Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1837 Entering Lingzhou

Xuanyuan looked at Shiwei, who was very close to the breath of heaven and earth, especially able to blend into it, regardless of each other, and was very surprised in his heart. You must know that he spent a lot of effort to get inspiration from the "Great Sage and Divine Source" , have been confirmed with Tianxin, and the way of communication, and although Shihou has not received the blessing of Huangtian and Houtu's thoughts, it seems to Xuanyuan that she is like a child of heaven and earth.

After thinking about it for a while, Xuanyuan also found out the reason. Shihou's heart is pure and he doesn't compete with others, so he can be recognized by all spirits in the world. This is equivalent to being recognized by the heart of heaven and earth, and has a bright future. She has never had to go through calamity, because she has never done anything evil in her life, and she is reluctant to hurt even the weak, and she protects it with all her heart, and all things in the world are heard by the heavens, so there is God's favor for Shiwei.

"During these days, 'Yuhua Shenchao' has any other actions?" Xuanyuan asked again in the heart of leaving, otherwise, he always felt uneasy, knowing that the 'Yuhua Emperor' is not a vegetarian.

"The 'Yuhua Shenchao' had three riots within three months, all of which were those big clans who were forcibly subdued to rebel. , but also paid a price for this, the existence of the three heavenly emperors and great sages fell, but the remaining ten thousand races outside the territory were also shocked by them and surrendered. The Great Sages of the Heavenly Emperors, plus the number of the Great Sages of the Heavenly Emperors in the 'Yuhua Shenchao', they should have eighty-eight strongmen of the Great Sages of the Heavenly Emperors, and there may be something hidden in the dark. Three months later, I'm afraid that the 'Yuhua Shenchao' will launch a big revenge, this breath, the 'Yuhua Emperor' can't swallow it..."'The Lord of Order' carried out the entire 'Yuhua Shenchao' Comprehensive monitoring, everything can't escape his hands, especially for the "Emperor", he already has a very clear understanding in his heart.

"For the existence of the eighty-eight great saints of the heavenly emperor, there are only about twenty gods on the surface of the Azure Dragon Holy Land. Even if I add some that I don't know to hide, there are at most thirty statues." Xuanyuan sighed in his heart, 'Yuhua Shenchao' really has a big family and business, but his business is also big, the area to be governed is too big, and most of them need to be deterred by force, and the existence of these Heavenly Emperor Great Sacred Realms has different people's hearts, while the 'Qinglong Holy Land' 'It is the unity of purpose and concerted efforts, which is the biggest gap between the two.

"Hehe, don't worry, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' will surpass the 'Yuhua Shenchao' sooner or later." The pig-headed emperor beside him was unpredictable and confident. Stepping into the realm of the Great Saint is not far away.

"This is natural!" Xuanyuan had no doubts about this, and he confessed: "Continue to pay attention to everything about the 'Yuhua Shenchao' and 'Holy Land of Shrouding Heaven', and if there is any accident, you must be prepared for it as soon as possible, especially It is the 'Holy Land that Shrouds the Heavens', and the development they display is truly terrifying."

"Yes." Many strong men responded in unison.

Xuanyuan opened the passage to the 'Beiyue Immortal State', and brought Shiwan, Peng Fei, and the eighteen demon lords of hell to the 'Beiyue Immortal State'.

'Beiyue Xianzhou' is covered by a large snowfield, in the sky, the warm sun hangs high, and it is covered with silver coir raindrops everywhere, it is too beautiful to behold.

Some areas are extremely cold and the weather is extremely harsh. There are large snowstorms that can tear apart the powerful emperors, and there are even hidden beasts that can obliterate the ancient sages. With the eyes of truth, Xuanyuan sees through all hidden dangers .

And some areas are sunny and pleasant, with many blessings and terrains, where Fengshui intertwines, people live in it and benefit a lot, keep fit, and enjoy peace.

However, most people choose to practice in severe cold areas, even though the world is harsh, to hone their will and break through themselves.

Ordinary Limin people live in a comfortable area. Everyone's life is different, their choices are also different, and their division of labor is also different.

When Xuanyuan came, the 'Emperor Hongmeng' came out to greet him immediately, and beside him were two unpredictable old men, who were silent.

"Brother Xuanyuan, do you want to visit the 'Heavenly Demon Lingzhou' when you come here this time? Check out the truth?" The 'Emperor Hongmeng' immediately guessed Xuanyuan's purpose, with a bright smile on his face.

"That's right, 'Tianmo Lingzhou' has our own family members. It would be the best thing if we can form an alliance. I'm afraid we will need the help of 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' in the future, because in the 'Tianmo Lingzhou', it is divided into two Pai, and our family members are neighbors to the 'Beiyue Xianzhou'." Xuanyuan laughed.

"This is natural. Since we are allied with the 'Qinglong Holy Land', we are all one family. We, the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty', are duty-bound." The 'Emperor Hongmeng' readily agreed.

"The 'Swallowing Emperor' left me a lot of treasures. There are many treasures of heaven and earth. If there is any shortage in the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty', you can ask me for money from the property manager of the 'Qinglong Holy Land'." Xuanyuan saw the 'Beiyue Xianzhou', Presumably, the land has relatively few comprehensive resources, and some things must be shared by allies, which is for everyone's benefit.

