In Beixie City.

The various tribes of the evil clan, leading many elites, began to build the destroyed city walls and prohibit them, because if they didn't arrange them, it would be meaningless for them to stay in place, and the enemy could drive straight in, so how could they defend?

"They want to lure the snake out of the hole but they are unsuccessful. In the short term, I'm afraid they won't make a move. With only millions of soldiers and horses, they also know in their hearts that it is completely impossible to break into my North Evil City." Looking at the enemy army that had disappeared without a trace, Zhan Xiezi sneered.

"This is not necessarily the case. Don't be careless. The construction of the city and the arrangement of the prohibition must be arranged quickly. Otherwise, if the enemy invades again, we will lose the protection of a barrier, and there will be even greater losses. "Besides, Xing Ge said seriously.

"Hehe, I know, don't worry." Knowing that Xing Ge was worried about the safety of the evil clan, Zhan Xiezi naturally didn't take it to heart, patted Xing Ge on the shoulder, and left on his own.

Seven days later, Zhan Xiezi returned to the city wall again. In just a few days, the Xiezu used all their strength to repair part of it. Although it is not complete, the progress has been quite fast.

Zhan Xiezi looked at the soldiers who were guarding nervously, and at Xing Ge who had hardly left the city, and said, "How about it, let me tell you earlier, the enemy dare not attack again, just rely on their soldiers and horses, It is impossible to shake my North Evil City."

"Although their strength is difficult to shake our Beixie City, they can kill and injure a large number of elites in our Beixie City. Therefore, we should not be careless. We must reduce the casualties of our soldiers." The layout of the city and the construction of the city walls are all taken very seriously.

"Hahaha, okay, then you can supervise them carefully, and leave everything to you to command." Zhan Xiezi smiled, he admired Xing Ge's attitude, indeed the Xiezu needed people like him.

Three days later, the 'Emperor of Hongmeng' led the army to launch another surprise attack. The reappearance of the 'Hongmeng Shenlong' caught many evil warriors who had just relaxed their spirits by surprise. The arrow array tore apart their defense line in an instant.

This time it took a little longer, and the attack lasted for three hours. The explosive force of the many elites of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' was even more terrifying, and they attacked again and again.

It also caused a lot of damage to Beixie City. When their elite army assembled and mobilized the magic circle to prepare to meet the army of 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' and 'Qinglong Holy Land', they quickly evacuated again without giving any damage. Zhan Xiezi was extremely annoyed by the opportunity for the powerful Xie clan to make use of it.

It's like a person, leading a group of thugs, beat the gatekeepers to death every day, and broke the doors of others. When they brought out a large group of guards with real guys in their hands, the result They ran away like nothing.

Although he knew that the other party wanted to divert the tiger away from the mountain and lure the army of the evil clan to be fooled, he still wanted to kill them. With the soldiers and horses of the evil clan, he was completely confident that he could crush them into pieces. When had he ever suffered such anger? ? Where can I swallow it?

The evil emperor was in the palace, and he never showed up, quietly observing the changes in the situation, thinking in his heart, analyzing everything that happened: "What is this Emperor Hongmeng thinking in his heart, Xuanyuan seems to have never appeared again , Did he sneak into Beixie City? Impossible, I was able to catch his breath that day, let alone now?"

Xing Ge pulled Zhan Xiezi and tried to dissuade him again and again: "Zhan Xiezi, you are the commander in chief, even if you don't think about your own safety, you have to think about all of us. Aren’t we leaderless? Don’t forget, your luck is at its lowest point when your luck is being attacked. The more you lose your luck, the easier it is for people to do stupid things, so you must be cautious. , don’t be impulsive, otherwise, if you make a mistake, you will be hated forever, and you will be the sinner of the entire evil race.”

Although this is a bit harsh, Zhan Xiezi woke up immediately, nodded, and said: "Xing Ge, you are right, I almost fell into the trick of the other party, they want to let I am angry, but I am not angry, I will wait for them, pass down the order, speed up the repair of the city wall, set up restrictions, and wait for them."

Among the evil race, countless soldiers are constantly tensing their nerves every day, for fear that the enemy will launch another surprise attack. Many people have no rest at all, and they are constantly building walls and setting up restrictions.

After ten days, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' and the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' did not come to carry out surprise attacks again, so that the elite spirit of the evil clan gradually began to relax again, because during these ten days, although they had not experienced the display, they still had Under the invisible pressure, they almost became frightened birds. It seems that the aura of the 'Great Meng Shenlong' is pressing on their heads all the time, and it may come at any time. Once it is shot, countless people will die. It is too terrible .

