Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 2009 The Negotiations Break Down

Xuanyuan walked out of the 'swallowing treasure house' without anyone noticing.

He transformed himself into ten thousand ways, observing the changes in the 'Qinglong Holy Land' a year later, and it would not be an exaggeration to describe the 'Qinglong Holy Land' as changing with each passing day.

"Give 'Qinglong Holy Land' some more years, and I'm looking forward to how far it can grow."

There are many strong people. After being promoted, countless heavenly emperors and great sages did not hide the slightest thing. They opened the altar to give lectures, shared their own experience, and hoped from the bottom of their hearts that their companions in the "Qinglong Holy Land" would avoid detours.

After all, existences like 'Eternal Saint Emperor' and 'Longevity Saint Emperor', not everyone can understand and comprehend the opening lectures, and each person's cultivation method is different, so you have to find the one that suits you. One, their paths are too unique, not for ordinary people to walk, as if there is only one Xuanyuan, but their sharing can also inspire people!

Xuanyuan came to Qinglong Hall, Bu Jingsha and Xia Ziyu were dealing with government affairs, and now the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is getting bigger and bigger, there are many things waiting for them to deal with every day, and they dare not slack off at all. Especially at this critical juncture, everyone is looking forward to the result of the negotiations on the promotion quota!

"Junior Brother Xuanyuan, you're finally out!" Bu Jingsha heaved a sigh of relief, and hastily said, "Not long ago, the 'Sage Emperor' sent out another invitation letter, and this time the reincarnation of the Holy Emperors of various powers, one after another Gather on the Zhongzhou battlefield, if you don't go, the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' will be excluded."

Xuanyuan nodded, everything was under his control: "I know, what's wrong with the 'Qinglong Holy Land' recently?"

He has always been worried about whether people from the Hunting Saint Organization will mix into the 'Qinglong Holy Land'.

"No, everything is normal!" Bu Jingsha looked solemn, not knowing why Xuanyuan was so concerned about this matter.

"That's good, thank you for your hard work, I'm going." Xuanyuan turned around, turned into light, and left the 'Qinglong Holy Land'.

Before leaving, he scanned the entire 'Swallowing Immortal Mansion', and found nothing unusual.

Now, with his ability to monitor the world, although it is weaker than the original "Supervising Holy Emperor", he can also monitor some clues of the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor, so he hasn't found it yet. Maybe in the "Qinglong Holy Land", It really hasn't been eroded by the hunting organization, maybe it's hidden deeper!

"Boy, it is impossible for the 'Qinglong Holy Land' to stay in this closed space forever. Sooner or later, you will walk out of the 'Swallowing Immortal Mansion' and survive in the land of 'Central World'. You don't have to think too much about them, do your best." It is fine to do things in your own general direction. As long as the general situation can be controlled well, other problems must be allowed to exist. After all, it is impossible for you to solve everything. Many things cannot be done by one generation and need to be handed over to the next generation. Doing it for a generation is called inheritance." The greedy old man said earnestly.

"Well, what you said makes sense, but after all, I'm still the Holy Master of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', so I still can't help worrying about some things. When the time is right, I'm going to pick my pick, and the 'Emperor Hongmeng' will do these things Better than me!" Xuanyuan has no doubts about the ability of the 'Emperor Hongmeng', maybe his understanding in cultivation is relatively weak, but in terms of the means of governing the world, he is even stronger than Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan is only suitable for being an initiator, but not for being a long-term manager. Temperament determines everything.

At the beginning, Xuanyuan only planned to retreat for half a year, and then he bought another half a year, and he also practiced the "Indestructible Golden Body Technique" to Dzogchen, and now everything is ready!

In an instant, Xuanyuan came to the battlefield of Zhongzhou.

The reincarnations of saint emperors from all major forces appeared one after another. The only ones that were not represented by the reincarnation of saint emperors were the 'Qinglong Holy Land', and the 'Tiandao Lingzhou', who were responsible for the teaching and interpretation of the teachings of Emperor Tongtian and Jiang Wu. God represents.

"Holy Master Xuanyuan is really arrogant. Let the emperors of all major forces wait for you for a year. This is not the treatment that ordinary people can have." At this time, the "Sage Emperor Tianxiang" sneered.

"It was my fault. I was in seclusion. I isolated everything. I didn't know it. I only found out when I was out of the seclusion. I am deeply sorry for making you wait so long." Xuanyuan pushed it cleanly in one sentence, as if he really I don't know the same.

Over the past year, "Origin of the Yellow Spring", "Origin of the Curse" and "Origin of the Blue Fall" have been secretly observing the changes in the "Qinglong Holy Land".

Originally they thought that there would be civil strife, but the results were beyond their expectations, and they were a little surprised.

What's so good about the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' that it can make thousands of races resist the temptation to be promoted?

They have been thinking about this issue all the time, which is why Xuanyuan has been reluctant to expose the 'Qinglong Holy Land'.

"Okay, now that Holy Master Xuanyuan has arrived, let's discuss the matter of ascending to the gate together." At this moment, Holy Emperor Wuxie spoke, and he looked into Xuanyuan's eyes, hiding murderous intent.

