Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1900 Disappointed

In the sky above the land of the Nuwa clan, a statue of the heavenly emperor and great sage descended. If there was nothing there, the aura they exuded crushed the entire Nuwa clan, but anyone could tell that the person who came was not kind.

Although it is not likely to fight, it is always unavoidable to be questioned by the other party. However, how can Tsing Yi be easy to bully, not to mention that Xuanyuan is here, and now he has stepped into the realm of the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor. Kill the dog.

Of course, if the other party joins forces, Xuanyuan will naturally be defeated, but after all, it is in the land of the Nuwa clan. If the other party wanted to make a move, they would have done it long ago. Conspiracy, so the next thing to do is to deal with it.

Xuanyuan just stood aside and watched what happened, and didn't say much. Tsing Yi is his woman, he believes in Tsing Yi's way of handling things, and he can't solve everything by himself. Hand over to Tsing Yi to rule, now is a good opportunity for Tsing Yi to establish his own prestige and be on his own.

Faced with Tsing Yi's dominance, many people frowned, but her bloodline, coupled with the silence of the other powerful Nuwa Clan, meant that Tsing Yi had the right to speak, otherwise, someone would have come out to stop her.

"Girl Tsing Yi is really quick to talk, so let's explain the purpose of coming here, but it's a big matter, and we need someone who can take charge of it. Girl Tsing Yi, you are too young to do it. Master." Tian Yaozi looked at the situation and looked down at the land of Nuwa clan, his voice was cold.

Hua Dao frowned. It was true. Although Tsing Yi was said to have Nuwa's ancestor blood flowing, he had just entered Nuwa's lineage and didn't know many things. He just wanted to talk and asked what the other party was up to.

"Xuanyuan and Tsing Yi can both be masters. I am old, and I should leave these matters to young people!" In the black stone house, the voice of the ancestors of Nuwa's lineage came out.

Many strong men in Nuwa's clan couldn't help shaking their hearts when they heard the voice. I don't know how many years, no one has heard their ancestors speak. The burden was handed over to Tsing Yi, which surprised them. This was definitely not a hasty decision. They knew this ancestor of Nuwa's lineage very well, and no one dared to go against it.

"This is a major matter that concerns the life and death of Nuwa's lineage. It's not appropriate to hand it over to a human race, right? Tsing Yi has just recognized his ancestors in Nuwa's clan, and I'm afraid many people will disagree." Tian Yaozi said Questioning, while trying to sow discord among Nuwa's lineage, he didn't understand how deep the prestige of this ancestor of Nuwa's lineage was in the clan.

Among the strong ones in the Nuwa clan, which one is not a smart and intelligent generation, they immediately knew the intention of Tian Yaozi's words, and they were even more disgusted with him.

"The Heavenly Demon Palace entrusts this kind of important matter to a little doll like you. I leave it to Xuanyuan to handle it. Naturally, there is nothing wrong with him. He is the master of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' and has become the leader of the entire 'Central World'. A powerful force that plays an important role is stronger than many people, and since he is married to Tsing Yi, he is a member of my Nuwa lineage, and he can be the master!" The old ancestor's voice gradually disappeared, and he didn't say any more. Every sentence is extremely firm, and many hidden strong men of Nuwa's lineage quietly formed formations to protect Xuanyuan and Tsing Yi at any time.

They have already begun to smell the smell, and they have been living in peace before. As soon as Tsing Yi entered, the Dragon Demon Palace and the Heavenly Demon Palace came to question aggressively. They obviously felt that they would be threatened. This is also normal, and they can understand it in their hearts. Since the ancestors handed over the matter to Tsing Yi and Xuan Yuan, they didn't say anything.

All the people present were strong, and they clearly felt the changes of Nuwa's family, and many formations would explode instantly. It's serious.

"Well, all of you from the Nuwa family, you are usually kind to others, and you have a high reputation among the demon clan, but your ancestral blood inheritor, Tsing Yi, is the wife of Xuanyuan, the holy lord of the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land', not long ago,' The Qinglong Holy Land has just started its offensive and annexed the evil clan, and the 'Tian Yao Lingzhou' has just returned to the 'Central World', and you formed an alliance, we feel uneasy, so there should be no need to say more?" Tian Yaozi looked at Xuanyuan narrowed his eyes slightly. Xuanyuan was much weaker than him back then, but he never thought that Xuanyuan's cultivation could be equal to him now. At the beginning of the ancient times, the emperor who existed supremely among the monster clan, Xuanyuan was just a mortal in the age of the Dharma.

"My 'Qinglong Holy Land' is a state of etiquette, and the evil race has ulterior motives. Before attacking my holy land with the 'Yuhua Shenchao', I was defeated and returned, and then plotted against the law. We will act first and kill them first. It is justified, God The Demon Palace, the Dragon Demon Palace have no grievances or enmities with me in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', if you don't take the initiative to invade, why should we bother?" Tsing Yi puts his hands behind his back, and every word and every word has great bearing, very Reasonable, no one could find a single gap. From the beginning to the end, Xuanyuan didn't say a word.