"Okay, I, 'Zhongzhou Dynasty', won't be polite. Although the land of 'Beiyue Xianzhou' is barren, there are naturally many special natural materials and treasures. There should be something that is missing in 'Qinglong Holy Land'. I want to open up the north and south. market, conduct trade, and exchange resources to strengthen the strength of both parties." The 'Emperor Hongmeng' will not let the 'Qinglong Holy Land' suffer, and he is very fair in doing things. He originally wanted to make this suggestion before, but the 'Qinglong Holy Land' also There are not many resources to be exploited, and the major forces are intertwined, so he probably needs more comprehensive natural materials and earthly treasures, so he didn't say that. Now that Xuanyuan opened his mouth first, he naturally wanted it.

"Haha, okay, then leave this matter to Brother Hongmeng alone, and I will fully cooperate with 'Qinglong Holy Land'." Xuanyuan laughed. As an alliance, if the two sides want to be strong, resource sharing is a must.

"I still have important things to do now, so I will go to the 'Tianmo Lingzhou' first. I hope that when I return, I can see the prosperous North and South Markets."

"Okay, Envoy of the Right Emperor, you lead the way for Holy Lord Xuanyuan to the 'Heavenly Demon Lingzhou'." The 'Emperor Hongmeng' and Xuanyuan fisted each other, and then went their separate ways. I saw the old man beside him , stretched out his hand to make a false lead, and opened the way for Xuanyuan and his party.

A quarter of an hour later, they came to the border east of the 'Beiyue Xianzhou', and the 'Tianmo Lingzhou' was in front of them, with beautiful mountains and clear waters, clear and bright everywhere, a scene of a holy land of idyllic beauty.

The prohibition of many demons and the feng shui layout are closely intertwined. Looking at all this, the right emperor warned: "Holy Master Xuanyuan, be careful along the way. I am here to meet you under the order of the emperor, and I will not leave half a step."

"Okay, thank you Emperor You." Xuanyuan didn't dare to exaggerate, there are many strong people in the "Tianmo Lingzhou", and it is always good to have someone to support him, especially the old man in front of him, giving Xuanyuan a sense of inexplicable strength, I'm afraid Even an existence like Can Feixue could have the power to fight.

"Boy, there are restrictions in front of you, what are you going to do, break in?" Peng Fei was very excited, agitating Xuanyuan, wishing to pierce the sky.

"That's not enough. Don't forget what kind of physique I am. It's easy for the guards who want to cross these restrictions." Xuanyuan set up a 'swallowing restriction' around his body.

But wherever this restriction is shrouded, the power of many restrictions will be swallowed by it, without affecting the people inside.

In this way, Xuanyuan led them into the territory of the 'Tianmo Lingzhou'.

At the same time, Xuanyuan held the 'Yuan Slaughter Sword' in one hand and the 'Abi Slaughter Sword' in the other. The two swords are the supreme treasure among the demons, intertwined together, arousing a powerful force of the demons, clanging .

The sound of the sword's cry is calling for the powerful people of the same clan, especially the people of the 'Demon State Dynasty', who will have an extremely strong induction. This is a kind of fluctuation, and people who are not close to it cannot sense it.

Having trespassed on the border of the Good Demon Clan, Xuanyuan knew that he couldn't go any further, otherwise, he couldn't justify it.

Now I hope that the people who used to be in the "Demon State Dynasty" can withdraw from the border of the "Tianmo Lingzhou" if there is anything wrong among the good demon clan.

Sure enough, half an hour later, a man wearing the Purple Dragon Emperor Cannon descended from the sky. This man was none other than the devil.

"Shihou has met Mozi!" Shihou bowed and saluted, knowing that Mozi was her ancestor, and she was grateful for her and Xuanyuan's beautiful affairs being fulfilled.

Xuanyuan also saluted along with them, saying: "Devil, I haven't seen you for many years, how are you doing?"

"Hehe, it's hard to say, I just thought, once the 'Tianmo Lingzhou' docking is completed, you will appear, come with me, long time no see, this time I want to catch up with you, and learn about it along the way, now 'Central World' The situation is changing." Mozi smiled bitterly, apparently the development of the 'Mozhou Dynasty' was not as smooth as imagined, Xuanyuan's heart moved, it seemed that his guess was right, many powerful figures were parachuted from the 'Origin of Hongmeng' Things, naturally, cannot be decided by Mozi.

At this moment, Xuanyuan felt a powerful thought sweep over his group of people, his heart tightened, he knew that his actions were already under the surveillance of others, and the people in the dark were very scary.

But there is the devil, since he can come out to meet him, it means he can protect him, so he is not worried.

The "Tianmo Lingzhou" is very large, and the "Demon State Dynasty" occupies a corner of the Shanmo clan, which is adjacent to the Tianmo sect, the ancient demon sect, and the heart demon sect.

"What happened?" On the way, Xuanyuan asked Mozi, Xuanyuan saw that his expression was wrong, it seemed that the situation was not optimistic.

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