Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1879 Authorization of the Holy Temple

During these days when the "Emperor Hongmeng" led the army and harassed Beixie City non-stop, Xuanyuan calmed down to experience all the will, all the wisdom, and all the virtues in the "Great Sage and Divine Source".

What is contained in it is the life experience of three thousand great sages, as well as the crystallization of their life's hard work, all of which are gathered in it. With their own literary spirit, they pour all their hearts into the source of the great sages, and their hearts are to hope for the source of the great sages. After being transformed into an adult, it can benefit hundreds of millions of sentient beings in the world.

Xuanyuan found that the more he got to know the great sages, the more he realized that although these great sages walked in different ways and practiced differently, perhaps many of them were incomprehensible to all sentient beings, but their cores were the same, they all It is truth, kindness and beauty, all of which hope to benefit the creatures in the world.

Therefore, in the following experiences, Xuanyuan is often able to make a lot of effort, see the whole leopard at a glance, which is helpful for his own improvement, and it will not take too long to digest one by one. At this moment, Xuanyuan understands what It is called the return of ten thousand ways to one, which is a kind of original intention when creating the great way.

Now the 'Wanhua Dao' condensed from Xuanyuan's body is very powerful, it is already comparable to the 'Origin of the Primordial Origin' that some ordinary Heavenly Emperors and Great Sacred Realms have comprehended, and it can even gain the upper hand.

As long as he is allowed to step into the realm of the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor, the power of the 'Ten Thousand Transformation Dao' will be enhanced like never before. Will be beaten so embarrassingly.

"Boy, what's the matter, do you want to make a breakthrough?" The greedy old man sensed the fluctuation in Xuanyuan's heart, and said excitedly.

"Almost, the accumulation of these years, coupled with the insights of these three thousand great sages, and the "Swallowing Dao Jue" I have practiced to a certain extent, I think I should be sure to step into the realm of the ancient emperor's fifth heaven Now, the current time does not allow me to spend it like this anymore, I don’t know how much time it will take to break through the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor!" Xuanyuan took a deep breath, opened his eyes, and there was a gleam in his eyes. The inside seems to reflect the thousands of stars in the universe, hundreds of millions of constant sand, historical changes, many prosperous ups and downs, and the birth and death of all things on the road.

"Hahaha, okay, then you should break through quickly, then consolidate your realm, and finally go to assassinate the evil emperor, it will be better, at least it will increase the chance of success!" The greedy old man laughed excitedly, Xuanyuan never did it. He is not sure, since he plans to make a breakthrough now, he must be confident. He has been waiting for Xuanyuan to step into the realm of the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor. Tool' to the extreme, in addition, it is possible to turn it into an artifact.

Xuanyuan got up, and from the Qiyitian, many strong men looked at Xuanyuan, among them was an ancient supreme being, the supreme existence in the entire Qiweitian, and asked lightly: "Holy Master Xuanyuan is going to step into the ancient world. Is it in the realm of the fifth heaven of the emperor?"

"That's right, time doesn't wait for me, everyone, please remember your respective missions." Xuanyuan said.

"Don't worry, we will live up to our trust." The existence of many heavenly emperors and great saints responded in unison.

Xuanyuan nodded, and his body turned into nothingness. In the next moment, he appeared on the Holy Temple of Houtu, which is the core of the entire 'Qinglong Holy Land'.

The building under Xuanyuan enshrines the holy face of Empress Houtu, and Xuanyuan's appearance on the holy temple attracts the attention of countless powerful people.

"It seems that something big is about to happen. Since the establishment of Houtu Temple last time, Holy Master Xuanyuan has never set foot on this land since he left. Now that he reappears, there must be something important to announce." The genius of 'Qinglong Holy Land', make a judgment.

Among the three thousand great Confucian scholars, one is extremely intelligent. In the ancient times, a disciple and grandson that even Confucius loved very much, named Zi Nian, has stepped into the realm of a great sage. His body is full of righteousness, but He is the youngest among the three thousand Great Confucianists to ward off hundreds of millions of ghosts and evil spirits. He has a handsome face and a calm demeanor, giving people an extremely calm and atmospheric feeling.

He looked at Xuanyuan in the sky, and muttered in his mouth: "It seems that Holy Master Xuanyuan is about to step into the realm of the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor. With his means, once he steps into it, it will be my 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' If it fails, the consequences will not be worrying, but it will have a profound impact on the future development of the 'Qinglong Holy Land'!"

Beside him, quite a few of the three thousand great Confucian scholars also deeply agreed, but they couldn't say anything, they could only wait quietly, and Xuanyuan announced.

Xuanyuan stood in the sky, watching countless strong men gather towards the Holy Temple of Houtu, and said slowly: "Today I will attack the realm of the ancient emperor's fifth heaven, if I fail, I will become a benevolent person. Don't have delusional thoughts, keep the original status, and continue to develop. The position of the Holy Lord is changed every 100 years. It is jointly elected by the people in charge of the major forces. Regardless of race, regardless of origin, the virtuous will live there. If it is contrary to my words, everyone Let's kill them together."

Every word of Xuanyuan contains the supreme way, the sound waves are vast, and every word is impartial and extremely fair.

There were countless followers of him in the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land', and they were shocked when they heard Xuanyuan's words. At this moment, he felt the prayers in the hearts of countless people, hoping that Xuanyuan could break through successfully.

