Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 2007: Saint Tu!

From the very beginning, it was part of Xuanyuan's plan. The intentional persecution of the "Qinglong Holy Land" was also proposed by Xuanyuan. The purpose of doing this is also to test the major forces. If someone is really for their own dream of ascension, they can be desperate Putting aside a lot of moral things, then such a person, or such a big family would rather not, drive them out of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', after all, interests can affect many people's minds, Xuanyuan wants to know, when their hearts are most Looking forward to what they will do when the hottest flight descends overhead!

But if you want to create the future together, you must have like-minded people, and you can't have two ambitions. As a result, Xuanyuan is still very satisfied with their behavior. At least no one is instigating everyone on the surface. Besides, Xuanyuan wants to see Is there any Saint Hunting Organization hidden in it, using the means of not showing the mountains and not revealing the water, and promoting it with wolfish ambitions, but he didn't find out at all, either the 'Qinglong Holy Land' really didn't have that number one person, or he didn't Be fooled!

In addition, the holy emperors of the major forces felt that many people's malice towards the "Qinglong Holy Land" made them completely unexpected, and Xuanyuan was manipulating everything. From the beginning, the "Tianxiang Holy Emperor" also I feel that Xuanyuan's plan is very risky. If the interior of the "Qinglong Holy Land" is really broken due to the time of ascension, the consequences will be unimaginable, because this kind of mood is chained and fluctuates greatly, but Xuanyuan But she decided so resolutely, and she had nothing to do!

'Tianxiang Sacred Emperor' broke into a cold sweat because of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', but fortunately, the result was as Xuanyuan expected, for the first time someone was able to gather the Sage Emperors of all major origins together, and completely blinded them, paying attention It is the real big lie that the power is transferred from a perspective that does not exist at all. If Xuanyuan is not the "body of myriad transformations", it will be very difficult to do it!

Give the 'Qinglong Holy Land' up to a year to prepare, and every major force can wait.

"If that's the case, let's crack the 'Longevity Gate''s ultimate formation first!" At this time, the 'Sage Emperor Tianxiang' put forward his opinion.

"Why?" The 'Sage Executioner' frowned, and she was refuting herself.

"Since everyone has coexisted peacefully and divided the quotas of the Ascension Gate, shouldn't the 'Longevity Gate' be dismantled? Or do you not have the sincerity at all, and want to use the opportunity of dismantling the 'Longevity Gate' to plot against each other?" 'Heavenly Fragrance Saint Emperor' smiled with all kinds of amorous feelings. As she spoke, many saint emperors instinctively moved further away from her.

Although it was a way of rebuttal, everyone felt that the "Sage Emperor" and "Sage Emperor Tianxiang" were directing and acting on their own. After all, the relationship between the Protoss and "Biluo Origin" was on the table.

"What do you guys think?" The 'Sage Emperor' looked at the crowd, it was naturally impossible for him to make this decision.

This sentence just strangled everyone's lifeblood, unless they really didn't want to do it, but right now, everyone agrees on the division of the Ascension Portal's quota, only the "Curse Origin" is not very willing , because the evil race they cultivated in the 'Central World' was wiped out, and only some scattered branches gathered in the starry sky outside the territory survived, which is difficult to achieve.

Most of them came down from the "Origin of the Curse", and their purpose is to conquer the entire "Central World", but according to the current situation, they can only agree, otherwise, they will easily become the target of public criticism, and they are very important One point, there are still many big clans outside the territory who are waiting and making choices. If each big power can win a certain number of places for ascension, then they will choose a big power to invest in it, such as "Qinglong Holy Land" There are too many ten thousand clans, and the number of places is very small. It is impossible for those ten thousand clans who want to ascend to the sky to enter. In this way, their choice is only one of the major origins. Power, at least this way the chances will be greater, especially a big power like 'Curse Origin'!

"I have no objection to 'Curse Origin', as it should be!" Now the power accumulated by the 'Longevity Gate' is enough, and the prosperity of the various clans in the 'Hongmeng Origin' can almost guarantee the continuous operation of the entire 'Longevity Gate' .

"I have no objection to 'Origin of the Underworld' either!" After a few times of thinking, the 'Sage Emperor Yan Luo' felt that it should be the same.

"No objection!" The other holy emperors of the "Origin of Primordial Origin" would naturally not have any objections.

"Then I, 'Biluo Origin', can only agree." The 'Sage Emperor Tianxiang' shrugged, and immediately broke through the air in the direction of the 'Shenmen of Longevity'.

