In this attic, in the past, people came and went, and many powerful monks among the evil races gathered here, talking loudly, exchanging cultivation ideas, having fun, buying and selling heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and calling for magic weapons. , is very prosperous, and is one of the communication zones at the core of the entire evil race.

However, now the building is empty, many people have died, and the entire evil clan is in a panic, baptized by countless bad luck, which makes them feel oppressed, and it seems that at any time When a disaster strikes, be cautious, just like a person who often does bad things on weekdays, knows the existence of ghosts and gods, and sees them with his own eyes, he will be afraid, maybe ghosts and gods will come to repay him, and live in fear all day long, guarding against Everything, naturally there will be no other thoughts.

Even the landlord who opened this attic, a strong man of the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor, hid for refuge, and tried his best to suppress all things that might endanger his life, so this place was empty.

The attic is ninety-nine layers high, and Xuanyuan and Tianxiezi are at the top, looking down at the scenery below them. Beside them, carved jade bracelets, carved dragons and painted phoenixes, are very gorgeous, but seem a little deserted.

Xuanyuan was very excited when he saw Tian Xiezi, other than that, he also looked a bit restrained, restless, didn't know where to put his hands and feet, and his acting skills were very good.

Seeing Xuanyuan's actions, Tian Xiezi patted Xuanyuan's shoulder with a big smile, and said, "Hehe, don't be nervous, how could I let you die? Let me tell you first, what's your name?"

"My name is Xing Ge." Among the Zhanxie Clan, the Xingtian Clan of the Wu Clan combined with the powerhouses of the Xie Clan, and some of them were born from the blood of the Wu Clan. It is very normal and not surprising that the surname Xing was born. This part of the people is called rebellious by the Wu people.

"Well, Xing Ge, I think next, let you command the three armies of the Zhanxie clan, what do you think?" Tian Xiezi suddenly said, for Xuanyuan, it is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue, could it be that he exposed what? This is nonsensical, it is not an overnight task to command the three armies of the Zhanxie Clan by himself.

"Never, never, among our Zhanxie Clan, strength is of the utmost importance. I am only in the realm of the Ancient Emperor's fourth heaven. How can I take on such a heavy responsibility? I'm afraid it will cause dissatisfaction among many people. When the time comes How to lead an army to fight? If you want strength but not strength, if you want prestige but not prestige!" Xuanyuan immediately declined, and took three steps back, as if he didn't dare to accept it, he wanted to find out the situation first, what was going on.

"Hehe, don't be nervous. I have a reason for doing this. You need to understand that I am representing the evil emperor now. No one would dare to oppose the authorization on his behalf. If you did not have the qualifications before, you did not have this opportunity, but now But it is possible, understand? Do you want to know the reason?" Tian Xiezi took this opportunity to use the power of the evil emperor to develop his contacts and make them loyal to him. There are still some existences who are on a par with him, and it may not be him who ascends the throne of the evil emperor in the future.

The arrangement of the "Breaking the Ban Tianxie Formation" before caused heavy losses to the Tianxie tribe, and now it is the best practice to bridge the gap. For example, Zhan Xiezi is also an extremely remarkable figure, but he has not been appreciated by the evil emperor He doesn't even have the qualifications to meet the evil emperor, and now Tianxiezi is using the power of the evil emperor to infiltrate his prestige into the elites of the tribes, make them loyal to him, and support him People who are in love, even if they don't support themselves in the future, they will give themselves three points.

"Please make it clear, Tian Xiezi, forgive me for being stupid." Xuanyuan wondered, could it be that Tian Xiezi discovered something, logically he should not have been discovered, although he had premeditated it, but it was so smooth and so coincidental that Xuanyuan I feel a little uneasy in my heart, so naturally I have to be cautious, try to evade as much as I can, and see what tricks Tian Xiezi is playing.

"'Qinglong Holy Land' launched a large-scale luck attack on us. Have you noticed that many people are lifeless, feeling like they can't do anything, it is difficult to fight against the 'Qinglong Holy Land', and they are even a little desperate. They are restless and have no firm will." Tian Xiezi turned to look at Xuanyuan, and said solemnly.

"That's true, I don't know what's going on, how can I be so depressed, how can the 'Qinglong Holy Land' and the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' be comparable to my evil clan? With the evil emperor sitting in it, I will definitely not let my evil clan have any It's a mistake." Xuanyuan looked high-spirited, and had an appearance of believing in the ability of the evil emperor.

"Now you know why I chose you. As a general, willpower is the most important thing. I chose you as the commander-in-chief of the Zhanxie Clan. It's not because your strength and status are higher than theirs, but because of your aura under such circumstances. No reduction at all, only such a person can better grasp the overall situation and boost the morale of the whole army. Of course, you can only be a deputy commander, and Zhan Xiezi still has to be the head commander. Otherwise, I'm afraid With your strength, it's hard to convince the crowd, and others have nothing to say about the deputy commander." Tian Xiezi patted Xuanyuan's shoulder, smiling all over his face.

