Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1838 The Son of Heaven

Xuanyuan could feel that when his group entered the territory of the 'Good Demon Clan', they had already entered the sight of many terrifying existences, but he was not afraid, so he asked about the situation of the demons.

"In fact, it's nothing. Originally, my Demon State Dynasty had already ruled the faction of the good demons. As a result, a group of supreme existences of the demons descended from the sky, and they took over. Now there are some things that I have no right to decide, but we They are friends, they still have nothing to do with it, I still have some power." Mozi smiled and waved his hands, looking like he couldn't bear to look back on the past.

Xuanyuan smiled lightly, and didn't say much, this is not a convenient place to talk.

Just when the group was about to arrive at the location of the 'Mozhou Dynasty', there were nine ancient emperors and five-layer demon powerhouses who descended from the sky with a turbulent aura, quite a bit of a bad taste.

"Mozhou devil, why do humans enter my 'good demon' area, you should give us an explanation, you must know that this is the duty of our inspection." A demon strong man from the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor questioned.

"He is my friend in 'Central China', and the son-in-law of my Demon State Dynasty, in charge of military power, and the Holy Lord of 'Qinglong Holy Land', the most important thing is my family, I don't think there is anything wrong with it, Do you still have any questions now?" Mo Zi proudly held out his chest, without the slightest fear, obviously these are the personal soldiers of the Supreme Being descended from the 'Origin of the Primordial Mist'.

"What, my demon princess intermarried with a human race. As the master of the 'Demon State Dynasty', you are still able to agree. It's simply treason." He wanted to pierce Xuanyuan's body and walked towards Xuanyuan.

"By the way, your inspection office only needs to find out the identity of the person who came. I've already told you, so you can go?" Mozi didn't want to make any trouble.

"My noble princess of the demon race actually intermarried with a human race. This is treason, devil son of the demon state, you are too bold and reckless." That strong man of the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor didn't seem to want to stop there.

"What's so rebellious about this? Now in my 'Qinglong Holy Land', all races coexist and support each other. It's very good. Among them, there are not a few people from the demon race." Chong Tian didn't pay much attention to the existence, and smiled calmly.

"Human race, an ancient emperor in the fourth heaven realm dares to disrespect us. When is it your turn to intervene here? Are you looking for death?" One of the strong men headed by them stepped forward and wanted to attack Xuanyuan. The demon lord of hell stood in front of Xuanyuan at the first moment, and the aura he erupted suddenly was extremely terrifying, and he was able to wipe them all out immediately, without a doubt.

"'Abi Demon Prison', the devil lord of hell, good, good, you dare to point the finger at us." The headed heavenly emperor looked at Xuanyuan and Shihou, and saw that they were holding the 'Yuan Slaughter Sword' and the 'Abi Demon' in their hands. "Killing the Sword", his pupils shrunk to the size of a needle point. Obviously, both of them were recognized by the spirits of these two supreme Dao weapons. The aura erupted by the eighteen hell demon lords was even more shocking. He knew These are the elite of the Mozhou Dynasty.

In addition, and more importantly, the 'Yuan Slaughter Sword' and the 'A Bi Killing Sword' are not terrible in themselves, but the former owners of this pair of killing swords, among the demons of the 'Origin of Hongmeng', It has an extremely terrifying status, and the reason why the 'Mozhou Dynasty' can remain independent from their dominion is to give face to the big man behind the 'Mozhou Dynasty'.

"I said, this is my 'Mozhou Dynasty' family affairs, no one can control it, including the 'Son of the Devil', if you think I didn't do well in this matter, just report to the 'Son of the Devil' Already, I am in the 'Mozhou Dynasty' waiting for the 'Son of Good Demon' to question me." The devil's eyes sharpened, and his words were stern.

"Okay, Mozhou Mozi, you said this, let's go, and you have to bear the consequences." The existence of the nine ancient emperors and five heavens knew that they were not opponents, so they could only retreat immediately. With a strong person, the eighteen demon masters of hell are enough to beat them defenselessly, not to mention that this is still the territory of the 'Mozhou Dynasty'.

Watching them go away, Mozi led Xuanyuan and his party into a mysterious space in the 'Mozhou Dynasty'.

Xuanyuan entered that day when he was saving Shihou, and he is very familiar with it. The spiritual energy here has become more and more abundant, the Fengshui pattern, and the layout of the terrain have become stronger. It is completely a holy place for cultivation. There is not a small gap, after all, the same chaotic immortal energy is enough to blow up the cultivation holy land of any big force.

A group of old people from the "Mozhou Dynasty" saw that Xuanyuan and Shihou had come, and they all showed up one after another. They obviously missed Shihou very much. They didn't like Shihou and Xuanyuan when they were together. Now seeing them happy, Naturally, there is nothing to say.

