Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 2006 Devouring the Sky

After all, it is a meeting where the reincarnation of a saint emperor gathers. They can all imagine what kind of scene it will be based on the aura of the 'eternal saint emperor' and the 'eternal saint emperor'. scene.

Xuanyuan is just a mortal, but he wants to represent the 'Qinglong Holy Land' to negotiate with the powerful emperors. It is conceivable, how can he not strengthen his own strength?

You must know that it is difficult for him alone to compete with them. Naturally, he has to improve his own strength to have a bargaining chip with the other party!

"That's right, Holy Master Xuanyuan did the right thing. To improve one's own strength, only with stronger strength can one negotiate better with the enemy. Otherwise, if one's strength is weak, one can only be bullied by the enemy. How can we protect our rights and interests? ?”

"I think so too. Anyway, we have waited for such a long time, and this year is not far behind. I believe that Holy Master Xuanyuan will not let us down."

"Yeah, you know that the first time Holy Master Xuanyuan opened up the Heaven of Immortality, he allowed us old immortals to live in it, and let us delay the loss of life span to the greatest extent. In fact, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' has been kind to us from the beginning to the end. strong!"

The people of all races were a little excited at first by the sound transmission of the reincarnation of the two holy emperors. Now that they think about it slowly, their moods began to calm down. Emperor' wanted to drive a wedge between them and the 'Qinglong Holy Land'.

"Actually, we only need to think about it. It is because of our cohesion that the major origins are afraid of us. If we fall apart because of this, just to increase the number of places, then when the time comes, won't we become soft persimmons and let them knead us?" Pinch? How cruel is the 'Curse Origin', haven't you seen it? Even if it's your own clansman, it's instant to say that the sacrifice is instant, let alone a foreigner?" 'Emperor Hongmeng' also came out to refute the rumors for them Distinguishing between pros and cons, the sincerity and morality contained in one sentence directly deafened countless people.

"People of our generation place all our hopes on ascension, so we will inevitably be shaken to the deepest part of our hearts when we hear the wish, but now that the 'Emperor Hongmeng' said that, we are awakened..."

Xuanyuan has never been worried about whether there will be civil strife in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', because these years, a good foundation has been laid, and all executions are based on reasoning. , he believes that the disciples of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' have the ability to distinguish right from wrong.

In the "Hua Shen Tian", Xuanyuan's "Lord of Order" Nie Lao killed the saint, and the "Eternal Saint Emperor" and "Longevity Saint Emperor" gathered together. He did not rush to open the thirtieth heaven, because a person The power of a person is far inferior to that of everyone else, and the five of them sit cross-legged, connected with each other.

At this moment, Xuanyuan will give a complete explanation of the secret art of "Heavenly Supervision" from beginning to end. For them, the secret art of "Executing the Holy Emperor" will also bring about a huge improvement after practicing, especially It is the supernatural power of the "Sage Emperor" to monitor the world, allowing them to hide better and gain insight into the enemy's psychology, which can better enhance their combat power and lay a deeper foundation for the future development and defense of the "Qinglong Holy Land" Foundation.

"Okay, the 'Sage Emperor' is indeed far better than us in terms of insight. I just knew there was a difference before, but I didn't expect it to be the difference between clouds and mud!" The 'Sage Emperor of Longevity' couldn't help saying A heartfelt exclamation.

"In this way, as long as the Heavenly Prison is cultivated properly, there will be unprecedented growth for us, thank you!" The 'Eternal Saint Emperor' bowed his hands to Xuanyuan and thanked him.

"Why be polite, my 'Qinglong Holy Land' is to share everything. Now the plan of the 'Tianxiang Sacred Emperor' has begun, and the other origins of the Sacred Emperor have begun to put pressure on me. I want to enter the Thirty Heavens to practice , this time I will divide the quota for ascension by myself, you have more important things to do..." Xuanyuan looked at the four people and told them his plan one by one.

"So it turned out to be a good strategy, and we'll leave this matter to us." Even the 'Eternal Sage Emperor' couldn't help but gasp, like a hurricane, obviously very excited.

"Hehe, it seems that it is just around the corner to replace 'Biluo Origin' step by step, let's go!" 'Sage Emperor of Longevity' laughed, Xuanyuan has been in such a short period of time since he first saw it until now. He has grown up too much. You must know that before Xuanyuan could only let the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor decide, but now he is able to design the existence of the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor, and has killed the "Sage Emperor", although he was not alone. But most of it was planned by him.

"Okay!" Xuanyuan pinned all his hopes on the four of them.

Old Killer Nie and the 'Lord of Order' were also amazed at Xuanyuan's plan, this time they were the core of the whole plan.

The four turned and left, while Xuanyuan raised his head and looked at the thirtieth heaven, with three big characters, carrying the floating waves.

Devour the sky.

