Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1882 Immortal Phoenix Wailing

When Xuanyuan crossed the catastrophe, there was a small episode.

Not long after he entered, his body was transformed into Taoism, so that the small world of the thirty-six heavens disappeared in the sky above the Houtu Temple.

Everyone has already failed Xuanyuan's tribulation, the mourning was loud, and many Li people lost their souls, and the grief spread throughout the entire "Qinglong Holy Land", including Shihou, Tsing Yi, Ba Ji and others, all of them were unacceptable , if they didn't know that they were Xuanyuan's women, they would have gone crazy long ago, especially at this time, the more they have to stabilize their mood.

Tsing Yi returned to the 'Six Paths of Reincarnation', controlling the elite, preventing riots, and beheading at any time.

Yin Zhenluo also returned to the Yin family army, and sat in the army with Yin Feng and the old God Emperor Tianlong to prevent everything that might happen.

Ba Ji also left with Ba Wu. The methods of these women were extremely iron-blooded, and they knew that even if Xuanyuan was gone, they still had to stick to their responsibilities.

Even though they feel sad, they absolutely will not allow the 'Qinglong Holy Land' to be lost.

If it wasn't for Kong Yuan, Fu Xi, the 'Lord of Order' to appease all living beings and make Yuan'er sense whether Xuanyuan is still alive, the entire 'Qinglong Holy Land' would be thrown into chaos.

In fact, Yuan'er didn't feel the slightest breath of life in Xuanyuan at that time, but she could only lie to calm her heart temporarily.

Only a small number of people know that sometimes the disappearance of the small world of the thirty-six heavens does not mean the failure of the tribulation.

It is very likely that it is a kind of catastrophe, a process of crossing the catastrophe, especially the "Lord of Order", he is very firm in his heart, Xuanyuan will definitely be able to step into the realm of the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor, because along the way, he is looking at Xuanyuan grown up.

If the small world of the thirty-six heavens lasted for a long time before disappearing, then the possibility of Xuanyuan's crossing the catastrophe would be more likely to fail. If it disappeared soon after entering, he felt that it must be impossible for Xuanyuan to only persist for a while. It must have encountered something A strange robbery.

It will be three months later when the small world of the Thirty-Six Heavens is displayed in front of all sentient beings again. Thanks to these iron-blooded women, they use their own posture to maintain the stability of the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. They are all in chaos, and the 'Qinglong Holy Land' will not have civil strife, but it will definitely fall into confusion.

Seeing the appearance of the small world of the thirty-six heavens, many women felt joy and sorrow mixed in their hearts, and the hearts of countless people in the 'Qinglong Holy Land' settled down and rejoiced.

Xuanyuan naturally didn't know there was such a small episode, when he walked out of his own small world of thirty-six heavens.

Ba Ji, Shi Wan, Tsing Yi, Yuan Er, Luo Zixi, Qian Duoduo, Yan Ziyun and others all surrounded her.

After the greetings, Xuanyuan realized that such a thing happened in the middle, and she felt ashamed for a while.

"Hahaha, good, finally stepped into the realm of the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor, and finally he is really promising." The 'Lord of Order' laughed, feeling happy in his heart, he could feel that Xuanyuan's combat power was already extraordinary. can be compared.

"Let me try it, your ancient emperor's growth in the fifth heaven!" Fu Xi didn't care about the other women around Xuanyuan, and struck out with a palm, overwhelming and killing power.

This is a 'Great Luo Poshen Palm' passed down to her by the 'Emperor Devourer'.

Xuanyuan's body appeared and disappeared from time to time, protecting in front of all the women, without the slightest resistance, just standing there, taking the palm forcefully with his body, which shocked many strong men.

"This palm, the Great Sage of the Heavenly Emperor, will be seriously injured if he is beaten..."

Everyone couldn't take their eyes off, only to see Fuxi hitting Xuanyuan's chest, a vortex manifested, and the power of this palm was absorbed by Xuanyuan.

What's frightening is that on Xuanyuan's right hand, a force of 'Big Luo Poshen Palm' unexpectedly condensed and hit her real body.

Absorb the opponent's damage, condense the opponent's attack, and retaliate against the opponent in the same way, all completed in an instant.

Absorb the opponent's supernatural powers and attacking methods at the first time. This is the way of the "body of all transformations".

Fu Xi made another move, and when his palms collided, Xuanyuan was so powerful, like a Mount Tai, standing in mid-air without the slightest wavering.

The two forces collided together, and the terrifying vindictiveness and avenue fluctuations swept all directions. Fortunately, there are many strong people in the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land', and the building restriction is extremely strong, otherwise, the fluctuations of this palm will cause extreme damage. Great destruction.

Especially in the sky above the Houtu Temple, the avenue of fighting spirit fluctuates when someone is fighting, and that mysterious Houtu Holy Image can be completely suppressed, so there is no need to worry about it.

"This is the 'Body of Ten Thousand Transformations'. Back then, the 'Great Devourer' hadn't cultivated to this level, otherwise, he wouldn't have fallen." Fu Xi sighed quietly, looking at Xuanyuan with surprise, and said: "You have already You have truly become a teacher, and you have lived up to his expectations, as for whether you can step into the Heavenly Emperor Realm, it depends on your own attainments."

