Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1881 six-character mantra

In the Dao Transformation Heaven, Xuanyuan's figure was nowhere to be seen, his body had been completely transformed into Dao, and there was no trace of it.

Xuanyuan sighed quietly, as if lamenting his own failure.

After a pause, he was shaken mentally. His body was indeed dead, but he found that his thoughts still existed in this space.

The physical body cannot last forever, but the will can last forever. Suddenly, Xuanyuan realized something in his heart.

Like all the sages, their physical bodies have already ascended to the "Origin of the Primordial Mist", but the thoughts they left behind are still guarding the human race.

The body is dead, and the mind is still there. It can be a god, worshiped by the world, and it can also condense its own immortal golden body, resurrected and reborn in another posture.

The "Eternal Divine Soul Technique" was activated to the extreme in an instant, a kind of eternal thought lingered in this void world.

Make Xuanyuan's thoughts not be invaded by the gods of Huadao.

"Since my will has not been obliterated, it proves that I have not died yet, and I will have a chance to be reborn."

Xuanyuan didn't want to give up easily.

"What kind of method must be used to withstand the Dao of Transformation God?"

He thought about it in his heart, paused for a moment, and suddenly his spirit was shaken, and he derived six ancient characters with his thoughts.

These six ancient characters come from the "Origin of Hongmeng", and they are now Xuanyuan's greatest savior.

If the riddle of the six ancient characters can be completely solved, there may be a chance for rebirth.

Xuanyuan moved with his own thoughts, and the six ancient characters surrounded his body, flowing with a mysterious rhythm.

He felt one of the ancient characters in his mind, as he knew, every ancient character contained a kind of supernatural power, which was owned by Shenting and was extremely cherished. If he could analyze it and integrate it into his own Dao of Wanhua, it would be inevitable It can strengthen one's own avenue.

The ancient character before Xuanyuan's mind is shaped like a brain, extremely complex, and shining with wisdom. He carefully understood it with his heart. This character seems to be able to eliminate the arrogance and the suffering of depravity in the hearts of sentient beings.

Although Xuanyuan has no physical body, his will is extremely strong and firm. He sealed this ancient character with his mind, and Xuanyuan's heart trembled suddenly.

It seems that all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas have manifested and come out, the golden light is dotted, and the word * hangs down.

Xuanyuan was in the dark, and involuntarily uttered a syllable: "Om."

All of a sudden, the Dharma, the Reward, and the Transformation Three Bodies emerge from the void, becoming the Vajra of the Body, the Vajra of the Speech, and the Vajra of the Mind.

This is a form that exists in an inexplicable way. It has extremely powerful power. It can be condensed into the heart of the Buddha, which can ward off all evils in the world and break all illusions with the light of wisdom.

This ancient character seemed to be enlightened by Xuanyuan, with a slight tremor, many dharmas disappeared and merged into the void.

At this moment, Xuanyuan felt that his thoughts were extremely powerful, which was a kind of strength growth.

Xuanyuan was overjoyed, it's not like he didn't try to form a seal before his physical body had not yet transformed into Taoism and was not shattered.

But he cared too much about the seal in his hand, instead of using his own thoughts to engrave and comprehend it, which naturally missed the point.

Now when he is dying, when he is helpless, he uses a dead horse as a living horse doctor, but he did not expect to have such a miraculous effect.

"So, those two ancient characters..." In front of Xuanyuan's eyes, there were two ancient characters floating, and he used his own thoughts to evolve and move them again.

One of the ancient characters is flowing with kindness, and there are countless Sanskrit chanting faintly, which makes people feel at ease, and seems to eliminate the pain of jealousy and struggle in the Asura way.

Another ancient character, containing the light of wisdom, seems to represent the body, speech, mind, and merit, which can eliminate ignorance, greed, life-threatening, old age, sickness, death, and poverty in the human world. The precious light of colored glaze can breed rare treasures.

Xuanyuan drew the mark with his thoughts, and before he knew it, two syllables came out of his mouth: "Well."

At the moment when the two syllables were recited, Xuanyuan's will burst again, as if there was a jewel suspended in the will, containing inexhaustible, inexhaustible, free-wheeling power, it seemed that he could use it for himself at any time.

Xuanyuan's heart was excited, and he immediately introduced it into his own Dao of Wanhua. The instantaneous growth made the Dao of Wanhua undergo an unprecedented transformation, only to see that two ancient characters disappeared, leaving only three.

He struck while the iron was hot, and carved the ancient characters again with his own will. When the seal was formed, the two ancient characters trembled.

From an ancient character, like a tassel, the happy light is scattered, which can get rid of the stupid heart of the animal way, and it seems that it may bring joy to it.

Another ancient word, the flowing light of Dharma, can get rid of the stingy heart in the realm of hungry ghosts and cut off the suffering of hunger.

Xuanyuan is enlightened, like animals, all things are ignorant, there is suffering unspeakable, an ancient word can connect one's heart and bring joy, it is a great fortune.

In the realm of hungry ghosts, they are hungry ghosts who can’t eat enough and are extremely stingy. If you can cast out this mind, you will be able to get rid of the suffering of hunger.

When Xuanyuan was enlightened, his mind uttered two syllables again: "Bami..."

