in unison.

"What is the treasure that is suppressed in this world?" Xuanyuan doesn't want to do any more murders now, not to mention that all existences born in the strange world have to call their masters, that is, their own people, how could he be willing to do that , unless it is to mine some treasures that have not yet been formed, and there is still an urgent need to use them, so he doesn't want to get anything in the strange sky.

"The source of the great sage and sage." An old man came out and hissed.

"Oh, what's the origin?" Xuanyuan asked, it was the first time he had heard of the source of the great sages and sages, and even the 'Da Luo Immortal Emperor' had not been recorded, and he felt very miraculous.

"Let me explain to you, the 'Great Sage Origin' is extremely difficult to find in the 'Great Origin', it is very precious, if you want to form a 'Great Sage Origin', first a source stone must have the atmosphere Luck, to be favored by heaven and earth, inspired by the will of God, and thus obtained by great sages, blessed and nourished, and cultivated with one's own literary spirit every day, from beginning to end, at least 3,000 great sages and sages Only by cultivating them can we have the opportunity to form a 'source of great sages and sages'." Peng Fei who was at the side spoke very carefully, logically and clearly, even the old man had a look of surprise in his eyes, Because he alone has no way to know so clearly, he can only tell the power of the 'Great Sage and Divine Source'.

"Oh? Then what's the use of this great sage source?" Xuanyuan looked at Pengfei, always feeling that the fat man knows a lot.

"Hehe, the heart of the great sage naturally nourishes the heaven and the earth. If there is no such source of gods in the strange sky, do you think they will be so powerful? In fact, they are all nourished by the source of the great sages. When they grow up After that, give feedback to the source of the great sage and sage, and both sides can be strengthened." Peng Fei laughed, as if he knew everything about it very well.

"That's right, that's right." The old man nodded and said yes, he is a strong man in the Great Saint Realm.

Xuanyuan knew that for the sake of Qiyitian and the better future of Linge Pavilion, this "source of great sages and sages" could not be taken away, but he wanted to feel the power of "source of great sages and sages".

Because it is obvious that this 'Great Sage and Divine Source' must have fallen from the 'Great Origin', and you can benefit a lot from communicating with it, and get more information, which will help you grow and improve in the future!

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