"Even so, how about moving to the 'Qinglong Holy Land' with your son-in-law? This will also save us worry, and you can get together, why not do it?" Tian Yaozi had ulterior motives and asked Knowing that the land occupied by Nuwa's lineage in the 'Tian Yao Lingzhou' is a treasure land with excellent geomantic omen, because this line of benevolence daily has never harmed and nurtured a place of water and soil. Once the Tian Yao Temple can occupy it, it will definitely be able to use The strength of the clan has greatly increased.

"It's a joke, Nuwa's lineage has existed in the 'Sky Demon Lingzhou' for a very long time. It has never left since ancient times. How is it possible?" Tsing Yi said even colder, "If you want to come and seize , relying on the joint efforts of the two demon halls, if you want to attack, then just come, fight if you want, I'm 'Qinglong Holy Land', I'm never afraid, a 'curse origin' is beaten by us without any power to fight back, the passage is broken, What's more, it's just your two big monster halls?"

"Since this is the case, then there is nothing to talk about. Tsing Yi is what you said to start a war, and it has nothing to do with us. I didn't expect you to treat the people of my monster clan like nothing. It seems that Nuwa's lineage does not have the rumors. Such kindness!" Tian Yaozi didn't intend to say it properly at the beginning, but now Tsing Yi said it just to take advantage of his wish.

"Okay, let me say something fair. The relationship between Nuwa's lineage and our Dragon Demon Palace has always been good. Now, in the land of the Nuwa clan, there are still many people from my Dragon Demon Palace living in it. You can fight if you can, girl in Tsing Yi, you just need to let my Dragon Demon Palace feel at ease, as for the Heavenly Demon Palace, if it has a private enmity with you, it has nothing to do with my Dragon Demon Palace.” An old dragon emperor of the Dragon Demon Palace left Come out, the voice is hoarse, but it is very powerful.

"It's reasonable for the old Dragon Emperor to say that. I, Tsing Yi, made the 'Hongmeng Blood Oath'. If the Dragon Demon Palace does not invade my 'Qinglong Holy Land' Nuwa's lineage, if we violate morality and burn life, we will surely die." Being baptized by the 'Great Tribulation'..." Tsing Yi made the 'Blood Oath of the Grand Mist' in public, which is extremely vicious. Once the 'Great Tribulation' comes, many people will die without a place to bury them. This is a large-scale of.

Regarding the blood oath made by Tsing Yi, the people of Nuwa's lineage did not say much, because they never thought of aggression.

"Okay, let's rest assured, let's go." What kind of person is the old Dragon Emperor, and he can see Tian Yaozi's ulterior motives at once, wanting to provoke Tsing Yi, let the two demon palaces join forces to fight, and destroy Nuwa's lineage, this is not impossible , but the price is too high. The important thing is that he doesn't want the Dragon Demon Palace to be used as a stick.

The thirty-three strong men of the Dragon Demon Palace left immediately, leaving only Tian Yaozi and the thirty-three Heavenly Demon Palace's Heavenly Emperor and Great Sage standing in mid-air, suddenly imposing. It is more than ten times weaker.

"Tian Yaozi, do you still want to fight with my Nuwa? If you want, come." Tsing Yi found out that although the Dragon Demon Palace is very powerful, it belongs to someone that no one wants to provoke. Their goal is to ascend 'Origin of Hongmeng', others are indifferent.

Tian Yaozi's face turned blue, and he was trembling with anger, as if he had taken a bath in a cesspit, it was extremely uncomfortable.

The old demon king of the Tian Yao Temple came out slowly, and said: "Hehe, the girl in Tsing Yi may have misunderstood. If you invade the Dragon Demon Palace, let my Heavenly Demon Palace feel at ease, this is the result we want, if you want to fight, do you still need to do this? It will not be easy for you, Nuwa, to fight."

This old demon king acted both hard and soft, not only stated his purpose, but also saved the face of the Heavenly Demon Palace.

"The old man still knows how to do things, Tian Yaozi learn a little bit, next time you go out, you have to brush your mouth clean!" Tsing Yi was very respectful to the old demon king, and said: "I am naturally willing to let the Tian Yao Temple feel at ease and consider all living beings, and will not let someone Personal selfishness succeeds, for the sake of one's own selfish desires, disregarding the lives of hundreds of millions of living beings, it is really disgusting!"

Tsing Yi swears in front of the strong men of the Tian Yao Temple, so that they are also relieved. After this incident, many Heavenly Emperors and Great Sages of the Tian Yao Temple knew that Tian Yaozi was doing it for their own selfish desires, and they were extremely disgusted with him.

Although he doesn't say it on the surface, it has already disappointed Tian Yaozi. I'm afraid that in the Tian Yao Temple, the number of people who support him will drop to a very low number.

He really wanted to get angry, but there was nothing he could do. These people were the ones he wanted to win over, and now he could only eat the bitter fruit.

The people in the Tianyao Temple all retreated, only Tianyaozi gave Tsing Yi a bitter look, and then left.

Xuanyuan smiled slightly, walked to Tsing Yi's side, and said, "It's pretty good."

"With you behind me, I feel at ease!" Tsing Yi smiled gracefully, her face alluring.

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