Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1871 Primordial Dragon Formation

Dao Jing Beast left on its own, Zhang Tianling was also embarrassed for a while, Wei Wu naturally knew what happened, so he didn't say much.

Zhang Tianling was afraid that the Dao Mirror Beast would break out of the bag, so he strengthened the sealing power of the Qiankun Bag and suppressed it. It is only natural that the Dao Mirror Beast would look down at him at this moment, after all, they knew each other.

If Zhang Tianling hadn't known each other for a long time, and he was someone trusted by the "Emperor Qiankun", I am afraid that the Dao Mirror Beast has turned his face, and it is very likely that he will kill Zhang Tianling. Now that there are more important things to do, the Dao Mirror Beast will naturally It can tell the difference, and it also feels that it is not so easy to kill Zhang Tianling now. Zhang Tianling's power skills have been achieved to an unimaginable level in these years.

Headed by Xuanyuan, Zhang Tianling, Wei Wu, and Dao Jing Beast, one hundred thousand elite "Sacred Guards of the Universe" marched at high speed, passed through the north-south passage, and headed straight for Beixie City. In the past few years, it is hard to be born now, so it is natural to make some contributions, make great contributions to the human race, and continue the glory of the 'Qiankun Dynasty'. This is their greatest wish.

Feeling the aura exuded by the 'Sacred Guardian of the Universe', countless strong men in the North and South Markets were amazed.

"In the previous stage, there were 100,000 elites of the 'Dragon Forbidden Royal Family'. Now this group of people seems to be even more terrifying, especially in the front, the Taoist with the head of a dragon, have you seen it? I think he is very scary , I don’t know where it is sacred.”

"That's right, they are simply heavenly soldiers. These people have a pure ancient aura. I'm afraid they are not from the end of the Dharma Era. They should be the powerful elite of the human race at the end of the chaos..."

"The water in Qinglong Holy Land is very deep. It is far beyond our comprehension. I have never heard of such an elite group before. It seems that sending them to appear this time is to determine the cauldron evil clan."

"Three months, more than 30 cities have been attacked in a row. It seems that this time the evil race should completely disappear. They have been attacked by luck, and everything has fallen to the bottom. It is impossible to resist the combination of the two forces. "

Everyone is full of confidence, but they don't know that the army of the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' and the 'Qinglong Holy Land' must be cautious and tread on thin ice. The enemy's fall is nothing at all. It is a hidden murderous intention. Many people are easily dazzled by the victory, and can only see the superficial phenomenon.

The 100,000 "Sacred Guardians of the Universe" advanced rapidly, and soon came to the alliance camp.

Feeling the power of one hundred thousand 'Sacred Guards of the Universe', the eyes of the 'Emperor Hongmeng' and the envoys left and right couldn't help but shine.

"It's them!" Zuo Dishi was very excited.

"Hehe, don't you guys still know each other?" Xuanyuan asked with a smile as he descended from the sky.

"I don't know it, but the 'Qiankun Dynasty' was famous far and wide at the end of the chaotic ancient times. It has made a lot of contributions to our human race and laid a large part of the foundation for the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' to rule the Quartet in the future. "The right emperor said with a smile.

"It's nothing. It's all for the human race. It's just doing what I can. It's not worth mentioning." At this moment, Wei Wu walked out of the crowd with the 'Qian Kun Gun' in his hand, and stood with Zhang Tianling .

"Now you know what method I'm going to use? How about it, do you think this method is feasible?" Xuanyuan grinned.

"It's doable, it's doable! It's really wonderful. I didn't expect that the 'Qiankun Dynasty' would continue in the dark with secret techniques. It's so rare. It must be the legendary Taoist mirror beast, right? It was obtained by the 'Qiankun Emperor' back then. Make it even more powerful, if the 'Emperor Qiankun' hadn't aimed at the 'Origin of Hongmeng', the structure of Taikoo would have been different." The 'Emperor of Hongmeng' saluted the Daojing Beast, not daring to neglect the slightest, from the action In all words, there is nothing to be picky about, showing enough respect for the Dao Mirror Beast.

"'Hongmeng Tiandi' has given birth to a good son!" Dao Jing Beast nodded, and looked at the evil race in the distance. His body is tall, four meters high, extremely burly, and his pair of eyes are like copper bells , seems to be deriving and calculating something.

"Dare to ask senior, what should we do next?" the 'Emperor Hongmeng' asked modestly as he stood aside.

"Do whatever you want, with us here, you don't have to worry about the enemy's backhands, they are now devouring the origin and soul power of the dead, conceived in the evil formation, ready to find the best time, It is a heavy blow to you, and it is inevitable for you to take into account that it is right, because the power of that formation is indeed huge, but for us, we can still resist it, and let them suffer the consequences when the time comes." Dao Mirror Beast He waved his hand, signaling to everyone that there is no need to worry about the future, they will take care of everything.

"Okay!" The "Emperor Hongmeng" was full of enthusiasm, and his spirit was lifted, and he immediately ordered, "The three armies rest for an hour, and then go all out to capture Beixie City!"