Many saint emperor reincarnations followed closely behind, and they entered that mysterious portal together.

The earth-shattering fluctuations caused the huge sea of ​​bitterness to surge, and thousands of rays of light flew out. Many strong men looked at the portal that had ruined countless lives, trembling with fear. The reincarnation of the emperor will destroy this portal.

A quarter of an hour later, many saint emperor reincarnations appeared one after another. Obviously, the Juezhen has been broken. For them to jointly break the Juezhen, this is nothing more than an easy task.

But there is no doubt that everyone has left their own ideas in the "Longevity Gate", if someone wants to secretly use the "Longevity Gate" to ascend, they will definitely know the first time!

This point was tacitly understood by everyone, and just like that, the reincarnations of the holy emperors of the major forces all left.

The entire "Central World" fell into an unprecedented silence. After the major forces reached a consensus, this world seems to have no disputes, but everyone understands that this is just the calm before the storm, because the real disputes will be discussed The day of ascension to the portal quota begins!

Xuanyuan retreat did not appear before, for fear of accidents, many holy emperors would exclude the 'Qinglong Holy Land', so he secretly ordered that no one from the 'Lingzhou of Heaven' appear, this is also one of the main reasons, otherwise it would be very dangerous Maybe 'Origin of the Curse' and 'Origin of the Underworld' will desperately want to start dividing the quota!

"Heavenly Dao Lingzhou" is a part that cannot be ignored. As for why no one showed up, some people think it is because of the reincarnation of their holy emperors, but no matter what, the results will come out after one year, and it is only at the beginning that everyone pays attention to it. Putting it on the 'Qinglong Holy Land' caused them to ignore the 'Heavenly Dao Lingzhou'.

'Central World' has fallen into an unprecedented tranquility, and the common people of all major forces are cherishing this hard-won peaceful day.

In the next year, the busiest thing will be the 'Curse Origin'. The three great emperors will send their most powerful subordinates to lobby the various clans in the outer starry sky, promising various promises and benefits. Sure enough, many clans are tempted. , have joined the 'Curse Origin' which.

In the 'Qinglong Holy Land', everything is proceeding in an orderly manner. The 'Sage Emperor of Eternal Life' and the 'Eternal Saint Emperor' only left one thought of their own, and they appeared to speak from time to time.

Every day, people step into the realm of the great sage, and the strength of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is growing day by day, which is beyond the imagination of many people.

In the "Central World", one of the most mysterious spaces, here, there is a blank space, which is the opposite of the color of the universe.

In this space, the most terrifying murderous aura was swallowed, and powerful aura descended and enveloped it.

"What do you think of the general change in the 'Central World' this time?" One of the voices sounded, his words were full of despair and death. From his words, it could be seen that his hands were stained with blood. How many lives of the strong!

"The 'Qinglong Holy Land' is not easy. It was able to leave behind so many reincarnations of the emperors, just to wait for Xuanyuan to retreat and practice alone."

"Have you noticed it? There is no movement in the 'Heavenly Dao Lingzhou'. I think there must be a close connection between the two."

"Naturally, Xuanyuan is not a simple person. There is a woman named Qian Duoduo in the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. I think she is very likely..."

"So that's the case, then I understand, so everything can make sense!"

"Then what should we do next?"

"Naturally, we're watching a show. Many saint emperors have staged a big show, so we don't want to participate. I think it will be even more exciting in a year's time!"

"You said that other saint emperors will fall by then?"

"Haha, we don't know about this. When they divide the places, they will inevitably do it. Once someone is severely injured, the people in our three groups will each use their own means to fight for it."

"It's better that some people don't attack their own people in secret!" At this moment, a voice came out.

"Undead, I know what you mean, but you are secretly devouring the essence and soul of the war spirit, don't you also want to harm us? I just noticed you that day, and didn't intend to attack you at all mean."

"Really? Then how could Xuanyuan lock me so precisely?" The 'Immortal Saint Emperor' obviously did not believe the words of the 'Blue Sky Saint Emperor'.

"He can mobilize the power of the 'Original Origin' to fight you. Does he not know what you are doing under his nose?" 'Sage Emperor Qingtian' chuckled, very indifferently.

"Okay, at this time, the most important thing for us is to unite together and kill some reincarnations of the holy emperors silently, so that when they wake up, they can no longer reflect it. At that time, the 'Central World' will be ours. Our 'Tu Sheng Origin'..."

The Saint Hunting Organization, the reincarnation of the nine Saint Emperors, used their most unique means to hold a secret meeting, and no one could know about it!

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