Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 2011 Strike while the iron is hot

"'Jade Emperor', we have no grievances and no enmity, but you 'Biluo Yuanyuan' always put me in the 'Qinglong Holy Land' to death. Retribution, everything has a cause and effect, you launched an attack on the 'Qinglong Holy Land' that day, and forged today's fruit." Xuanyuan's eyes were very cold, and he said in a deep voice.

"Xuanyuan, you lowly mortal, if it weren't for the 'Eternal Saint Emperor' and the 'Longevity Saint Emperor', do you think you would be able to win me? How dare you pretend to be a tiger in front of me." The 'Jade Emperor' roared, his His eyes were red and bloodshot, and he looked at the two emperors, Changsheng and Eternal, with hatred in their eyes.

"You two holy emperors are so despicable, come to plot against me, if you have the ability to fight me openly!"

"Don't ask for the process, just ask for the result. Isn't that what you'Biluo Yuanyuan' is good at? We just use the way of others to deal with others. If you didn't want to assassinate Xuanyuan, how could we plot against you?" ? This is all your own fault, so how can you blame others?" The 'Eternal Holy Emperor' sighed faintly, his words and words were full of wisdom and insight into everything, making it almost irrefutable, 'The Jade Emperor 'Also speechless.

"Ah... I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled!" The 'Jade Emperor' was about to go crazy, he felt the power in his body drain even more.

Xuanyuan and his party didn't pay any attention to it anymore, he enveloped this space with 'swallowing years'.

In the blink of an eye, thirty years have passed.

Only a month has passed in the outside world.

In these thirty years, Xuanyuan has absorbed everything in the 'Jade Emperor', and condensed the 'Jade Emperor's rules', which makes Xuanyuan have the temperament of the supreme emperor, which is a kind of emperor essence .

The reason why he was able to go so fast this time is because he has closely linked everyone's thinking together, and everyone is connected with each other. Many things that are difficult for him to understand are explained by the "Eternal Saint Emperor", "Eternal Saint Emperor" and "Tianxiang Saint". Emperor's explanation for Xuanyuan, he is inferring other cases from one instance, so as to condense a brand-new way for his own use.

Including the "Jade Emperor God Rule" is not exactly the same as the god mastered by the original "Jade Emperor Holy Emperor".

In the past, the god of the "Jade Emperor" was high above the top of all living beings. This is an absolute domineering, conquering everything with ferocious destructive power.

And the "Jade Emperor God" condensed by Xuanyuan is majestic, extremely grand, firm but soft, like a loving father, guarding his own people, loving the world, the common people, and all spirits, there is an irresistible Affinity is also like the supreme emperor, who can judge right from wrong and right from wrong, with clear rewards and punishments, both rigidity and softness. He is also an emperor, the "Jade Emperor" is like a military tyrant, while Xuanyuan is a wise emperor who is compatible with the world.

Xuanyuan integrated the condensed "Jade Emperor's Law" into the "Swallowing God's Law", and its power suddenly increased!

At this moment, Xuanyuan really has the capital to fight against other holy emperors. His blood is boiling, and he may not be able to fight against an existence like the "Chaos Holy Emperor", but other holy emperors are different.

You must know that among the holy emperors, there are also strengths and weaknesses, at least not every reincarnation of the holy emperor can be as powerful as the "chaos holy emperor".

Among the three souls of Xuanyuan, each soul has evolved into a Godless Lord, majestic, thick, and the flow of eternal breath is inviolable, at least now the reincarnation of the "cursed origin" holy emperor wants to cause harm to Xuanyuan , is no longer such an easy thing.

In the body of the 'Jade Emperor', there are nine elixir of immortality named 'Jade Emperor's Daoguo', which he condensed and cultivated for countless years, and they were all taken into Xuanyuan's body. Today's Xuanyuan, even the holy It is not so easy for the emperor to reincarnate to kill him.

In addition, all the magic weapons on the 'Jade Emperor' were collected by Xuanyuan, and he took out a 'Jade Emperor' supreme Taoist artifact, the 'Jade Emperor', under one blow, It can shatter everything, and it contains the power of ghosts and gods.

Xuanyuan looked at the 'Sage Emperor of Longevity' and the 'Sage Emperor of Eternity', and said: "Next, there must be a person who will evolve into the 'Sage Emperor of Jade Emperor' and enter the 'Heavenly Court', who will come from the two saint emperors? He will carry it."

"Let me do it." The 'Eternal Sage Emperor' took over the 'Jade Emperor's Sacred Mirror', because the 'Eternal Sacred Emperor' was carefree by nature and indifferent to everything, if he came, he would inevitably be a little negligent.

"Okay." Xuanyuan used the method of myriad transformations to completely cover up the aura of the 'Eternal Sage Emperor' and transform it into the aura of the 'Jade Emperor Sage Emperor'. He also changed into the appearance of the 'Jade Emperor Sage Emperor' from scratch In the end, it was seamless.

Looking at the scene in front of him, the 'Jade Emperor' was completely desperate. He knew that next, the 'Lingxiao Holy Emperor' would have difficulty escaping Xuanyuan's calculations, and the 'Heavenly Court' would begin to change hands quietly. , and will die to death.

