Zhan Xiezi has his own team for investigating secrets. After all, the Zhan Xie and the Xie Clan have been separated for so long, and every major tribe has to establish their own independent department. This kind of department that is similar to the dense investigation is aimed at the Xie Clan. For other tribes, because among the evil race, intrigue is particularly serious.

Because once you become the master of the evil race and ascend to the 'Origin of the Curse', you will definitely be appreciated by the supreme being, and at that time, you will have a bright future for yourself.

Zhan Xiezi's investigation department was extremely efficient, and completed the investigation in less than an hour: "Say, don't miss anything."

"This person's name is Xing Ge. He has practiced for 3,600 years. He is indeed the blood of our Zhanxie clan. Now his strength is in the realm of the ancient emperor's fourth heaven. There have been conflicts, not bloodthirsty, seldom use cruel means to practice to improve their own strength, not many lives have been stained in their hands, and they are dedicated to cultivation, and once attacked the "Shenmu World" and "Tianlong World" with our Zhanxie Clan Emperor 'Until our Zhanxie clan merged into Zhongzhou, because we didn't make much achievements, we naturally didn't have much reputation among our Zhanxie clan."

Zhan Xiezi was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Tian Xiezi to choose such a person this day, the information his team found was absolutely infallible, he thought Tian Xiezi would pick someone with great ambitions, But he didn't expect that it turned out to be like this. Even so, he still had a big lump in his heart. He immediately waved his hand and said with disdain: "This person has no achievements and is unknown. If he is the deputy commander of the three armies, I'm afraid everyone will The soldiers will not be convinced, my evil race has always relied on strength to speak, so I will not agree with this person, Tian Xiezi, I can solve the matter of fighting the evil race by myself, and you don't need to worry about it."

"Zhan Xiezi, please focus on the overall situation. In the past, you could rely on your strength to speak, but now you can still rely on your strength to speak? Do you think you can defeat the ordinary ancient emperor of the fifth heaven in the 'Qinglong Holy Land'?" Strong? Can you recognize the facts clearly? Luck attack! Who knew that you have killed so many evils in the past, so that you will be enraged by heaven and others, and empowered by bad luck. Once you command the three armies, what is the use of strength? At that time, it will be tens of millions, hundreds of millions, billions, tens of billions of losses, Zhan Xiezi, can you afford it? Don't take my kindness as a donkey's liver and lungs. Now the "Zhongzhou Dynasty" and "Qinglong Holy Land" are already approaching the city , if it wasn't for my entire Xie Clan going up and down, I really wouldn't like to take care of your Zhanxie Department's shit." Tian Xiezi's voice began to take on a trace of anger, without the slightest backing down, he wanted to Those who are inserted must be inserted into it.

"Hmph! Then you didn't discuss this matter with me at all in advance. Maybe I have a more suitable candidate. Why did you decide on your own? You are cutting first and playing later. You didn't put me in your eyes, you Do you think I need to listen to you? I am the deputy commander of the three armies of the Zhanxie clan. What a joke, let a person who is in the fourth heaven of the ancient emperor be the leader. If nothing else, the soldiers of the three armies will not agree." Zhan Xiezi Still very uncomfortable, and didn't give Tian Xiezi a good look.

"Zhan Xiezi, don't be shameless, don't forget, the evil emperor asked me to authorize him on his behalf. I am polite to you because you are Zhan Xiezi, not because of other things. I can do it well. Be more polite, discussing with you like this is for your face, I don't want you to be so ugly, or you are questioning the evil emperor's vision? If this is the case, I will report the whole matter to the evil emperor , let the old man deal with it himself." Tian Xiezi's voice was cold, and he did not conceal the anger in his heart.

"Hmph, Tian Xiezi, don't use the evil emperor to suppress me. If it wasn't for the evil emperor's face, I would never agree to you. Then in this year, I must not be incompetent in fighting the evil clan. Dear person, after one year, I will definitely get rid of this person, so don't waste your efforts." Zhan Xiezi has no choice but to suppress the word "evil emperor", and no one can bear it. The ancestor who existed in ancient times is the most supreme existence in the entire evil clan. According to legend, he is the symbol of the luck of the entire evil clan.

The reason why Tianxiezi was allowed to speak for him was because when Emperor Xie was in ancient times, one of the masters was the supreme existence of the Tianxie Department, so he would be closer to Tianxiezi, and everyone wanted to develop their own people. .

"Hehe, wouldn't it be okay to do this earlier? Why make everyone angry? What's the point? And Zhan Xiezi, don't think too much. I really didn't think about it. Everything is for the sake of the overall situation. I hope you can understand." Tian Xiezi smiled and left.

Watching Tian Xiezi leave, Zhan Xiezi was so angry that he slapped the big case hard, and everything in the main tent was reduced to the tiniest particles and destroyed.

