Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1899 Dragon Demon Palace

A dim black stone house, a crackling bonfire, and an old man in a black cloak.

The totem pattern on the stone wall is constantly evolving with the burning of the bonfire, which is extremely mysterious, which makes Xuanyuan very curious. He knows that there must be a great secret hidden in this stone house.

The voice of Nuwa's ancestor was hoarse, and under the black cloak, there was still no significant reflection. It seemed that Xuanyuan's answer was in her expectation. After a pause, she only heard a soft sigh: "It's so good, see you today." You two just want to have an answer. I have also done some understanding of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' in the past few days. Great atmosphere, from now on you can regard the land of the Nuwa clan as your own home."

"Yes, thank you, ancestor!" Tsing Yi and Xuan Yuan got up to leave.

The old ancestor didn't stay, the bonfire in the black stone house burned more vigorously, and the patterns on the wall of the black stone house became more tightly intertwined, Xuanyuan instinctively felt that the old ancestor of the Nuwa family was unpredictable, Even doubting that she can compete against the existence of the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor is of course just a guess in my heart.

Tsing Yi returned to Nuwa's ancestor, sitting cross-legged, practicing meditation in order to break through the realm of the great sage. Xuanyuan had a feeling that Tsing Yi was not far away from the day of breakthrough.

Xuanyuan talked with Hua Dao to understand the current situation of the entire 'Sky Demon Lingzhou'.

The Heavenly Demon Palace is a major force, and the Dragon Demon Palace is a major force, in the "Sky Demon Lingzhou" and Nuwa's three-legged rivalry.

The relationship between the three is not bad, the origin is deep, and they are involved with each other, so there is no big war broke out, but it is basically impossible to unify.

The demon halls of these two lines are very powerful. Compared with Nuwa's lineage, they can stand against each other, and there are extremely extraordinary figures behind them.

Just as Xuanyuan and Huadao were getting to know about the 'Sky Demon Lingzhou', the top executives of the Sky Demon Palace and the Dragon Demon Palace gathered together.

"I'm afraid you have all felt the movement before? Even the entire 'Sky Demon Lingzhou' has reacted." In a secret space of the Dragon Demon Palace, a loud voice sounded.

"It seems to be the power of Nuwa's ancestors, which has penetrated and is very powerful. Could it be that people from Nuwa's lineage have their ancestors' glory? The combat power of the bloodline has greatly increased!" This is a Supreme Elder of the Dragon Demon Palace, an existence of the same level as Hua Dao, and plays an important role in the position of the Dragon Demon Palace, and no one dares to underestimate the Nuwa lineage!

"This is also the reason why I came to you." The elder Taishang of Tianyao Temple said. This person has a very good relationship with Tianyaozi. secret meeting.

"Oh? Where do you start with this?" The existence of a group of elders in the Dragon Demon Palace does not understand, even if they are in Nuwa's lineage, there are rookies rising again, what is the purpose of the Heavenly Demon Palace to find them? For so many years, Nuwa's lineage, no matter whether it is prosperous or declining, has never taken the initiative to invade the foreign race, let alone the same monster race.

"The thing is like this, this time there is a statue of the younger generation, which is the surviving blood of Nuwa in the 'Central World'. The blood in the body is pure, comparable to ancestral blood. The wife of the Lord Xuanyuan, the combination of the human race and the demon race is a big taboo of my demon race!" The Supreme Elder of the Heavenly Demon Palace said with a stern voice, and the people of the Dragon Demon Palace immediately knew that the person who came from the Heavenly Demon Palace Not good, want to combine with it, and move the idea of ​​​​Nu Wa's lineage.

"What, the inheritance of Nuwa's ancestral blood is actually combined with the human race!" If it is an ordinary member of the monster clan, it is fine, but for the inheritor of Nuwa's ancestral blood, then this is of great significance, especially if it is with the human race. The combination of the Holy Lord Xuanyuan of the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' represents the union of two great forces!

"Yes, you should now understand what I am worried about? Although Nuwa's lineage has never invaded others before, but this time it is different, because its successor is likely to be Tsing Yi, and she Combined with Xuanyuan, the holy lord of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' of the human race, it will be difficult to guarantee the direction of Nuwa's lineage in the future." Tian Yaozi spoke, giving an example: "Everyone can see how powerful the existence of the evil race is, and it is destroyed by the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. 'It has been annexed and strengthened, and now they have to unite with Nuwa's lineage again, and they can be killed together. Once in the 'Sky Demon Lingzhou', Nuwa's lineage and the 'Qinglong Holy Land' should be combined internally and externally. At that time, we We are all going to be in a huge crisis, so this matter requires everyone to think carefully and make a careful decision."

"Indeed..." The minds of the people in the Dragon Demon Hall became serious. Once the 'Qinglong Holy Land' merged with Nuwa's lineage, the consequences would be disastrous.

"So what are your thoughts now?"

"It's our two hands to kill Nuwa's lineage first. It's better to strike first. Otherwise, once they attack, we can imagine our situation." Tian Yaozi said fiercely.

