Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1870 Mumu

Strange sky.

From around Tianming Seal, the thirty-two powerful men in the realm of Heavenly Emperors and Great Sages all frowned.

"This breath of life is so powerful, stronger than us."

"This feeling is similar to a beast? Could it be..."

"It's out, look."

Each of them was extremely focused, looking at the Qiankun bag.

The bronze light flowed, it charged straight up, and finally turned into a dragon figure, reflecting the scene of the world in all directions, both blurred and clear, like a diamond-like solid body surface, on which there is a power to rebound against the Dao, extremely powerful.

Its head is like a dragon, its two rare horns are mighty and domineering, a pair of copper bell-like eyes look around, the dragon's beard flutters, and every tooth is sharp.

His body is not the slightest difference from that of a human being. It can be seen that an ancient Taoist robe is formed on the bronze-like body, which is imprinted with innate yin and yang gossip, flowing with a simple, old rhythm.

"Are you the heir of Qiankun? It seems that your strength is not bad." Dao Jing Beast looked at the Tianming seals in all directions, hanging down in all directions, and asked again.

"No, I was just lucky enough to get the treasure left by Emperor Qiankun. Knowing that you are a Dao mirror beast with great strength, I dare not underestimate you, so I set up this formation and want to discuss with you. I don't know what to do?" Xuanyuan It is also in the Tianming seal, motionless, the strength of the dao mirror beast in front of him is extraordinary, even Can Feixue may not be able to defeat it, this kind of rebound against the law of the dao is too powerful.

"Hehe, the great sage of the heavenly emperor, who was derived from the thirty-two treasures of heaven, material and earth, really thinks highly of me to seal and suppress them with the strict law of the heavens, but I didn't expect that a mere brat like you would be able to order them. I'm very interested, it's not easy, I don't have a choice now, just tell me what you want!" Dao Mirror Beast's body can't move, he has experienced countless ups and downs, and he has already made him quite calm up.

"The thing is like this..." Xuanyuan told the whole story, and immediately said: "So whether we can overthrow the evil clan this time depends on you. If you can help us, it will be a meritorious deed." Infinite."

"The evil race was very powerful in the ancient times, and it is not surprising that it will continue to this day. You are right, no one can do you this favor except me, but you, a small 'Qinglong Holy Land', just want to Do you want me to do things for you and submit to you?" Dao Jing Beast's words were more or less disdainful, and he regarded the entire Qiyitian as the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'.

"The 'Qinglong Holy Land' is not small. What you see in front of your eyes is just one layer of sky in my treasure house of the 'Qinglong Holy Land'." Xuanyuan waved his hand, and a huge water mirror was displayed in front of the Dao Mirror Beast. The mighty 'Qinglong Holy Land', the majestic popularity of Wensi, and the vitality radiated by hundreds of millions of living beings are shocking.

Above the nine heavens, auspicious clouds floated, dotted with necklaces, and the entire 'Qinglong Holy Land' showed a vast scene of prosperity, which made the Dao Mirror Beast a little unbelievable.

"Among them, there is even the aura of the ten thousand races. You boy have ruled the entire ten thousand races?"

"It's not counting ten thousand races, it's just a part of it. I really want to create a holy land where all races coexist. There are many enemies in front of me, and I need a lot of support from seniors." Xuanyuan cupped his hands towards the Dao Mirror Beast.

"If your 'Blue Dragon Sacred Land' can become the master of the entire 'Central World', it will be of great benefit to me. Forget it, even if it's not for you, I will fight for myself!" Dao Jing The beast hadn't fought a human for a long time, and at this moment, it was extremely excited.

"Thank you, senior." Xuanyuan looked at the crowd and said, "Remove the seal!"

"This is not good, the Dao Mirror Beast is unmatched..." A great emperor was interrupted by Xuanyuan in the middle of speaking.

"Employees don't doubt others, I trust him." As soon as the words fell, everyone removed the Tianming Seal.

The Dao Mirror Beast finally felt relaxed, glanced at Xuanyuan, nodded, and said: "You are very good, a good piece of material, and being able to get the 'Cosmic Bag' is also the fate between you and the 'Emperor Qiankun'."

"Senior, I remember that I introduced a bucket of water into the 'cosmic bag' that day, where are you now?" Xuanyuan is still thinking about this matter, if he can swallow the bucket of water, his strength can still be greater rose a lot.

"It's been so long, you kid still think about it? I've been devoured and refined by me a long time ago." Dao Mirror Beast laughed loudly, Xuanyuan was speechless for a while, but it doesn't matter anymore, the increase in its strength is the result of the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' enhanced.

At the same time, in the 'Central World', suddenly in a void, an imperial mausoleum appeared.

This is the Qiankun Mausoleum opened by Zhang Tianling with the "Qimen Qiankun Order".

This imperial mausoleum does not exist in the ground under the feet, but in the void between the sky and the earth. Only the "Qimen Qiankun Token" can sense its location and open it.