"Tianxiezi, don't think that I don't know your thoughts. People who want to train themselves will occupy a high position among our Zhanxie clan. You have a good idea. You can fit in today. After a year, I will absolutely Clear him out."

Tian Xiezi was in a good mood, like a spring breeze. When he came to the attic, he was very satisfied to see Xuanyuan waiting there motionless.

I saw Tian Xiezi descending from the sky, handing a paper transfer order and a set of earth-level supreme Taoist armor worn by the deputy commander of the three armies of the Zhanxie clan to Xuanyuan, and said with a smile: "Xing Ge, from today onwards, you are Zhanxie!" The deputy commander of the three armies of the Xie Clan, even Zhan Xiezi, must listen to your opinion, so if you have any ideas, you can boldly do whatever you want, you know?"

"I didn't expect that I would be able to become the deputy commander of the three armies. Thank you, Tian Xiezi, I will definitely live up to my trust." Xuanyuan looked extremely excited, trembling all over, and his voice was trembling.

"Okay, a mere deputy commander has excited you so much, how can you achieve great things in the future? Be good, and then I will find an excuse to promote you to the commander in chief. Zhan Xiezi is also waiting for this urgent moment , as the head coach, once the danger is resolved, someone else will be replaced, so as long as you perform well within this year and make great contributions, I will say a few words in front of the evil emperor, you know you can soar into the sky, At that time, even Zhan Xiezi won't be able to do anything to you." Tian Xiezi explained Xuanyuan with sincerity, and he also admired him very much, as if Maxima met Bole, and finally someone appreciated him, and he was so grateful.

"Tianxiezi's great kindness and virtue to me will never be forgotten by Xing Ge, and I will live up to Tianxiezi's great trust. I will make immortal contributions in this critical time." Xuanyuan made a generous speech and bowed in salute.

Tian Xiezi waved his hands, looked relieved, and said with a smile, "Go ahead and meet them, no one will dare to do anything to you, remember that the person standing behind you is me."

"Yes!" Xuanyuan left immediately. The Zhanxie Clan is the leading clan among the entire Evil Clan. It is equivalent to the military strategists of the Human Race. Being regarded highly by Tian Xiezi now, it can be said that it is unlucky for the Xie clan.

This is also included in a link in luck. If you are unlucky, you want to pick a person who can be cultivated, but you happen to pick the person that Xuanyuan evolved from. Isn't this bad luck for the evil race?

With the convenience of this position, Xuanyuan can get many high-level secrets that ordinary evil people don't know.

As the deputy commander of the three armies of the Zhanxie Clan, he will be able to learn many secrets, including the capabilities of the various ministries of the Zhanxie Clan, as well as various defenses in the war zone, because the Zhanxie Clan is the army that protects the Zhanxie Clan's land, these must be known, otherwise If you want to step into the trap set by your own people, wouldn't it be a joke?

Xuanyuan came to Zhanxie City, all the large tents were outside the city, the mighty Zhanxie clan soldiers and horses, one tent after another spread into the distance, I don’t know how many there are, and some of them will be in the first place Rush to the North City to defend against the troops of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' and the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty'.

Xuanyuan went straight to the main tent. Zhan Xiezi's strength was in the realm of the ancient emperor's fifth heaven, but inside the big tent, there were two gods of the heavenly emperor realm on the left and right, and besides the eight ancient emperors of the fifth heaven. For the strong, Xuanyuan only felt a huge aura pressing towards him. He knew that these people in front of him were all in the army and held important positions.

"You're Xing Ge Deputy Commander, right?" Zhan Xiezi bit the word Deputy Commander very hard, his eyes like swords.

"I've seen the coach!" Xuanyuan saluted.

"I don't dare. In your eyes, do you still have me as the coach? Tian Xiezi should be the only one, right? Do you think you can enjoy the shade by leaning on a big tree? You really think you can be the deputy commander Is it a job?" Zhan Xiezi asked repeatedly, and when he walked in front of Xuanyuan, every syllable contained a kind of attack and bombardment of thoughts, which made people uncertain and told the truth.

Xuanyuan's body trembled a few times, and he cupped his hands and said in a heavy voice: "Now that the armies of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' and the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' are overwhelming, we should set off and hold the first line of defense in Beicheng. We must not let them break through. It's irrelevant, I hope the coach doesn't think too much about it!"

"Sounds good, do you want to go there in person?" Zhan Xiezi sneered, the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' and 'Qinglong Holy Land' are coming menacingly, and he is afraid that if they launch an attack, they will destroy the world. How terrifying is the combat power erupted by the elite of the great forces.

Even Zhan Xiezi has to think about his personal safety. He doesn't want to go to the front line easily. At this moment, his luck can be said to be extremely decayed. If he goes to the front line, it is very likely that even he will die in battle , to avoid the sharp edge, he still understands this.

(Two updates temporarily.)

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