Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1835 Tianxin is my heart

Xuanyuan knows very well that if he can fully understand the "source of great sages and sages", he will have a clear outline of everything about the "Origin of Hongmeng", which will be of great help to him no matter what aspect he is in. At that time, the benefits brought to oneself will be leaps and bounds.

You must know that this is the new source of nourishment and cultivation of the great sages and sages in the "Origin of Hongmeng". Many unknown benefits still need to be explored by myself, I am afraid that it will be difficult for me to fully appreciate them all.

You know, this is the source of the gods cultivated through the hard work of three thousand great sages.

What is a great sage?

Only those who can truly establish their hearts for the world can be called great sages. They established virtues, imitated by thousands of people, enshrined in the ancestral temple of the human race, and worshiped by future generations.

Their thoughts, their formation, form an orderly human society, a system with moral and ethical constraints, and will not drink blood like a feather, interbreed with relatives, etc., like some ancient royal families who have no great sages and sages, brother and sister, father and daughter, mother and child. It is not uncommon to have offspring, and it is no different from wild animals.

The human race also behaved like this in the early days, but during the relocation of the historical years, great sages and sages came out to formulate various kinds, develop wisdom, establish human relations, do learning, uphold the norms, preserve the principles of heaven, enlighten all living beings, and cultivate righteousness. This is for the world Make up your mind to let the world know what to do and what not to do.

Xuanyuan sits cross-legged in this piece of heaven and earth, the radiance of the Hundred Saints radiates from his body, echoing the "source of great sages and sages" under the earth, the holy light flows, Xuanyuan confirms the heart of the great sages with my heart, will One's own spiritual will permeates into the 'Great Sage and Divine Source' bit by bit.

Since Xuanyuan is the owner of the 'Swallowing Treasure House', and the 'Great Sage' is also intelligent, he is naturally willing to communicate with Xuanyuan, but there are too many stories hidden in it, Xuanyuan is not in case at all, and can only slowly learn. absorb.

It didn't take him much time to communicate with the "Great Sage and Divine Source" this time, only three months, but it touched his heart deeply, impacted his soul, and made him feel as if he had passed away. Ripples, this feeling is very mysterious.

And during these three months, under Xuanyuan's order, many powerful existences in the 'Ling Pavilion' have all moved here.

When they first arrived in Qiyitian, even the supreme beings in the Ling Pavilion were stunned, because they could clearly sense that in this world, there were many terrifying beings whose strength far surpassed theirs.

No one thought that there was such a paradise, and they seemed to have found their own place of belonging.

In just three months, their progress has been incomparable. Learning from each other has made the combat power of the entire Qiyitian have a terrible improvement. This is the result of the collision of countless thoughts and the confirmation of countless hearts. With the integration of the immortal energy of chaos, the powerful existence of the three strange gods stepped into the realm of the heavenly emperor and great sage.

For all these changes, Xuanyuan took it for granted, did not ask any more questions, and let everything take its course, he knew in his heart that Qiyitian would be a Great Spirit Pavilion, and this would also be a secret force of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' , unknown to the world, at a critical moment, can give the enemy a fatal blow.

"Boy, it's time to go for a walk. There is a big Lingzhou coming soon, and the fluctuation of the heaven and earth avenue is getting more and more severe." Peng Fei returned to the strange sky again. In the past three months, he saw Xuanyuan and the "great sage". Shenyuan' confirmed his heart with each other, so he didn't bother him too much. While he was comprehending himself, he was also paying attention to the dynamics happening outside.

Xuanyuan opened his eyes, and after confirming his original heart with the "Great Sage and Sage God Source", there was an inexplicable pull between Xuanyuan and the world. Although it was still very vague, he knew that he needed to touch bit by bit, so that this If this traction becomes clearer, it will benefit you enormously.

He gradually understood that he seemed to be the heart of heaven and earth, and everything he did was directed by the heart of heaven and earth. This was a wonderful feeling.

Heart is virtue!

This is Xuanyuan's deep understanding.

"Oh? Which Lingzhou is it?" Xuanyuan frowned. Once the docking of this Lingzhou is completed, there will only be three Lingzhous left. The day when the "Central World" is complete is the time when the war between the various tribes breaks out.

"I don't know the details, but the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth is fluctuating violently, and the 'origin of Hongmeng' has also been reflected. The holy figure of Empress Houtu is constantly emitting light, day and night, covering the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. This vision also makes Many Li people in the 'Qinglong Holy Land' are curious." Peng Fei grinned, his eyes full of anticipation, and the integration and connection of each Lingzhou indicates that his control over Fengshui will become more and more powerful. powerful.

"In this case, let's go out and take a look first." Xuanyuan knew that he would run out of time to open a new treasure house next time. The improvement that came was really too great.

