Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1836 Heavenly Demon Spirit State

(Chapter 2, PS, let me know, 249165462 is my WeChat account, please note that readers add me, I will pass, everyone can see the update of my daily life, and if you have any comments on the book, you can send me a message , I will listen to and interact with you one by one.)

In the mid-air outside the 'Swallowing Immortal Mansion', Xuanyuan sat cross-legged and had to rest his mind. Many people were paying attention to the fluctuations of the world and Xuanyuan's dynamics all the time. are much more important.

Xuanyuan continued to have superficial exchanges with Tianxin of the "Central World", and in his sea of ​​consciousness, the voices of some humble creatures in the "Central World" evolved, which was extremely vast and full of sorrow.

The heart of heaven is the heart of all things.

In the face of war, everything has life and spirit. They cannot express it, but in the dark, there is a kind of idea, conveying to God, that is, hoping that the war will subside and avoid being affected. Their hearts are extremely sad, but they cannot express it. , can only whine silently in the heart, unknown to the world, but it does not mean that there is no!

"Heaven, my wife and children are affected by the battle of the strong, and died unexpectedly. I hope you can hang on us and quell the war." Their voices, except for people with pure hearts like Shihou and Mochou, Apart from being able to hear it, only God can hear it, and in the dark, there is a definite number. Whether God has made arrangements or not, no one knows.

"We are all just weak creatures. What do they have to do with us when they have disputes among the big men? Why should we be implicated? My brothers and sisters are all dead, and I am the only one left to live alone in the world. What's the point?"

These are the inner calls of some weak creatures. They are not human races, nor other races, but some humble creatures, the voices of animals. Every day, every moment, they live in fear, because at any time there may be There is disaster.

The powerhouse of the ancient emperor, the ancient sage, the fifth heaven, the supreme existence of the great sage realm of the emperor of heaven, his supernatural powers are amazing, and if he fights, it will spread to millions, tens of thousands of miles. It can make hundreds of thousands or even millions of living beings disappear between heaven and earth in an instant, and it is rare to escape.

When Xuanyuan heard such a heartfelt voice, it was his heart and the heart of God, confirming each other. At this moment, he felt helpless. When would he become a big shot, and the invisible confrontation with the major forces led to the death of other creatures? Death, this is something that I can't do anything about now.

What kind of existence is God? It calmly feels the voices of all things and spirits, and watches their birth and death. Xuanyuan doesn't know what kind of reflection it is. Is it as helpless as himself?

"I will definitely quell the disputes as soon as possible, making the 'Central China' a paradise, allowing all creatures and spirits to survive, and people of all races to coexist between heaven and earth, reducing fearless disputes." Xuanyuan vowed silently in his heart, and made an even more The great ambition and the confirmation of Tianxin made him unable to refuse the inner appeals of all beings and spirits.

At this moment, a ray of holy light fell from heaven, hanging down on Xuanyuan's body, and in the ground under his feet, there was also a ray of holy light that enveloped Xuanyuan. The combination of the power of heaven and earth made Xuanyuan's whole body full of blood. An unprecedented feeling.

"What!" The 'Lord of Order' looked startled, and said, "This is the thought of Emperor Tian and Houtu, which has been blessed to Xuanyuan itself. It seems that he communicated with Tianxin and made a great wish with pious heart. Get the support of Emperor Heaven and Houtu!"

Although there was only a momentary thought to bless Xuanyuan, in a blink of an eye, Xuanyuan gave people a completely different feeling, as if he was the patron saint of all spirits in the world, he did not enhance his own power, but was recognized by the world , That is to say, Xuanyuan can control part of the power of the sky and the earth with the blessing of Huangtian and Houtu's thoughts, and use it for himself.

The combination of heaven and earth, their common power, is called the power of heaven and earth.

Many heavenly emperors and great sages resonated with Xuanyuan's changes in their hearts. They gathered together to protect this piece of heaven, earth, and all creatures.

I don't know when it started, but they had a common vision in their hearts. Before that, they all just wanted their big clan to survive and make it continue to grow, and they never thought about protecting it.

But in the past few years in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', they resisted the outside world together, supported each other, and grew up together, so that everyone changed subtly, and it seemed that they had become a family, and they lived and died together.

Xuanyuan took a deep breath, restrained his breath, and continued to communicate with heaven and earth. He knew that he had to master more power of heaven and earth, and use it for himself. During a battle, there would be unexpected effects, and the enemy was caught off guard. , This is very important, I am afraid that no one would have thought that Xuanyuan could be blessed by a trace of the thoughts of Huangtian and Houtu in the dark.

For three days, Xuanyuan has been communicating. Although there is no greater gain, I always feel that I am getting closer to Tianxin. People also need to get close through communication.

It is the same with nature.

At this time, the "Tianmo Lingzhou" also began to connect with the "Central World", and the power of the original source began to integrate continuously.

The 'Lord of Order' has been suppressed for countless years, but he has not received any blessing from Huangtian and Houtu, but Xuanyuan has it, which makes him admire Xuanyuan in his heart.