The two ancient characters shook, and in Xuanyuan's will, a lotus flower was derived, which is quiet and elegant, and the five lotus leaves seem to represent the five rounds of reincarnation in a troubled world. Under these two mantras, troubles can be driven away, peace can be obtained, lotus heart.

The mighty power once again filled Xuanyuan's will, and the two ancient characters trembled and disappeared. They were led into Xuanyuan's own Way of Myriad Transformations, leaving only the last ancient character hanging down in the void.

Xuanyuan knew that if he could understand all the six ancient characters one by one and integrate them into the "Wanhua Dao", it would definitely make a qualitative leap. At that time, it would not be difficult to refine the Dao of Hua .

In front of this ancient character, black light flows, and Xuanyuan uses his own thoughts to move and explore. The power of this ancient character can break the resentment, sin, hatred in hell, eliminate heat, cold and suffering, and don't have to endure mountains of swords and seas of fire, all kinds of torture...

In this ancient character, Xuanyuan carefully understood it, and finally engraved it completely. This is a prayer for all evils in the world, to eliminate all negative forces, so that people can progress step by step, practice diligently, save all living beings, and achieve all spirits.

Xuanyuan's heart has never been so clear, he sighed leisurely: "Hum."

The ancient characters trembled and disappeared into the void, and the inexplicable power of the Tao merged into Xuanyuan's Wanhua Dao.

"Om Mani Padme Hum!"

The six-character mantra, Xuanyuan coherently integrated it into one, and the power of Wanhua Dao at this moment is beyond comparison before.

Under Xuanyuan's thoughts, it evolved into a big melting pot, with the six-character mantra branded on it.

I saw that this big melting pot had drawn out many Dao Transformation Gods one by one, and refined them into itself.

Sure enough, in the past, Xuanyuan could only refine a little bit with all his strength, and it had no effect at all, but now it is different. With the continuous refining of the Wanhua melting pot, its power is growing all the time.

"Haha, it seems that the heavens will never kill me, and they have brought me back from a desperate situation." Xuanyuan laughed out loud, feeling extremely happy in his heart.

This is a kind of pleasure brought to him by power. The power contained in the six-character mantra, when refined into the Tao of Hua Dao, will make him achieve a very high achievement in the Dao of Wanhua.

As time passed bit by bit, the power of transformation between the heaven and the earth was gradually weakened.

Many of them have been refined by the Wanhua melting pot and become the power of Xuanyuan.

It can be seen that in the melting pot of Wanhua, Xuanyuan's body began to gradually take shape. His body originally disappeared in the Huadao Heaven, but at this moment it is naturally condensed in the Huadao Heaven.

Xuanyuan found that after his physical body was tempered by the power of transformation, the spiritual objects of the five elements contained in his body had been greatly improved. They seemed to have survived the catastrophe of life and death, and the two immortal gods The medicine is completely integrated into Xuanyuan's physical body, giving it a sense of immortality and a powerful surge of life.

Xuanyuan's condensed physical body is really not like the existence of the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor of the human race, which can be possessed.

Forged and tempered in the furnace of Wanhua, flesh and blood were reborn, and the "Immortal Defying the Heaven Technique" worked to make its body complete quickly.

The precious light was shining brightly, and after an unknown amount of time, Xuanyuan opened his eyes, only to see that the huge melting pot had finally merged into his body.

"The fifth heaven of the ancient emperor finally broke through..."

Xuanyuan clenched his fists tightly, and the power he controlled now was already incomparable.

"Haha, boy, you almost scared me. Very good, the body of myriad transformations has finally grown up. Feel it, how is your physical strength now?" The greedy old man laughed.

Xuanyuan carefully felt every change in his body, Xuanyuan's spirit shook, and he said: "My previous 'Body of Ten Thousand Transformations' could only dissipate most of the damage, but now it can absorb the damage."

"That's right, after the completion of the "Swallowing Dao Jue", if you cooperate with the 'Body of Myriad Transformations', you will be able to devour myriad transformations. Any damage that cannot completely destroy you will be integrated into your body and transformed into your own power. You don't have to be afraid, of course, you still have to be careful about the existence of the opponent's supreme killing array, or the existence like the "Chaos Saint Emperor". Don't underestimate them just because of the great achievement of the "Physical Transformation" Strength." The greedy old man warned Xuanyuan.

"Don't worry, I know what's going on in my heart. I didn't expect that the 'Physical Body of Myriad Transformations' would be so powerful." Xuanyuan's thought moved, and three hundred and sixty incarnations were formed immediately.

Each statue has the power of Xuanyuan in the realm of the ancient emperor's fourth heaven, which is very terrifying in a battle.

Xuanyuan simplified his incarnations, the last nine incarnations all possess the power of the ancient emperor's fifth heaven, and then he uses one qi to transform the three cleans, together with Xuanyuan's deity, it is equivalent to the combat power of thirteen avatars that can kill the heavenly emperor and great sage!

"Haha, okay, okay, I have mastered the supreme six-character mantra, and it happens to be a curse method for the evil race, to carry out all restraint and killing, evil emperor, this time your life has come to an end." Xuanyuan was excited , at this moment, he felt the consummation of his heavenly soul, among the three flowers gathered on the top, the lead flower, the silver flower, and the golden flower were resplendent, and the three villains sat cross-legged, their power was overwhelming.

"Go out and have a look, and I don't know how much time I spent to survive the punishment of the ancient emperor's fifth heaven."

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