Meals have to be eaten bite by bite, and treasures have to be digested bit by bit. Too much is too much, especially for himself. His understanding of the "Great Sage and Divine Source" is only a star and a half, so in a short time, he doesn't want to open other Only after a thorough understanding of the 'Great Sage and Divine Source' can we take further action.

He and Peng Fei walked out of the 'Blue Dragon Sacred Land', overlooking the sky, in the northeast direction, in the void, there was chaos everywhere, the atmosphere was turbulent, the waves were turbulent, the avenue was flying, the scene was grand and majestic.

"'Lord of Order', where is this Lingzhou?" Xuanyuan asked.

"From the direction of the northeast, it should be the 'Heavenly Demon Lingzhou'. It seems that after the situation is settled, they use their own means to connect. It is not the secret method of the gods, but the means of the demons. Yes." 'Lord of Order' said slowly.

"'Tianmo Lingzhou'? I don't know what kind of world Mozi has led the 'Demon State Dynasty' to open up in these years? With his talent and means, if there is no accident, he should be able to be in the 'Tianmo Lingzhou' It's a high position." Xuanyuan was curious, and that day he felt that Mozi was extraordinary and had a big heart.

"For a while, I don't know yet, unless the 'Heavenly Demon Lingzhou' and the 'Central World' are integrated, then we will be able to know the great forces in it." The eyes of the 'Lord of Order' narrowed slightly, faintly, he felt There are two extremely powerful avenues colliding, producing violent fluctuations, sweeping all directions.

"Yeah." Xuanyuan paid close attention. At the same time, he realized the Tianxin of the 'Central World', because as soon as he walked out of the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land', he felt that inexplicable traction gradually became clear. He used his own In the heart, to explore, to explore, to integrate, to experience with one's own will.

The heart of heaven is my heart. Xuanyuan, with the heart of a great sage, confirms with the heaven and the earth, and faintly, there seems to be the righteous way of heaven and earth hanging down on him.

This is the result of confirming the original intention with the heaven and the earth, which has attracted the surprise of many heavenly emperors and great sages.

"Xuanyuan, you actually inspired Tianxin to confirm each other? It's really unexpected that you kid has such understanding?" The old God Emperor Tianlong exclaimed, now with the completion of the "Central World", the power of God in this piece of heaven and earth has also changed. It is a great thing for Xuanyuan and Tiandi to confirm their original intentions, and it will increase his future strength to an unimaginable level for ordinary people, and he may even be able to compete with the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor.

"Well, there is a treasure left by the 'swallowing treasure house', which makes me feel something. I never thought that I can really maintain a relationship with the heart of God and confirm each other. Just now, the righteous way of heaven and earth came down and baptized my whole body. The strength of his physical body and the power of the Dao have been comprehensively improved, which is a fundamental transformation." Xuanyuan was also very excited, and wanted to continue to explore and make himself stronger.

"With the heart of a great sage, to confirm the heaven, I think it should have left you with the 'Great Sage Divine Source', otherwise, it would be difficult for you to have a heart-to-heart confirmation with the God of the 'Central World'." 'Lord of Order' Right way.

"That's right." Xuanyuan exclaimed in his heart, the 'Lord of Order' is really powerful, one can guess this.

"However, you are still very early, and you can only have superficial spiritual communication. If you want to establish your heart for heaven and earth, you must have practical actions, get the approval of heaven and earth, and have a deep communication with heaven and earth. Only by bearing the disasters of the world can we truly set our hearts for the world." The eyes of the 'Lord of Order' looked into the distance, and said seriously: "The world refers to the Emperor of Heaven and Empress Houtu."

On the side, Huang Tian from the Talisman Pagoda touched his nose, said with a blushing old face and said with a smile: "Hehe, back then, my master gave me and my junior brother the names of Huangtian Houtu, really, hahaha... "

"Emperor Huangtian, I hope you can recognize me..." Xuanyuan saluted Huangtian and teased.

"Excuse me, I quite approve of you..." Huang Tian smiled with a thick old face, which caused many great sages of heaven to laugh, enjoying themselves.

However, Xuanyuan's powerhouses did make them happy for Xuanyuan from the bottom of their hearts.

In these days, Xuanyuan's various behaviors have made them recognize from the bottom of their hearts that this young and immature leader is indeed extraordinary.

Xuanyuan didn't know that, invisibly, his actions had been approved by everyone.

This kind of inner recognition is too important, especially the recognition of Xuanyuan by countless powerful people will make people's hearts more cohesive, because they are all important figures among the major forces.

This kind of acknowledgment is that they are willing to be led by a young man like Xuanyuan from the bottom of their hearts, and together create the future of the 'Qinglong Holy Land'.

Looking at the scene in front of him, the corner of the 'Lord of Order' raised his mouth, and he didn't say much, everything was within his expectations, because even he was one of the people infected by Xuanyuan, in fact, to a large extent, 'The Lord of Order' The master's dedication to the 'Qinglong Holy Land' has also played a major role in influencing other people!

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