Now Xuanyuan can also have a certain perception of what happened in the land under his feet, although he still cannot compare with the "Lord of Order", because his body has been completely integrated with the "Central World", in the "Central World" Most of the creatures are like grasshoppers jumping on him, he knows it clearly, Xuanyuan is naturally not comparable.

Regarding the docking between the "Tianmo Lingzhou" and the "Central World", Xuanyuan sensed that there were two kinds of avenues colliding violently.

This is the power of the 'Tianmo Lingzhou' itself, which seems to be a kind of opposition and conflict between good and evil.

In the blink of an eye, another four days passed, and the 'Tianmo Lingzhou' and the 'Central World' were completely merged together.

Every day, there are countless avenues colliding, and it seems that there are still powerful existences, and lives are dying.

After being integrated into the 'Tianmo Lingzhou', the broken land in the 'Central World' has been repaired a lot. Now I can see that if we are proud to integrate into the power of a big Lingzhou, we will be able to make those lands traumatized by the war It has been completely repaired and completed. When the "Central World" is complete and complete, it will not be so easy to break it again.

The power of the 'Great Origin' has been strengthened, and Lingzhou is not much different from Xianzhou.

By this time, there was no chaotic Heaven and Earth Dao, and Xuanyuan sensed that in the 'Heavenly Demon Spirit State', it was divided into two major forces.

They are all occupied by the demons. It can be seen that their land is riddled with holes. It has obviously experienced countless wars, and there are traces left by the gods on it.

It seems that the demons were once united, and after the gods were eliminated, they began to split again. Now that they have merged into the "Central World", the environment has undergone tremendous changes. It was fixed for a while.

According to Xuanyuan's induction, the current demon clan is divided into two factions, one is the good demon clan, and the other is the demon clan. The two clans have inherited different ideas, and they are destined to be impossible to come together, but they exist in the "Tianmo Lingzhou" Among them, they all seem to be indispensable.

"It seems that the 'Heavenly Demon Lingzhou' is not unified. The strength of the two major demon clans is very strong. Either faction can rival one of the major forces. There is also a supreme existence of the demon clan descended from the 'Origin of Hongmeng'. It seems that the situation It has become complicated again, it is not as simple as the demons back then, with the powerful existence of the 'Origin of Hongmeng' demons, the power should be in their hands..." This is the result Xuanyuan perceives, so that the "order" Lord' was a little surprised.

"That's right, it seems that the blessing of Empress Houtu's thought has enabled you to have a clear sense of all the local changes that have taken place in this 'Central World'. Xuanyuan, you have grown up too fast. In time, I think I can do it all. Rest and recuperate, don't worry about world affairs." The 'Lord of Order' made a joke, Xuanyuan just smiled, knowing that he was still far behind the 'Lord of Order'.

"Then what do you plan to do next, kid?" Peng Fei rolled his eyes and didn't know what he was thinking.

"The 'Tianmo Lingzhou' is located in the northeast of the 'Central World', and to the west of the 'Tianmo Lingzhou' is the territory of the Good Demon Race, which is still adjacent to the 'Beiyue Xianzhou', and the Demon Race is in the same area as the 'Dongfu Immortal' The protoss in the state are close to each other, so I want to enter the territory of the good demon clan through the north-south channel first, from the 'Beiyue Xianzhou', to visit and learn about the current situation of the 'Tianmo Lingzhou'?" This is Xuanyuan After thinking over and over again, although it is a bit dangerous, I still have to go there. If I don't do enough research on the 'Heavenly Demon Spirit State', there may be a lot of trouble in the future. Although the consequences will not be fatal, there will be great losses .

"Alright, then I will go with you, the demon race's understanding of feng shui thaumaturgy is no worse than that of the human race." Peng Fei was very excited, shaking his fat body.

"Well, the demons have a lot of attainments in Fengshui, and it will be better with you." Xuanyuan nodded, and then sent a voice in his heart: "Shihou, the 'Tianmo Lingzhou' has come, bring the 'Abi Demon Prison' 'With the Eighteen Demon Lords, let them go together."

"Understood." Shihou responded immediately. She hadn't seen her family for so many years. Although she didn't say anything, she missed her very much. Now that the demons returned, Xuanyuan would naturally bring Shihou with her. I went back to my mother's house for the first time.

A quarter of an hour later, Shihou appeared with eighteen demon masters from hell. They controlled the 'Abi Demon Prison', and their strength had already entered the peak realm of the ancient emperor, ancient saint, and fifth heaven. Together, they could kill the emperor of heaven. The existence of the Great Sage Realm, and Shihou himself refines medicine every day and is proficient in the principles of medicine, which also allows him to have a great spiritual experience. Stepping into the realm of the ancient sage fifth heaven, it seems that the distance from the realm of the Great Sage is not far away That's right, and all the elixir that the master has painstakingly refined can be compared to 30% of the potency of the immortal medicine!

It can be seen how powerful Shiwei is today. At the beginning, all the major forces used many means for her. It is not without reason that the "Mozhou Dynasty" protected her as a treasure and hurt her.

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