"That's right, let's talk about how to allocate the quota for ascension?" The 'Sage Emperor' looked at the crowd.

"Since ancient times, the weak have preyed on the strong. This is the law of heaven and earth. How about determining the number of quotas based on the strength of the representatives of the major forces?" At this time, the "Sage Emperor Rakshasa" of "Origin of the Underworld" spoke.

"Then you, the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor, don't you just know how to bully us younger generations?" Although Jiang Wushen said so, he didn't show weakness at all, with a tall and straight body, eyes like swords, and a holy whip in his hand. The four avatars under the seat are also the existence of the great sage, and they are incomparably divine.

"This is not bullying. Have you ever seen a dragon give food to an ant? Ants can't eat the dragon's food, right? People should have self-knowledge and know what it means to keep their own place and not be too greedy." 'Jade Emperor' obviously agrees with 'Raksha Holy Emperor'.

Xuanyuan thought for a moment, then asked: "What I want to know is, how many people are there in the ascension quota for the 'Longevity Gate'?"

"Thirty million people can be raised in one year." At this time, the "Chaos Saint Emperor" spoke.

"So few!" Xuanyuan frowned, once the major forces allocated them, there were not many places left.

"In this way, we're not greedy in 'Cursed Origin', just occupy 20% of the quota, and you distribute the rest yourself?"'Soulless Saint Emperor' laughed.

"Do you think it's possible? My 'Great Origin' must occupy more than 70% of the quota!" At this time, Nuwa's guardian said heavily, she was speaking from the perspective of 'Great Origin', very tough.

At this time, the eyes of the reincarnated saint emperors of "Origin of the Primordial Origin" shone brightly!

"Could it be that 'Origin of the Primordial Mist' has such strength?" At this time, the 'Sage Emperor Shura' retorted!

"Isn't there?" Di Shitian was not to be outdone, he felt that this negotiation was a struggle from the very beginning.

"It seems that you have decided to go to war. Maybe this is the best way. The strongest person has everything!" The words of the 'Lingxiao Shengdi' were full of gunpowder, and they planned this negotiation. They didn't want to solve it satisfactorily, but just used a big name to lure Xuanyuan out. When the show ended, they hid in it and killed him with one blow!

"'Sage Emperor Lingxiao', you actually said such a thing. Don't tell me you didn't plan to negotiate sincerely from the beginning?" 'Tongtian Emperor' frowned, and the four swords around him swallowed majestic sword energy, straight Rush to the sky.

"Hmph, each of our three major origins occupies at least 20% of the quota, and the other 40% is allocated by your 'Hongmeng Origin' yourself. This must be the case." The 'Sage Emperor Lingxiao' is very tough.

"It seems that there is no need to continue talking." At this time, Yang Ling'er from the 'Ji Le Buddhist Temple' spoke, with a long Buddhist rhyme, as if an ancient Buddha lamented for all living beings in the world.

"Don't be so angry, everyone. Since you want to talk, everyone should restrain yourself." At this moment, Xiao Chen led his three thousand Heavenly Emperor Great Sage Realm existences, descending from the sky. It was achieved in the "Origin of Hongmeng" through countless battles. Every look in their eyes is like a person, their words and deeds are consistent, and their actions are the same. There is no doubt that they can severely damage a reincarnation of a holy emperor as long as they work together. The presence!

"Young Master Xiao!" Xuanyuan cupped his hands and saluted, he did not expect him to appear at this time.

"Hehe, Xiao Chen, the son of the evil emperor Su Ruoxie?" The 'Curseless Saint Emperor' raised his eyebrows, and there was an inexplicable smile in his words.

"That old man and I have nothing to do with each other. I am me, and I'm just the promotion quota. I think you three origins should back down a bit. With so many big forces in 'Hongmeng Origin', you each occupy 20 percent of the quota. How can they Let's divide it, and then you have to fight to the death?" Xiao Chen spoke slowly, speaking very gently, hoping that the other party could understand.

"That's not what we should care about. This is the best price for maintaining peace. It depends on whether you 'Hongmeng Origin' want to live in peace with us." 'Sage Emperor Yan Luo' sneered and said You can live or die.

"Young Master Xiao, if you are not of my race, your heart must be different. Except for my 'Great Origin', the other three origins have no sincerity to talk about at all, so there is no need to talk to them any more. It would be a waste of time to talk any further. "Xuanyuan frowned, every syllable was like frost to the bone, many saint emperor reincarnations were surprised, looked at Xuanyuan, did not expect his strength to have risen to this level?

"Haha, Xuanyuan, that's what you said. If there is a war in the future and countless people will die, it's all your fault. Let's go!" The 'Wuxie Saint Emperor' laughed, turned and left, 'Wuhun Sheng Di' and 'Wuju Shengdi' added: "Xuanyuan, you 'Qinglong Holy Land' is advocating peace and the coexistence of all races. You are not even willing to give us more places. It seems that it is nothing more than that. Since you want to War, then war!"

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