In the depths of the Qiankun Mausoleum, countless petrified soldiers, riding mighty beasts, are extremely powerful. The strength of each statue is in the realm of the ancient emperor, ancient sage, and third heaven. It can be seen that they are all "Qiankun Emperor" guards.

These guards have different postures and are majestic. Invisibly, every petrified soldier, every position they stand, condenses into a magic circle to protect the emperor's coffin. Time is erased.

However, the person who came in was Zhang Tianling, so naturally he would not be affected in the slightest. He was also there when the "Qiankun Mausoleum" was built, and he knew very well that the "Emperor Qiankun" entrusted him with important tasks.

In fact, he had already stepped into the realm of the fifth heaven of the ancient sages that day, just to seal Zhang Tianling, the lower the realm, the better, so as to ensure that there would be no loss of life to the greatest extent.

Now that he came to the 'Qiankun Mausoleum' again, Zhang Tianling was filled with emotions. Standing outside the formation of the emperor's coffin, he knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times: "Great Emperor, I'm back."

In the emperor's coffin, there was a radiant light flowing, and one after another of mysterious avenue fluctuations began to spread and merge into those stone statues.

With the passage of time, the most powerful general in the emperor's coffin, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, has a calm temperament. He is dressed in heavy armor and holds a long spear. He is majestic and majestic.

Since the stone patterns on the surface of his body cracked, the sound of crackling sounded one after another, and pieces fell to the ground, revealing the bright color of the armor and the bronze-like skin. Ling'among.

The general, who had been sealed for many years, seemed to be conscious. He shook off the remaining stone flakes on his body, stretched his muscles and bones, and shook the long spear in his hand. But he was so overbearing, he looked at Zhang Tianling, laughed loudly and said, "Prime Minister Zhang, I have been waiting for you for many years, and you are finally here?"

"Now it's the end of the Dharma Era, and it's hard to continue the 'Qiankun Dynasty'. I joined the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. This is a..." Zhang Tianling explained everything that happened in a concise manner.

"Oh? This Xuanyuan is really interesting. He was able to spend his supreme medicine to save Prime Minister Zhang's life. At that time, it was really rare. In the end, he was able to create such a powerful 'Blue Dragon Holy Land', hehe, It doesn't matter, Prime Minister Zhang is unparalleled in wisdom and has the ability to know people, I will wait for you as a warrior, and I will follow your orders." He is the Grand Marshal of the 'Qian Kun Dynasty', named Wei Wu.

"It's so good." Zhang Tianling looked at the other stone statues. The mottled stone flakes were cracked, and they were full of vitality. The "Sacred Guards of the Universe" next to the emperor's coffin manifested one by one. When they saw Zhang Tianling, they all bowed and saluted.

Zhang Tianling's strength is not high, but his attainment in martial arts is extremely terrifying. Apart from that, he is a man of noble character, which is convincing.

One hundred thousand "Sacred Guards of the Universe" were born one after another in one day, including the strange beasts under them, all of whom stepped into the realm of the ancient emperor and the ancient sage. This is an extremely terrifying elite.

"Greetings to Prime Minister Zhang." This honorable soldier bowed and saluted with reverence in his heart.

"Everyone, take a good rest, there will be a fierce battle, and it will depend on you." Zhang Tianling returned the gift and solemnly asked.

"Yes." All the soldiers agreed in unison.

Zhang Tianling looked at Wei Wu, and said: "You should take the 'Qiankun Mausoleum' away, it is itself a heaven-level supreme Taoist weapon, and at the critical moment, it needs the collective activation of the 'Qiankun Shengwei'. Can show its power."

"Okay!" Wei Wu smiled, and brought one hundred thousand "Sacred Guards of Qiankun" out of the "Mausoleum of Qiankun" and refined them to form a big seal the size of a palm. In fact, this is the entire "Qiankun Dynasty" 'The most supreme symbol, 'Emperor Qiankun Seal'.

"Let's go, follow me." Zhang Tianling led the way, and the mighty army of one hundred thousand was seen by many strong men. Everyone was shocked. This kind of breath came from the end of the chaotic ancient times. There will be people who can hide so far, and the strength of each statue is at least in the realm of the ancient sages and emperors, and they are all absolute strongmen who have experienced hundreds of battles and come out of the sea of ​​corpses and blood.

Zhang Tianling took them back to the 'Qinglong Holy Land', even the 'Lord of Order' saw a strange look in his eyes when he saw this group of 'Sacred Guardians of the Universe'. 'There will be further leaps.

This can completely become another guard!

When they entered the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land', they were shocked. Although Zhang Tianling had heard about it, seeing it with their own eyes was still different.

However, at this moment, Xuanyuan and the Dao Mirror Beast came out of the 'swallowing treasure house', just in time to see this powerful army.

Dao Jing Beast glanced at Zhang Tianling, snorted coldly, and said, "Let's go!"

Zhang Tianling rubbed his nose, didn't say anything, Wei Wu rolled his eyes, for so many years, this mirror beast really hasn't changed, in his eyes there is only 'Emperor Qiankun', he doesn't pay attention to them at all .

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