Many strong men in the land of the Nuwa clan were amazed at Tsing Yi's performance.

Among the younger generation, especially Tsing Yi, who is in the realm of the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor, facing the powerhouses of the sixty-six heavenly emperors and great sages in the two demon halls, he does not have the slightest fear, which shows that Tsing Yi is a person who has experienced strong winds and waves.

Ordinary emperor-level existences, even in the face of the existence of the Heavenly Emperor Great Sacred Realm, would feel sorry for them, let alone the sixty-six ones!

She didn't give in at all, and forcefully pushed the enemy back. She was strong but soft, and yin and yang complemented each other. On the one hand, she did not show weakness, but on the other hand, she was able to reassure the opponent, and broke Tian Yaozi's selfishness, so that he would never again Can't get in the way, that's the most important thing.

Originally, because of Tian Yaozi's blood, he had a bright future in the Tian Yao Temple. After this battle, I am afraid that Tian Yao Zi will never receive the slightest attention again. The 'Tian Yao Temple' does not allow invasion, but People who disregard the overall situation for their own selfish desires are not allowed.

"In this way, I already have a rough understanding of the 'Heavenly Demon Lingzhou'. You should stay here to practice, and communicate with your own people, so that you can enter the realm of the Heavenly Emperor and Great Sage as soon as possible. I will return to the 'Qinglong State' first." In the Holy Land', do something else!" Xuanyuan saw that Tsing Yi is now able to take charge of his own affairs, and has established his own prestige among Nuwa's lineage, and his ancestors have confessed that he also not worried.

Before, I would stay by Tsing Yi's side just to deal with some accidents, but now it seems that everything will go well.

"Okay!" Tsing Yi didn't hold back, she knew that Xuanyuan must have more important things to do, and for her, the most important thing is to step into the realm of the Heavenly Emperor and Great Sage, and only then can she truly lead Nuwa's lineage , into the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'!

Xuanyuan nodded, and after bidding farewell to Hua Dao and many other strong men, he turned into a puff of smoke and dissipated between heaven and earth. This kind of movement made many strong men of Nu Wa's line tremble, and they didn't know why.

Hua Dao existed in the barren ancient times, and he was no stranger to the ancient techniques performed by Xuanyuan. He sighed: "I never thought that in this era, there are still people who can practice "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu" to such an extent. Today's Xuanyuan If you want to leave, I'm afraid no one can stop you!"

"Yes, in the 'Central World', he still has many powerful enemies, but they haven't appeared yet. Today's reincarnation of the Holy Emperor, the known Emperor Shitian, is definitely not Xuanyuan's friend, and the Chaos Holy Emperor, the two There has already been an unresolved knot between the two, and I don’t know when it will appear, putting him to death, everything is hard to say!" Tsing Yi said it casually, but it made Hua Dao's pupils tremble violently , it seems that the 'Qinglong Holy Land' will be so powerful, and it has formed a lot of beams.

After a while, Xuanyuan returned to the outside of the 'Qinglong Holy Land'.

"It seems that you have been able to confirm the 'Sky Demon Lingzhou'?" the 'Lord of Order' asked.

"Basically, the 'Tian Yao Temple' is more aggressive, while the 'Dragon Demon Hall' wants to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, waiting for the completion of the 'Central World', the opening of the Longevity Gate, and Nuwa's lineage basically It is certain that we are able to stand on the same front as the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. According to the geographical location, the Heavenly Demon Hall is close to the Protoss. If they unite, it will be possible, so we need to carefully observe..." What will happen to Xuanyuan The matter, I said it concisely and thought it over several times, now it is still mainly to delay the time, and every citizen in the powerful 'Qinglong Holy Land' is the most important thing!

"Then what are your plans now?" The 'Lord of Order' turned his gaze to the place where the 'Sky Demon Lingzhou' was located.

"I want to revisit the old place and see if I can find anything." Xuanyuan disappeared in front of the "Lord of Order" as soon as he finished speaking.

Today's "Qinglong Holy Land" does not need Xuanyuan to be in charge. The gods, heaven, underworld, Yuhua God Dynasty, and demon clan are consuming each other in order to divide the cake in Zhongzhou. They will definitely not be able to tell the gods to deal with the "Qinglong Holy Land", and it is not Which big force can deal with it if it says it wants to deal with it, especially after the evil race is wiped out, they have to weigh themselves before they do it.

As far as Xuanyuan is concerned, he does not know that the more land he occupies, the more and more power will be dispersed, so he did not carry out too many constructions on other lands in the 'Nanyan Xianzhou', but only occupied land with a radius of 50 million miles. Only in this way can we stick to our one-acre three-point land in the future trend.

This is also the reason why the major forces attacked the 'Qinglong Holy Land' one after another, but it was difficult to attack in. If Xuanyuan started to build from the outermost periphery of the 'Nanyan Xianzhou', it would not be surprising that dozens of cities were destroyed.

Now with the Sancai Pass as the gateway, all the energy and strength are devoted to the construction of the Sancai Pass, which is naturally not something that ordinary enemies can break through.