"Yes." Almost immediately, the coach's order was conveyed.

"Brother Xuanyuan, why don't you take command?" Seeing the three armies ready to go, full of energy and fighting spirit, the "Emperor Hongmeng" looked at Xuanyuan and asked with a smile.

"No, it's a big taboo for military strategists to change generals just before the battle. Since you've been the coach from the beginning, you'll be in charge, and I'll just be there to assist you." Xuanyuan was able to clearly distinguish his position.

"Okay, then, Brother Xuanyuan, you should prepare well and act according to the circumstances. As a 'body of all transformations', your means are unmatched by ordinary people. Your grasp of the battle situation and judgment of the opportunity are no less than mine, so you don't have to listen to me." The order is issued!" said the 'Emperor Hongmeng' and left.

Xuanyuan melted into the world, and left a sentence for Huang Yuechan, saying: "Yuechan, protect yourself well, the next step is not a joke, life and death are only in one thought."

Huang Yuechan nodded, caressing Taotie's body, raised her eyebrows, and suddenly became fierce: "Tao'er, we are going to have a big fight!"

The elites of 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' and 'Qinglong Holy Land' were all sent out, without any frills, and each unit was deployed in a large formation, advancing at the fastest speed.

A divine steed, standing in the sky, is extremely conspicuous, it is Fengxian Jun, a powerful blessing circle envelops millions of troops, in addition, there is also the blessing of the Sun family's Gale Saint Guard, which makes the marching speed soar .

Everything went on without a sound.

In the sky above Beixie City, Xuanyuan's incarnation was standing there, fully on guard.

The aura of the entire evil clan has been raised to the extreme, and in the state of being attacked by luck, they can only do so.

At this moment, the sky was filled with radiance, the avenues were all over the sky, and all kinds of battle powers poured down.

Millions of forbidden arrows were connected into one body, and evolved into a "Hongmeng Fury Dragon", which uttered a sky-shattering roar, and the turbulent sound traveled thousands of miles around, making people's hearts tremble.

It is true that this elite group did use all their strength to attack the prohibition of Beixie City, but force and intention are completely different. Now it is the battle to kill and break the prohibition from the beginning, and the city must be taken Determination.

What they did that day was also intended to make the evil race despise them, and they wanted to catch them by surprise and catch them off guard.

The prohibition on the northern evil city is radiant, and there are hundreds of evil gods exuding purple awns all over their bodies. They hold a long spear in their hands and kill the terrifying "Hongmeng Fury Dragon" ’, apparently they thought they could hold out.

The two forces collided together, and in the dark night, the fireworks were brilliant, and the purple spears shattered one by one, making it impossible to resist.

This Dragon Arrow Array has a natural restraint on the restriction, and the resistance of this restriction naturally does not have much effect on it.

I saw the 'Hongmeng Fury Dragon' flying over the ban on one side of Beixie City, with a loud bang, the ban on the entire city collapsed, the earth trembled, and the evil soldiers guarding that side were turned into mud. , No one can resist, they will perish among thousands of radiant lights.

Just the first arrow broke the restriction of Beixie City. This group of sharp archers had been hiding their clumsiness before. This time they used the most precious forbidden emperor arrows. The ancestor's disciples made it very powerful, and the 'Hongmeng Furying Dragon' arrow formation formed by them is the forbidden arrow formation created by the 'Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor', so it goes without saying that it is powerful.

"Block the gap quickly, don't let them rush in! Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous!" Xuanyuan roared, and a group of evil warriors in heavy armor guarded the city wall on that side.

Almost at this instant, one hundred thousand sharp arrows flew down, and they were arrows shot by Erlang of the Wu Clan led by Dayi's Fang.

A huge golden portal opened, and tens of thousands of weapons spewed out from it, extremely sharp, sweeping all directions, bloody arrows splashing,

I saw that one of the soldiers guarding that side was immediately beheaded and his limbs were flying. The battle was so fierce that even the ancient emperor, the ancient sage, and the fourth heaven could easily fall. One of the black arrows was Yi Ya holding Yi The divine bow shot out himself, and shot a strong man of the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor on the spot, piercing through his eyebrows, and died immediately, there was no room for resistance at all.

"Block, block! The evil arrows counterattack!" Xuanyuan roared loudly, one of the great saints of the evil race existed, and took out an evil embryo bow in his hand, which was a heaven-level supreme Taoist weapon. Hence the name.

He led nearly a million evil marksmen, stood in the air, and directly counterattacked!

Among the evil arrows, there is a little bit of light, maybe the attacking power is not great, but every evil arrow is full of curses, which makes people feel chills.

"Let go!" The Great Sage of the Evil Race's voice turned cold, killing and attacking everywhere.

Whoosh whoosh, densely packed evil arrows pierced through the air, condensed and formed, and the sound of curses stirred up layer by layer, with great power. Once they were swept, millions of Zhongzhou sharpshooters would be wiped out.

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