"Wuhou, I didn't expect that in just a few short decades, you would actually step into the realm of the fifth heaven of the ancient sages. Well, you are more promising than us. Step into the realm of the great sage as soon as possible, give me The 'Mozhou Dynasty' is fighting for glory!" An old ancestor of the demon clan had a bright smile, a hoarse voice, and his heart was full of joy.

"I will work harder. Now the people of the demon clan in the 'Qinglong Holy Land' are very powerful. This time Xuanyuan came here because he wanted to unite with the demon clan. I just don't know how the situation here is?" You have a smiling face, beautiful eyes and sparkling little canine teeth, very cute and likable.

"This, let the devil say it, we don't know how to say it." An old man of the demon clan said with a faint sigh.

"Actually, there's nothing to say. As I said just now, among the demons, it's not my turn to make decisions about this kind of alliance. Many things have to be written and asked for instructions." The demon shrugged and smiled. With a little helplessness, he expressed that he was helpless, that he could not represent the lineage of the good demon clan, if it was before, it was still possible.

"What kind of person is the 'Son of Good Devil' you mentioned?" It's not a devil who is in charge. This matter is very difficult. He has to start from the person of 'Son of Good Demon', so he must first start with this person. If it is a person who can work together, Xuanyuan is naturally willing to get in touch with it. If it is an unreasonable person, he can let the "Mozhou Dynasty" directly leave the good demon clan and enter the "Qinglong Holy Land" to seek more. big development.

"'Son of Good Demons' is very powerful. I have to say that no matter I am not as good as him, I am peaceful in dealing with people, very courageous, and have no heart. It is all based on justice. From the time of the arrival of the 'Good Demons' to the present, his attitude They are very gentle, they respect us all, they are very regulated in their actions, and they are people who can communicate with each other. I gave up power because of my lack of strength. It is difficult to convince the strong demons of the "Origin of Hongmeng". There is no way You are also clear about this matter." Although the status of the devil was replaced by the "Son of Good Demon Emperor", he spoke extremely fair, seeking truth from facts, and impartial.

Xuanyuan nodded when he heard the words, and understood in his heart that as long as the other party is not that kind of unreasonable person, there is a chance to persuade the other party. Of course, more importantly, whether the other party's thoughts are consistent with his own is also very important. Yes, since as an alliance, it is natural to have a common vision and a common goal.

"It's okay, these days, the 'Tianmo Lingzhou' has just completed the connection with the 'Central World', I'm afraid he has a lot of things to arrange on hand, after seven days, you can introduce me again, Mozi, don't bother him for now .”

"Of course it's no problem. Although I don't have much power now, it's still possible to introduce you to the side of the 'Son of the Devil'. But Xuanyuan, I want to know how the current structure of the 'Central World' is, and how the development of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is going." Already?" Mozi looked expectant, he believed that Xuanyuan would definitely develop a lot, because he could feel that Xuanyuan's temperament was extraordinary, it was not comparable to that day, if it wasn't for the power of the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land', it would not be the same. It may cause Xuanyuan to have such a big change.

From the changes of the eighteen demon masters of hell back then, it is not difficult to guess how powerful the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is now.

You must know that these eighteen demon masters of hell are subject to many limitations. It is almost impossible to break through to the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor and ancient sage in this lifetime. There are many difficulties, and breaking through by force will be life-threatening.

Now not only one has not fallen, but everyone has stepped into the peak realm of the ancient emperor and ancient sage fifth heaven, and there is a further trend. The control and understanding of Dao surpassed ordinary people, and the aura exuded from his body was different. This was an essential transformation and sublimation.

"I didn't expect that the 18 demon masters of hell have improved so much. It seems that the 'Qinglong Holy Land' has developed to a certain level." Mozi sighed quietly. These people were the ones he had signaled to stay to protect Shihou. of.

"The 'Qinglong Holy Land' has become very strong now." Shihou is very confident, which is the greatest pride in her heart.

Xuanyuan nodded, and then explained the structure of the entire "Central World" and the existence of many ancestors of the "Mozhou Dynasty".

"Hiss..." Many old men took a breath, they never thought that the 'Qinglong Holy Land' would be so powerful that it could compete with the 'Yuhua God' who appeared to be in the realm of eighty-eight heavenly emperors towards'.

Even among the 'Good Demon Clan', there are only so many Heavenly Emperors and Great Sages. That is to say, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' can now be on an equal footing with the 'Good Demon Clan'.

What Xuanyuan said gave confidence to the older generation in the 'Demon State Dynasty'. You must know that they were originally the leaders of the good demon clan, but now they have to give up power, and they are more or less psychological gap.

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