"I know, for the sake of the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land', I will definitely not let everyone down." Xuanyuan nodded, there is no need to test too much, just now Fu Xi's move, ordinary emperors and great sages can't take it, but Xuanyuan However, it can be completely absorbed and transformed into supernatural powers to counterattack. This is a very remarkable method.

"Xuanyuan, although you are already very powerful when you have achieved the 'Body of Ten Thousand Transformations', for example, if I want to kill you, it is still possible, but it will be more difficult. You still have to go in the direction of the Emperor of Heaven. Once you succeed, you will No one can compare!" At this moment, the elusive Old Killer Nie spoke up. This old man, unpredictable, taught two apprentices, Wang Niyi and Xie Daoyun, both of whom are the peak geniuses of the human race, and have fallen asleep countless times. Over the years, this old man has always kept a low profile and never said much, and when he said it, he was sure of it, which made Xuanyuan's heart tremble.

In these years in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', he has a great understanding, condensing all the killing methods into one point, and there is a qualitative transformation, which is a supreme killing achievement.

"Okay, okay, don't talk about it now, a year is about to pass, boy, you let us refine the baby within half a year, but you are procrastinating." At this moment, Peng Fei and Zhu Tou The Great Emperor also appeared. This time, a feng shui restriction was refined, which gathered 100,000 elites from the Xuanzong and the Dragon King royal families. It took countless painstaking efforts to refine it. It almost failed, and it was extremely dangerous.

"Since that's the case, I won't say more, let's go, Yuechan is in danger." Xuanyuan used his own thoughts to feel everything his incarnation had gained these days, and suddenly his face turned cold, and he glanced at everyone , no more words.

The pig-headed emperor was very happy to see Xuanyuan stepping into the realm of the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor. Xuanyuan's cultivation has always been slower than others, but he was able to progress step by step and catch up step by step. It is extremely difficult to step into the realm of Heavenly Emperor and Great Sage, and when they are stuck at this level, Xuanyuan is the best time to catch up.

Xuanyuan, Zhutou Emperor, Peng Fei, and Old Killer Nie, the 'Lord of Order' all left the 'Qinglong Holy Land'.

In the entire holy land, countless Limin people jumped up and down with joy, delighted that Xuanyuan had stepped into the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor.

Today's "God of Faith and Blessing" has completely integrated into Xuanyuan's body, and he can feel the vast power of faith surging all the time. A big help, this is the power of all beings.

Xuanyuan has now stepped into the realm of the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor, and his power is even stronger. At this moment, he has given them more generous feedback, so that the faith and the people of Li who worship Xuanyuan have been greatly improved.

This is also a righteous way, Xuanyuan will not blindly improve their strength, while feeding back their strength, it will also incorporate the will of martial arts, so that they can experience, practice, and achieve themselves.

"Okay, okay, Xuanyuan, after you step into the realm of the emperor of heaven, I'm afraid I won't be your opponent anymore." The 'Lord of Order' is obviously able to overwhelm Xuanyuan at this time, but he knows that once Xuanyuan If you break through, you will be overtaken.

There is no way to do this, if his deity is complete, it will be fine, but unfortunately he has been suppressed all the time, unable to display his true strength, and Xuanyuan is the "body of all transformations", this is the most important point, he Seeing that Xuanyuan will surely have great achievements in the future.

At this stage of Xuanyuan's tribulation, the "Emperor Hongmeng" used the words "the enemy stationed in us to harass" to the extreme.

Zhan Xiezi, the commander-in-chief of the three armies of the Xie Clan, turned black and trembled with anger. Now Beixie City still doesn't have a complete restriction, and the city walls are also in tatters. I don't know how many evil spirits have been worn to death these days. There are not a few elite warriors of the ancient emperors and ancient sages.

Zhan Xiezi was a man with a violent temper, and finally couldn't bear it anymore, and launched a full-scale counterattack.

Because Zhan Xiezi knew that there were only three days left until the end of the luck attack, and if he resisted, he would no longer have the slightest fear of the recovery of luck for the entire evil clan.

More than eighty Heavenly Emperors and Great Sages rushed forward and crushed out mightily.

In order to delay the time for the elite under her command, Huang Yuechan was trapped in a magic circle by the Nine Heavenly Emperors and Great Sages.

All kinds of evil curses were stained on Huang Yuechan's body. The Nine Heavenly Emperors and Great Sages joined forces to refine Huang Yuechan. This kind of curse came from the origin of the curse in the dark. There are six-character mantras, and the Sutra of Rebirth can resist.

But for Huang Yuechan, she doesn't have the slightest power to resist, she can only rely on her own recovery means to resist, but facing the joint refining, it can be imagined.

I saw a huge purple mask with extremely strong evil power, trapping Huang Yuechan in it, she evolved her own body, a huge fairy phoenix with wings spread, but was still eroded by the evil power, a moment later, there was a burst of mourning The sound resounded throughout the world, and his body quickly melted into the evil formation laid down by the Nine Heavenly Emperors and Great Sages!

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