"Holy Master Xuanyuan, you will definitely succeed."

"That's right, Holy Master Xuanyuan, I believe you will have greater achievements."

"Holy Lord Xuanyuan, we are waiting for you to lead us to create a peaceful and prosperous world for all races..."

People who believe in Xuanyuan today include not only human races but also other races outside the region. They all admire Xuanyuan Xinsheng and sincerely thank him for creating the "Qinglong Holy Land" so that all living beings of all races can have such a good habitat. The growth of their cultivation has changed their hearts, allowing them to go further and become stronger.

Nine-tailed Fox Immortal, Bai Youniang, Ye Wushuang, Xia Ziyu, Yin Zhenluo, Qian Duoduo, Yan Ziyun, Luo Zixi, Yuaner, Qingyi, Shiwan, Baji and others all arrived at the first time, and everyone stared at him. Looking at Xuanyuan, he didn't say a word.

They all knew that this was the most important moment in Xuanyuan's life. Once he stepped into the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor, his future would be boundless. Once he failed, he would really die. No one would not be worried.

In the 'Tianji City', Amaterasu and Xuanjizi jointly calculated, and many elites of Tianji conducted a large-scale joint deduction, but they still couldn't figure it out.

"How could this be so? How could junior brother Xuanyuan break through the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor and become an existence like a taboo, which cannot be calculated? This is too weird. So far, except for the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor, it is impossible to calculate the other, even if it is evil. Existences like the emperor are still in the ranks that can be calculated." Amaterasu originally wanted to calculate, if it was a big disaster, he would stop Xuanyuan from breaking through temporarily; The result calculated by Xuanjizi and Xuanjizi made them feel unbelievable.

Xuanjizi frowned, continued to calculate for a while, and said doubtfully: "I don't understand, it is very likely that there is some hidden taboo hidden in Brother Xuanyuan, and now, I can only pray in my heart. Strange, brother Xuanyuan can calculate in other aspects, only breaking through the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor seems to be a taboo, which is unpredictable!"

"Forget it, forget it, we have tried our best, and then we can only look at Brother Xuanyuan himself. In the practice, the help from others is very limited. I believe in Brother Xuanyuan's strength." Xuanjizi knew Xuanyuan very early. With him growing up all the way to where he is today.

Kong Yuan, the old God Emperor Tianlong, the 'Lord of Order', Qing Emperor, Hei Emperor, Bawu and others also arrived one after another. Fu Xi, who was originally in retreat, also came out, like a goddess descending, attracting countless people to salute, This is the hostess of the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land', who is closely related to the existence of a supreme holy emperor, and everyone should respect her three points.

For Fu Xi, Xuanyuan's living is her only spiritual sustenance, because he has inherited everything left by the man she loves most in her heart, and she hopes that Xuanyuan can achieve higher achievements.

"Are you afraid that he won't be able to pass this hurdle?" the 'Lord of Order' glanced at Fu Xi and said calmly.

"Aren't you also worried?" Fu Xi looked indifferent, and there was still a touch of worry deep in his eyes.

"'The Body of Wanhua' is different from ordinary ones. All the methods he cultivated in his life belong to Wanhua. In the process of crossing the catastrophe, he will encounter many dangers. He will be responsible for all the crushing, and when he breaks through, the dangers he will encounter will far exceed the existence of many godless children, so it is normal for me to be worried." The corner of the 'Lord of Order' raised his mouth, Although he was worried, he still had enough confidence in Xuanyuan.

"I have been watching him grow up. I think this should not be a problem for him. Once he steps in, he will have the existence of the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor and the capital to fight. This is his chance."

"I believe my brother-in-law will not have any problems!" Ba Wu stood aside, swearing.

"Xuanyuan, from the first time I saw him, I thought he was extraordinary, so I think it's no problem to break through to the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor." Emperor Qing also encouraged him.

In the 'Qinglong Holy Land', many Xuanyuan temples have been built. Knowing that Xuanyuan is about to step into the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor, these temples are full of Li people. They are all worshiping Xuanyuan and praying that he can pass through safely. .

Xuanyuan stands in the center of the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land', and can continuously feel the power of countless beliefs. All living beings worry about him and pray sincerely. These are all flowing into the 'God of Faith and Blessing'.

Xuanyuan is sincerely grateful, and uses the "God of Faith and Blessing" to give feedback to the people of the people, so that their physique is strengthened and their thoughts are clear. This is a virtuous circle. Xuanyuan uses his own thoughts and strength to improve them. And they also use their pious beliefs to enhance the power of Xuanyuan's "God of Faith and Blessing".

Xuanyuan looked at the 'Lord of Order' and Fu Xi, Kong Yuan, authorized in public, he knew his responsibilities, some things need to be prepared in advance: "After I leave, if there is any major event in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', The "Lord of Order", the Great Sage Fuxi, and the Great Sage Kong Yuan will discuss and make a decision. Other internal affairs will be in charge of Bu Jingsha, and foreign affairs will be in charge of Xia Ziyu. There must be no change."

"Follow the Holy Master's order!" In the 'Qinglong Holy Land', disciples from all major forces responded one after another. Xuanyuan was trying to maintain the stability of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' as much as possible.

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