Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1859 I can't bear it

In the big tent of the military camp.

Countless people stared at Xuanyuan, they didn't speak, if Xuanyuan himself, he would be extremely calm, but now he is playing Xing Ge, so naturally he can't look calm and calm, it will arouse suspicion, because in the past It is impossible for the Xing Ge they are investigating to have such courage.

Xuanyuan felt a little embarrassed in the tension, with a trace of embarrassment and hesitation, he showed a look of thinking.

Immediately, the existence of an ancient emperor of the fifth heaven sneered: "What's the matter, what you said just now was impassioned, now you don't dare to go to the front line?"

"How do you become the deputy commander of the three armed forces? We all came from the front line. I don't know how many lives and deaths and how many wars we have gone through to reach our current position. You are unknown and have no achievements, so you became the deputy commander of the three armed forces. If you don't show your strength now, when will you wait?"

"It seems that Tian Xiezi has arranged for an idiot to come over, and we refuse to accept it. If you want us to obey his orders, it's better to tell us to die!"

These people are Zhan Xiezi's confidantes, and now that he can say such a thing, Xuanyuan can already guess that everything is under Zhan Xiezi's arrangement.

"Since you don't dare, then you can go away and resign from the position of deputy commander of the armed forces. We won't look down on you."

"It's better than becoming a deputy commander and going to the front to die unexpectedly. Keeping one's life alive is worse than being annihilated in flying ashes and dying without a place to die. You should think about it carefully. It's better to live than to die."

These people are deliberately trying to create an atmosphere that will cause Xuanyuan to have huge psychological pressure and make him abdicate automatically. In this way, Tian Xiezi can't say anything, because this position is not for anyone who wants to leave, whoever wants to come. here.

If Xing Ge was real, he would have been frightened to kneel on the ground long ago and dare not get up, but it is a pity that it was Xuanyuan. He was uneasy for a moment, and soon showed composure, and immediately said firmly:

"Report to the commander, Xing Ge is willing to lead our army to garrison, the city is alive, the city is dead, the city is dead! There will be absolutely no backing down. If Beicheng is lost, I am willing to take any responsibility."

"Okay, that's very good. Xing Ge obeys orders. You lead the ten million elites of our Zhanxie Clan to garrison in Beicheng. Be sure to resist the enemy's army. Remember to delay the time and delay the time as much as possible, you know? The commander said It is to sit in the center, control all directions, prevent internal riots, and any accidents! So I can only support you from the rear." Zhan Xiezi said it very nicely, so that people have no chance to refute, but in fact it means to let Xuanyuan go to the front line to die.

"Yes!" Xuanyuan can only take orders at this time. Everyone knows that the elites sent by the 'Qinglong Holy Land' and the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' are extremely powerful. Tens of thousands of soldiers and horses can't resist at all. Taking these soldiers and horses is simply sending them to death.

"Before then, should the commander give me the defense map of my evil race, otherwise, how should I guard it? If I bring my own army into the killing array set up by my own people, wouldn't it be necessary Is it a joke?"

This is what Xuanyuan wants most. Now that he is the deputy commander, he is fully qualified to have the defense map of the entire evil race, so this request is not excessive at all, and it will not make people suspicious. Think he's an idiot.

"The survival of the defense plan is under my control. It's not that I can't trust you as the deputy commander. If I feel that you can't resist, I will destroy the defense map for the safety of my entire evil race, or fall into the In the hands of the enemy, it is unimaginable, I hope you can understand." Zhan Xiezi said lightly, as if the destruction of the defense plan had become an inevitable end.

"This is what it should be!" Xuanyuan readily accepted, and saw that Zhan Xiezi handed over a piece of brocade to Xuanyuan, who took it casually, took orders immediately, turned and left the camp.

Standing in the military tent, Zhan Xiezi looked at the two Heavenly Emperors on the left and right, and asked, "Do you think this Xing Ge is reliable? Is it someone with ulterior motives?"

"His breath is indeed from the blood of our Zhanxie clan, and he killed very little in his life, so he was not affected by much bad luck, and only occupied a small part, but his luck is not great, and it can't affect the overall situation. Now It can be considered that he was lucky enough to be the deputy commander. Of course, there is one most important reason, that is, when everyone's luck has dropped to the extreme, he has a little bit of luck. Compared with the people around him, it is equal to great luck. Comparing many people, that's why I was able to be chosen by Tianxiezi and become the deputy commander of the three armies of our Zhanxie clan." Immediately, a celestial emperor expressed his opinion, and they all watched Xuanyuan's luck.

And Xuanyuan's current state can naturally cover up and control his luck, and it is impossible for anyone to see anything.

