Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 2010 Capture the Jade Emperor Alive

Originally, many reincarnations of the "Origin of Hongmeng" gathered together. They really felt that the three origins were sincere and wanted to negotiate. They did not expect to make such an excessive request. They all had a trace of anger in their hearts, but None of it showed up.

"Xuanyuan, the deaths of all the spirits in the 'Central World' are all caused by you. See you on the battlefield, you have to bear the consequences for your own actions!" 'Sage Emperor Yan Luo' sneered, 'Luo Sha After the Holy Emperor "Asura Holy Emperor" glanced at Xuanyuan, they left together. It was obvious that they were going to put this shit bowl on Xuanyuan's head, so that all spirits in the world would hate Xuanyuan.

"We've already made such a big concession. I didn't expect that you 'Great Origin' would be so insincere. If you can't reach an agreement, let's break up. There's nothing to say." The 'Executive Saint Emperor' shook his head, Leave with the 'Jade Emperor' and 'Ling Xiao Shengdi'.

Only a batch of reincarnations of the "Origin of Hongmeng" remained. Xuanyuan looked calm, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, you must have seen it. This is not our reason at all, but that the three origins have no intention of negotiating with us , if we agree, we are slapping ourselves in the face!"

"This matter is not your fault." "Sacred Mother of the Heavenly Demon" sighed leisurely: "It is the three origins that deceive people too much, and they don't take us seriously at all."

"Why don't we unite and drive them out completely? Are we really weaker than them?" At this time, the 'Tongtian Emperor's son' said in a loud voice.

"Who will play the striker?" Di Shitian, who was at the side, said sadly.

Everyone fell into silence, and Xuanyuan didn't say a word. His own decision could lead to the life and death of all the people under his control. Some things can only be done by like-minded people. Otherwise, no matter how powerful they are, they can only be illusions. It seems that the three origins attacked the 'Qinglong Holy Land' out of mutual calculation. If they were united from the beginning without any reservations, even if the 'Qinglong Holy Land' was not destroyed, they would be forced out of the 'Central World' if they knew it, and now Xuanyuan There is a better way to resolve the dispute, and it is in the plan now, so naturally he will not come forward.

"Forget it, although there are many strong people in the 'Origin of the Primordial Mist', they all have their own ghosts, and there is nothing to cooperate with, let's break up." Xuanyuan said helplessly.

"Hey, you make it sound like you 'Qinglong Holy Land' has no selfish intentions. Why don't you let 'Qinglong Holy Land' play the vanguard? My God Clan is willing to help you with all your strength!" The 'Sacred Emperor of Heavenly Fragrance' stood aside and deliberately attacked Xuanyuandao.

"If you don't have such a big head, don't wear such a big hat. My 'Qinglong Holy Land' doesn't have this ability, but if you don't unite, the three origins will only become more and more rampant, and you really think that there are only three enemies. Is it a big origin? When you are defeated one by one, it is too late to unite. I have calculated that there is at least one big force hidden, very powerful, and above us. That’s all, let me tell you What's the meaning of this?" Xuanyuan waved his hand, and disappeared immediately, and many other saint emperors looked strange, and they also left.

The Zhongzhou battlefield, where a large number of reincarnations of saint emperors gathered at the beginning, is now empty.

Xiao Chen looked at the direction Xuanyuan left, frowned, and said: "This kid is right, 'Central World' is not an ordinary place, it seems that there are countless powerful people who have already turned their attention to this place , the pattern in the future may undergo even greater changes.”

Xuanyuan did not return to the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' immediately, but hid himself and headed towards the starry sky outside the territory.

The 'Holy Emperor Inspector' led the 'Sage Emperor Ling Xiao' and the 'Sage Emperor Jade Emperor', hiding in the dark to observe everything.

"Xuanyuan didn't go back to the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'? Hehe, just right, kill him right away!" The eyes of the 'Jade Emperor' were full of murderous intent.

"Wait a minute, don't worry, since he is going to the extraterritorial starry sky, when the time comes, he will be called out every day, and the earth and the earth will not work. It will be difficult to communicate with the power of the 'Original Origin of Hongmeng'. I think he should be hiding in the extraterritorial starry sky. What treasure, come and see!" 'Tianxiang Shengdi' laughed.

"That's right, the treasures that can be hidden by Xuanyuan must be extraordinary, just to see, it is very likely to be the treasure left by the 'Sage Emperor of Wanhua'?" "Sage Emperor Lingxiao" is also very curious.

"Ling Xiao, you go back to Heaven to preside over the overall situation. It is enough to kill Xuanyuan and the Jade Emperor. Now that the negotiation has just ended, there are many people who grew up in the 'Central World' in 'Biluo Origin'. Let them know, yes Xuanyuan ruined this negotiation, this is very important, you send people to publicize that Xuanyuan ruined this negotiation, let the people in the 'Qinglong Holy Land' know that Xuanyuan doesn't want them to ascend at all, in this way , once Xuanyuan dies, civil strife will begin in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', and this will have the greatest effect." 'Tianxiang Shengdi' has already prepared his speech, and he must distract the 'Lingxiao Shengdi', otherwise To deal with the reincarnation of two holy emperors at once, the risk is too great, this kind of plan, there can be no mistakes.