This is such a sad thing, if this incident is passed back to the 'Biluo Origin', they will be ashamed, but he has no choice but to watch these things happen.

In the past thirty years, the old killer Nie and the "Lord of Order" who have absorbed and condensed all the "Sage Emperor" and "Sage Emperor Jade Emperor" have also made great improvements. The way is even more subtle, the two of them teamed up, when the other party is completely unprepared, with their strength, the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor can be severely injured. They are already an important force that cannot be ignored in the "Qinglong Holy Land" .

"Next, Xuanyuan, what are you going to do? Will you replace the 'Heavenly Court' immediately?" asked the 'Sage Emperor Tianxiang' with a smile.

"It's natural, strike while the iron is hot, you go back to 'Biluo Origin' first, the rhetoric is..." Xuanyuan said his plan, and the 'Jade Emperor' who was listening to the plan roared wildly: "Xuanyuan, you despicable villain, I will kill you..."

"To those who want to put hundreds of millions of people in my 'Qinglong Holy Land' to death, do I need to say something upright? As the reincarnation of a holy emperor, you can still lower your face and assassinate me, you are really not despicable." Xuanyuan's eyes Full of sarcasm, he said in a heavy voice: "'Jade Emperor', I will suppress him in the depths of my 'Swallowing Myriad Transformation Artifact', and proceed according to the plan!"

As soon as the voice fell, I saw the 'Swallowing Wanhua Dao Artifact' spit out black veins one after another, tightly wrapping the body of the 'Jade Emperor', sealing it into a black cocoon, with many ancient runes on it , with the power of absolute sealing and suppression, Xuanyuan is now equivalent to the existence of a reincarnation of a saint emperor. You must know that he has devoured the life essence and all their wisdom of the reincarnation of the saint emperor. The body's supreme potential, the more it devours and refines, the stronger it will become!

Only people like the 'Sage Emperor of Longevity' who are carefree and indifferent to fame and fortune, and those who only pursue the eternal way like the 'Eternal Saint Emperor' will not be afraid that Xuanyuan will pose a threat to them.

"We'll go back to the 'Heavenly Court' first," said the 'Sage Emperor Tianxiang'.

"Okay." Xuanyuan watched the 'Sage Emperor Tianxiang' and the 'Eternal Holy Emperor' leave, and then he returned to the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' together with Old Nie who killed the saint, the 'Lord of Order' and the 'Sage Emperor of Longevity'.

During this month, the entire 'Central World' was full of uproar, and Xuanyuan had been completely demonized.

The negotiation broke down because of Xuanyuan's selfishness. He didn't want Wanzu to ascend, so he sabotaged the negotiation and wanted to start a war. This made many powerful forces hate Xuanyuan, including some extraterritorial Wanzu.

Many people joined the 'Origin of the Blue Fall', 'Origin of the Curse' and 'Origin of the Yellow Spring' by themselves, just to take down the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'.

There was also great turmoil in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', and they had been waiting for Xuanyuan to give them the best explanation.

But within this month, Xuanyuan did not show up for a long time, causing the 'Qinglong Holy Land' to fall into an unprecedented restlessness.

Fortunately, the "Emperor Hongmeng" led three thousand great Confucian scholars, Shiwan, Mochou, Yuan'er and all the friendly people to appease the people in the "Qinglong Holy Land" to calm down. Everything will wait until Xuanyuan comes back. , to give you an explanation.

"Why does Holy Master Xuanyuan want to continue the war? Hasn't he always advocated peace?"

"Yeah, we've all been looking forward to the Ascension for so long. In this war, we don't know when we will be able to ascend..."

"We must give us an explanation..."

Although the emotions of the Wanzu had calmed down, they all had doubts in their hearts. At this moment, Xuanyuan and his party rushed back to the 'Qinglong Holy Land'.

"Let me answer everyone's doubts!" ​​Xuanyuan's voice resounded throughout the 'Qinglong Holy Land'.

He evolved the scenes of that day one by one, and the people of almost all races could see them.

"Just to ask, if the three major origins are divided into 20% of the quota, then the next quota will be cut off by me, 'Qinglong Holy Land' and 'Daleiyin Temple', 'Bliss Buddha Temple', 'Xumi Buddha Kingdom' ""Chanjiao" Nuwa clan, Tianyao Temple, Dragon Yaodian, Protoss, and "Yuhua Shenchao" have been divided. How many places will be left in our hands at that time? Can this kind of thing be agreed? I agree, do you think the reincarnations of other great powers can agree?" Xuanyuan asked.

The powerhouses of the ten thousand races are speechless, even they can feel the evil intentions of the three origins.

"If the three origins really want to coexist peacefully with us, then it doesn't matter, but their actions are completely unreasonable. Don't you know what I am?" Xuanyuan Yu said earnestly.

At this time, the restless strong men of all races felt extremely ashamed. Xuanyuan had always treated them well, and the 'Qinglong Holy Land' had not treated them badly. holy land.

Almost everyone came to their senses from Xuanyuan's words. Although there was a small turmoil, the trust in the 'Qinglong Holy Land' among all races will be more stable from now on!

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