Just when they felt that the enemy would not be able to attack again in a short time, five days later, the 'Emperor Hongmeng' once again led an army to harass and smash all the restrictions that had been built, and the built city wall collapsed again , Another large number of evil warriors stationed on the front line died unexpectedly, also tens of millions of people.

This time, Zhan Xiezi was furious, wishing he could take all the army out and crush the entire "Zhongzhou Dynasty". It's a pity that he knew that this was the enemy's plan, just to lure the snake out of the hole. Xing Ge was on the sidelines, Originally wanted to dissuade, but unexpectedly, Zhan Xiezi suppressed the anger in his heart, and ordered:

"Come here, put the battle evil formation on the city wall for me. Once the enemy comes to make a surprise attack, immediately mobilize it. There must be no mistakes!"

Numerous elites of the Zhanxie tribe stationed on the dilapidated city walls one after another, and set up a Zhanxie formation. This is a way to summon a Zhanxie god of "cursed origin" at the cost of burning their lives, to attack the enemy. means of attack.

Because only these bloodthirsty powerhouses can attract the attention of these evil war gods with their flesh and blood and souls. Those who set up the formation are all extremely old among the Zhanxie clan, and their lives are about to come to an end. Either because of their lifespan, or because they were severely injured, or because they could no longer improve their cultivation in a lifetime, they became the ones who set up the battle array and sacrificed to protect the evil race at any time.

Xing Ge looked at Zhan Xiezi calmly ordering, and immediately looked extremely relieved, and said with a smile: "It seems that Zhan Xiezi's heart has begun to become calm and wise, and he will not make impulsive decisions easily."

"It's natural that such a small loss is nothing. If you die, you will die. Next, I will let them know what is called a means!" Zhan Xiezi snorted coldly. This time he did not plan to leave, but was ready at any time meet.

"Hahahaha, it's so cheap, 'Emperor Hongmeng' can't see that you still use troops like this? This battle was well fought, it was really good, I admire it." Inspired by the ancestor of the military family, he is proficient in the art of war. He was in the Yai family before, and more importantly, he brought them the attainments of the art of war. Suda is too clever.

"I didn't expect that the majestic 'Emperor Hongmeng' would lead troops to fight like this. It is indeed the first time I have seen it, but this style, I always feel that it is more like Xuanyuan's style." Zhan Huang couldn't help feeling extremely emotional, They could all feel the agitation and anger of the high level of the evil race. This style of play was really shameless.

Every surprise attack caused huge losses to the evil clan. This time, ten Heavenly Emperors and Great Sages couldn't bear it. How many gods and saints, if they are all killed at once, it will be difficult for anyone to resist, so they can only escape, as if they want to lead the snake out of the hole, they have the blessing of Fengdi and Fengxianjun, and they leave quickly, even if the north It would take a certain amount of time for the Heavenly Emperor and Great Sage of the evil city to chase after him.

Of course, the evil clan did not suffer too much damage in these few raids. Those who died in the general clan were those who were in the realm of the ancient sages and the ancient sages, and there were also some ancient emperors and ancient sages, thousands of them .

Xuanyuan has everything under control. After several sneak attacks, the entire Beixie City is full of turmoil, and the trees are full of soldiers. No one dares to relax easily. The strong are always ready to attack, attack the magic circle, and stand by at any time.

"'Zhongzhou Dynasty' and 'Qinglong Holy Land' are trying to harass us and make us angry. We must not be fooled by them." Xuanyuan is among the evil clan, hoping that many people can calm down.

"Are we just going to be beaten passively like this? If so, are we still the evil race?" Someone immediately expressed a lot of dissatisfaction, but they didn't dare to lose their temper at Xuanyuan.

"Our luck has been attacked, and the damage caused by all supernatural means to the opponent will be minimized, so at this time we can only stick to it, and when the luck of our evil army recovers, we will start a desperate battle at that time." Fight back and kill them all." Xuanyuan shouted sharply, every word clanging.

"Don't leave the armor! Don't leave the armor!" The morale that had been hit was suddenly improved. In addition, more evil warriors were more tense and concentrated, ready to deal with emergencies at any time ACCIDENT.

This time, the Xie Clan is making intensive preparations, hoping to deal a head-on blow to the enemy.

But twenty-five days passed, and there was still no movement.

At the same time, Xuanyuan's deity, in the strange sky, comprehended day by day, making his wisdom and comprehension of the ways of many great sages more profound, and his understanding of the source of the great sages has become more profound. It became more and more thorough, everything came from the heart, and many avenues were like his arms. He felt that his current 'Wanhua avenue' was much stronger than before.

It's time to think about breaking through the ancient emperor's fifth heaven.

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