The moment Xuanyuan stepped into this day, there was darkness in front of his eyes, as if he was in a dark universe, making people elusive, as if he couldn't see the end at a glance, but in this devouring sky, Xuanyuan felt an extremely strong, dark The traction in the dark!

With the movement of Xuanyuan's thought, I saw bright stars appearing in the universe, floating on waves, there are a total of seventy-two stars, united into a magic circle, with great power.

Every star contains a world, which can accommodate hundreds of millions of creatures, or even more.

Xuanyuan's heart trembled, it seems that starting from the thirtieth heaven, the specifications of the entire 'Swallowing Treasure House' have been improved unprecedentedly!

In this heaven, there are not many treasures hidden, Xuanyuan took a deep breath, and from among the seventy-two stars around him, one after another, the incomparably huge devouring gods were poured directly into Xuanyuan's body like a dragon.

It is conceivable that these "rules of devouring gods" must be condensed by the "sage emperor of all transformations" to improve himself.

You must know that Xuanyuan has just stepped into the Heavenly Emperor Realm, and his understanding of the "Swallowing God Rule" is still very superficial, and his savings are not strong enough, but the integration of these "Swallowing Fukasawa" has made Xuanyuan's power suddenly increase to the middle stage of the Heavenly Emperor Realm The power that can only be possessed, but power is power, he still has to refine, understand, and comprehend the realm one by one, so that his strength is equal to the realm, so that he can have the best use!

Now Xuanyuan's changes cannot be said at the same time, and in these "swallowing gods", there is the memory of the "sage emperor of all transformations". If Xuanyuan can refine it, it will not only improve the realm, For the use of strength, etc., there will be great changes.

"Hahaha, the design of each layer of the devouring treasure house of the 'Wanhua Shengdi' is really meticulous. If you are in the realm of the ancient sages and five heavens, it is difficult to control these 'swallowing gods'." Greedy old man The voice rang in Xuanyuan's heart.

At this moment, Xuanyuan recalled the back of the 'Wanhua Saint Emperor'. It was very stalwart, just like his father, like a high mountain. Xuanyuan felt that it was really difficult for him to cross. It would be much easier for Xuanyuan to get out of their path, but it would be extremely difficult for the 'Wanhua Saint Emperor', because along the way, he was given too many things that made him what he is today. But because of this, he wants to break away from the shadow given to him by the "Sage Emperor of Wanhua" and open up a way of his own. In Xuanyuan's view, this should be the "Sage Emperor of Wanhua" His greatest expectation.

"Whether the 'Swallowing Treasure House' left by the 'Wanhua Sage Emperor' is for himself or for me, I will not let him down!" Xuanyuan was as firm as ever before at this moment. , he unfolded the 'Swallowing Years' and began to practice in closed doors. The 'Swallowing God Rule' condensed by the 'Wanhua Saint Emperor' is very profound, and every trace is his most advanced condensed. It will take a long time for Xuanyuan to understand it. years.

At this moment, in the exhibition field in Zhongzhou, the reincarnations of the holy emperors of the major forces gathered here.

"How about it, isn't Holy Master Xuanyuan planning to get up and participate?" 'Sage Emperor Tianxiang' looked at the returning 'Sage Emperor Wuxie' and 'Sage Emperor Rakshasa'!

"It is said that Xuanyuan is practicing in seclusion, but I believe that the 'Qinglong Holy Land' will soon have civil strife. At that time, they should elect a person to represent the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. As long as people's hearts are in chaos, I don't believe in the 'Longevity Holy Land'. Emperor' and the 'Eternal Holy Emperor' will not be tempted by the 'Qinglong Holy Land'." The 'Wuxie Holy Emperor' laughed, as if everything was in his calculations.

"That's right, the group of aborigines living in the 'Central World' can say that ascension is their lifelong goal, and it is impossible to face the opportunity of ascension, but they are not tempted yet." 'Sage Rakshasa' laughed Very happy, looking forward to the collapse of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' from the inside out.

"Hehe, it seems that you all feel that the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is no longer able to become popular, so why don't we divide the quota for ascension?" At this time, the 'Jade Emperor' put forward his own ideas.

Yang Ling'er frowned, but didn't say much, and the 'Chaos Saint Emperor' and 'Emperor Emperor' didn't care.

Nu Wa's patron saint hissed: "It's not appropriate, Xuanyuan is just retreating, we just do this, it's demeaning."

"Good, I think so too, and the people from the 'Heavenly Dao Lingzhou' haven't come yet, just wait, there's no rush at this moment." Jin Chanzi chanted the Buddha's name for a long time, and said solemnly.

"This matter is related to everyone's interests. Since you all put forward your ideas, you should respect them and wait for Xuanyuan for a year at the latest." The 'Sage Emperor' opened his mouth, and he wanted this effect.

Although both 'Origin of the Curse' and 'Origin of the Underworld' feel very uncomfortable, they can only do so.

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