"My thoughts are the same. This person hasn't lied much. It can be seen that there is no need to worry about being loyal to our evil clan. This is beyond doubt." Another Heavenly Emperor also spoke.

"It's a pity that he is on the wrong team. No matter whether he belongs to Tian Xiezi or not, at least Tian Xiezi picked him up. I absolutely can't let him live. The 10 million 'elites' I prepared for him, Immediately set off and garrison the North City, I also gave the deputy commander, I gave the soldiers and horses, I am afraid that Tian Xiezi will not be able to say anything about me." Zhan Xiezi smiled coldly.

When Xuanyuan saw the tens of millions of elite soldiers and horses he led, the corners of his eyes twitched wildly, all of them were old, weak, sick and disabled, and those lacking arms and legs were next in line, and the key strengths were at the lowest level of the Supreme Celestial Immortals , the highest is the ancient sages of the sixth heaven, there is no existence of an ancient emperor and an ancient sage. If there is a war, it is impossible for this army to fight.

Before the 'Central China', such an army might have been extremely powerful, but now, it is totally not enough.

He knew that this was a matter between Zhan Xiezi and Tian Xiezi, and it had affected him. As the saying goes, there are policies at the top and countermeasures at the bottom. Allow yourself to back off.

There is no way but to lead the army to Beicheng, which is the city created by the evil clan themselves, in the north of Zhongzhou.

Tian Xiezi observed all this in secret, furious in his heart: "This Zhan Xiezi is really capable, doesn't he understand that he wants Xing Ge to die? Damn it, I can only select talents for the evil emperor, I can't stop the military and government event!"

The evil emperor knows how to balance power very well, and his authorization is limited. Even people who favor him can't be too outrageous, especially at this time. Xie Zi can only pretend that he didn't see it, whether Xing Ge can come back alive depends on his life, if he can come back alive and make certain contributions, he can promote Xing Ge.

From the moment Xuanyuan got the defense map, he memorized all the forbidden killing formations hidden by the evil clan marked on it, and all the methods, including the strength information of the various tribes of the evil clan, were all mastered by Xuanyuan.

Halfway through the march, Xuanyuan saw the old, weak, sick and disabled behind him. Although they were attacked by luck, their influence was relatively small. No one has done a few evil things in his life, especially in this era. And still in the environment of the evil clan, it was hard to think about it or not. He really couldn't bear to let Xuanyuan take these ten million people to die.

Although it is a hostile relationship with the 'Shading the Holy Land', he does not want to implicate these weak people, and some of them are even innocent people who have never done evil in their lives.

"Deputy Marshal, why don't you leave?" A veteran with a hoarse voice asked respectfully.

"If you go any further, you will all die, but the dispute between Zhan Xiezi and Tian Xiezi will make you suffer together." Xuanyuan felt helpless, and said: "There are so many young and strong people. , why are you sent to the battlefield!"

"There's nothing we can do about it. We're all ready to die. Among the evil race, this is very common. Our lives don't belong to us." The old soldier's eyes were already numb.

"As the saying goes, the general is outside, and the military order is not accepted. Listen to my order. You go to the Northeast Xieguan to garrison. It will be safer there. I am the deputy commander. Their goal is me. Going to the Northern Territory alone is not a problem. It's a violation of military orders." Xuanyuan said heavily.

"Deputy Commander." Many veterans looked shocked and looked at Xuanyuan: "Deputy Commander, we are already old, and no matter how difficult it is to make progress in this life, if your cultivation base is not high, you will die when you die. The realm of the sky, the future is boundless, you must not make sacrifices for us, there is not one person like you among our tens of millions of people, if you do this, it is tantamount to ruining everything about yourself, Even your own life!"

No matter how cruel any ethnic group is, they still have feelings among them, especially those who serve as soldiers and generals. On the surface, they are ruthless, but in their hearts, their emotions are extremely sincere.

"It's okay, I'll be fine, Asigu, I'll be in charge of you, here, your realm is the highest." Xuanyuan ordered immediately, the body of that old soldier had never stood upright like this before.

"Yes." Asigu didn't dare to disobey, Xuanyuan asked them to go to the Northeast Xie Pass, where there were extremely terrifying methods deployed, in fact there was no need to send troops to garrison, such an order was to save their lives.

The army that was supposed to go north suddenly turned around. In the big tent in front of Zhanxie City, Zhanxiezi knew about it immediately, because he was paying attention to everything from the beginning to the end.

"This Xing Ge is really bold. He went to Beicheng alone. What did he want to do? Do you want to be a hero? What do you want to prove?" Zhan Xiezi was furious. He never thought that Xing Ge could do it something like this.

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