Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1880 Huadaotian

Xuanyuan took one last look at the 'Qinglong Holy Land' and was silent for a moment. Now that everything has been arranged, he has no worries. Even if he fails to overcome the tribulation, everything can proceed in an orderly manner. With the three of Xi and Kong Yuan present, there would be no problem. Xuanyuan believed in his own vision.

He looked into the eyes of countless people, and he was firm in his heart. No matter what, no matter what, even if it was not for himself, for those who followed him like the 'Qinglong Holy Land', he must successfully survive this catastrophe.

Immediately, Xuanyuan opened his own small world of thirty-six heavens, and hung down on the nine heavens.

Countless people's hearts tightened, knowing that Xuanyuan was about to go to the last level. Once it succeeded, the heavenly soul would be consummated. Only the determination to go forward is enough, and I don't want to affect Xuanyuan's mood in the slightest.

Xuanyuan got up, entered the small world of the thirty-six heavens, and rushed all the way to the pregnant dao heaven. Every time he passed a heaven, he would have a sigh in his heart, recalling the feeling he had when he crossed the tribulation in the first heaven. is profound.

Thinking about it now, it feels a bit like a world away.

In this Dao of Pregnancy Heaven, with the coming of Xuanyuan, the ups and downs of all Taos are all controlled by Xuanyuan, and with the movement of his thoughts, they will revolve around him, and the majesty of the Dao that he swallows is vast.

Anyone who dares to enter this place will inevitably be attacked by Wan Dao's destructive attack. Its power can only be resisted by the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor, or an existence like the evil emperor who has the qualifications of the Holy Emperor.

Of course, there are not many people who are stupid enough to enter the small world of the thirty-six heavens of others. The people Xuanyuan met before dared to enter the small world of the thirty-six heavens because they all looked down on him , would do such a thing, so that he found a dead end for himself.

This cannot be blamed on them. At that time, Xuanyuan was humble and had no background. He was just an unknown person. No one would take him seriously, which was a matter of course.

Now Xuanyuan is already famous in the world, and his combat power has been recognized by countless people. No one dares to do this, especially since he is still a "body of ten thousand transformations". Everyone can clearly understand the horror of the catastrophe .

Although Xuanyuan's realm is the realm of the ancient emperor's fourth heaven, it is enough to cause the great sage of the heavenly emperor to be severely injured, which is something that countless people cannot do.

Xuanyuan was in the Dao-conceived Heaven, feeling the myriad Taos entangled in his body. In these days, in this piece of sky, many sages and sages have been bred, which is similar to Xuanyuan himself from the "source of great sages and sages". There is a great relationship between the insights gained in the book.

He raised his head and looked at the sky above Yundaotian. There was no portal, but a vortex with a diameter of only thirty-six palms.

Xuanyuan understood that this vortex must lead to the thirty-sixth heaven, giving people a feeling that there is no return, ashes to ashes, and dust to dust.

"Boy, you have to be sure, once you step into it, there is no turning back!" the greedy old man solemnly warned.

"I naturally understand this, but now that killing the evil emperor is imminent, I must step into the realm of the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor within a few months, and kill the evil emperor at the best time, otherwise, when They joined forces with the 'Yuhua Shenchao', and the consequences would be unimaginable. When the time comes, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' will be fine, but the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' will definitely suffer!" Xuanyuan made a decision in his heart after thinking about it for a while, he closed his eyes, took a deep breath Taking a breath, feeling the vitality and vigor of Yun Daotian, after a while, slowly opened it, and with a movement of the body, it broke directly into the vortex like a bolt of lightning!

At the moment of merging into the vortex, Xuanyuan only felt his thoughts flicker, and the world was spinning, as if he had come to a world that was completely isolated from the small world of the thirty-six heavens.

The thirty-sixth heaven, Huadao Heaven.

In this piece of sky, there is only dead silence, only endless darkness. From the first moment he merged into this piece of world, there was a powerful force eroding Xuanyuan's body. It will neither make people feel pain nor any discomfort, that is, one's body will gradually merge into the space between heaven and earth and disappear completely.

With the strength of Xuanyuan's current physical body, all kinds of heaven and earth spirits, sky-replenishing things, and his own strength are still unable to resist the invasion of Huadaotian.

Xuanyuan found that his skin gradually turned into bits and pieces of light, which began to scatter between the sky and the earth, and there was no trace of their existence anymore.

The most terrifying attack is never the most violent, but the most silent erosion, the most imperceptible disappearance.

Xuanyuan immediately repaired it with the "Immortal Defying Heaven Technique", but the effect was minimal. In this Huadao Heaven, this kind of erosion is irresistible.

"Not good!" Xuanyuan knew that once he entered the Huadao Heaven, he was racing against time. Once he was completely transformed, if he hadn't realized anything from the Huadao Heaven, he would disappear completely.

"Hua Dao Shen Ze, no one in Xuanyuan can help you, you can only rely on yourself." The greedy old man was helpless, he never thought that in Xuanyuan's thirty-sixth heaven, it would be Hua Dao The attack of the gods.