"No! Nuwa's lineage has never been hostile to others. It has a great reputation among the demon clan. Even in my Dragon Demon Hall, there are many people who are friendly with Nuwa's lineage. If we only rely on our If we doubt it, if we launch an attack on it, I am afraid that it will cause dissatisfaction among many people, and it will not benefit us at all." A Supreme Elder of the Dragon Demon Palace immediately rejected Tian Yaozi's idea, which was simply too naive, but Due to the embarrassment of the Supreme Elder of the Tian Yao Temple, he didn't say it.

"Tian Yaozi has been in the 'Tian Yao Lingzhou' not long ago, and he doesn't know the power of Nuwa's lineage, nor the relationship between our three clans. Please forgive me, his thoughts just now are immature, but I have an idea Let's think about it and see if it is feasible?" The Supreme Elder of Tian Yao Temple stepped forward and added a sentence, saving some face for Tian Yaozi.

"Please speak!" Many Supreme Beings of the Dragon Demon Hall spoke up. This matter is big or small, and it must not be ignored, but it must not be messed up.

"We each sent a team of Heavenly Emperors and Great Sages to visit Nuwa's clan..." The Supreme Elder of the Heavenly Demon Hall explained his plan in detail, and everyone in the Dragon Demon Hall nodded. Everyone is satisfied, almost no trace of defects can be found.

"It's good to be able to attack in this way, and to be able to defend in retreat. If Nuwa is of the same line and insists on going her own way, then what we do will be justified by then, and we won't fall into the situation of inhumanity." The strong man of the Dragon Demon Hall Nodding repeatedly, he said slowly.

"Then it's decided like this!" A group of strong men from the Tianyao Hall bid farewell and left, and they will descend in the Nuwa Hall soon.

In the land of the Nuwa clan, Xuanyuan just watched Tsing Yi practice like this. At the same time, he was also feeling the sacred appearance of Nuwa's ancestors, and with his own thoughts, he integrated into it to experience all kinds of Nuwa clan.

Xuanyuan's aura is calm and heavy, and it didn't arouse the rejection of Nuwa's ancestor Shengxiang. In addition, he has now been recognized by Empress Houtu, and he can use the power of the "Hongmeng Origin" for his own use. The power contained in the underworld will naturally get closer to Xuanyuan.

He began to feel the will to mend the sky from the holy image of the ancestor of Nuwa, this is a kind of selfless spirit, the way, let Xuanyuan understand that the Nuwa empress at the end of the chaotic ancient times was inspired by it, Xuanyuan has been exploring with his mind these days, which has made him have an extremely deep understanding. Now Xuanyuan is urging his own "Way of Wanhua", which contains the meaning of mending the sky.

"So that's the case, I understand!" Xuanyuan stared at Nuwa's ancestor's holy figure without taking his eyes off, and said softly.

At this moment, waves of powerful aura descended on the sky above Nuwa's lineage. Although there were not many of them, each one was extremely powerful.

There are a total of sixty-six figures in the realm of the Heavenly Emperor and the Great Sage, from the Dragon Demon Hall and the Heavenly Demon Hall.

Such a big battle made Hua Dao on the side frowned. Many guards in the Nuwa clan were also on guard for the first time, and they reacted very quickly. He looked at the emperor above the nine heavens The Great Sage said slowly, "Everyone, what are you talking about here?"

"I heard that there is an ancestor blood descendant from Nuwa's lineage returning, so I came to take a look." A Supreme Elder of the Heavenly Demon Hall said indifferently.

At this time, Tsing Yi, who was practicing, slowly opened his eyes, stood up, like a sharp sword drawn out of its sheath, and looked at the Supreme Elder of the Heavenly Demon Hall.

"It's so strong!" Immediately, the younger generation of the Heavenly Emperor's Great Sacred Realm figure in the Dragon Demon Hall felt his heart twitch. Although Tsing Yi was only in the Fifth Heaven's Realm, the aura emanating from his body was already able to counter the existence of the Heavenly Emperor's Great Sacred Realm. , Such a person is extremely rare, only a peerless person with a strong bloodline, countless adventures, and his own outstanding talent can achieve this step.

"Once you step into the realm of the Heavenly Emperor and Great Sage, almost no one in the same realm can be her opponent. Unless it is some amazingly talented characters, or the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor, there is no suspense at all!"

Everyone's evaluation of Tsing Yi is very high, even those figures who are too high in the Tian Yao Temple, they do not deny it.

Tian Yaozi stood at the front, representing the powerhouses of the entire Tian Yao Temple, and said slowly: "Yes, Tsing Yi is from Nuwa's lineage, and now we are back, we are old acquaintances, we should come to congratulate, why, don't you welcome it?" ?”

"If it's just a simple congratulations, each of you can send one person here, as long as you feel comfortable, why bring so many important figures, just speak up if you have anything to say, don't beat around the bush, it's annoying." Tsing Yi said coldly.

Facing so many Heavenly Emperors and Great Sages, Tsing Yi didn't show the slightest timidity, his body was as straight as a sword, his eyes shone brightly, and he seemed confident and fearless.

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