The more land it occupies, the longer the battle line will be. If the enemy's army overwhelms the border, or if there is a joint army, the strength is too scattered, and it is easy to be defeated individually. Although it can expand the territory, it seems that the territory is everywhere, but it is meaningless if you can't defend it. , so both Xuanyuan and the 'Emperor Hongmeng' chose to defeat the evil race. The earth is dead, but people are alive. Once the evil race is allowed to take action, the consequences will be terrible.

Seeing Xuanyuan disappear into the space between heaven and earth in a wisp of smoke, the 'Lord of Order' couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "This kid, after reaching the realm of the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor, he can live freely between heaven and earth, it seems I don't need to worry about it anymore!"

The 'Lord of Order' can sense that the relationship between Xuanyuan and the 'Origin of Hongmeng' has become closer, especially after returning from the clan of Nuwa's lineage, Xuanyuan seems to have mastered some profound meanings, so that he can be with The power of the 'Original Origin' is getting closer.

For the "Lord of Order", it doesn't matter, the stronger Xuanyuan is, the better. He knows in his heart that Xuanyuan's future burden will become bigger and bigger: "I hope he can bear it, life and death are up to you." Neither himself nor others can help, this is his fate..."

At this moment, Xuanyuan turned into a wisp of smoke and appeared in Dongzhou, the junction point of the original "Dongzhou Dynasty", "Linglong Immortal Mansion" and "Doulong Immortal Mansion", which is where the "Land of Qingming" leads.

Dongzhou is the place where Xuanyuan started. When he was just a small person, he could only sit on the body of Gu Xing, wearing the stars and wearing the moon on his way. Now he has reached the fifth heaven of the ancient emperor, and he is cultivating the top speed in the "Central World" The secret method can reach a short-distance destination in a blink of an eye. Looking back on the past, it really seems like a world away.

With a thought, he returned to the messy graveyard where he was reborn. Now it has been razed to the ground, all the dead energy has melted away, and there is life everywhere. The land was integrated through the power of the "Hongmeng Origin". Originally, this piece of land was devastated and dilapidated, not what it is today.

Xuanyuan felt emotional in his heart, and after walking a few steps, he arrived at the location where his tree house was that day. A mountain, a city will be turned to the ground.

"Things are different and people are different. In just a few decades, there have been such changes... That's right, the reorganization of the world, the innovation of the Dao, the age of the end of the Dharma, and the world's changes. This is the advent of a great era!"

As Xuanyuan was walking, not far away, there was a simple thatched hut. He swept his mind away and found a young couple living here, with a son between two and three years old.

At the moment, he was outside the hut, holding a small axe, babbling and chopping wood.

Slap! A piece of wood half a foot thick was split in half by a milky little baby. Although he was only two or three years old, his strength was really not small.

Xuanyuan smiled knowingly, walked in front of this milk doll, and pointed towards his eyebrows. It is a practice method of many ancient arts, all of which are integrated into it, and will be practiced in his sea of ​​consciousness as he grows older. !

In this chaotic world, Xuanyuan had no way to pass on one by one, but he felt that he had a predestined relationship with this child in his heart, so he did it without thinking too much.

Before the milk baby could even react, Xuanyuan had already disappeared.

The milk doll in common clothes was drooling, stunned for a moment, looked in the direction where Xuanyuan disappeared, took a deep breath, and started chopping firewood again.

Xuanyuan has already left, hovering above the nine heavens, looking back at the place where the tree house used to be, Yin Zhenluo in white clothes wins the snow, practicing the Yin family martial arts for herself...

Time flies by like a fleeting moment. In just a few decades, things have changed so much that we can never go back to the past.

She, Xuanyuan didn't know how to face it all the time, so she could only let nature take its course.

In my own life, I was the first woman who broke into my heart, but the two people drifted apart because of the different paths. Now there are some things, even if I can do it all over again, it is difficult to go back to the beginning, the same way, Life has gone through twice, and there will be no original feeling, after all...

"It's all over..." Xuanyuan murmured softly, and disappeared into this piece of sky, and the past became the wind, and went with Xuanyuan.

After he left, a woman fell from the sky, none other than Yin Zhenluo.

She holds the 'Tianlong War Spear' in her hand and wears a battle armor. She is no longer the little girl she used to be. Now she is Marshal Yin who is in charge of an army.

"..." Yin Zhenluo remained silent, closed her eyes, recalled the past, paused for a moment, and she came to the stream where the tree house used to be.

Now the creek has disappeared and turned into a flat land. The past is vivid in her memory. She inserted the 'Tianlong Fighting Dao Spear' into the ground beside her and sat cross-legged.

She was taciturn, and her heart was very contradictory. If she wanted to step into the realm of the Heavenly Emperor and Great Sage, she had to sort out her feelings for Xuanyuan first, and only then could she get the blessing of the Dao.

"It's the past, it can't be changed, it's useless to think too much, it's better to have a new life and start over."

With a thought in Yin Zhenluo's mind, many contradictory emotions in his heart were quickly stripped from his body...

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