This kind of erosion is very tormenting for those who cross the catastrophe, and the God of Transformation is only a peerless figure in the realm of the ancient emperor, the ancient sage, and the fifth heaven, who can have the opportunity to lead down from the "Origin of Primordial Meng", and Refining it to become one's own supreme god, that is to say, it will transform into an existence of the Heavenly Emperor and Great Sage level.

However, Xuanyuan was able to encounter this kind of method in the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor, which is equivalent to being able to completely compete with the existence of the Heavenly Emperor's Great Sacred Realm after the tribulation, and be able to kill it, of course not including evil spirits. People like emperors and chaotic emperors, because their accumulation is too strong, are far beyond what I can imagine. Unless Xuanyuan himself can step into the realm of emperors, then he will be qualified to be on an equal footing with them.

"What should I do, the method of "Immortal Defying the Heaven Technique" is simply difficult to resist in this Dao Transformation Heaven. There is no vitality, which makes it impossible for the "Immortal Defying Heaven Art" to exert its power." Xuanyuan frowned, feeling the invisible and intangible Dao Transformation God, and his heart was terrified. Among the many calamities and punishments, the most peaceful one is also the most terrifying and the most traceless.

Xuanyuan extended his perception in all directions, but the feedback he got was nothingness without the slightest clue. However, while Xuanyuan was thinking, he found that his fingers had disappeared. Nearly all efforts are being made to repair the damage caused by Huadao God, but the effect is very limited.

"Immortal Defying the Heaven Art" uses how to repair and reorganize the Dao. In this Huadao Heaven, its power is suppressed to the limit, because there is no vitality in this world, and it can't create the Dao of Vitality to integrate into Xuanyuan's body at all. .

At this moment, Xuanyuan felt a kind of helplessness, it seemed that even the supreme medicine in his body could not resist the power of Hua Dao Heaven, so he could only return to silence, waiting for the invasion of Hua Dao God.

"How could this be? Where is this pass in the sky?" In all directions, there was dead silence, no life, no sound, nothingness, only Xuanyuan, in a world that didn't know east, west, north, south, had the power of transforming Taoism. , penetrated into Xuanyuan's body bit by bit, and eroded.

Xuanyuan knew that if this went on like this, his body would be transformed into Tao bit by bit in less than a day, which meant that he had failed to cross the tribulation.

Time flies, Xuanyuan kept thinking, searching for a way to cross the catastrophe, but found nothing. His limbs have been melted clean within a short period of time, without a trace of residue.

"God can't give me a dead end, there must be life, but where is this life?"

Xuanyuan knew that the more critical the moment, the less flustered he would be, and he had to be calm enough.

"The Dao of Wanhua... Smelting the Dao of Transformation!"

Xuanyuan derived the Dao of Wanhua with his own ideas, forming a huge melting pot. He wanted to refine the Dao of Transformation into it, but found it extremely difficult, because the power of the Dao of Wanhua was too weak. So if you can refine the Taoist God, even if you can, you can only integrate a little bit of it. If you don't completely refine and control this Taoist God, I'm afraid it will be completely melted away, and there will be no one left.

The Wanhua Furnace is indeed a solution, but the power of the 'Wanhua Dao' controlled by Xuanyuan is too weak to refine it, so I can only give up and find another way out.

Time disappeared bit by bit, and Xuanyuan's lower body was gradually melted away, but there was no progress.

An inexplicable panic and anxiety spread in Xuanyuan's heart, "Could it be that I'm really going to die in these thirty-six heavens, why is this happening? What's going on?"

"What is the way of transformation, what is the solution to this, and in this day, how should it be broken?"

Xuanyuan questioned himself repeatedly in his heart, but he didn't have the slightest clue. He could feel that every ounce of strength in his body was integrated into this empty sky, as if it had no connection with him at all.

"If this goes on like this, you will have to die here. If you fail to cross the tribulation, you are completely finished." Xuanyuan was deeply aware of the seriousness of the situation, but there was nothing he could do. Even if he wanted to retreat, he couldn't find a way out.

He could only let time disappear until his upper body was completely eroded by the God of Huadao. After an hour, Xuanyuan only had a head left at this moment, and no magical means could stop it.

At this moment, Xuanyuan finally felt the horror of this kind of death. Step by step, bit by bit, he let himself watch himself disappear without the slightest pain, but he could feel the disappearance of his body. Without the slightest effect, the resistance of many avenues will be transformed one by one.

"Am I really going to die here?" At this moment, Xuanyuan couldn't hear anyone's voice, only the echo of his own thoughts in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Before dying, Xuanyuan felt that everything was empty, three thousand vanities were but a snap of the fingers, and hundreds of millions of worlds were but a handful of yellow sand.

In the vast universe, ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

Half an hour later, Xuanyuan's entire head was transformed into the heaven and earth, and his body had completely disappeared.

"It seems that the tribulation has failed..."

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