"No, no, the strength of my subordinates is humble, even if it is the deputy commander, I don't have the ability to take on the role. At that time, many strong people in the Zhanxie clan will regard me as a thorn in their eyes and a thorn in their flesh. If I am ordinary, what is it that stands out from the crowd? That’s all for me, but among the ‘Zhanxie Clan’, I am ordinary, very ordinary, nothing outstanding, no great achievements!” Xuanyuan quickly refused, and now it seems that Tianxiezi is just a coincidence I picked him up and wanted to promote myself. At this time, I used the reason of influence of luck to convince many people, so that he had a very good excuse for forcing him, and it was very difficult for people to shirk.

"Haha, don't worry, those in high positions are the thorns in everyone's eyes, thorns in the flesh, how many people want this position, why are you still standing there? As long as you agree, I will Can make you the deputy commander! Or do you think I'm joking with you, and I don't have that ability?" Tian Xiezi entrusted him with a heavy responsibility, and his tone was a bit more serious.

"No, no, Tianxiezi, you have great supernatural powers, and everyone knows that you are now authorized by the evil emperor. I also know that this opportunity is rare, but my strength is limited. I really can't do it. I never thought about it. However, I hope that Tian Xiezi will find someone else and think about it carefully." Xuanyuan evaded again.

"If I say you can do it, you can do it, and if you can't do it, you can do it. If I say you can't, you can't do it, and if you can do it, you can't do it. Do you understand?" Tian Xiezi pressed Xuanyuan's shoulder, his gaze was like a sword, and his voice became extremely cold.

"Understood, this subordinate understands, I am just afraid that I will disappoint Tian Xiezi's great trust and delay important events. Since Tian Xiezi trusts his subordinates so much, I will definitely go through fire and water and die." Xuanyuan's forehead was covered with cold sweat, with a look of fear look like.

"Hehe, don't worry, with me here, there won't be any big troubles. Xing Ge, work hard. I'm going to find Zhan Xiezi now. You stay here and wait for my good news." Seeing Xuanyuan agreeing, Tian Xiezi also Then he left, he stepped out, submerged into the clouds, quietly, leaving Xuanyuan alone, waiting for his return here alone.

Xing Ge is a strong man who was killed and devoured by Xuanyuan on the battlefield outside the territory.

That time, the Heavenly Emperor who followed the Zhanxie Clan attacked the 'Tianlong World' and fell.

On that day, there were so many strong people, many people fell and disappeared, and the scene was extremely chaotic, and they were defeated in disgrace. The Zhanxie clan must have not made a very clear registration of casualties.

Because not every big clan can make all kinds of casualty statistics like the human race. In their view, it is quite normal to invade and capture, and die. Keep strengthening yourself, unless some outstanding people can be included in the list of casualties.

As for some little-known little people, they don't even have that qualification, so it seems most appropriate for Xuanyuan to appear in this capacity.

The human race is different, ranging from the royal relatives to the common people. This is the unique culture of the human race, and no one can ignore it. This is a difference in race and culture, and the influence of some details is also different.

Tian Xiezi went directly to Tianxie City, entered the tent of the general, and told him what he had decided. This action immediately caused a strong reaction from Zhan Xiezi. His reaction was great and he was furious : "Tianxiezi, what do you mean by randomly installing someone to be the deputy commander of our armed forces? Is this spying on us? You, a member of the Tianxie Department, want to seize military power?"

"Haha, Zhan Xiezi, let me tell you that you should worry too much. I didn't install this person. He is a member of your Zhan Xie clan. He is called Xing Ge! Before, my Xie clan was panic-stricken, and many people felt hopeless, but he didn't." , and also encouraged the soldiers, I am very optimistic about him, each of you has killed too much, committed too many crimes, and now you have bad luck, if it is not for this reason, do I need to arrange a deputy commander? Besides, his strength Only in the realm of the fourth heaven of the ancient emperor, the strength is humble, and when this year is over, it will be changed at that time, what are you so excited about?" Tian Xiezi smiled all over his face, not wanting to tear his face with Zhan Xiezi at this time, Because this is the moment of life and death of the evil clan, there is no room for any negligence, otherwise, once the evil emperor blames him, he will die unexpectedly.

"Hmph, check it out for me. Is there someone named Xing Ge in the Zhanxie clan? Let me investigate everything about him. I want to see, the person you introduced by Xiezi today, What is it like!" Zhan Xiezi is in a bad mood, although he is said to be a member of the Zhan Xie clan, but it is also possible that he was bought by Tian Xiezi, he wants to see what kind of person this is, It is absolutely impossible to agree easily.

An hour later, someone sent back a message, and Tian Xiezi always had a smile on his face.

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