"Sage Emperor Lingxiao"'s eyes lit up when he heard the words, and said: "Okay, that's very good, let's do it!"

Immediately he turned and left, returning to the heavenly court.

"Jade Emperor, don't hold back the slightest bit later, Xuanyuan must be killed with one blow." 'Sage Emperor Tianxiang' solemnly warned.

"Don't worry, Xuanyuan is just a mortal. You and I join forces and hit him with all our strength. When necessary, I can cast 'Jade Emperor's War' to make him have no power to return to heaven."'Jade The emperor is full of confidence.

The two chased out of the "Central World" and came to the outer starry sky. Xuanyuan kept moving towards the distance, and they followed closely behind without falling.

Half a day later, Xuanyuan condensed his own form, looked left and right, and then split a space fault with one hand, and entered it!

"I didn't expect that there would be a spatial fault hidden here, and I hadn't found it before!"'Sage Emperor Tianxiang' looked 'shocked'.

"Hey, this time Xuanyuan is doomed, no matter how big he grows in this year of retreat, he will still die!" The 'Jade Emperor' didn't have the slightest doubt at all, and he was very excited.

"Go in!" The 'Sage Emperor' rushed into it with the 'Sage Emperor Jade Emperor' in an instant.

The overwhelming 'Eternal Seal' and 'Xiaoyao Seal' combined together, instantly shackled the 'Jade Emperor', pierced his body, and bound him tightly!

He was shocked, and wanted to retaliate, but suddenly found a strange fragrance wafting out of his body, making it impossible for him to trigger the explosion of the Dao in his body for a while!

"What, what's going on!" The 'Jade Emperor' was stunned, and looked at the 'Jade Emperor'.

"It's because you have fallen into our hands." From Xuanyuan's body, the 'Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Tool' turned into thousands of black silk threads, penetrated into the body of the 'Jade Emperor', and devoured it.

The 'Jade Emperor' felt that everything in his body was rapidly disappearing. He wanted to struggle, but there was nothing he could do. You must know that this is where the 'Eternal Saint Emperor' and the 'Longevity Saint Emperor' were united and it took a year. How could it be possible to break free from the trap that was laid.

"'Inspector', you actually betrayed us?" The 'Jade Emperor' roared angrily, he felt the flow of the vision in his body, and the unusual eyes of the 'Inspector Saint Emperor', he felt a chill in his heart: "No, you are not the 'inspector', you are the 'Tianxiang Shengdi'."

At this moment, the 'Jade Emperor' understood everything. From the very beginning, the 'Executive Emperor' was a fake, including this negotiation plan. One of Xiao Shengdi's people, he hated him so much, he never thought that he would be tricked like this!

"Since we already know everything, there is nothing more to say, Xuanyuan, the 'Jade Emperor' will be handed over to you, squeeze him dry!" 'Tianxiang Shengdi' changed back to his own appearance, with a smile full of amorous feelings. Ten thousand kinds.

"Everyone, I will share all the experience, memory, and cultivation experience of the 'Jade Emperor' with you." At this moment, Xuanyuan urged the 'Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Artifact', and at the same time, all the people present The thoughts are all closely linked together, and everyone can know what the other is thinking.

They could also see everything that Xuanyuan extracted from the 'Jade Emperor', without any concealment, and they showed it one by one, and everyone was amazed. The knowledge contained in the reincarnation of a holy emperor is huge.

"'Jade Emperor' still has its own unique way, but it's a pity that it is far from the real Jade Emperor." 'Tianxiang Shengdi' smiled brightly, and she was condensing the 'Jade Emperor' His martial arts made his aura of the emperor more intense, this is a truly supreme aura of the emperor.

However, for the 'Eternal Saint Emperor' and the 'Longevity Saint Emperor', one of their ways is eternity and the other is free and easy, which is different from the way of the 'Jade Emperor', so what they want to refine is also different. The acquired things are all through their new understanding, and then integrated into themselves.

As for Xuanyuan, he condensed the "Jade Emperor's Divine Principles". Similarly, he also used many different means to gather the strengths of hundreds of schools for his own use.

In addition, the nourishment brought by the 'Jade Emperor's Holy Blood' to Xuanyuan's body is even more earth-shaking. If Xuanyuan before was only qualified to compete with the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor, now he has refined the 'Jade Emperor's Holy Blood' ', making his body stronger and his soul more nourished, so that he can really compete with the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor!

Of course, this will have to wait until Xuanyuan completely refines it. The 'Jade Emperor' at this moment is like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, and he has no resistance at all. If you come in, it is very likely that an accident will happen!

"I don't want to be reconciled, I was plotted by you like this, I want you all to die; 'Jade Emperor'..." The anger of the 'Jade Emperor' was that the reincarnation of the majestic emperor ended up like this , It is indeed very aggrieved, just like the 'Executive Saint Emperor', let him use his secret techniques, but none of them have the slightest effect, that's what it is like to be completely sealed!

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